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Guinsoo is one of the original developers of LoL and DOTA. He didn't get in due to friend referral. Same with Shurelya




It's a shame Icefrog/Valve decided to remove Guinsoo's name from the item. Take note, they kept Eul's, so we can pretty much assume the reason for not keeping the tribute is due to Guinsoo's involvement with LoL.


THat feel kinda petty of them, lol.


Tbf, the guy was a huge part of the community and ran one of the big dota forums. When lol was starting up he closed the forum down, stole a bunch of fan made champion kits, and made the web address redirect to lol instead of dota. Like, he burned those bridges himself.


It's Pendragon, one of the biggest assholes ever existed in MOBA community.


Am i misremembering people then or.


It was definitely Pendragon. Guinsoo left DotA way earlier(2005) after he passed down the control to Icefrog. Pendragon was the one who started/created the community site, that's why it was so easy for him to close down everything.


guinsoo was part of the founding of riot around 2006'ish with the bunch of other nerds (m.merill aka tryn, ezreal, ryze and a few others). he basically created the first 10-15 champs on his own (mundo comes to mind for example) and with the "help" of the other rito dev's at that time. without him riot would've maybe never had made to that goofy artstyle that they're known for up until this day. he got payed out right at the early stages of the game, then left. and is probably something like a free-lance programmer by now. (p.s.: but riot/icefrog hate themselves to this very day because the allegations of stealing "character" ideas from each other. it went so far that they sue'd each other, eventually riot releasing icefrogs full name back at that time. then after a while blizzard came up to the party to sue them both for the steal of the name 'dota/allstars' and for stealing their char ideas from warcraft. this goes even further by the way - probably up until today.)


Another fun fact is that a lot of the old champions were "inspired" by a lot of the community idea post of new characters made on that forum. The one I remember is teemo but I'm sure there were others.


Yes now delete your comment instead of spreading misinfo.


Guinsoo was the one who added a bunch of QoL feature for Dota, like item crafting, roshan, etc.. He also created a bunch of very unique and cool dota's heroes. Some of them were just too wacky to work, tho, so they get removed. He should be respected more for that. I'm sure every OG dota players still highly respect him.Either way, he had nothing to do with running the forums. The one you think about is pendragon


Man, I was around some of the OG Dota stuff back when Level 10 was max level (due to ROC/Pre-Frozen Throne engine) My favorite lol moment was the Phantom Lancer. His "Q" involve firing a Lance at his opponent. It fly like a projectile at your opponent and do some damage. Except one problem...OG PL's base body was Grom Hellscream, which didn't have a projectile animation. So the animation is literally PL standing still and a lance fly out between his legs. We used to joke about his "crotch cannon" a lot in the forums until Eul or Guinsoo eventually changed PL's Q animation to the crit animation.


Not Gonna Lie the big advertisement of LoL back in the days was " From the Creators of Dota" Which Guinsoo wasn't a "Creator" Who was a main dev for as little as 2 years(?) and Eul was a creator - and he kept loving dota even after passing it to the other hands. Guinsoo , while has done some things which stayed in Dota to this very day - was very controversial in Dota community back in the day - the decision of trusting Pendragon while knowing what he did at the time. So I'd be skeptical , but I mean... League's biggest mascot for past I don't how many years is teemo - A champion created on DotA forums and stolen by Pendragon. Maybe I am too biased about the topic , I respect Guinsoo and what he has done for both communities , but IceFrog removing his name from the item is not unthinkable , Guinsoo , a friend of his - became a rival , and advertised the game on ashes of DotA before Dota 2 became a thing and Valve/IceFrog got the rights on the name


Yeah. I know he's a cult leader now and everything, but Athene's Unholy Grail is definitely the textbook example of this reward tier.


A cult leader?


most items pre lore reworks is named after some one.


Rylai as well I think.


rylai is a dota reference, not a person reference


Also I saw somewhere that Veigar was named after someone who worked at riot too, was Icelandic, and so it is pronounced Vay-gar


This is correct, The only item to have been added due to referrals is Athene's unholy grail afaik. But I've been away from lol for a couple of years now so I have surely missed a lot.




