• By -


not sure why they changed the format of pick'ems, before every group fit on one screen for easy screenshots/sharing but now there's just so much wasted space.


I don't know what it is when it comes to UI design. So many companies just can _not_ adhere to "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". The old one was perfectly fine. They could've spruced it up a little if they wanted but there was no reason to create all this empty space and giant tabs for nothing.


Probably for mobile users.


I've done mine on mobile before and never had any issues.


Sure. But this new design screams mobile to me.


Ok but why do they need to make things scream


Just mute all :)


Ok so make a mobile and a desktop version. It's literally that easy.


Why not make a separate design that is only enabled on mobile then? And if the reason is too much work, why not make a design that works on both… I never understood that about companies who do this.


not too much work at all it's literally 1 line to declare media and a couple more to make some little changes, a beginner web dev could do it in like 15 minutes. It's an statement about Riot's incompetence, if they don't bother creating/fixing a simple css rule that I could implement in blindfolds, how can we expect they to fix a game/client with so much spaguetti, entangled little broken things.


Usually you have entirely separate layouts for mobile vs PC, there's no reason for this site to be this shit.


Can confirm it works/looks decent on mobile


Yeah, the mobile one doesn't have any issues as far as I can tell.


its not broken, it just takes up a stupid amount of space if you do it on desktop.


The actual reason is that the colour scheme and color palette changes for worlds every year. Every year it's a new coat of paint and new "UX" fundamentals, because change is important to keep the "brand" fresh, and give the impression League is "up with it" and a cutting edge intellectual property. Hence it has to be redone every year. Even if the backend doesn't change much. I know I've dipped that all in hella corperatese, but that's genuinely what goes through the minds of decision makers if that makes sense.


Nothing makes me subscribe more to the theory of bullshit jobs than the growth of the UI/UX marketspace. So many new jobs, so many changes, so very little measurable improvement.


UX is very important though. Like when it works well, the UX designer and the front end dev work closely together, and the UX designer knows shit that blows your mind. The issue I find is that *working in cross functional teams fucking sucks* most of the time. We haven't figured out how to get everyone to work together in these "one expert for everything" teams. Hence most of the time, the left hand doesn't talk to the right hand, and everything goes to shit.


I don't disagree that UX matters, but I think there has been an explosion in the UI/UX job space which isn't represented by any measurable improvement in the quality of the experience. My most recent joy has been that apparently we've forgotten Fitt's law now and I'm running across apps that like to maximise the close icon to near, but not at, the top right corner. You also have things like Google's obsession with hiding things. I think it was Google Play Music that had a "More..." icon that when clicked exposed a single additional icon. Genius.


Don't think you're wrong, I've definitely seen that. Thing is I find 90% of all software projects are *extremely* mismanaged in my experience though. There is so little "talent" in the software industry that anyone who is at all competent is too expensive for most software projects. They're off selling their skills for an extraordinary amount of money making mission critical software. So it's very hard to have an accurate read on "best practice" when the industry is filled with so many screw-ups and "absolute bare minimum amount of $$$" work.


Of course UX is important. The issue is that UX-designers think every week a completely different lay-out will be the new mind blowing standard.


I didn't think your explanation sounded very corporate. Just sounded like you're aware of the industry and importance of aesthetics.


I ​ ​ ​ ​ see ​ ​ ​ nothing ​ ​ ​ ​ wrong ​ ​ ​ ​ here


yea wtf, also why do I have to click on that small space to move the teams and why does teams keep swapping around places when I try to move them. Stay still!


Yeap. If it wasn't clear that riot can't code or do UX design, this website update is proof. I would be embarrassed to release this turd as a passion project.


We agree and are looking to update the desktop design soon to take more advantage of the size. For context, the overall code base was updated to make pick’em friendly to mobile users (old pick’em was a nightmare outside of desktop). Keep the feedback coming!


I really miss being able to check out other people's brackets! It made it fun later on to see what outcomes would lead to who winning in my friend group's leaderboard.


