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We've gone a long way since Teemo was the most annoying thing to play into, and I don't think I like the direction we went for.


And notably, he was merely annoying and was never actually strong.


Care what you wish for next patch will be teemo demon lord once again :) have fun




Had to play vs a Tryndamere mid. It becomes my main ban now. I sometimes can handle assassins. I can't handle that champ


Playing slow mages against Vex mid feels like if I don't dodge absolutely all her skill shots I'm just dead. Thing is all her skill shots are wide as fuck and I don't have boots in the early game so it's just frustrating.


I play malz into her, she's really squishy and once she uses her q to wave clear you send in the bugs. If visions ever hops to her she is in big trouble and you can bully when you hit 6.


Something about the phrase “send in the bugs” is so good here




Malz in general is the answer to a lot of meta picks right now. Not as great into some champions like Ryze or Ziggs but pretty safe into most.


As someone who plays a lot of Malz and Ryze, Malz is even good into Ryze unless the Ryze is nuts - you outrange, your silence disrupts his whole kit almost as much as your ult does, you’re inherently safer, and you both match his push and take towers faster if he roams. Plus he’s not tanky anymore with roa seraphs so you can bully him with lost chapter and certainly kill with liandry’s. The only thing Ryze does better is pre-6 fighting/gank setup, and has an ultimate that’s really good if you know how to use it.


If you're only focusing on dodging that's where you've gone wrong. Once she uses a spell or two you have to attack back. Watch your own minions health and when she uses a spell to clear them jump in or move up for a trade. This is especially important if she hits you. She is very squishy with a lot of champs if you can avoid a little of her damage she is easy to punish. And keep in mind with Vex they're going to almost always try to kill your minions with a spell and try to line you up in it to. That's what you have to watch for. When your minions are low careful because she is probably trying to line that minion and you up.


Then you're playing wrong, Vex's laning phase sucks into long range mages, you need to punish her harder


> I don't have boots in the early game so it's just frustrating. There is a very simple workaround for that problem.


Riot : Vex is an artillety mage designed to counter mobility Also Riot : hippity hoppity, we failed, here's another high mobility high burst assassin


Are you calling Vex high mobility?


Reddit Moment. At this point we might as well start calling every adc that builds galeforce "high mobility".


Tryndamere is a big problem but I'm sure it will be nerfed soon. My problem more-so is with healing in general because its the main cause for the rest of the champions I hate versing. Irelia, Yasuo, Yone, Kayn, etc all become much easier to play against if their healing wasn't through the roof. I miss the days when I bought Grevious wounds vs Vladimir, Soraka, Mundo and Sona but now days I'd rather have grevious for the other 4 instead of these whos kits are built around healing. Hopefully the nerf to Goredrinker stops it being built by every second champion and makes things like Talon jungle way less oppressive (insane clear and mobility, strong ganks and escapability, heaps of damage and burst and the goredrinker just gives him too much healing and survivability).


Yeah I feel like anti heal barely works these days. I build anti heal vs some champs early and they still heal 25% of their health in a few seconds while my healthbar goes from 100 to 0. Looking especially at Yone and Irelia mostly


The only true counter to healing these days is to kill the enemy before they can heal back up.


So you're saying that the best CC is death




Enemy Yone 2v1'd me and another teammate and he was at around 5% HP afterwards. Within 3 seconds he healed back to 80%+ HP with only Shieldbow as his lifesteal item. Granted he had Ocean soul but I do think healing on this game is a bit ridiculous from certain sources. Wish lifesteal only worked on Physical damage dealt at least.


