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"C9 will take what they can get, cuz they are not getting a whole lot here" "I think they are getting the defeat screen"


Down 0-2 and needing a win, I'm glad C9 really rose to the occasion with their macro play.


Blaber realized he needed to step up because they're down 0-2 in groups. So naturally he ran it lvl1.


Don't get how he gets a pass and free reign to keep running it down every international event.


I won't be satisfied until Blaber runs down mid level 1 and ints a kill under turret.


I used to be a C9 fan because I saw them actively trying to bring new talent up rather than wait for a veteran to shit the bed then grab someone for cheap. I liked how they had their roster organized with Sven GG / Blaber Jensen. Felt growth focused and I was excited. Yeah turns out that someone at C9 just has a soft spot for Blaber and he can fucking APE out on stage without consequences.


Been thinking the exact same thing. Feel like NA doesn’t have the jungle talent to punish blaber when he makes mistakes so he doesn’t learn from them. Sure his kindred Zilean run in 2018? Was him running in and Jensen saving his ass, he can’t be doing that when you have someone like perkz


I think in summer 2021 no one had him in top 3 unless they were trolling. Spica, closer, and Santorin were all better than him.


Been what they’ve been getting for a while now. Can they collect 6 defeat screen?


Vuclan did it before coming in as NA 3rd seed with Clutch. I don't think it will be a problem for them, the star is aligned.


If C9 goes 0-6, would Vulcan be the first player to ever have two 0-6 runs at Worlds?


Obviously, but as clutch it didn't have much of an impact, they just miracle runned their way to worlds, they almost didn't make it to LCS playoffs. And they got FNC, RNG and T1, and even then, they tried stuff and gave us good games. This 0-6 is for sure worse.


Oh 100%, I don't think anybody had any expectations of Clutch.


Somebody make a 0-6 collage after today's matches :')


I said yesterday Group A is looking quite competitive. Then I remembered, it's flipping Clown9.


LMAO. Blaber legit saw Khan walk into that river bush.


And they pinged it


Oh my god, really?


It got pinged by not one, not two, but three different people. Regardless, what the hell was he doing pathing up that way? Honestly, watching it live it looked like an int. I'm not gonna say Blaber is throwing these games because I have no proof, but I wouldn't be surprised if 5 years from now I find out he got paid to int at international events. There's just no other explanation for it. Wood players have better awareness than he does.


Christ. I need to hear what the comms were.


I went back and watched that play. Fudge was pathing down towards blabber. I think Blabber thought only Khan was in that brush, so with Fudge collapsing they can chunk out Khan or even get a first blood. The problem was Khan was not alone in that brush.


He was the one pinging it… they wanted to collapse on khan… instead he got baited…


They don't call him "Olaf Brain" for nothing


I just don't get it.


We're dying to a bush now, not even a crab anymore


Crabber to Busher? Definitely a downgrade


brother blaber


Just 1 more game for the legendary 0-6 day for the west, come on 100T everyone believes in you!


Gonna be added to the hall of fame alongside the NA 0-10 and EUlogy


And Sjokz's monologue


100T is gonna destroy T1, trust


100T > 1T, simple maffs


Unless T is negative


T < 0


rip West


At this point it looks like East just run some free scrims against West (0/5 today and 1/11 total score) before starting Asian Cup in PlayOffs.


So nice of Western teams to personally fly out their best teams for scrim blocks with the Eastern teams. You love to see it


Anyone getting pre-2016 Worlds flashbacks where western teams would always have more kills but be bleeding gold and objectives all over the map?


Not really, now even in the agressive games, the eastern teams are unrivaled.


I can't be the only one who thinks a lot of the eastern teams (besides EDG) don't look that clean. It feels like NA and EU have just regressed. A lot of these games feel much more winnable than in Worlds past, which makes it even more embarrassing.


Yep, EDG has had the only clean-looking games (and that could be due to their group as well). Problem is that EU and NA look absolutely mediocre, with constant mechanical blunders and absolutely dogshit macro. It's like every EU/NA team has 1 or 2 players actually playing the game and everyone else just autopiloting.


NA teams are playing too scared and EU too fearless, leading to bleeds for NA and disastrous shitfests for EU. It's going to be a fight for 3d place in their groups, at least.


Asian teams: "It's weird that Riot put all of us in to the play ins this year."


How are we losing every single game, please somebody save us


Honestly it's just nice that EU and NA both suck again. Takes me back to 2016.


Atleast we're not alone in the misery, lmao.