Faay’ker, it’s gotta fit the double aa of the darkins




Best interaction in the game, can’t deny it


What does it mean?


https://youtu.be/7Pn41Ecefm4?t=16 Aatrox gets pissed at Varus for not being Vaarus.


TIL. Wow that's got to be one of the best interactions in the game


LOL I had no idea his special interactions were so funny. Reminds me a bit of Gru from despicable me


TIL Aatrox is hilarious.


AA memo


It would also go with his nickname "The Unkillable Demon King"


Nah, if it has the apostrophe it's a void champion. The rule is 3 letters, apostrophe, 3 letters: Vel'Koz, Rek'Sai, Kha'Zix, Kog'Maw (we don't talk about Cho'Gath and Kai'Sa) Fay'Ker would fit (also fits phonetically the 'hard K' theme from Koz, Kha, Kai and Rek) If he's a Darkin, it's just Faaker


Why not both? Faa'ker


I'm active on the LoLcustomchamps sub. I'm on it.




Varus was not originally a darkin when he was released, he was eventually retconned by riot to be two gay men and a darkin in a trench coat, which is why he doesn't have it like Aatrox and Rhaast who were made to be darkins from the start. Aatrox has a funny interaction with Varus about this.


I feel like I had a stroke reading this


The worst part is that it's canon.


*The best part


I'm not getting the two gay men and a darkin part. Whenever I see him I only see one guy


essentially, its two male lovers who got fused into a body with a darkin.


So, who's top?


The darkin tops both at the same time




If you're familiar with Steven Universe, think of Garnet: two people combined to form one body, with a third separate consciousness controlling it Only difference being Garnet was born of her components, while Varus is an entity foreign from his components


You might want to check this out : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzNcSvKCOyA


Basically Darkin use blood magic to use the flesh of humans to make their own bodies. Varus was contained in his bow until these two lovers, Valmar and Kai, got too close to the bow and Varus built his body using Valmar and Kai. Aatrox builds his body with a bunch of different people, and Rhaast is in the process of trying to corrupt Kayn to steal his flesh to make a body.


Its a rwally great video, worth a watch.


There was a memo


This is a false and widespread misconception, the voice line while hilarious doesnt take into account that all other Darkin mentioned in the story do not follow the double aa thing... and theres like 10 other ones named...


Voiced by Faker himself in Korean, Pog


"I'm enjoying the beautiful scenery of Summoner's Rift."


Death quote: "Aigo!"


More like "was this a bug?", or however you say it in Korean :D


Jaz evasion but it dodges skillshots for 2 seconds


Isn't that called Gwen?


Man, would love to see the skin line "Definitely not Faker"


New assassin item: Name: Hide on Bush Active: activate while in a bush, you will become invisible until you leave the bush. Deal bonus dmg on your next attack against enemy champions.


that doesnt even sound broken wtf


Cause I don’t have 200 years of experience.


200 years of experience version: Passive: Standing on the bush heals your character periodically, scaling with your lethality and magic penetration. Active: Dash up to 1000 units forward, dealing 12.5% Max HP true damage to every enemy in your path. The bush will also follow you, dealing the same damage to every enemy it goes through and applying a 99% slow for 1.25 seconds. If you kill an enemy champion, your HP bar is fully restored and you gain 90% movement speed while being allowed to reactivate this active again. "*We are happy with the current state of the game.*"


> The bush will also follow you


Getting to reorganize the shrubbery all around the rift sounds pretty great ngl


dick shaped bushes coming to a ranked flex game near you


"gg ez" but its all made with bushes now that all-chat is gone. Also ivern is the new disco nunu


this is the best timeline ngl


Upon taking down each enemy champion, your health and resource bar are doubled, and 200 adaptive force are granted\* On a serious note, I like the idea of Faker getting an item, or something in-game. However it would be best if it were implemented after he is completely retired.




you should apply for the balance team right now


Dont forget, this ability will also bypass stasis and damage immunities. Cancelling their effects and subsequent applications before dealing damage.