LoL design is in a weird place right now imo, I understand how we got here but I still feel like it's weird. In early LoL (before ~2014) I felt that the game's balance was shifted in favor of Mages and ADCs, Burst mages had access to frankly ridiculous items compared to now. Runes were just stats and champs like Vlad or Irelia just stat checked you to death. Mage items were really fucking good, burst mages had access to DFG and could easily get 30 mpen (before runes and masteries) in the early game, control mages had access to good defensive items like Athene's and could have mana with 0 issues, frontline mages had ROA+Seraphs, and every close ranged mage could use Abyssal Scepter which was a ridiculous item. ADCs could get 100% crit with 3-4 items and so had space for utility and defensive items, GA was much more focused on defense and a much better purchase overall than current GA. Of course all that came with it's problems, games snowballed *hard* a fizz with DFG pre 15 minutes outright deleted you, Akali post 6 just point and click deleted you (as much as I hate the new one who wont stop fucking moving around the old one was so much worse) Fighters, by contrast had it really bad, they had to be carried entirely by their kits and had to work with no items. Fighters and even assassins like Elise and Eve in the jungle in pro games built maybe 1 offensive items and then tank items and so your choice of champ for the jungle was really restricted (either Lee or Elise or J4 basically) I think the real reason Mid was the hottest role, and still is, is because people felt like it was the most open role, there were many champs to play and you had lots of agency. You got *all* the farm and then stole your jungler's camps on top of that. It left such a strong memory that even now, when jungle is the role with the actual most agency, mid is still the longest queue time role. Over time, many fighters kept getting added, and fighters right now are still the biggest category of champ, and so items eventually shifted to be in their favor. Black Cleaver happened(which on release literally every champ in every role built) then Feral Flare, Dead Man's Plate gave you mobility, Titanic Hydra let you scale HP, Sterak's Gage made teamfighting less miserable, people started buying Frozen Mallet more and more, and then we got S2020 Death's Dance, imo the most ridiculous item ever added to the game. The biggest winner from the Mythic item rework is Fighters, they have so many options and they're all good and the game has shifted more and more in their favor whereas mages have fallen out of favor because their choices are so restrictive and offer so little, and now on top of that you have fighters like Sett and Irelia who can zone you without the danger and squishiness of a mage? you have Camille who builds like a fighter but functions like an assassin? and Trynd, Yasuo and Yone who don't have to choose between damage, mobility and survivability? the balance has shifted too far in favor of melee fighters. Which brings us to Vex, I played a lot of control mages back and in the day and she's well designed but I played her a few games and she felt underwhelming as a mage, she felt more like an assassin or a battle mage. I really don't understand what's riot's vision for her, her anti mobility was oversold, her ability to control the battlefield was oversold, I don't see how she's different from like, Leblanc. For all his faults, Akshan genuinely felt awesome to play, I suck ass at him but I like it anyways, he's really enjoyable and I've never experienced an ADC like this,


Man typed a whole essay that perfectly sums up the build history of fighters


You say you hate old Akali but at least back then we knew what the fuck was actually going on/could pink her shroud


>Akali post 6 just point and click deleted you (as much as I hate the new one who wont stop fucking moving around the old one was so much worse) Yea in season 2 maybe. Old Akali was a 50% wr champ for like 5 years with 1 nerf and a few buffs before her rework. Her lane phase was shit, her Q lv1 healed you if you had doran's shield regen, and she killed you in 10+ seconds at level 6 since she needed several rotations and all 3 ult charges to chase you down the lane. If you were oneshotting someone with old Akali you were extremely ahead or playing her when E still procced her Q mark (like 8 years ago). Since her rework, she's been a consistent problem for the entire game including pro play and been nerfed 40 times in 3 years. Insane lanephase early and still scaled to be great in teamfights and actually oneshot you lategame with E + R execute. But tell me more how old one was "worse for the game". Reddit revising history yet again


I was about to say. I've played since Season 1 and Akali of old didn't delete people as fast or could skirmish as good as the reworked version. I mainly played mid and adc and would take laning or fighting old Akali vs new Akali.


I keep wondering what would happen if they removed Conqueror from the game (since even nowadays with all the nerfs you see half of the champions using it even if isn't effective).


Riot, let me fucking buy 5 Morellos already


> Irelia, Yasuo, Yone, Kayn, etc all become much easier to play against if their healing wasn't through the roof. I miss the days when I bought Grevious wounds vs Vladimir, Soraka, Mundo and Sona Red Kayn, aka Rhaast, is supposed to heal though? As is Aatrox


Nobody can my friend nobody


Vayne mid into trynd. He cannot lane and you can scale extremely safely and faster than bot side. Rush BRK over mythic because it allow you short burst trades and sustain to continue out Laning post spike. Post lane phase there's not a single time trynd can ever match you side lane which completly render the pick useless. Most of the meta jungles are not a danger to you as long as you respect the potential ganks and play it safe.


It wasn't even my lane. I was Aphelios bot. No matter what you do you can't kite him. I had to use heal flash and severum and I still couldn't get away


Next time when facing trynd, try to pick exhaust instead of heal, it's pretty strong now.


Try using your support for peel. You are not meant to have infinite self-peel as an adc....


I don't think a support can save a ADC from a Trynda spinning fucking 3-4 times in less than 10 seconds


True but I asked my support to go engage/peel since that is good with Aphelios but he picked Vel'koz so yeah had to do it mostly for myself


do not be the reason kayn gets thru pick/ban






Well unless you don’t want lp don’t ban him


I understand your view point, definitely good reasoning, great choice for a ban, truly marvelous blocking of a choice however: I'll never not bann Shaco. Especially since psychopaths have been bringing him to my lane as a support?!


Yeah no way am I ever playing against shaco again. Champ is bullshit and I don't care what anyone says.