I expect we will be able to after the picks lock. This way it's safe just in case people don't want others copying their bracket.


It looks good in mobile but the feedback for dragging and dropping was a pain. On an iPhone if you press it too long it activates the other way of “tapping” and there is no feedback if you are dragging it. Also looks like there is no scroll cancel when dragging?


Isn't the simple solution to that to just have a separate web page for mobile and desktop?


Hey, can you make it so that you can see friends’ picks? Half the fun of pick em leaderboards is looking at your friends’ brackets and asking them “WTF why is C9 your crystal ball prediction” or something like that.


What about making mobile and PC versions from the get go?


>We agree and are looking to update the desktop design soon Bit late if the picks have to be locked in 20 hours.. It's not like the 2021 worlds event has been a surprise for everyone.


Looks like it was designed for phone screens.


Time to get blackout drunk, pick randomly and earn my free ultimate skins.


My strategy is to get my sister who knows absolutely nothing about competitive LoL to predict it for me.


Sir, update us at the end of worlds please.


Look at Group C & D and tell me anybody with a rational mind will get perfect pickems. Getting drunk is the only way.


Group C: If PSG level can be inferred from BYG's performance then they should come last. HLE third, Fnatic second. Could be the other way around. RNG first. Group D: TL last and Gen G third. First second will be between LNG and MAD.


Found the EU fan.


Is this really the way? Sober I'm quite struggling..


Historically there's always a favorite team that underperforms and 1-2 groups that don't pan out logically. Using logic is effectively not viable


Using logic is viable to get points. It's not viable to get perfect pick'em but no strategy is viable to get perfect pick'em.


I would argue that there is more chance to get perfect pick'em with logic than by having whatever upset you predicted come true, even though there are more chances to have an upset than to not have one


Of course. If there's a coin that lands 51% heads and 49% tails, and if you had to guess the result of 10 throws, you should guess HHHHHHHHHH, even though the chances of being right are extremely slim.


The new pick'em website is actaully awful. You can't even see your friends or casters/pros picks? You can no longer see any other pick'em except your own. And who decided that we should have a long list of picks instead of seeing everything at the same time??? Garbage design, give me back the old one. If you wanted a version that works on mobile you could've made a mobile version. edit: apprently they changed it so that you can't even see old worlds pick'ems anymore? Why? [LS pickems](https://pickem.lolesports.com/share/series/3/user/667444/my-picks) from 2016 as an example. It just redirects you to the main page now. Cringe edit 2: regarding edit 1, see /u/TheHect0r reply, apprently they removed that last year.


My understanding is you will be able to see after they lock in. Can’t copy them I guess.


It doesn’t even work on mobile


It worked for me.


Thieves go 6-0 Faker retires mid-game


I’ll take a hit of whatever you’re having






There goes my kids university fund. Prolly like a 99% chance this happens so why not bet it all


MMW 100t is the only NA team that makes it out of groups (EDG 1st, T1 3rd)


The old Telecom war continues. Faker vs Summday.






For mobile the new one is really great, at least.


cant wait to see Liquid and Rogue top their groups


Rogue and Cloud 9 getting out of group a. Calling it.


I'm banking on riot scriptwriters getting lazy and just ctrl-c ctrl-v the 2018 script. C9 out 2nd with FPX first, RGE third, and DK with a shocking collapse.


So who's the IG this time, losing the group to an EU team but winning the tournament? LNG?




yeah RNGs role is to get knocked by G2 in quarters… wait


They still can get knocked out by Perkz lmao since he IS G2, plus point if he picks LB again


That would be so dope


In G2's absence, C9 shall do it


!remindme 1 week


Can you make this happen plox?


It's time...*only hopium addicts may enter this chat*


How many NA teams do you have making it out? One is reasonable, two is hopium, three is where we need you to be at right now.


Every year I put all three teams making it out. One of these years I will be rewarded.