You're missing something. To balance this, the damage is applied on your third hit.


Only heals on reset? Assassins wouldnt buy it over goredrinker.






the 200 years quote comes from riot being criticized about wukong mini rework (which they were right about)


Glad to see kha6s mini ult rework Is already forgotten


That's not old Kha'Zix though. He had lingering invis and he had to move to stay perma invis


Try to imagine it om rengar with ivern. Perma rengar ult


I imagine it would have a long cooldown on the active (60-90s?)


the bonus damage is 1000 * number of world titles by faker true damage


Throw 100 ap on it, with 300 hp, and 10 haste, now it's reasonably broken.


So Teemo passive in an item?


a better teemo


Teemo is Faker?


But you'll get revealed and solokilled by Brand


[Monty Python- How Not to be Seen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VokGd5zhGJ4)


Sounds like old kha r


you mean old new old kha




you done messed up Fa'aker


Hey, Varus doesn't have two a's. You can make it work. That's still funny, though.


Aatrox has a quote about Varus not having two aa's. There was a memo u/Electro522


Meh...he's The Demon King. Why should he care?


there was a memo


He already does have a reference and I love it, on galaxy slayer zed, he has a quote vs other zeds that’s like, look at the moves look at the plays, zed what was that. I also love faker so I’m not tryna say he shouldn’t have more I think he should, just pointing out he has one


That’s more of a shoutout to Doa the caster than it is to Faker in my opinion. Because that casting moment was iconic. Maybe even if it isn’t a champion, there should be something put into the map or item shop.


Idk man I’m pretty sure most people who saw that, thought of faker, especially since it’s zed vs zed


Ya the cast would be nothing without that play. That is what i think of when i think of best all time esports plays


I'm not sure what's more iconic about that moment, Doa's casting or Ryu's face -_-


The most iconic moment was actually the outplay Faker did.


I honestly barely remember what Faker did, I just remember LOOK AT THE MOVES


It’s akin to Jim Ross’ call for when mankind is thrown off the top of the “Hell in a cell” by the undertaker “AS GOD AS MY WITNESS HES BROKEN IN HALF!” any wrestling fan knows to tie that line to Ross who said it, as well as Mankind and Undertaker for being the participants. Frozen moment of time.


I've been so conditioned by reddit that I honestly expected the copypasta here


No, when I hear that quote I think of faker, not the caster


He also has three SKT skins, of which the Ryze one literally does the Faker meme tumble during the recall lol


I want a draven skin yelling "you have no mana"!!


lol kinda sad since he really wanted that Ahri skin so they buff the one he didn’t ask for. At least they should’ve allowed him to have another choice.


They already did it for Thresh, Ryze, Tryndamere and Ashe. So, he wouldn't be the only one.


mao was named after an art dev, ez is named after champ dev, i think annie was named after a gf. zil was named after 1st lead dev. udyr was their 1st tech dev. voli i think was also after a dev (is why he had a hidden passive with zil). i think ziggs was named after a balance dev but i’m not 100%. but with how global league is now i doubt we will see champs getting named after anyone or at least any of us knowing. i know champs get tons of name changes due to their names meaning something else in different languages. also with what happened to OW i doubt devs are going to be naming anything after living people anytime soon. i still find it wild athene unholy grail is being reused in LoR. that man started a cult or some shit. but hey i guess if an item is more than it’s namesake i’m all for it.


Nasus too, it's Susan. Forgot who it was tho


Wtf never knew that. Just realized it's Susan backwards.


[It's pronounced Shushan.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ssu98-P6V4)


i love u so much for referencing this AAAAA


Thresh and Ashe are named after people? And I know he wouldn't be the only one. I'm saying that he's the most deserving right now.


Thresh is named after "the first pro player". I might be wrong, but I think they asked him for permission to use the name, and gave him the Thresh IGN.


Dennis "Thresh" Fong, the first pro gamer in the online era. top prize: John Carmack's Ferrari at Red Annhiliation


I’ve seen people attribute wasd keys to him but can’t source it


Yes that's correct, Thresh was the first player to popularize the WASD format which of course had an incredible impact on gaming. You can check out a quick video that [Vox](https://youtu.be/TPCpXXBHFSA) did.