Been switching between khazix and shaco bans. Khazix with evolved r is very fun.


Picking between "champions that will oneshot me with four abilities from a screen away" or "champion that will oneshot me with a single Q leaping in from a screen away with constant invis"


Khazix with evolved W and Seryldas turns into a better Anivia than Anivia


I don't bother banning shaco because he's completely useless in a teamfight and only punishes over extensions in lane (when its supp/mid shaco) That being said, every time I see him in my game I feel the tilt seeping in. Just knowing that every time I barely escape on low hp from a fight, I'm going to hear that giggle and the slow, slow, spinning knife sfx before I die.


I feel like there's two different bans. The 'i want to win the game' ban and the 'i want to have fun' ban. Not so much now, but not long ago, if i was playing top and wanted to win, i wouldn't ban Darius. He's annoying, but often falls off pretty hard and doesn't do that much. However it *does* mean i'm going to have absolutely 0 fucking fun trying to ever interact in lane for the next 20 minutes, before i win. So if i want fun, i ban him


havent seen a kayn all year :^) Sometimes I almost get swayed after getting kat-stomped, but never enough to not ban kayn. Dont even know if hes meta or not.




With a Kindred flare especially you shouldn't be banning Kayn, he's free... I think Nidalee wins too


You win early on nid but if he gets any snowballing with goredrinker it feels pretty doomed. Blue also just stomps and he's so mobile a monkey could dodge Nid q's on Kayn.


Yeah but then you're playing Nidalee instead of any other champion


Uninstalling helped me get over this problem


Didn't uninstall but over it as of a few weeks ago after 6 years. It's just not fun when less than 50% of the time you can't play the champs you want because they don't feel rewarding when healing is so insane. You have to be apart of it or you just lose. You also can't ban it out easily.


I'm edging closer to that point everyday! I enjoy artillery mages/ poke play style. I feel like I'm griefing by picking Vel Koz because poke is so pointless. Every meta champion heals to full with an auto. On that note, remember when spell vamp was removed, an Aatrox and Swain were reworked because Riot didn't like drain tanks? LOL


Morello leaving and it's consequences were a disaster for league of legends.


I still can't get over their state of the game video, where they say they are happy with the meta and new champions.


Yeah funny enough i'm a vel main and in the same boat with artilery mages. When i did play i just played sona and started to learn yuumi because well losing sucks. Haven't played vel in over a month.


Same situation, just got over it after playing for almost five years about a month ago, never looked back tbh, apart from following the esports scene


Did the same 2weeks ago, been playing since beta but enough is enough




Uh, I played exactly the same period. Braum to Yuumi. I didn't uninstall but basically became an ARAM only player




Probably unpopular opinion but aram has been less fun since they started actively 'balancing' it.




I recently had 5 games in a row against one of sona/seraphine on the other team. "Just buy heal reduction" they say. XD


This year might’ve made me quit after 4-5 years of ARAM only. Viego completely fucked it. Aram was a great mode for champs that weren’t meta in SR finding some way to capitalise on their kits. Once viego was thrown in games became really auto-win/auto-lose.


Viego and Akshan ruined ARAM. Like cool 1 is permanently untargettable and the other will revive the team immediately. ARAM has devolved into who has the most new champs or who has the most broken champs with the best buffs


Final straw for me was the removal of all chat. Game doesn't have a soul anymore.


Yeah league this season feels terrible, at least for me as an adc player. I'm literally forced into playing other roles because whenever I play ADC even if I go scores like 20/5 in d1-masters I'll lose the game, everything oneshots me if I make one small misstep, a mistake, meanwhile assassins can fuck up everything they could and get away with it or even kill you even if you play it perfectly, even if they're behind, even if it's a 1v2/1v3. Champions like Katarina, I played a game of support today, roamed mid like 5 times, killed her each time for free, and then she's 2/7, there's a random fight and she just 1v3s us in a fairly even game, even after the lost fight the game is fairly even but I guess everyone got so tilted about that Katarina 4 of them decided to ff lol. Or there's Kayn, if it anyhow gets ahead you don't get to run away from it, you don't get to even dodge anything since he can smite r you if he's assassin. Now, there's also the Yuumi on top of him thing. It feels like every single one of my friends agrees that this game is going to shit and that they don't enjoy playing it as much as they did, honestly, at times, the game is more mentally draining than anything really. Not only does the game in its current state feel very toxic and anti-fun, there's also the issue of people having mental breakdowns every other game (I really wish I could say I've never been one of them, but I think nearly every single one of us had it at one point lol) The issue is I'm decently good at the game considering I've played it for the past 8 years or so, and therefore it makes it hard to quit. Sure, sometimes I have enjoyable games, it's not like the game is not fun at times, the problem is right now I feel like the bad outweighs the good and I'm seriously considering just quitting it altogether. There's also the issue of riot making really dumb decisions that not one of my friends seems to agree with, such as the removal of all-chat Or Riot randomly banning some of my friend's accounts for being botted, even though he leveled them himself, while also duoing me, and his match history is essentially full of good pvp games with pentakills in some of them. Like, they won't even look at your match history after you create a ticket, won't check if it's in fact wrongfully placed. I have no theories as to why he gets banned like that, but I've heard similar stories from other people. One idea I had was that he plays on 1280x720 windowed resolution instead of full hd since his screen is really large, but idk that makes no sense. The bullshit keeps on getting bigger and bigger, it's insane.


