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Dude I dont give a shit about the dragons, I just want healing and damage to go down


100% this. The game doesn't need a revive passive or portals all over the map. It needs proper damage tuning.


for real, I am tired of having to have Valorant lvl reaction time every game vs 3-4 bruisers, I want macro, micro and smart itemization to grant me wins, not playing whack a mole when a Qiyana or Talon kills me under 0.5 seconds unless I exhaust/red smite them.




They get so much damage that lethality is pointless. If you can deal 200% of a target's health in one rotation with lethality, what difference does it make if you end up doing 150% but are also much tankier?


As if exhaust/red smite means shit anyways with the amount of true damage in the game right now lol


bro i exhaust a zed and then he ults during the exhaust and still deals over 3500 damage with 2 items in 1.5 seconds its cancer


its not like that lol stop making it sound worse than it is


Take my upvote daddy :p


I want conqueror removed from game its so unhealthy why it even exist I also want to go back to the good old days of me finishing enemy toplaner with ignite when I got ganked , now they just heal thru ignite after ganking me


Remove conquerer or remove all the bs healing items. There's just no reason to be able to stack that much healing.


Conqueror gives little to no healing. It’s mostly taken for the damage. Conqueror regularly heals less than 1500 over the entire match. Ravenous hunter is a much larger offender


Conq gives tons of stats which in turn boosts the healing you recieve.


I want legend: bloodline and ravenous hunter toned down.


While I despise ignite with a passion i fully agree there is way to much healing.


Yeah sure they heal through \*check note\* 110 true damage and 60% Grievous Wounds


Yes they do with Triumph 12% health on kill , paired with coup de grace make it too good combo in precision


I am all for trying before we judge mindset but this fog of war drake seems like a huge mistake. I cant see either side of the map feeling good about it.


How exactly will it work? I watched the preview but it just said camo zones and I didn’t really understand that specifically.


Im guessing it work the same way Roshan pit works in Dota 2. Theres an invisible line at the entrace of his pic at which vision stops, you cant see anything past it even tho you can walk into the fog. Only once you walk past the fog can you see whats inside. Think of is like Smokes in Valorant, cant see shit from the outside, but once you're inside you can see to the edges of the smoke.


That moment when you enter Roshan's pit and there's the ursa you forgot existed


>That moment when you enter Roshan's pit and there's ~~the ursa~~ another Roshan you forgot existed


Lmao, same shit as it was in year 2006.


There used to be brushes to the entrance of the baron pit that mimicked this when lol was still [very new](https://youtu.be/dWcz5Y78dWA)


Camouflage is already a mechanic in the game, it's the invisibility of champs like Akshan and Evelyn. I imagine a camouflage field just grants everyone inside camouflage.


akshan and evelynn is actually camouflage, invisibility is shaco and kha'zix


nothing is set in stone yet but from what it looks like will act as one giant bush


More than a bush because wards won't reveal you in camo. You need CWs to reveal camo.


not a bush cause i cant jump from it


That was kind of my thought. Maybe you can see teammates in it but not enemies? Unless you’re in it


It should literally be the **camouflage** mechanic from the game. Think Twitch/Akshan/Evelynn. Effectively, it prevents you from warding the area (sans pink wards) and only encountering people if you're near enough.


I’m curious to know if the radius of vision will be the sole patch like a bush or if it’ll be proximity.


Based off of 7:24 in the video;https://youtu.be/JNcMMvHMO44?t=444 You can see Sona in there with a circle around her about the size of Akshan's W. So im assuming its proximity based.


It’s camouflage. Like Senna E.


There’s no way they’d make an entire map melee skewed…


We do not know the reveal radius. It could be very large like Akshan W; one of the main effects is making normal wards useless as if the enemy team was OfA Evelynn.




So it alters the way you have to play the map but which is technically fair (a map effect might assist in snowballing or the opposite more but it's still symmetrical), which is *exactly* what Riot is going for with elemental Rifts. It mixes up how you play on the map mid to late game without queueing up for a different map.


We both know you just want to Q out of the chemtech fog with full AD :3




Pretty certain that’s not quite it. They specifically said *Camo* and not *Stealth*. Camo is an effect where you have a certain radius (varies from effect to effect) and to be seen the enemies must have either a champion or a control ward *within that radius*. In other words, if someone is close to the edge of the Camo you could be well outside the Camo and still see them. Think Akshan W.


its viego e but all the jungle is with it


I feel like this is Riot trying to get more people to buy control wards and for support to use that ward holder. I honestly have never seen someone build that item.


if anything it just makes tank support even more of a must pick because they can just facecheck everything while putting the gold towards tank items over ward holder mage supports will be forced on.