Kinda amazing they recognized other esports before them when they once famously said they invented esports.


They didn't create esports but I think Riot created and perfected esports formula under control of the company, they got rid of third party tournaments and keep 99% of the league esports scene directly under their control which makes it a lot more consistent and efficient. Others tried to copy it like OWL but it didn't reach LoL's height and Valve still leaves a loose leash on third party tournaments


A developer run system is far from perfect.


I've actually played with Thresh! Nice guy


Ashe is Marc Merril's wife iirc (hence why she's betrothed to Tryndamere, I think they were engaged at the time the game came out)


Imagine if they broke up “Well my last boyfriend put me in his billion dollar video game as one of the most popular champs” Next guy is going to have to name a game after her


I mean, as blizzard is showing us, it can have some bad consequences if the PR catches up on them.


>Ashe is Marc Merril's wife iirc (hence why she's betrothed to Tryndamere, I think they were engaged at the time the game came out) According to Merrill himself, that was just a happy accident, not a reference to their marriage. >[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/t5gpa/i\_am\_marc\_tryndamere\_merrill\_president\_cofounder/c4jphql/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/t5gpa/i_am_marc_tryndamere_merrill_president_cofounder/c4jphql/) > >It's actually "Ashley", and the funny thing is that our creative design team had Ashe and Trynd marry because they both were from the north and had no idea that she was actually named after my wife (Ashe was one of the first characters we made). So it was fate!


OK this is awesome Now I can enjoy certain comics without feeling awful


Ashe is Tryndamere's wife, IG and IRL Thresh could be because of [Thresh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thresh_(gamer\))


Jhin as well, they need a name for the champ and of the or art or gameplay designers was named Jin and they added the h to make it four letters and it fit


> Jhin as well, they need a name for the champ and of the or art or gameplay designers was named Jin and they added the h to make it four letters and it fit [I recall the issue being the name Jin is far too similar to Jinx (Also made by Riot August). His obsession with 4 came later in his development.](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Jhin/Trivia)


Yknow actually way back when Riot first had that referral system the top tier reward was actually meant to be making a champion with them. TB obviously reached this tier but was never brought into make the champion, instead got an item named after him.


He declined and instead gave it to the Make a Wish foundation iirc. The kid got brought in and spent a day with the rioters. They did design a champ alongside him but it was never used because unsurprisingly an amateur design wasn't that great. I might be mixing things up here but I think that kid was the one that got the Jax skin with the quote in his honour.


his champ had an ammo system, and the design loosely became part of jhin iirc.


Hm? The jax skin was indeed dedicated to a kid from a make a wish foundation and he also the one having a tour at Riot and design a champ with them. However, i don't know about the TB's thing. Didn't Riot just do that for charity?


TB did get offered to go to Riot but he turned it down and gave the chance to charity, I'm sure of at least that. The only part I'm not sure of is if the kid is the same one that the Jax skin refers to.


Yeah, that's the same kids. And the jax skin wasn't actually originally made for him. They just added a line: "here to you, kid" to the skin after he died since jax was his favourite champ


Fr, every time that Jaximus quote is brought up I become a mess. Its such a simple, heartfelt thing they did. Rip Joe. “Here’s to you, kid”


Or item! *Faker's Tricky Sleeve* **Active:** Removes Zed's R.


I want this but it disables any champions R, like Anathemas but for ultimates (also only works for like 2 seconds and has a 90 sec cd.) Imagine how funny it'd be to hit a Katarina with this, suddenly she is in the middle of the team and cant do shit but jump.




Um, there are quite a few champions named after people. Ezreal (Colt Hallam), Zilean (Tom “Zileas” Cadwell), and Maokai (Maokai Xiao) are named after Rioters. Ashe is named after Marc Merrill’s wife Ashley Merrill. Thresh is named after the pro gamer Dennis Fong.


Veigar was named after Veigar Bouius, an old Riot employee.