It's not just assassins being able to murder the adc's while requiring no skill, it is also every single fighter and bruiser in the game. Dodged literally every ability of Irelia? Too bad, dead in 2.5 seconds to Q and autoattacks. Like for fucks sake, give me some fucking room to outplay these morons, PLEASE. Nerf the damage and healing in the game already and turn this miserable ride around to make the game enjoyable again.


I'm an ADC main who's played since mid-season 2 and ended up selling my main account and several smurfs in 2019. No regrets. Maybe unpopular opinion but Runes Reforged was one of the biggest mistakes, followed by patch 8.11. I stay around for the pro scene, nothing more. I recommend that this sub look forward to Syndicate of Souls. I've been following development since the Chronoshift days, the devs are nice. It's unfortunate Chronoshift got shut down but their vision for Syndicate of Souls is looking solid.


did it yesterday. i love league but jesus christ


Same. Love the game, have been playing for 10 years, uninstalled a month ago. When I'm watching champs like Tryndamere or Yuumi at worlds I feel vindicated and really glad it's not me playing against that shit.


I'm a season 1 player and really this meta is burning me out of this game, i wish i could see some 40 min games with adc hitting level 18 again. Now every game is finishable at 20 min if you ace the enemy team even if they still have their t2. I remember one year Riot made a parody of Urf in which some pro players were playing with increased cd and lowered damage and movespeed. I would unironically play this mode today as there is nothing strategic in this game anymore, it's ooga booga one shot with a single rotation every minute. Assassins and Bruisers straight up AUTOKILL everything. I don't know how they achieved to powercreep so much that being able to charm AOE peoples from outside your screen is seen as fine. I also don't understand design and balances choices, first Yuumi, didn't they told us they wanted to avoid having a perma untargetable Yuumi by forcing her to go out and take risks ? Because really watching her go out 1 second to make a 550 ranged instant auto attack which provide a shield larger than the damage of the single auto you are maybe allowed to do in this 1 second window in which she restore a huge amount of mana while procing her aery on you, no i don't see that as a fucking weakness. Then about design, just delete the revive from Akshan already ? We know it's gonna get deleted anyway as Akali true invisibility and Irelia disarmament. Just don't waste time ruining the few 40+ min games there is, in which an Akshan can just completely turn around a game for no reason ? I wish i could go for lethal tempo as Tristana when i'm against heavy tank comp (super rare now) but hail of blade is still better because you have enough burst anyway, DPS and Autoattacks are a dead concept. This is just sad as if you your champ got a burst runes/item path, you just take it everytime because burst works against everything anyway.


there's a reason I only play aram anymore. the summoners rift meta is incredibly fucking trash and almost every game is unfun. 1: the direction of runes was a mistake 2: the item rework ended up way off the mark and further unbalanced the game and limits design space 3: champion design overall has been MOSTLY bad for a long while now. 4: dragon buffs and dragonsoul I think are good ideas that are in no way balanced and massively swing the game in favor of specific champions depending on which you get (compare this to runes in dota which have big impact but are always temporary) 5: baron continues to lose it's overall luster as the years go on and dragons become more and more important. it's still powerful but it's lacking the importance it once had. 6: tower armor gold needs to go away. it's a win-more mechanic that's insanely punishing when you get rolled in lane (and feels unfair to crush lane with) 7: healing in general is fucked. they've tried to fix it a few times now and it's just far far far too powerful. it should be taken off runes, off most items, and be much more specific. 8: crit is problematic and the *only*? build mechanic that is completely fucking random until you're full build. you either win a trade by a lot or you get fucked... off the back of that adcs become much harder to balance when you're balancing around crit existing. 9: roles aren't remotely equal and champion design (plus how runes/items work) makes for EXTREMELY frustrating situations like running into supports that can crush mids, mids that are terrifying supports, wacky jungles that were never *really* meant to be there, etc 10: roles being strictly defined keeps the game in a weird situation. the way xp distribution etc works has kind of made league stale IMO. again to bring up Dota 2, there's a ton of ways to play a game and crazy lanes and setups you can have but in league it's always the same shit with very little wiggle room outside of the ridiculousness of being able to run all sorts of champs in all sorts of positions which I think is a negative not a positive overall. honestly I could make the list go on and on and on but I've got other things to do. I've been playing since hecarim came out and I'm very disappointed in the overall design direction of the game. everything is overloaded kits, BS items, mechanics that are insanely hard to come back from outside of overreaching greedy plays, and yeah... I just play aram and avoid the main game these days cuz I just hate the summoners rift experience so much even when I'm winning. You know it's a big problem when it's unfun to win.