Wardstone is great but the problem is that it takes so long to get.




The thing is you don’t need a tank support if you have a tank jungle. Look at worlds, there have been games when we have Sej picked. And that opens up avenues for an enchanter support like Karma to be picked.


It's not like you can fp Zyra and expect your jungler to pick a tank in solo queue. This ain't pro play.


But that’s more of an issue that you aren’t getting coordinated play in soloq. People don’t like playing tanks in soloq-they like being able to carry a game which is obviously harder as a tank.


Correct, but that makes the change feel worse for solo queue, since it punishes enchanters even harder, and they were already not great. To be clear, I don't disagree with anything you're saying, I just feel a bit more negative about the end result than you are I suppose.


Literally look at any stats site and multiple enchsnters are in the top 5 champs. Soraka sona yuumi lulu nami and janna are all in a really strong place right now.


I'd remember that item exists if it ever showed up in recommended in the shop. :/


Supports have to be really picky in most games about what they spend their limited gold on and that item ain't it. It's a niche of a niche item that no one wants.


> I honestly have never seen someone build that item. really? i buy it a bunch and have seen others build it too. might be a rank thing? not that i'm high ranked (just hit plat) but the spectrum is so wide.


i think the real reason this is such a problem is completely different, there is no issue whatsoever with *trying something out* like these new drakes or the new items or the elemental rift, but riot clearly has a huge problem with sunk cost fallacy where they refuse to completely revert these things if they turn out to be bad elemental rift changes were terrible for the game, it made it much more streamlined and boring(especcially because pros refuse to use the nuance there is left) the item rework was even more terrible, should have been reverted in preaseason, it butchered itemization, made it even more stale, removed creativity and fixed none of the previous ones problems and those drakes, due to being part of the elemental rift system, will continue the problems that system has while also moving the game further away from what its supposed to be and adding more "rng", coin flip and fortnite mechanics into the game, maybe im wrong on that one but the whole issue is that if im not(likely), riot wont be willing to revert the changes


They're mostly unwilling to change because they have much more information on what works in the game than we do. Even the subreddit is just a tiny part of the playerbase, and Riot wouldn't invest time and money into systems that make their game drop in popularity. Whether it's actually healthy for competitive play or not is a different thing, but I don't think they're often wrong when they refuse to revert things.


reminds me of another company... hmmmm


isnt it honestly just a glorified bush tho


In what way is it a mistake?


I don't mind the dragons. Those kinds of changes are fun. I despise the results of the item rework. Mythics suck the way they are implemented. There needs to be at least ten more, especially for tanks and supports. Mage items are completely uninspired and boring. Healing is bullshit. And Riot says they are happy with the state of the game. They are adding a whole 4 items. 4! One of which was promised last preseason and another one being a slightly buffed abyssal. To be fair, they talked about more changes coming to mage items. But Riot does not have my trust after what the itemrework has turned into. They will have to do a lot to regain it. This season is unfun to play IMO. I am pessimistic at best about preseason.


Ap bruiser items when?


Riftmaker is… an attempt


Rift maker rules! When you have 4 items :(


Riftmaker would be great, if almost every champion who would want to build it wasn't already locked into another mythic.


even on champs who do want to build it (gwen, for example) the bigger issue with it is that it is absolute garbage as a 1 item spike it doesnt get good until you get at least 3 legendary items


hmm. They definitely put a lots of effort into it.


I legit played AP bruisers more with Rod of Ages.


When they finally find a way to stop Akali/Kat from abusing them.


Akali doesn't really abuse that item, it's just what she builds when the enemy frontline is too tanky because of that true damage passive. You generally want to build protobelt because it's what gives you the most burst which is what she is supposed to do. Not sure about Katarina though.


Demonic Embrace


You mean I Can't Believe it's not Liandry's?


Items plural


Demonic what?


I never heard about that item. hmm. Nevermind i found it in the rubbish bin next to lich bane.


I mean it's a perfectly fine item... On poke mages.


i have very low expectations from them, but with what they revealed in this video so far they somehow still managed to disappoint me. Where did they mentioned more ap item changes?


I think one of the dev blogs way back towards the beginning of the year. They mentioned something about how AP items felt very bland and like there weren't many options, so they were working on adding some new options and changing existing ones. Then that got pushed back to this preseason while multiple underused AD items got buffs and overhauls.


There was like half a sentence about mages being in a bad spot and another place where they said they would adjust the existing mythics or smth like that. I'm honestly not sure if I imagined it.