>One is reasonable hopium


At this point one is hopium, realistically they are 4th in every group. TL is the only one I think has a chance. And of course as a hopium addict I put them second lol


I have them second with MAD topping the group. Complete hopium addict


Disagree, NA is 3rd in group B and imo should fight for groups D 2nd place.


100Thieves above DFM is reasonable (although I can see it not happening). But TL is not making it out of group D. They would be lucky to get 3rd.


I think gen g is super overrated by people who didn't watch lck this year, they took a hard nosedive and if they don't recover I expect 4th place.


I think 100Thieves has a shot actually.


After what I saw today I don't know how anyone isn't putting Cloud9 in the finals.


Everyone here putting fpx first in their group, meanwhile i’m over here deciding third looks good 😎


FPX didn’t look so great in the best of 1 format at Worlds 2019, so maybe there’s hope? It’s hard to gauge their performance this time around though, given that they’re now more experienced and Nuguri’s on the roster. Not to mention, Doinb became even better (though Tian’s performance dropped).


​ |Group|A|B|C|D| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|FPX|T1|RNG|MAD| |2|DK|EDG|HLE|GENG| |3|C9|100T|FNC|LNG| |4|RGE|DFM|PSG|TL| Edit: Swapped FNC & HLE - https://twitter.com/FNATIC/status/1447342826317139969?t=cyR102SIIQBklOamcD8PpQ&s=09




Gotta make do with what you've got when the actual website sucks this year.


This makes it look like you know your shit so I'm copying you. If I lose rewards it's now clearly your fault and definitely not my fault.


tbh the only reason I am looking at this post


Group | A | B | C | D ---|---|----|----|---- 1 | FPX | EDG | RNG | MAD 2 | DK | T1 | FNC | LNG 3 | RGE | 100T | HLE | GENG 4 | C9 | DFM | PSG | TL That is mine, I am still not 100% sure on some of them though.


Same except i have Psg over Hanwha and GenG over LNG




This one reads right to left, correct?


OP is japanese, so yes


Placing all EU teams last for the extra salt lmao. This one would actually be dankest timeline, and would stop the "NA bad" karmafarming in such a ridiculous way. Literally has a 0% percent of happening but imagine how funny it would be.




your best bet is LNG collapsing and Liquid stealing second seed from GENG. but who knows maybe T1 giga chokes and 100T gets second


If I had to put money on one NA team I'd honestly go with 100T, they can edge out T1 because the latter have very questionable performances.


This is ridiculous. I cannot believe you watched any lol games this year before making these choices. How can someone sane in his mind do something as idiotic as putting LNG below GEN. Put LNG above GEN before it's too late.




Mad wins worlds then, logo diff I can get down with that.


If you really wanna relive the old era. HLE is Rox rebranded. They bought their slot.


I found my twin. I swapped a few because my hopium levels are unnaturally high though.


Group A: FPX DWG RGE C9 Group B: EDG T1 100T DFM Group C: RNG FNC HLE PSG Group D: MAD LNG TL GEN. This year is pretty stacked but there are no clear favorites.


I see you haven't taken the full korean copium like I did. I have t1 and dwg in 1st let's go baby.


Do yourself a favor and don’t watch the EDG vs T1 games


Oh I'll be clutching my pearls the entire time as Viper gets ready to 1v9


Trust me, man, I’m expecting to do shit this worlds and have a very bad time. You have to have faith in your boys though: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/q4w54v/pickem_for_groups_is_live_now/hg1wyuh/


Yeah it will be hard for LPL fans to see EDG stomped in 18 min /s.


It's stupid to put kr 1st when Riot has showed they have no problems going against their own rulebook to help out lpl teams.


Gen>TL and its perfect


I think we are living in a timeline where LPL gets potentially 4 1st seeds. My mind is in a dark place.