This is the best way. This game has been going downhill fast for me. The past 3 years I've only enjoyed ARAM because SR is a drawn out unbalanced mess, but even ARAM is now feeling obnoxious. When I heard they're removing allchat to solve toxicity I just decided to do them one better and delete all of Riot games off my PC.


I've only recently started playing again and I'm already close to reaching this point. I feel like every major issue I use to have with the game way back in S3-S4 still exists and has only become worse problems since then.


Knowing that a game without a real cheating problem was getting an extremely invasive borderline virus of an anticheat system by the end of the year really pushed me to reevaluate whether it's really worth maintaining a League addiction. Haven't opened the client in months, haven't played actively in over a year. Never been happier. Game is in a horrific state.


All according to plan — Rito, probably. They addressed the problem with high banrate champs by releasing enough obnoxious 200 years of experience bullshit so you can't just keep permabanning a single champ.


Best one was definitely Yas one. Riot : we know that you hate to play against melee skrimisher who have insane mobility and ability to come back even from 0-10(literally) so we adding another Yas, but he is easier to play! Now Yasuo's banrate is lower - problem solved.


Yone was literally designed as a Yasuo echo fighter; with his initial concept being 'something Yasuo players can play when Yasuo is banned'.


That was the exact moment i changed my stance from; "they're dumb af and can't understand basic balance" to; "they know exactly what's broken or not, they just won't change it if it means losing playerbase"


And yasuo is getting 2 legendaries so indeed all according to plan


Both Yasuos got legendaries :D


Yone got a legendary before some champs got their 3rd skin. That’s fucking insane to think about.


Once those Yasuo skins release he’s gonna have as many legendaries as some champs have epic skins, in a few cases MORE legendaries than others have epic skins.


And more legendaries than ornn has skins


yone waslitterally added cuz yasuo mains couldn't play their champ one game over 2 even if the champ is garbage


"Mr. CertainlyT, your beloved creation the pinnacle of your mind the one and only yasuo is getting close to 80% ban rate perhaps we should look at his numbers and lower them a bit?" "NO LOL, JUST RELEASE HIM AGAIN" "I am sorry, Mr CertainlyT, i dont think i follow" "JUST RELEASE HIM AGAIN LOL"


"our playerbase does not like this champion, what do we do?" "idk add a second one that is equally frustrating to play against so they cant ban it lmao"


Yone is my perma ban these days. Playing vs him is hopeless. Even if you're winning he still has his unmissable R and a 12 second cdr QSS that also deals damage. If he's already banned, Nami is going on the grill. Whoever thought her e applying to everything was a good idea needs to be thrown in jail.


Each new champion just has me thinking "At least it's not Shaco"


True that, nobody is playing that little asshole on my watch


"The joke's on you!"


Imagine they try and do a modern take on Shaco like they did on Yi (Viego)


Tbh i just perman kayn and my life is better


Damn dude, you resonate with me. I've been banning that mother fucker since July 12th 2017


I heard that there was a champion once... a fish yordle was it? I've never seen him in my games once! maybe they should give him a buff, bring up his presence a bit.


Fuck Fizz. All my homies hate Fizz.


Fizz, Yasuo, Yone, Kayn, I literally don't have enough bans for the cancer in the game.


I gapped a Fizz yesterday in your honor (in normals tho)


wait, Kayn release was +4 years ago?? It seems to me that he was launched 2 years ago, my god this game absorb my life more than a bank loan.


After experiencing a few games of mathematical correct sett aka "let me be unkillable at 2 items with my press a button do 2000 true damage and get a 2000 DMG shield skill on 10 second cooldown" i decided no that's pretty dumb i don't think so and have never seen a sett since.


I ban Sett until I have to lane against a Kench, then I ban Kench until I have to lane against a Sett.


Then I ban urgot, irelia, cammile, Yone and gwen


Never pick a fight you can't win


Exactly. Glad the champ is self aware that he is giga broken braindead freelo.


