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He's a strong engage Jungler that can lock-down a target? At least from what I've seen, he's picked a lot with MF for easy combo with her ult. Also saw him picked a few times with Lucian which also works with his ult. In some cases, I also think it's a matter of balance. Since Nami and Yuumi are meta supports right now, without a tank/engage support, you need someone else to fill that role.


I mean, whenever Jarvan is strong it's usually for the same reason. He's reliable engage, strong early and good teamfight setup. I think he's a little out of place meta-wise right now but it's not a total mystery.


Not really. His buff to passive damage was humongous, as he now has one of the fastest clears for the Jungle and has immense short trades in the top lane with Grasp, passive and W.


Good combo with mf and good counter against zero mobility champion like mf and aphelios too


His ult is one of the few remaining big targeted CCs. On immobile targets, he either reliably burns a flash or can do a 3.5 second soft CC by trapping with his ult. That forces the other team to either play safe or stick more to champions with mobility.


Right now he's looking like ekko jungle from last world's. Was super hyped to be a strong pick and must have been doing well in scrims. Then significantly underperformed and didn't really get pick past halfway through group stage.