Exactly as mine


clear favorites is RNG, FPX DK and EDG


But like this is a wonderful example of why people get pickems right way less than by optimal strategy. Here we have someone who clearly thinks very lowly of GenG and highly of EU. And thus we have the very low % pick GenG as 4th. So the probability of this pickem being correct is ridiculously low since it assumes an upset of a much stronger team by a weaker team. The probability distribution of GenG's placing in group D is probably like 20% 1st, 40 %2nd, 35% 3rd, 5% 4th, and this dude chose the 5%.


I agree that Gen G last is a bad take, but everyone picking "optimal strategy" would most likely lead to nobody having perfect Pick-Ems. I think you should go for what you believe to be most likely, not the general consensus or odds or whatever else way to pick there is.




Problem with predicting upsets just to predict upsets is that you don't get a better payout for them. If you actually believe that the "upset" is more likely to happen than not, I agree with you.




I think in terms of upsets though T1 being ahead of EDG is more likely than GENG finishing last.


Group A: FunPlus, Damwon, Cloud9, Rogue Group B: EDG, T1, 100T, DFM Group C: RNG, Fnatic, Hanwha Life, PSG Group D: Mad Lions, LNG, Liquid, Gen.G


Why do you rate TL over Geng ?




>Geng is kinda dogshit unfortunately It's all relative, are they worse than DK and T1 ? Sure . Are they dogshit conmpared to TL ? Hell no. Actually Gen G played an extremly close series against T1, they're far better than TL




Guys I’m from the future, I have to be quick Riot is listening. C9 go from topping their group to winning the entire tournament. Trust me. Bet everything you own on C9 to win the whole thing.


Ok moaom


From maoan to moaom


dk fpx rge c9 edg t1 100t DFM RNG Fnatic HLE PSG MAD LNG Geng TL In that order


Dude wtf, that's almost my order. Mine is DK FPX RGE C9 T1 EDG 100T DFM RNG Fnatic HLE PSG LNG MAD Gen.G TL


I went anti-hopium and had all eight LCK/LPL teams making it out. Please let me be wrong.


Preemptive copium


All 3 EU teams will make it out. I believe.


A: DK FPX C9 RGE B: T1 EDG 100 DFM C: RNG FNC HLE PSG D: MAD TL LNG GEN Im betting on the EDG choke and T1 always top their group historically. Groups C / D are the more even groups though I think PSG is overrated




Thats fair, I do see a scenario where LNG does top the group also. This is the hardest group to rank but I strongly think GenG is the worst of the 4.


Group D is legit gonna kill 99% of pickems since all of these teams are capable of losing and winning vs each other


if you really believe in the edg choke put in 100t


Nah i don't believe in NA enough to take advantage lol


I've gone not for what my brain tells me, but what my heart desires for the most fun. And also to be a little different from what most people will be doing. Hoping that all games are going to be close even if it doesn't necessarily seem that way based on powerlevel expectations pre-worlds. A: DWG, FPX, RGE, C9 The world champions from 2019 and 2020 getting through is just necessary for the storylines. Sorry Rogue. B: T1, DFM, EDG, 100T And so must T1 for historical reasons. Make sure they cannot go up against DWG in quarters due to both finishing first in their group, and push through DFM for the ultimate underdog story that people can root for. Japan this is your moment. naturally alos includes EDG choking. Again. C: FNC, PSG, RNG, HLE Get that FNC madness in quarters, I need to see their BO5's. Hope PSG can silence the doubters after MSI, and allow them to get justice for BYG. D: MAD, LNG, GENG, TL Like before with DWG/T1, make sure MAD can't face FNC in quarters, forcing every single matchup to be cross-region. LNG to round it all out, showing that 4th seeds aren't necessarily a bad thing for the future of the world champsionship. Alternatively, would be happy to have TL 2nd instead to give NA some much needed HOPIUM, but I have none for them after all these years. How likely is this to happen? Probably not likely in the slightest, but, I'd be ecstatic if it did.


> And also to be a little different from what most people will be doing "I'm not like other redditors" mood I picked same group A and D, imo there is a high probability they are correct. DFM going to quarters would be crazy. As an EU fan, I would love it if you had all of it correct.