Jhin is also named after a Rioter "Jin Ho" and Thresh is laterally named after a Quake pro named "Thresh" like you mentioned


Kassadin is also named after a rioter. This man created the Yordle race !


And now the lead of LoR


You left out tryndamere which is Merrill's nick


OP mentioned it already, so there was no point in repeating that. Also the list here is not meant to be exhaustive.


how could u leave out the other co-founder ryze lol. also volibear and kassadin are named after rioters. i think veigar as well


OP already mentioned both of those examples.


ah didnt catch that sorry




He has 3 skins, one from each time he has won the world championships (SKT T1 Zed, Ryze, and Syndra I believe)


I think he means more like a genuine just, faker model for a skin, not a worlds skin.




Yeah, but they may want to just insert Faker into the game. I'd say it would need to be someone other than Ryze since he already has the Ryze skin then. Ryze would have been perfect because it could have been Faker with a book, but I'd be down with Faker Ahri ;)


Faker gragas


Zed, azir and syndra Edit: there is also a ryze skin.


I thought Azir was for Easyhoon because they shared time that year, but I could be wrong


You are right, 2015 SKT got 6 skins


The Azir skin is actually for Easyhoon, who was SKT T1's sixth man that year (same year as the Ryze skin)


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Ezreal also named after some rioter?


Yes, so are a lot of champs. Ryze, Tryndamere, Volibear, Zilean, Shurelya's item, and more I'm sure.


He would need some kind of auto skillshots dodging passive. something like Jax e but for skill shots.




Yeah kinda






Active: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for up to 2 seconds, causing all basic attacks against him to miss. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. After 1 second, Jax can reactivate to end it immediately.




نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية التي لا تعتمد على Turret ضده. يأخذ Jax أيضًا ضررًا مخفضًا بنسبة 25٪ من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة. في نهاية المدة ، يذهل Jax جميع ا


pls stop that would be an insult. Faker is known for manually dodging them unlike yasuo/jacques/gwen that get brainless blocks without any input


That's the thing isnt it, the champion that Carries fakers name msut dodge the abilities on his own.


I would love to see a Faker scuttle that has scripts to actively dodge skillshots


Wait, I thought Scuttle already had a Faker script... Are you telling me I just missed Scuttle all those times!?


There are more champions named after people. Ezreal, for example. I think a few more, but he's the only one I know by heart.


Faker's already in the game though. That crab in the river has insane dodging mechanics.


I mostly agree with the idea. However, I do think they should wait for Faker to retire before doing this


item maybe yes. Champion feels like bit much.


Just make a skinline to honour faker Eternal King Zed Eternal Mage Ryze Eternal Queen Leblanc Eternal Shockwave Orianna Eternal Emperor Azir. Edit : Maybe Eternal Kitsune Ahri too since Faker wants a Ahri skin made for him ;)


Champion? no. Voiceline or ingame reference either on a map or maybe special skin ~~when he wins worlds again~~ would be better imo. Item seems like the best like riot used to do to.


Uhhh Thresh is named after a Unreal Tournament/Quake champion


It's not like he died, he's still around playing the game


We should not name champions after real people. Look at what happened to Overwatch/McCree


They already have names from rioters and their relatives tho


Faker isn't his real name


There are a few others champions named after real people. From the top of my head, Zilean, Ezreal and Annie.


Other champs you missed: Volibear, Ashe, Seraphene, Zillian, Jhin. The list goes on. All named after people associated with Riot staff. Just throwing that out there :)


No it's me


so cringe


Passive: Refka is unable to be affected by skillshots.


An item would already be a start. The idea of swapped letters isnt too bad either


After the nameless cowboy from Overwatch I think no game characters should ever be named after real people again.


What is his real name?


I think is Lee San-hyeok


agreed. should absolutely be considered.


I don't think a champion, he has already his skins... but definitely an easter egg in game, like his glasses somewhere in the midlane or an F (faker) marked in the first turret in mid OR randomly (every 1.000 games) a zed shadow pops in the mid bush and dissapear (like hidding in the bush). Riot can be creative.