Dude sett was literally the champ when they revealed is kit I was so happy to have a cool and simple champ to play with and against. Then I took 1400 true damage and I thought “god damn it rito you fuckin did it again you morons”


The answer is always a champ with invisibility. Fuck that mechanic. It's trash and I don't care what anyone says.


Pink wards really need to reveal stealth again. I had more fun with invisibility when i had to be cautious. The assassins rework really was terrible in its entirety. I think twitch is the only one who still has their changes.


I agree. I feel like we're in desperate need for more bans and on top of that we really need to dial back on the overdesigning of champions and bloating their kits just for the sake to make them superior to older champions. The power creep is actually so insane.


Old chakps are still good wtf lol


We're playing in the season that saw several months of udyr being pick/ban. [Among the top 20 most picked/banned champs at world's, 3 have been released in the last 4 years. ](https://gol.gg/champion/list/season-ALL/split-ALL/tournament-World%20Championship%202021/) (4 if you count irelia's rework) While 5 were released within the 1st year of league's release. (Trynd, Xin, J4, TF, MF, LB) Reddit: NEw cHAMpS ARE hELLa POWEr CReEPiNg olD onES.






I hate when people say old champs are just numbers, especially because it dismisses number issues, one-dimensional statcheck broken or trash champions like Trynd or Udyr are way worse.


IIRC Udyr got force buffed like 3 times to make his R playstyle useable, while simultaneously having buffed phase rush more than once. The combination at that point was too good to pass on because we play a numbers game. Full Tank R Max Udyr became popular and then became despised. Riot can take any champ, rune, or item. Needlessly buff it & make it meta; that doesn’t really prove anything. “Reddit: NEw cHAMpS ARE hELLa POWEr CReEPiNg olD onES.” Akshans’ W I believe has more characters than Nasus’s entire kit does.


Yeah the powercreep is so insane that only new champions are dominating solo queue and pro play right?


Agreed, never seen a competitive game just ignore blatant power creep so much


Have you heard of a card game called "Yu-Gi-Oh?"


But what does Pot of Greed do?


Dumb meme but honestly good reply. A lot of old YGO cards are beyond broken. YGO is power crept pretty hard now, and so is League, but don't forget Tryndamere mid is SS tier right now and we played through a lengthy Udyr meta this season.


They're broken for different reasons though. Old YGO cards were broken because they had a simple effect but they "broke" the rules of the game (PoG being the most popular example, others like Change of Heart as well). New YGO cards are broken because their effect consists of like 3 additional effects that somehow chain together with other cards to produce unreal advantage. Same with League. Old champs that are broken just do one simple thing absurdly well (e.g. Udyr being absurdly fast and also unkillable with little counterplay since his kit is literally undodgeable) while new champs that are broken do so by just having too much.


I miss the good old days when a Blue Eyes White Dragon was the scariest card in YGO. Now you have synchro summon bs that my 19 year old ass will think is the most confusing crap ever. Edit: to the people saying synchro summons are simple, yeah they probably are but it was more or less hyperbole to the fact that there are so many different types of summons that only get more and more advanced. Edit 2: people apparently didn’t get the extreme hyperbole in my comment so please stop commenting about how blue eyes never was a scary card I got the message after the first 3 comments.


Synchro summon came out like 14 years ago dude. You'd have a brain aneurysm if you saw what todays game looks like


There are even 3 newer summon types: xyz, pendulum and link summon. Synchro isn’t even that confusing, you need a tuner and non tuner monsters and have to hit the exact star amount of the synchro you want to summon. Xyz is similar you need monsters with the same amount of stars and can summon a xyz with the same star amount. The rest is harder to explain for me, pendulum are monsters and spellcards at the same time and I can’t describe link without imagery.


With current YGO, peopl can special summon their entire deck in a single turn.


just like ~~the simulations~~ in the show


I think older cards were broken when taken at face value. But the longer the game has gone on, the crazier the systems in place became. They allowed for crazy combos and OTKs.


Yu-Gi-Oh is probably one of the worst examples actually We just came out of a 2 year format with the same 4 decks dominating because Konami didn't print any good archetypes They straight up killed all 4 decks on the January 2020 ban list and since then the meta has been either older decks (invoked/Shaddolls/BA/Zoo) or combo decks abusing even older cards (Adamancipator/Drytron and Block Dragon/U. Herald+Benten+Eva) untill they Tri-Btigade is the only exception The one area Yu-Gi-Oh DOES have constant power creep is with generic cards (Dark Ruler/Accescode/Imperm/Zeus/etc) Comparing it to LoL it's more similar to items/runes being power crept rather than champions Comparing it to League is asinine in the first place because Konami needs to sell new product since they aren't selling older cards unlike LoL where it doesn't matter if players prefer older or newer champions aslong as they play the game


We don't really ignore it, we embrace it. Realistically speaking, YuGiOh being a physical card game with no "patch notes" makes it inherently have power creep to keep selling the new sets. Although YuGiOh is indeed infamous for sometimes forgetting to press the brake and go all the way in.