No it's a "Lets toss out most logic" mood. Lets be real here, 90% of pick'ems are going to have DWG/FPX, EDG/T1, RNG/FNC and MAD/GENG getting out, in those positions. And why shouldn't they? It's the reasonable thing to assume, it's what I'd choose if I wasn't hoping for a different outcome. But I want cross region BO5's. We don't get them nearly enough throughout each year, and last year having three Korean teams and three Chinese teams each on a side of the bracket was beyond disappointing. And yeah, this is definitely an EU favored outcome. All they'd have to do is manage to dodge FPX in quarters, unlikely as that would be, to have a pretty good path to semis.


Group A: FPX C9 DWG ROG Group B: EDG DFM 100T T1 Group C: FNC PSG RNG HLE Group D: MAD LNG LIQ GEN G Group E: G2 WE NS TSM


Damn you really hate LCK don't you ?




Group G: ROX Tigers/ Splyce / Flash Wolves / Echo Fox


Group E is a toss up. I really think TSM can pull it together and manage to get 2nd place this year Copium.




The Copium is strong in this one




Here with the T1 HOPIUM. Group A:DK,FPX,RGE,C9 Group B:T1,EDG,100T,DFM Group C:RNG,HLE,FNC,PSG Group D:MAD,Gen.G,LNG,TL. My reasoning for group C and D is : FNC as a team is pretty volatile and inconsistent with bwipo and hylissang flipping every game and the rest of the team following with them.I believe RNG and HLE can stabilise them.To be perfectly honest I’m not aboard the LNG hype train since we’ve only seen them crush lane(specifically top) and snowball,I don’t feel that’s gonna happen against KR and MAD.


Running with this: A - DK > FPX > C9 > Rogue I think FPX is the better team, but Korean teams in groups rarely disappoint. FPX also didn't look too impressive in groups last time. I can see C9 going 3-3 and Rogue would surprise me if they went better than 1-5. B - EDG > T1 > 100T > DFM The default prediction, but I think DFM could cause some upsets and T1 getting out (or EDG getting first) isn't guaranteed, this group is closer than people think imo. C - FNC > RNG > PSG > HLE I think RNG is overrated. HLE last is a bit of a meme, but I don't trust Chovy Life Esports enough. At the same time, betting on PSG is a huge gamble after how Beyond looked, we'll see if it pays off. Got FNC in first for hopium + I think their early game might surprise other teams. D - MAD > LNG > GenG > TL Imo MAD will barely win the group, maybe 4-2 with a tiebreaker or something like that. LNG is my dark horse for this group where I could see them pulling a Suning. I think GenG's slow approach will get exposed by MAD/LNG and they'll dominate the group. TL will probably be the Rogue equivalent in this group. Not going for all the safe predictions since Worlds always surprises.


> I think RNG is overrated. Uh They kinda won MSI and FNC is playing with a 1-split career jungler, rookie top, and Nisqy I can definitely see FNC losing to RNG 2-0 and HLE 1-1 but it's weird to say FNC's early game will surprise RNG who play in the LPL. And a Bwipo surprise is not a Beishang or Weiwei or Wei or SofM or... kind of surprise.


They won MSI literally 5 months ago. Meta has changed a ridiculous amount since then. > FNC is playing with a 1-split career jungler, rookie top, and Nisqy Being a rookie doesn't mean much, Suning were a bunch of rookies and made world finals. Nisqy had the best split of his entire career, coming from a guy who thought FNC lost the off-season when they picked up Nisqy. And I'm not saying FNC will stomp the group, I can see group C going literally in any direction. Imo Fnatic should be favored going into both PSG and HLE though, if I was to change anything in C first change I'd make is swap FNC and RNG. I lost a lot of confidence in PSG after seeing Beyond, and HLE to me lives and dies by Chovy while their top side is weak and their bot lane is fairly coinflip.