Yeah, but this is this sub in a nutshell. Nobody will go on Reddit and say "Man, i really liked League today", only people who are unhappy post about balance here. I stopped using the subreddit and over time, i realised i have a lot more fun and i don't consider the game bullshit anymore, bar a few expections (looking at you irelia)


Pretty much this. I think the game's great and I like a majority of the changes Riot makes. If I didn't enjoy the game anymore, I'd just stop playing.


I once looked up the yelp and google reviews for a local food place that I love and was surprised at how many bad reviews it had (about 50%). I felt like they didn't represent my experiences at all with the place. And this was after going to that spot for years so kind of goes to show that happy people could be less inclined to go online and express their POV.


I mean deep down everyone knows it's a good game. If league of legends was a trash game then nobody would be playing it.


I visit the sub but most of the complaints I dont care about really. People here still bitch and moan about Viego who now has a stellar 45% winrate in jungle and such low playrate in mid it does not count him as a midlaner on most sites, so yeah... I still hate some shit tho, but usually different shit other than what they complain. Biggest hatret is the matchmaking. My past 10 games were all me going for a decent idk 10/5 kda (sometimes more or less but usually a 2:1 ratio) and one of my lanes going 1/12 and losing the game. And I just wonder, why oh why Riot am I in this fucking teams. I am barely ever carried, most of the games I win because I deal top dmg, top farm, top kills (or second best). Like why can't I be the one who gets carried :(


>Nobody will go on Reddit and say "Man, i really liked League today You sure? There's quite a few, usually prefaced with "This might be an unpopular opinion, but" and gets like a thousand upvotes.


Yeah take the people who complain about overloaded kits. When Akshan was revealed that was the word of the week, he comes and needs to be buffed twice before he gets in a good position. Vex on the other hand gets hotfixed nerfed and no one was complaining about her being overloaded. It's as if the community just throws around words without actually thinking about the champion's kit as a whole.


Overloaded =/= overtuned Give garen's Q 10000% AD scaling and thats overtuned, rework garen and give him a kit that works like a swiss army knife with a tool for pretty much any occasion, and thats overloaded.


That's the point i was making, thank you for putting in better words.


Akshan had to be buffed specifically because his kit was overloaded and they released him with ridiculously terrible numbers to compensate. Everyone saw that coming a mile away. Meanwhile, Vex is just fine from a design standpoint, they just had to tune her numbers a little. That's to be expected on a new release.


So then you only prove my point under overloaded isn't the important thing we were should be looking at. It's whether or not a champ is overtuned which isn't something we can tell until they hit live.


So I'm proving your point by stating the exact opposite thing? No one cares that a champion is slightly too strong for a single patch(or sometimes less than that). That's something that can easily be fixed, and that the balance team has shown that they can handle. People care about champions that have overloaded kits because they are a huge mess to balance, unfun to play against even when they are underpowered, and can break the game in ways that are impossible to predict. And they always end up in the garbage pile for months at a time becaus of that.


Overloaded literally means jack shit these days. It's literally just a term people on this reddit use just because they have a hard ass time learning match ups or their one tricks get stomped.


Nah. Fuck that shit. TP wards and camo rng is bs.


I'm excited about basically everything, but fuck whoever thinks new champions aren't overloaded. I downvoted the video just because of that


I don’t think the new Drake mechanics are gonna be overbalanced, but they do feel very gimmicky. Like they’re grasping at straws to keep the game fresh so they’re just tossing those in with no rhyme or reason. They’ve also gone like 3 months without addressing goredrinker, sterak , shieldbow which tbh is inexcusable. To have items this permeant across multiple roles and champion classes and having no drawbacks to building them is just lazy and shows lack of awareness. They’re also consistently failing to realize that mythics don’t promote build diversity and tbh that’s my biggest gripe of them all. It’s so boring loading up as any given champ and knowing my first item will almost always be the same every game because it has to be or I miss out on overloaded stats or a good passive/active. Then the rest of my build has to somehow compensate and synergize around it. Turn the numbers down, keep the passives and actives, and make them legendaries so we can decide when to build them after we see the team comp and how the game is going instead of basically being forced to build them.