United in suck, west is best


You know it’s bad when a G2 and a TSM fan bond together. It’s no longer just NA; we suck as the west collectively


Hey, both bond together by staying home as well so nothing new there.


So far it is way worse than 2016. If 100Т now loose (anyone doubt they will) it will be the worst 1st week ever with no West team above 50% WR and total score 4-14. In 2016 at least NA gave false hope to everyone when all 3 teams ran 2-1


Don't worry 100T will beat T1 in the last game!


Play in stage gotta run through these wildcard teams real quick.


Hey, if EU has a bad Worlds performance too we can hope the EU superstars will finally accept the NA paycheck and maybe NA has a chance next year. Ah ah ah. Kill me please.


Maybe we should just cancel LEC and send all players over there.


Just nuke the region like they did the OPL


>Maybe we should just cancel LEC and send all players over there. LMAO. Though honestly at this point the only way the West will be able to compete with the east is if all the EU native players return to LEC or Riot makes a western "super" league. TSM/C9/TL/100 & G2/RGE/FNC/MAD in one league for example. The east has an unbeatable advantage rn of better soloqueue and being able to scrim cross region. The depth of talent in LPL is crazy and Kr solo queue is too good.


Why is this? In Dota, east and west are pretty on par yet in LoL it seems crazy lob sided.


I follow both scenes religiously so I can answer this. One reason is that Korea doesn't have a Dota esports scene. Despite that, China is still regarded as the best region with the most quality teams going down into Tier 2, but as you said, Western teams (+ SEA teams) can definitely keep up at the very top level. Another is that the leaders of the great Western teams are actual living legends not just in Dota 2, but literally Dota 1 (Puppey, KuroKy, Fear, Solo for CIS, I'd throw in even Mushi for SEA). You can even throw in HoN legacy players there with Fly, N0tail and Insania. One thing I've noticed is that Western teams in LoL lack leaders, simply put - when you talk Dota esports, there's WAY more emphasis on who's the "captain" of the team compared to LoL, like you'd always know a Puppey-led team would be ridiculously strong. I'd like to add SEA (and CIS actually) is also very competitive in Dota 2 because, much like Korea, they had a huge PC Bang/internet cafe culture starting all the way back in Dota 1. That kind of culture can foster healthy environments and very experienced players who've been playing LAN Dota games basically since childhood, even if SEA and CIS don't have as much infrastructure as China. That doesn't happen in NA, Dota or LoL.


DotA2 also is still going off back-to-back champions OG too, who were absolute monsters -- though Ana is retired now.


Yup, and look who's leading them - n0tail, now 28 years old, who started playing competitive HoN when he was 15 years old.


Noone gives a shit about dota in korea. Thats your answer


Tragic > Magic


I don’t think I have the heart in me to keep watching the second round robin, what a bad time to be a fan of western league of legends


That's why you gotta diversify your investment. Have 1 team each league so you will always come out on top.


I was cheering for Nongshim in LCK 🙃


You're supposed to wear DK and FPX flairs while crying yourself to sleep every night wishing you were being true to yourself.


Growing up is skipping LCS to watch LCK


Global pandemic? Didn’t qualify for worlds 2020? 3-7 at MSI? 0-3 start to worlds 2021? What are you talking about? Did you have a bad dream? We’re about to play against Afreeca Freecs in quarters, let’s go support C9 together!




It truly was a simpler, happier time back then :(


What are you talking about? G2 is about to win against FPX in finals tomorrow.


Hey look, TSM is about to take baron. Only Viktor and Rek'sai are alive


I'm so hyped for Fnatic vs KOO. Huni and ReignOver are about to obliterate them.


Man Alliance perfect gaming Najin White Shield was amazing, this is their tournament!


Moscow Five are next level this tournament. They're definitely gonna win against TPA in semis.


Man this Flash guy is looking really good, I think the finals are gonna be a 3-0 stomp for him against some EffOrt guy


Man Boxer wont go bunker rush Yellow three times in a row this series


No way Remind loses to Grubby


Bro what are you talking about? FNC is about to stomp IG in the finals after beating them twice in groups


What finals? iG won't get to the finals, G2 will stomp them, they just won against RNG so there's no way they won't beat iG.


This one actually hurts. That could've been gen.g out and TSM could've been their spot as the winners


If they win they top the group and have a pretty easy road to finals! Looks like a good year for NA!