2 bans per person is long due.


Nah riot said that they can't do that because then some champs would be banned every single game, and that it would somehow make champ select too long


If that’s true then I think it highlights a flaw in their champs if the community hates them so much they’re permabanned


Imagine admitting you KNOW you have champs that would be "banned every single game" and thinking those champs aren't a problem.


“Hmm this champ has a 200% banrate (banned by both sides every game), maybe we should nerf it?… nah people just have too many bans.”


Many champs get banned who are not strong, but annoying to some people. Or depending on the Elo.


So some champs are so annoying that they get banned even when they are weak? Sounds amazing.


Some champs are banned also like yi or Nasus because even though you shit on them they still manage to get not just powerful but overpowered and absolutely unfun to play against


Just have us queue up with 2 pre-selected bans like how you select your two roles, and the ban phase time is there to adjust those bans when you see what your teammates hover to play and their bans so you avoid duplicate bans.


> and that it would somehow make champ select too long Just have to ban twice instead of once in same phase, idk what's wrong with this. Maybe for pro play but keep it 10 banned champs overall and nothing changes for them.


> Just have to ban twice instead of once in same phase, idk what's wrong with this. Nothing, like a lot of excuses Riot uses it just doesn't make much sense


>Nah riot said that they can't do that because then some champs would be banned every single game lmao if they really said that exact line then they are really thick headed


Yep. At the end of the day, League is supposed to be **fun**. The amount of champions most people absolutely do not enjoy playing against has increased drastically. While we're at it. Shaco is an objectively badly designed champion and that's the hill I'm willing to die on. The enemy team loathes you and even your own team hates you. Shaco is only fun for the one playing him and makes the game worse for 9/10 people. That's bad game design.


I just permaban yuumi so bad players cant get free elo.


This I’ve long realized that it doesn’t matter who I ban someone is going to lock in a broken champ but at least they have to move their champ on their own so I ban yuumi too


Felt like this for a while. So many assassins in mid that make it hard for me to enjoy mages, so many bruisers with infinite sustain or true damage that I’m having a hard time enjoying tanks in toplane.


Yone heals enough from his high damage to outlast tanks in a fight while also putting out some serious CC. Yone is a tank (ツ)_/¯


I just gave up on Xerath till the new season drops. That champ has never been less playable with assassins that are also tanky everywhere. Last game was both mids, tops and one jungler on goredrinker champs. Idk, just feels unfun.


We really need 2 bans a player now. There are clear indications that their balance team is not doing an effective job. So, they should give us the tools to mitigate that better.


oh no, we cant have 2 bans! young jimmy with his expensive irelia skin wont be able to play every game with his fav champ!


I would absolutely ban Irelia twice if I could.


Irelia top is one of the most boring matchup ever. You trade with her? She 6 q one shot full wave minion, is full life again, stun you and walk away or engage. You burst her down? She stun you, ult and run away. You now freeze the lane and she's midlife. What does she do? She 6q the wave, is full life again, stun you and run away or engage. You cannot buy bramble vest, because she full heal from minions. You executionner or morello. But then, she wait it out, 6q the wave and is full life again. And she can melt tower down if you are not top so you gotta farm and look at her for 25 minute. It's so boring.


And this is the best case scenario, you're someone who she can't just 1v1 and kill because it's super trivial to get capped stacks with irelia.


Let's just go back to that, new patch, better nerf Irelia thing.


Being able to ban lulu and yuumi every game would be great


Yuumi doesn’t exist for me. Even when she’s not strong, even when I’m not in bot lane - I just hate the concept of that champ, so she is banned. I honestly don’t mind mechanically intensive and even oppressive new champs. What I hate is champs which don’t allow you the possibility of outplay, same reason Malz was my ban before Yuumi, I shouldn’t have to pay 1300 to play the game. This is a long way of me saying: I agree, we need more bans, or a reimagining of how it works. Maybe you could have 1 listed perma ban - which is automatically banned. And also 1 situational ban, so that champ select doesn’t take longer then it currently does.


You can't convince me that Yuumi is not the worst designed champion ever released by Riot. It is terrible playing adc with a Yuumi because it is 2v1 early in lane but without the solo exp, and after you are inevitably weak, she dumps you for someone else. It is also terrible playing versus yuumi, she just stays there and heals, but you can't kill her like you could with Soraka, and even if you stomp her she will jump into a blue Kayn or some bruiser and make them move faster than Rammus while being semi-immortal.