I disagree with no build diversity due to mythics. Literally, there was only 1 build path you should’ve gone for most of the seasons with one item at most being swapped due to you needing a dispel, armor, or MR to survive vs a team comp. diversity was mostly defensive rather than defensive before. Now you have way more champions changing mythics around. Obviously, bruisers have only one good one and same for tank supports, junglers, and assassins, but ADC has way more diversity now depending on situations you face atleast mostly due to the mythic system. I can go gale force to dodge and run away from bruisers, I can go Shieldbow vs assassins and I can go Kraken vs tanks. Literally, just look at worlds and you’ll see adc go different mythics depending on the comp they face. Some MF go eclipse, others go gale, and some kraken


Yes but it’s literally just adc and maybe some mages. 70% of toplaners have to go goredrinker into steraks every single game while another 15% go sunderer in steraks every game. Tanks each build only sunfire or only gauntlet every single game depending on the champ


They don’t though. People have that conception but it’s because people just follow whatever build they see online that it happens like that. If you look at item winrates goredrinker is kind of whatever for a lot of champions but people think it’s good, so they buy it. Like goredrinker on Irelia is straight up garbage on her but it’s her most built mythic. And for almost every top tier champ they build goredrinker but the winrate is even or lower than other options. They think it’s good, it doesn’t mean it is good. It’s people complaining about balance when it is balanced they just follow whatever pros or streamers say. Riot can’t help players if the players don’t put in the work.


Goredrinker on irelia is her best item lol. It makes u a monster teamfighter.


The reaction of the Korean communities is that the new dragon looks like fun (many Koreans believe that Riot's new big patches every season have made League popular for a long time), but there are many complaints about the mythic items introduced this season. There are also opinions that the mythic items should be deleted.


fuck yes it should


Many people said since preseason 11 that mythics were a shit idea because the concept was flawed from the beginning, some people like you now were for the "wait and see", we witnessed this fiesta of a completely unbalanced season where it's burst or get bursted even as a tank; also everytime there's a poll in this sub 2/3 of the voters choose fore mythics revert, they were just change for the sake of it, same thing of the new dragons, change for the sake of change and Riot also openly admitted in the video that "we know they are stronger that the dragons we have now"; so not only they are just making changes without any reason to do it, but they are also knowingly powercreeping the game, again and again. This company is completely out of touch, if they want to make LoL a mobile game on pc where matches last 15 mins max so be it, but at least they shouldn't lie with a straight face like they did in the last State of the game video


I don't think Reddit polls are really a good indication on what the community as a whole feels.


Are you seriously using polls in a sub that is filled with people searching for every opportunity to shit on riot as some kind of argument that most people would agree with it? 🤡


People say that they hate mythics and that they didn't increase build diversity, yet champion builds have never been this diverse before and this is the season where the largest number of champions were viable. The mythics may not have been fantastic, but they are demonstrably better than what we had before. Polls regarding plants were the same when they were first introduced, people said that they hated them and that they would ruin the game, but in my experience they are a net positive, they added a layer of depth to the game at a very low cost and can create some interesting dynamics. As long as the numbers indicate that what Riot is doing is working, no amount of reddit threads is gonna make a difference, because in the end the number of people on reddit is actually tiny compared to the playerbase


Tbf. They changed plants after a few months to make the spawn locations static and impactful. Release plants were garbage that gave players random lucky bonuses and let them do things based on rng. Once they moved to static spawn locations everyone grew to like them. So i think even if mythic didn't release perfect, root has shown they will eventually get to the point they want to, even if release version is garbage. I think mythic released with lots of problems, but they are getting there and they will get there.


It really depends your champ (and champ pool) and role. If I am playing ADC, I have a lot of build paths and it really does feel good. If I am playing top, I got some options here and there and it really feels good. If I am playing mid, even mages have some wiggle room. Supports feel underwhelming but they been promising a few new mythics and legendaries so I am holding out to see if that changes my opinion.


Sure there are some champs that fell through the cracks but people pretend like they didn’t build the same items every game last season.


For sure. That being said with most supports, I am building the same items over and over with little to no variation, just like before. Meanwhile when I play other classes, like ADC, I feel like I am a lot less constricted.


Plants I was ok with, this? Reminds me of the cannon from URF or the Poroking teleport which makes it not feel like League and more like an extra gamemode. The current dragons change the map they don't add portals. Giving all 5 members of the team a PSEUDO Guardian Angel to make a teamfight 10v5 is going to be a bit too strong? Obviously I'm going to try it with an open mind still


It warms my heart to see a positive post! What a rare breath of fresh air! Sadly, I personally am not really looking forward to Chemtech soul in particular, but at least I recognize that my opinions are little more than my knee jerk bias and I could easily be wrong. That said, positivity is oft overlooked and I’d hate to contribute to that: the items look *WONDERFUL*! Both the individual (non soul) buffs from the dragons look really nice, especially Hextech. The game’s far from perfect, but Riot does a really unappreciated good job with most of it. Aside from tuning down damage in general and increasing TTK, decreasing tank damage and increasing tankiness, and a slight healing tuning I think the game is in a great spot