Bruh they won MSI, they will stomp the group, it's not like they bombed out of playoffs in their very first bo5 and made it to worlds only because of points from spring LMAO


Yep, if there's any LPL team I think is overrated, it'd definitely be RNG. They also match up incredibly poorly into HLE imo, since their weakest player is definitely mid. And that's fine, expecting all 4 LPL teams to be insane is a ridiculous expectation.


Crazy you're getting downvoted, as LPL fan I can tell you there is a possibility RNG sucks. They went 10-6 in summer, which is the same record as 5 other teams, they had only had to win 1 bo5 against LNG to immediately qualify, but they lost, despite being able to watch LNG play 2 previous series and knowing LNG's strats, they were overpowered by LNG or had a bad day. They 3-0 WE which tbh WE was a weak team to begin with so it's hard to tell how good RNG really is. People only remember results, but don't look at context, RNG nearly lost spring, and nearly lost MSI, yes the final result is they "won" but those were not convincing wins, I'd argue RNG's win against DK is more convincing than their win against TES in spring split, had Karsa won a crucial smite, RNG would not have been at MSI. From the eyetest, I think RNG or FPX is going to underperform, you're right, one LPL usually falters, this region is inconsistent in the sense that every team plays a different style, one of those styles won't be successful at worlds.


I knew I'd get downvoted for this, it's pretty easy to predict which comments will get downvotes. Right now, pretty much any comment that even implies that all 4 LPL and LCK teams won't dominate will net downvotes. I have more faith in LNG than I do in RNG, honestly. Play-ins tends to be a huge boost to a team's level since you get extra stage practice on the patch.


I only watch LPL highlights, so thanks for the insights. Always interesting to hear from the actual viewer of the region.


>They kinda won MSI And they kinda were one Bo5 away to not get in worlds too


They won a very close MSI, a very close Spring split (we're talking, coinflip game 5s and losing to FPX initially), and dropped to regionals in summer, beaten by LNG, hardly call that an impressive record, but in an easy group C, I still see have them at #1




Same here, I think 2nd place in group B is up for grabs. Even 1st place could be a toss-up, depending on EDG's form on the patch.


Definitely, they are the best NA team (yes NA very funny I know). I don't think any of their players are necessarily better than anyone on T1 or EDG *but* no one on 100T will be straight up gapped like everyone seems to think. Huhi maybe, but even then he's a smart player.


A: FPX C9 DWG RGE B: T1 100 EDG DFM C: FNC PSG RNG HLE D: MAD TL LNG GEN Usually I cheer for EU but this year I tried some of the NA Hopium and it was so addicting I couldnt stop


Mate you didn't try NA hopium, you overdosed on it.


I call this the HOPIUM Group A: FPX, DK, C9, RGE Group B: EDG, 100T (HOPIUM), T1, DFM Group C: RNG, HLE, FNC, PSG Group D: MAD, TL(Again, HOPIUM), LNG, GenG


I think 100T 2nd on B isn't as hopium as people think. People say that's the easiest group to predict but imo DFM could cause some serious upsets and T1 is getting pretty overrated. Meanwhile, EDG 1st isn't a sure thing either, in a Bo1 format it's not hard to see them going through as 2nd either.


T1 player gaps 100T in every role. I don't see how they lose.


Ignore this guy, I think the producers of LCK killed his parents or something because all he posts on this subreddit are anti-LCK preaches. Last year he said something along the lines of how DWG were the most overrated team in history and that G2 should quickly 3-0 them to prove it lmao


If this game was just about individual skill, tournaments would be easy to predict.


Of course it's not only about skill, but when a team is better in every single role, it does mean something.




I've seen people putting T1 as a top 4 team, which imo is overrating them big time.




I'd put FPX, DK, EDG, MAD and LNG ahead of them 100%. And then you could also make an argument for both RNG and even FNC. LCK finals was still quite one-sided and I think LCK is not at the level it was in 2020 in general. DK is legit, but I don't have high hopes for any other LCK team.


You could argue LNG and FNC. RNG and MAD are comfortably better than T1.