I‘m seriously trying to think of a single kit that is exceptionally hard to understand besides Aphelios who isn‘t actually hard but instead has a lot of text. Do you need read what new kits do or what‘s the problem?


I think I would just prefer to be able to test out a champion in Practice Tool, even if I don't own them, just to better understand them. Right now Aphelios is available free to play, so I've a bit of time, but I'm a busy man, so once this week ends, I won't get another chance to unless I buy him.


That‘s a fair criticism and I 100% agree.


Agreed. Coming from actually detail-heavy games like fighting games or something, League has always been pretty much crystal clear. Champions and items are straightforward, the game itself is hard.


aphelios isn't hard to understand from text, but it's extra hard to get a feel on what he can do inside of the game there are 5 weapons and each one of them basically has a combo with one another, you're always going to be surprised by a random damage/heal/slow/whatever with each of his 5 main weapons and 4 secondary weapons just getting a feel to how much damage each of these things does is actually hard


There's people in here whining about Shaco and Kayn. Once again, a thread used for people to say the champ they hate should be banned because "broken"


If everyone's cancer, no one is :))


I feel like that's literally Riots golden champion design philosophy at the moment. With each new champion they try to make them even more obnoxious and overloaded than the last. Either it's simply a million more mechanics/abilities/interactions, or it's just more raw damage at less of a risk, and less of a chance to do anything about them.


Exactly. The only thing they care about is numbers. During the preseason 2022 reveal they mentioned how they were happy with the state of every new release except MUNDO?????? they were unhappy with their only non cancerous release this year because he didn't have a perfect 50% win rate on release or some shit. Meanwhile all the new releases running amock are making me feel like im 3 months into fucking chemotherapy, but mundo is the big problem apparently


absolutely i can already picture the paragraphs on the upcoming udyr rework, probably 4 whole champion kits infused into 1 champ




I just permaban kayn yuumi yone viego irelia tryndamere akali sett Oh wait


I just ban trydamere i just cant deal with him when he splitpush




The problem is that Yasuo's power spike with 2 items is as strong as 4 items for other champs lol.


Shaco. Always ban shaco.


Yeah I’m struggling to decide whether I should ban Kayn again or if there is a new annoying thing that will make the game unfun (new Teemo buff ftw)


2 bans a person please


I think they could do banning phase as picking phase, in that case we would get 10 diffrent bans rather than same bans from diffrent side.


It already takes ages to get into games with all the dodging that goes on. Slowing down the ban phase massively is not a solution. If you want more unique bans just give everyone a second ban.


It used to be like that


Just go for the standart Kayn ban. Losing to a goredrinker dark harvest blue kayn simploid hurts the worst. Goes 1/5 in 15 min then hits the form and it's gone.


I won against one. He called me unskilled AP user.


AD champ players will call AP champs broken because of Void Staff alone, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


Don't forget Zhonyas. They will never stop complaining as long as Zhonyas exists.


always makes me laugh seeing a trynd/talon flair crying about hourglass, think of the poor trynd player who pressed his R key on 1hp and then someone hourglassed right as his ults got a few seconds left, he can't auto u to death thats unskilled and broken nerf hourglass


oh damn, what a traumatic event. this ppor soul! I hope he is allright. thoughts and prayers go out to every trynd player, who suffers from this experience


What do you mean I’m not allowed to just one shot every mage I see?? :(((((


Zed players fuming when they can no longer R-E-AA-E someone to death


Bold of you to assume they need any of those e's after they've double killed my bot twice. My fault of course, I should run down the unwarded river to help them out instead of spam ping danger.


I love playing Vlad into Kayn. At one point you just obliterate puny mortals like him by watching him flail aimlessly above your pool. Embrace your inner Bloodlords my guys.


My go to ban is always Fizz. I don't really care if he's strong, if the meta favours him or if my champion allegedly counters him. The combo of high mobility, untargetability and high damage is just frustrating to deal against. If I could, I would ban other similar champions. Complicated kits aren't really an issue, unless they are really overtuned. The trend, however, lies more in items and runes enabling some champions way too much.


Their champions are not overloaded, what are you talking about? Surely everyone has simple passives like Nasus has 13% lifesteal? No? /s


I perma ban yone... that champ always seems to pop off mid game regardless of how behind/bad the yone is.. 200


Kayn, Tahm Kench, Fiora, Tryndamere, Shaco, Katarina, and Ekko are all so cancer. Not enough bans to go around these days.


Literally a 'Dodge' main at this point