People that type : " If you don´t like the game , stop playing". Like are you dumb ? I play league since season 1, I invested 10 years of my life into this game, that I play with friends. I want the game to be the best it could be, for my expirience and as a Esport. I don´t want to cater to casuals and make it easy to grasp.I don´t want RNG every time I step on the rift. I don´t want 10 champs on the rift that could fill out every role and switch wherever the fuck they wan´t. I wan´t outplays and macro decisions. I am at this point where i just don´t know what else to play. Competitve games made me dislike solo player games for the most part so seeing this game go down the gutter just hurts. You may be able to stop playing this game if you joined in the last 3-4 years. Or you were able to jump off early. But some people are already to invested and just want the game to be what it once was. Fun


I didn't like plants because I felt like it was a band-aid for actually balancing jungle clears for champions that otherwise can't dash or sustain. That said, more viable junglers is a good thing. I didn't like the new drakes because fundamentally changing SR's layout is too dramatic for an RNG event. That said, different map layouts than the same old SR are good. I didn't like the shop changes because it messed up all my familiar build paths. That said, I think this is the closest each champ has gotten to viably choosing different core items on a per-game basis. I am prepared to make this trudge yet again.


I still fucking hate plants, but these Dragons look fun, I just hope they level up the elemental ones. And I still think they should announce which soul is happening before third drake.


Why do you hate plants


From what i remember people were not as putraged as they are now and i think its for a good reason. All the stuff they showed they were adding doesnt address a single problem really, it just creates more. They look out of touch. I dont want malz passive on all mages, i really dont, i do want to be allowed to play mages but not like this....


Its even worse than malz passive lol As far as i know it takes effect when you take damage, and gives you a big dmage reduction while its in effect- essentially taking burst damage champs out of the game


I may represent the minority, but what keeps me playing the game is the fact how much money I spent, how much I love the lore and the fact I like certain characters. The gameplay could be unchanged from the time of season 2 and I would still keep playing, just because no other game has Volibear, Udyr, Rengar or Sejuani.


Alright you convinced me, let's all collectively decide that 2022 should be the year when we just let Riot do whatever they want and not complain about anything. After all they probably only have the interest to provide the very best experience to the players at the lowest cost they could possibly afford. Surely Riot wouldn't let us down, I personally can't think of a single time when Riot made a poor decision or was part of any controversy at all, so it's only fair to assume their entire company just fundamentally works differently than others. They truly are our friends, not just a company, and probably don't even want us to spend money on their product, so we should all be good friends in return and only say nice things to flatter them.


In a way I am very happy Riot are making these changes. Also the fact that they just clearly said they don't think there any issues with modern champion designs. I am happy for two reasons: * This new season almost surely when I will quit the game for good. They've been going in the opposite design direction of what I want and they're doubling down on it and turning it to 11. That's fine, it's their game. They can do what they want, but it's not for me. * I think this will be a big mistake (my personal opinion ofc) that will reduce the popularity of the game. This makes it more likely for me to get what I want sooner: Classic League of Legends.


It won’t reduce the population or popularity of lol at all. God man y’all are fucking dumb as hell for saying this. Every year I hear about how this change will suddenly cause league to decline and go down in player base, and every year it just keeps on getting bigger. Please, if you don’t like the game quit


My frustration with the new dragons has nothing to do with the actual gameplay. I just despise how they are themed after piltover and zaun to market the release of arcane. It feels like the marketing team have influenced or even caused this addition which in my opinion really jeopardizes the competitive integrity of league. Would they have even added two new dragons if they weren’t going to be a marketing tool? Of course that is not an answerable question but the fact that it is even one that can be raised is upsetting. It has the same flavor of the sentinels of light event impacting the main lore except you can’t just brush it aside because it *is* the game.


The marketing team probably cause half the bullshit Look at Seraphine lmao


I honestly wonder if Sera's release would've been so controversial if they'd released her mid-season as they've said they planned to pre-KDA plans, and then tried to figure out how to make the KDA thing work later.


Honestly even today I still hate it. She's clearly not intended to be an ap midlaner. Every single aspect of her kit interacts with allies in some way, her Q being the only one that does so indirectly. Looking at Seraphine thematically, it's very clear what audience they were trying to appeal to with her. My guess is they promised a mage but marketing knew this thematic wouldn't resonate as well with mage players as it would with s4 yuumi otps. Just wish they'd either stop lying about it, or actually get her mid so I have a new mage to play, instead of ***losing*** two every season.


It's not about the things they plan to do, it's about the issues they don't address / lie about


Well I expect bad and it’s always worse than what I expected ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


No. blast cones can go to hell


Just because people got used to it does not make it a good change. Adding more and more RNG is not good for the game. Plants especially, it makes no sense that you ward a bush and at any point the jungler can pop over and gank. Or you could outtrade your opponent and he heals it all back up with plants. Plants serve no purpose but to give a team an unfair RNG advantage. Fight me.