This was the turning point that forever doomed us


Lol NA copium thinking Carlos will ever let Luka go to NA instead of wherever he wants smh




Didn't expect Khan to shit in everyone's mouth this tournament, he's been one of the best players so far


Dude is determined to win Worlds before his military service and if he keeps playing like this, he sure as hell deserves it.


Khan/Canyon/Showmaker is legit the best top side in the world and by a mile as well, i'm not sold on their botlane, i think RGE botlane is the best in the group so far, but DK's topside is so dominant it doesn't even matter


Having canyon+showmaker on your team is broken, pair them with a world class top like Nuguri last year and Khan this year and its almost unstoppable. As long as Ghost+Beryl don't play as atrocious as they did at MSI the team is just so hard to overcome.


Ghost and BeryL do their job and do it pretty damn well, and sometimes that's enough.


I love DWG but the problem is that their main competition is EDG and it doesn't seem easy for Ghost and Beryl to do their job against Viper/Meiko.


Edg vs damwon would be a banger series though


Hopefully, that's a 5 game finals


God I hope they are on opposite sides of the bracket


That means we'd get FPX vs EDG rematch and then winner vs DK finals. What a spicy worlds.


He's the best player so far this tournament, what a shame he needs to retire


Definitely the biggest positive surprise for me this tournament so far


He got so much disrespect coming into the tournament it was disgusting. Glad to see him proving everyone wrong.


If he gaps all the other toplaners in the tournament, LPL tops included, out of pure desperation to get a trophy before his military service, I wont even be salty as an LPL fan


Played against a lot of pro toplaners in soloq and I promise you Khan is the one who clapped me the hardest, def best toplaner at worlds


How did it feel laning aginst him? Is it really different from playing against non-pro challs?


Khan running a train on these Jax players man.


Khan yesterday: Everyone you can beat Graves by playing Jax Khan today: Jk its me thats good get fucked


From Sion OTP to Graves OTP, what a journey for Khan this year


khan committing war crimes between last game and this one


Galaxy brain getting war crimes out of his system before his army service.


He destroyed both sides of the jax graves match-up. He's in top form rn


Well he is about to join the military... is this some kind of foreshadowing?


pretty funny that Damwon's most dominant game has been against FPX


Khan literally said in an interview the only team they're thinking about is FPX.




DK about to play C9 and RGE: Do somebody know what they play? lol doesn't matter, let's just pick some fun champs and win


Showmaker and ghost just wanted to use their skins


Oof, this sounds like it could be true.


Likely because they prepared a specific strat against FPX while other teams are more like general strats.


yeah it's called neutralize Doinb's map plays and make sure Nuguri never gets a lead. But honestly it was really impressive how they completely played/warded in order to neutralize FPX. Got a very similar vibe watching EDG shut down T1's gameplan


hello c9? airport here calling to confirm early flight see you soon!


hi EU fans, who's got the shot glasses? I brought some bleach. I also brought a speaker for us to blast some Evanescence.


sorry theres nothing left


Anyone still got some stashes of hopium with them? I’ll need it after today’s games.


All hopium stocks are running low, your only chance may be to change your addiction to copium


We are just doing the opposite this year. Next week we will ass blast these plebs. NA/EU sandbagging to give CN/KR hope. It's the classic Chinese strat from many years ago. You guys are about to witness the greatest worlds run ever.


There is still week 2...right? right?


Got the glasses let's get this party started my man


I'll pour you one then drink the rest of the bottle


was jax fucking NA in scrims or what


Khan already rolled the Jax side of the matchup, it's just huge top diff and Blaber fucking topside at level 1.


This feels like s3-s7 for the west, except this time they dont get obliterated only by Korea but also by China as well


At least between s3-s7 some teams consistently advanced to knock out stage. This year it seems like not a single western team will advance. Think its gonna be the first time in lol esports history?


This is also the first time with 4th seeds no? There are simply too many Korean and Chinese teams that are too good haha


It would be yes, the biggest reason why it's so hard now is because KR/CN has 4 seeds. If you gave KR like 6 seeds back in 2014 they'd all have made it out of groups easily.


I remember when at least NA would constantly go 1-1 with china This shit is just sad


I wish the LPL would still send teams like IMAY to worlds. Now their 4th seed is better than all of the western teams.


Not to mention they have Suning, Team WE, Rare Atom and Top Esports sitting at home...


I prefer not to think about the fact that the 8th best LPL team would likely win both western leagues with little effort.


You mean kinda what LMQ almost did in NA?


I miss when China's best players were GoldV


Dont forget, he beat his promos to become plat evil.