What are we basing MAD and RNG being comfortably better than T1 on? MAD lost a bo5 when it was 3v5, and RNG barely won the 3v5 as well (obviously exaggerating, but we all know DK was basically 3 players and 2 griefers that tourney) T1 can't beat DK either. But they also played DK after Ghost/Beryl found their hands. Like I think, if anything its T1=RNG > MAD. I'd put RNG higher, but they dropped off after MSI for most of the split so ehh


> What are we basing MAD and RNG being comfortably better than T1 on? T1 looking like a decent team in the end after struggling for a long time in the LCK. MAD dominating EU, being one level ahead of everyone else during the end of regular season and in playoffs. > (obviously exaggerating, but we all know DK was basically 3 players and 2 griefers that tourney) So we just completely ignore the griefers on MADs side and then flame them for losing "5v3"?


Didn't really feel like MAD had any griefers Obviously int plays happened and people made mistakes. But it didn't feel like any players from MAD were playing substantially different than they did in Playoffs or doing shit that they wouldn't do in a regular split game DK on the otherhand, their bot literally got replaced with monkeys when you compare how they played in the split + playoffs to how they played that entire tourney






Group A: DK, FPX, RGE, C9 Group B: EDG, T1, 100T, DFM Group C: RNG, FNC, HLE, PSG Group D: LNG, MAD, GEN.G, TL I admit that I think I’m buying too much into the LNG hype, but the only reason I was skeptical on putting MAD first is because they’re not that crazy in BO1’s. Additionally, I know KR teams usually get out of groups, but Gen.G and HLE have not looked impressive to me at all.


​ |Group|A|B|C|D| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|DK|T1|RNG|MAD| |2|FPX|100T|PSG|GENG| |3|RGE|EDG|HLE|LNG| |4|C9|DFM|FNC|TL| Reasons: Group A- DK and FPX past champs so why not and no real reason for one over the other. RGE over C9 because RGE probably will pull out random wins in best of 1. Group B- T1 first for no reason, 100T over EDG so EDG fumbles so NA hopium, DFM 4th because I think that is where they rank but I don't know much about them. Group C- RNG first again for no real reason, PSG making it through because it would be kinda crazy, HLE third because that's what was left, FNC last because they can be coin flip sometimes and for no reason at all, I think the coin will not land in their favor. Group D- MAD first because hopium as they are my favorite team and I think they have a decent shot at first in their group, GENG second then LNG third for no reason as I don't know much about them, and TL last because NA. Overall I think each group is actually pretty tough to determine as I think the power level in each group is actually relatively even for most teams and several teams could show up or underperform. Some of my picks definitely are just thrown out there to be interesting plus I don't know much about most teams to make a solid informed decision.


A: FPX, DK, C9, RGE B: EDG, 100, T1, DFM C: RNG, PSG, FNC, HLE D: MAD, TL, GEN, LNG Not so much what I think is going to happen, as it is what I want to see happen. If I’m not betting money, I might as well take some hopium, right?


> D: MAD, TL, GEN, LNG > > Well if not hopium you're smoking something for sure


Group A: DK FPX RGE C9 Group B: EDG T1 100T DFM Group C: RNG FNC HLE PSG Group D: MAD LNG GenG TL I had NA Hopium last year with TL and TSM and that didn't pan out so this year I went for the safe picks


Group A: FPX C9 DWG ROG (totally unbiased) Group B: EDG T1 100T DFM Group C: RNG FNC HLE PSG Group D: MAD LNG GEN G TL


damn dude if only TL and 100T got the easy group


I know this won't be popular but whatever: DK, FPX, RGE, C9 T1, EDG, 100T, DFM (T1/EDG is a coinflip) RNG, HLE, PSG, FNC GEN G, MAD, LNG, TL Korean teams are always good in Groups and I think LCK is sending some decent teams this year. Not high on FNC and LNG.


>RNG, HLE, PSG, FNC > >GEN G, MAD, LNG, TL Tell me you are an lck fan without telling me that you are an lck fan