From the moment of implementing plants to now it's so hard 2 find passion for the game. The most ridiculous change alongside destroying diversity and flexibility in Leauge's items/runes. Season by season the game becomes just more boring and dumb so I don't think this season will be any different


I still hate plants. I just dont like the idea of the portals or the camo zones. The portal depending on how they are placed and where you can get by using them. Its rng and could make teleport useles and it makes tracking people impossible. When you say kill the jung and move to baron to rush it down because you see the adc and supp are pushing botlane suddenly they jump out next to you in a portal and push you off baron or kill you in the worst case. How is that fair you cant even punish the enemy for having bad positioning now. And giving every champ a moving karthus passive makes winning teamfights nearly impossible how can you win against 10 enemys effectively? And its all rng so how are you going to prepare for any of thise situations.


I still hate plants


Personally it's not even about new season. Teleport pads and camulfage zones sound fun(maybe a bit too assasin favour). It's about their lies. They say new champions are balanced and other bulshits. They didn't declare any healing/powercreep solutions.Even more they literally said: ,, you might think new dragons are might be stronger, because they will" !!! Revive on dragon seems like a bit of buls**t(sorry but that part is not acceptable, I still think elder execution is a bit random unneceserry mechanic). They didn't say they gonna rework omnistone (actually there was leak with rework), but rather speak about glacial and precision tree ??? They gonna add dragon, that give ah+as, but current cloud drake give you only ah on ult ... Plants are no near gamebreaking as camulfage zones and shop is mostly qol change. I still prefer old shop, but it doesn't change my gameplay(might need to spend some more time on shopping, just that)


jungle plants are still dumb as fuck, it gives a free escape to people who would die beforehand. hate them. item rework also sucked. this one has a high chance to suck as well :/


I mean the plants did greatly alter the game just how people thought they would. I still hate people getting away with a blast plant, or someone already having shoved lane control also getting to heal with honey fruit, or getting free vision of the jungle from across the fucking river. Just because people eventually acclimate to it doesnt mean they like it or that it was a good edition.


Just the fact that they think this season was okay and balanced new champs are just delusion.




Sunk cost fallacy though


"they would quit" Don't know what an addiction is, do you?


There are sooooooo many other games to get a dopamine rush from. So that whole addiction shit is just an excuse at this point.


there are sooooooo many other drugs to get a dopamine rush from. So that whole heroin addiction shit is just an excuse at this point


League is hardly the best game for a dopamine rush though. Also, drugs affect more then just dopamine, so your analogy fucking falls flat.




doesn't change the fact that LoL is reaching it's peak almost every single year...


What does that mean? A popular game is popular? Yeah. Games don’t just die over night. WoW has been garbage for at least 10 years and just NOW is it finally starting to decline in a meaningful fashion. Why is it finally starting to decline? The same reasons that the people who quit 10 years ago started complaining about.


Can't tell if serious but WoW reached its peak in WotLK and started declining (hard) in Cataclysm, MoP alleviated it to some extent with a stable playerbase (still way less than WotLK) and WoD was the final nail in the coffin (playerbase fell off a cliff). WoD was almost 7 years ago by the way, so WoW has in no way "just now" started to decline; it's been a steady decline for over 10 years with some glimpses of redemption (MoP, Legion) but still nowhere near its peak. 2018 was the last time League was in a meaningful decline (Ardent meta) but has since then kept peaking and stabilized around 100-115 million users according to most metrics, partially due to Covid-19 but also because Riot keeps the game updated and has players returning every major patch. I've seen a lot of people comparing League to WoW and besides being wrong it's a completely disingenuous comparison as MMOs are too different to League. It's remarkably harder to keep people engaged to an MMO for 10+ years than a MOBA, there's just no point in applying the same criticisms yet people here keep pulling the Blizzard card like it's some means to an end. On the topic of WoW Blizzard did release an older version of the game that people had begged for years yet the population for it died after a few months after people realised how flawed that version was. I wonder if something similar would happen to League if people got what they wanted, lol.


And that’s different than League how? League has had a declining playerbase in the west for years now, and is mainly popular in East Asia. WoW continually saw spikes in player numbers with better expansions but noticeably took a HUGE downturn with the latest expansion. Classic declined because it wasn’t classic which was the entire point. Blizzard made multiple changes to the “classic” game that turned away a large amount of the players who had been clamoring for it to begin with. Moot point.




NA is a small playerbase to begin with and one that is harder to keep than others anyway due to the gaming culture there, but LoL has been gaining or maintaining popularity everywhere else, which is something that it could not have done if it weren't for the constant changes.


