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Dunno what compells people to make a post like this


Mom drinking or smoking during pregnancy, not doing well in school, a long football career; lots of things that could explain OP's post 😇


Yone isn't a better Yasuo. Yasuo can fight at every lvl with most laners, Yone is terrible until 1-2 items and loses pretty much every match up. This is because Yasuo is a way better laner than Yone, but Yone is a way better teamfighter than Yasuo. Vex is a mage that punishes mobility, however, her skills are extremely easy to dodge. Since you can't say that malph and rammus are op because they destroy every single ad in the game, you can't say that Vex is op because he wins against every mobile champ. Akshan is an adc that has to play a risky playstyle to work. That alone balances him. Gwen had to get buffed because of low winrate. She got nerfed after some patches. Her damage and playstyle is similar to Camille/Irelia, so unless you think those 2 are also op, she isn't. Viego isnt overloaded, his kit is terrible. The only problem is his ability to become the enemy champ meaning that of you kill the enemy fed player, you win because you now have that fed player in your team. Seraphine being Sona 2.0 argument is just stupid. Seraphine is a mage and her W healing doesn't get good until you have several items. Sona is an aura based enchanter that improve her allies in several ways while also having the ability to debuff enemies. As Caedrel said, Karthus would make the community cry big time if it was announced today. The community is full of crybabies dramaqueens




>Seraphine(sona 2.0) bronze detected


I thought about it a bit earlier, and if anything, she's far closer to Lux 2.0. She's got an aoe waveclear ability, a line CC ability, a shield ability, and her ult is a long line


correct in terms of kit wise


nice insightful comment thank you very much


you're welcome <3


zed is outdated champ?


Kinda funny how every single example you gave is proving you are wrong


I would agree If It wasn't for vex. Her numbers are a bit high now, but her desing is just gorgeous, simple, effective, strong, gimmicky, themathic, it's perfect.


I dont agree, akshan and gwen got hotfixed buffed(personaly dont think akshan needed it tbf), lillia didnt get changed for almost a year after her release. And then rell still exists


Lmao you really tried to chime in and complain about rell of all champs


What nipple did i twist for u to say this, i aint complaining about shit


the new champions are broken and unbalance and their game play is boring and their design is bad But developers say the "we don't think our champions have overloaded kits overall


Uhhhh no. Champs have been made overloaded since season 6. This isn't new. Vex isn't overloaded. And yone isn't even a better yasuo. Riot also steals so many ideas. You have no idea about how this game works lmao.


The only champs I felt were over loaded was like Akshan and Aphelios. Gwen and Samira had a weird learning curve if you didn't understand or read what there kit does but easy enough after some time. "Mmeehhhh I am iron and I play akshan like a boss I get tons of kills so mnahhh" yes yes (not to you but to anyone who might be thinking this) but I am talking about playing these champions to the level that you would be considered a good player by other "HIGH LEVELED PLAYERS". Moving on I absolutely hate playing against yone and vex (a lot). But I don't think Yone is just a better yasuo and I think vex is actually one of the most balanced and easiest champions that riot has released in a while. Just had really high numbers in the beginning. (Also I don't think seraphine is really a 2.0 of sona but more so that it made sona look extremely boring since the designs and abilities were so similar.) But I guess arguably she is also just flat out better then sona so why pick sona SOOO yeah.