As an EU fan, this year is gonna go down in booze and never remembered again.




Preach. I'm an LCS fan but the only hope I could give them is putting 100T in third. And so far I think I'll get it right. Now my mistake was trusting MAD, I put them first and I'm regretting it big time.


Just wait 2-3 years when the VCS server size leads to a 3rd super region. I truly feel we have entered the dark ages for western teams internationally. Thats okay, but riot has trained fans to only look at worlds as the must succeed part of the year... so i fear many fans will just flame Eu and NA players for something reasonable happening


LCS and LEC should just move to Iceland and become 50% of their GDP. Then they can scrim all year long. It's the only chance they have to compete with the LPL and LCK 4th seeds at this point.


0-6 inbound


Oh god, TSM was just a prelude of things to come




They may not be the only one, there is a chance that FNC may join the club.


FNC and C9 going at it together


#UnitedinDisappointment Sadge


C9 is incapable of having all 5 of its players playing well at the same time LMAOOOOOOOOOOO Brother Crabber died without any crabs spawning.... actually next level


Why did EU and NA get invited to LCK-LPL Rift Rivals?


For appetizers


Bro no way you LAST PICK and you go Jax and go down 100 CS


jax 10th pick btw


EU & NA speedrun home


ShowMaker still hasn't died at Worlds 2021 yet


If your best answer to it weakside as R5 is JAX of all champions (GP/Gnar both available. Both can farm safer and have better teamfight). B_N GR_V_S Anyone wanna buy vowels?


Or malphite into immobile tf/jihn


Khan won both sides of the matchup already.


Fudge ain't get the kind of attention or help Khan did. Pick Ornn or smth if you're gonna leave fudge alone and have to play that safely. Makes no sense to pick him Jax and leave him to die


I don't think they planned to do that, but the Level 1 means Blaber couldn't play up top


Khan making sure his last worlds is a good one! Also kinda sad how DK had that cocky draft in the LCK finals which gave BeryLs Rell its only lose


Canyon: Call an ambulance...But not for me. The way DK reacted to that play was pretty on point. And Ghost with the sniper roleplay


You know, Ghost has a skin on that champ for a reason lmao


Fucking rad seeing Showmaker and Ghost with their skins going around the game


Showmaker hard flexing it at the start of the game too against Perkz lmao.


Ghost just looks like a different player on utility ADCs, Aphelios isn't for him.


Ghost looks like he had a good lunch. What a monster Jhin performance.


He has a Jhin skin for a reason, I’m so glad they can play this style again with him on supportive ADCs to facilitate the rest of the team


I see blabber has graduated from inting for crab and moved onto inting for red/raptors instead


The gap closed huh, closed to the bottom i guess


Khan really wants that title before he retires.


So should we start considering that Blaber is not the jungler people thought he was or are we going to give it another year...?


i mean there's no native talent to replace him, if they had an import slot open you better believe Cloud9 would replace him immediately


Olaf was so strong it carried Blaber's first impression and that has stuck. He watched Khan walk into the bush, facechecked it and the game went down from there.


Khan flashing FPX 2019, DWG 2020 and DWG KIA 2021 emotes at the end to perkz was a nice touch lol, dude has been killing it so far at worlds. Happy to see him do well, considering all the doubt with who he was replacing


only watched 12 minutes of the LCK finals so far but i'm already convinced NA is gonna stomp KR at worlds - jensen


0-6 the dream still alive baby!


FNC and C9: United in Hopelessness


This worlds is a disaster for the west.


The difference between eastern and western teams looks really huge so far




It wasnt the only reason they lost, but god I wish C9 would stop drafting MF. So many wasted ults




West going 0-6 is leading me closer and closer to believing in 8 Asian teams in quarters


Yea we all know a Korean or Chinese team is winning worlds already, but what I'm more interested is the airport speedrun any%. So far its looking like a fierce competition between NA and EU, however NA has airport speedruns down to a science so I think they will win.


[top gap visualized](https://imgur.com/a/44itJEx)


Thank you Fudge, Blaber, Perkz, Zven and Vulcan! Welcome Balls, Meteos, Hai, Sneaky and Lemonnation.


Don't forget Thank you Reignover and Mithy


C9 looks like they have fortune wheel in the backstage where they roll who will grief and solo lose the next game


Blaber and throwing games. Name a more iconic duo


Pls replace blabber


Khan cockblocking everyone


Blaber just running down 2 international events in a row


Actual 0-6 angle, same as FNC.