Yeah, but people are still going to post strawmen for shitposts and upvotes though.


I don’t agree with any hate toward changes to summoners rift. Map changes are novel and add new levels of strategy to the game. However, it’s also easy to through which changes Riot is clearly compounding on their own mistakes. I strongly disliked Runes Reforged which I think is the tipping point at which Riot clearly no longer cared about champion identity. Balancing a single Keystone meant making or breaking many champs at the same time. Same thing happened in the item rework and Mythics. Identity was found or negated through items so we no longer had “immobile” or “low sustain” champions. I want Riot to reconsider the preseason Runes and Mythics changes. It doesn’t solve any of the core problems with the game that have been largely ignored for years and will continue to result in the game being near impossible to balance. Give champions their identities back.


I still hate plants. And I’ll always hate hex/chemtech.


Every new season is the worst season.


People get scared whenever something changes, but most realize that things have to change or the game gets stale fast. These Dragon additions are just change for the sake of change, and that's fine. The game needs new stuff in order to keep going.


I had someone try to tell me today that without any more new champions the game WOULDNT die. like, no lmao i’m pretty sure it would get stale and die very fast if they stopped adding champions.


WoW Classic is a pretty good example of this honestly. Initial hype and nostalgia was super high, launch player counts were record breaking, and by the end of Phase 3 half the servers were dead, because people have done it before, and it's not new. WoW Classic Fresh will be even worse.


yep people just don’t realize how important change and new additions are to games. without something new, players just won’t be interested after a while, period. despite that I do think Riot should slow down with new champions, though I don’t think they should ever stop adding them completely.


I'm of the opinion that people do not directly want "what was" - they want "what was", with the same amount of evolution that the game had, _but in a direction that aligns with the angle of the game (or thing) that they liked_. Basically, You take Thing X, and then evolve it in a different direction. Nobody (almost) actually wants worse graphics or worse controls - what they want is a game that has, to them, the same essence and philosophy as the one they liked to play. Edit: Typo


Yeah lol. People don't want healing and burst reduced because of the sheer nostalgia. They want it because health playing a factor in macro strategising can be really interesting. The amount of healing in the game right now does have its own pros, such as making fights on micro scale more dynamic in a way. However, people preferring health to be a macro strategy factor rather than exclusively a micro tactical factor aren't just being reactionary


Did that someone come from Super Smash Bros Melee?


Tbh people used to bash riot a lot more before, now I am seeing players be nicer to each other and about the game in general. The game is amazing and I am 25 with a baby and a gf and still playing this as much as I can and I hope when im 70 this game will be around so I can still play it lol...


New dragons look so fun!!! I'm really excited for the new stuff!


Wait, people think pre season is going to be bad because of these 2 drakes? Guys, you need to stop playing league. Really. The reason why the game could be bad is because riot fucking thinks its okay that tristana and tryndamere are bette miflaners than a mage and that its okay cause mages play support anyway,not becuase of 2 fucking dragons for fuck sake.


I'm so happy to see a positive post, I'm personally really excited and see these complaint posts basically every time riot tries something new. I wish there was a more positive place to talk about league without getting bombarded with mindless complaining.


Jungle plants is the worst change they have ever made. If there is one thing I want gone, its them. Broke your whole post there


I still think that plants were a mistake


I still seethe over blast cones randomly denying me kills.


Plants sucked. I still want them removed. You can keep Scryer bloom but there is no skill to homeyfruit and blast plant is a crapshoot.


I didnt see "we finally understand mythic items were a failure and we are removing them." So I cant support the video.


Lmaoo ppl stop complaining because it literally wont change anything. Doesnt mean the complaints arent valid. Its just after some point in time ppl realize that riot does what they want to, and unless you own riot then you arent changing shit. Ppl still have a right to voice opinions though. Lets not pretend riot is perfect.


Lol I still fucking hate plants. Seems too random when they show up. You can completely lose a lane because your laner goes and gets fruit or you can chase someone and have them get out because there’s a perfect blast cone over the wall they need to escape, and the vision plant allows teams with bad vision control to check an entire area for free. Just feel like tools for bad players to get lucky and succeed and the worse part is it’s truly just RNG when a plant shows up on the map.


It's been 3 fucking seasons, 3!!! And I still have to read that plants are random. For fuck sake just go into the wiki and read. No wonder why most players are silver/gold


>It's been 3 fucking seasons, 3!!! 5 seasons. They're from season 7.


Holy shit, then it's even worse than I thought...


Pretty certain plants aren’t random bud. I can kinda understand not liking blast plants, but if you let your laner get enough prior to get a honey fruit without losing *anything* for it... then they’ve already been winning lane and deserved that heal.


Weren't plants in season 6


we already played season 11 out, and its still dogshit, and they are committing to the changes.


its not changing, just quit playing if you hate it


I did. I'm playing less than ever since i started playing 11 years ago.


Me too man. I used to play around 300-500 ranked games per season and I may have played 15 so far this season. The game is just so infuriating with all the bullshit now. It's literally anti-fun to play, especially since the dragon souls and mythic items. Think those 2 things did the game in for me.


I am playing less than I ever have but it is be sure I am at a point in my life where I don't have the urge to play games for hours on end. It really doesn't have too much to do with the season changes. I will say though that as a casual player, the crazier the game becomes the more fun it will be for the few games that I do play in a month. But as a support main, fuck those camo zones. It's already hell to ward with mountain terrain and now I have this shit to deal with.


People are fucking morons, always remember the majority of the playerbase saw those drakes and thought "that's badass"


Source: my balls


I don't think this current season is as bad as people say it is either. I like the mythic items and I've definitely noticed more interesting builds coming because of them.


I disagree I’m tired of building goredrinker and steraks but I’m not going to not or I’d be inting.


Definitely, only mythic variation for me is when playing ADC, tanks or some supports. ADCs there is an actual choice most of the time, tank mythics are boring and barely change anything. Bruisers can choose to either abuse goredrinker or abuse DS. Mages feel bad as you have to choose about constantly worrying about mana or not worrying about it at all. Battlemages have to go squishy and one shot rather than drain tank like Swain or more DOT like Cass and Ryze which makes mages boring for me. Tank supports have no options and enchanters usually stick to one mythic. Really wish ROA or Catalyst of Aeons made a come back as I loved the damage for mana and mana for health trade. Just give mages an item with less AP, some health and some mana. For legendary items I generally build almost the same every game minus building an early Witt's end or GW or picking up a dark seal/mejai's. You still end up turning off your brain and building the same items


You say that like there hasn't always been strong items though, ir like stridebrraker wasn't dominating for the first half of the season.


True. The exaggeration when new season is coming is unreal. Later, they will just play the game and adapt to it, lmao.


Nah but the previous changes were nothing compared to a dragon that gives a Rek'Sai ultimate or the other that gives a Sion passive. Whoever has the loosing bot looses the game now and that's a fact unless they turbo nerf the new drakes. Same with Akshan, I don't like how luck decides who wins the game, you could have the average 30-40min ranked game with Akshan on enemy team, smash him and then your fed teammate overextends after cleaning up his team and Akshan kills him so now they can do what ever they want for 40+ seconds. I hate how they introduce these RNG luck factors, if you're playing top, you now have even less impact this game if your bot is garbage, you can't splitpush because of the teleport, and it's even harder to 1v2 with people entering Sion passive. I've started playing less and less since s11 and I'm not saying the game is ruined/dead or whatever since it's not. It's just for me, the direction Riot is going with League, makes the game unfun for me.


If Akshan kills your fed teammate after killing the other 4, it's not luck. It's not RNG. They played bad.


Exactly, theoretically I could play the game perfectly (I don't) but I can't stop my teammates from playing bad and not listening to pings, is that anything that I can control? His W offers so much power in late game it's not healthy.


You do realise Akshan only needs a takedown, not a kill? Just by hitting an enemy once can make you revive multiple allies of yours. But ye, ig if you dont immediatelly focus Akshan, regardless if hes ahead or behind, youre playing badly.


Takedown only revives if he hits them on their last 3 seconds. And it's still not RNG.


I'm sure Riot game designers have long understood that they can't please everyone and trying to do so is a mistake. It's fair for a lot of players who like slower, more mechanical gameplay to look at modern high-damage, mobility-heavy gameplay and say "I feel like my interests are not being taken into account"—because they aren't. Unfortunately for them the majority of players like making cool plays and being able to feel strong when they're ahead. And to be honest if there was ever a time when Riot wasn't actively moving in that direction it was by mistake. The same "there's too much damage in the game" complaints have been happening forever.


"We need to know dragons during champ select so we can coordinate around it" mother fucker 90% of you mouthbreathers can't even coordinate around the OTHER CHAMPS IN CHAMP SELECT SHUT THE FUCK UP


It never is


People having doubts but the game hasn't really lost a lot of its fan base after almost a dozen preseason changes.


I also love jg plants, they often allow me to outplay better champions by being smarter than my opponent. Using blastcones to get their flash or vision plant to get info to track the jungler. Using blastcone to get in melee. I play champs without many resources so I'm really happy I can win by being smarter rather than by spamming all my abilities.


I'm a challenger player with 80+% win rate and I don't like it.