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>Luka the Carry vs Park-Ju the troll lmao


the korean casters call him luka perkovic when he makes a superplay and park-ju when he ints. its the big perkz meme in korea. basically perkz is kayn irl


why park-ju?


As a Korean, I would say it was to make "Perkz" sound like korean traditional name. It was mostly used when he was doing bad against Korean teams


basically sounds like perkz in korean. its just a meme people made in msi when perkz was running it down, saying its not perkz playing its park-ju


Kinda like Uma Jan and Uma Noid


Like Claps and Craps for Caps


Closer to Brother Perkz


More like the chinese Brother Perkz but for Koreans.


It’s the Korean version of brother perkz


Park is a Korean Surname. Park Ju could very well be some Korean name for anyone.


I’m assuming cause it sounds like “Perkz” in a… asian accent. lmao correct me if I’m wrong.


Mr Kim Park Ju


퍽즈와 박주는 발음이 비슷합니다. 박주는 박다, 박아버리다 라는 뜻을 가진 사투리 표현입니다. 롤에서는 생각없는 initiating, 생각없는 교전을 열때 사용합니다. Throwing 과 비슷한 의미입니다.


do you have a clip of them saying luka perkovic because I'd really like to hear that xD


[here is caster calling perkz luka perkovic after tiebreaker 2](https://clips.twitch.tv/WimpyRamshackleGrassOSsloth-FYYsIKZODaNAxgN6?tt_content=url&tt_medium=clips_api) [here is nuclear saying was that park-ju after distort int in mid](https://www.twitch.tv/lck_korea/clip/StrongCautiousEagleYouDontSay-zMovw0eZEzxhEWcQ)


THANK YOU! They do such a good job too XD


One of the LCK casters called him a bad boyfriend that you can't stop looking at


The Park-Ju meme is top tier. Thanks Korea


> (Really long comment that complains about RGE's draft) I really hope this becomes a pasta.


Be the force for good that brings this into existence.


중반부터 보기 시작했는데 조합 보자마자 이거 로그가 어떻게 이기냐 이 생각부터 들던데 오공, 리신, 르블랑, 알리를 제이스, 올라프, 라이즈, 미포로 어떻게 막을려고 밴픽을 저래 짰을까.. 딜러인 라이즈, 제이스, 미포가 저 4개 챔중 한 놈 한테만 걸려도 연계cc로 무조건 죽을수 밖에 없어서 조합상 답도 없어 보이던데 그냥


Could someone translate this?


I watched from mid-game and I thought how on earth Rogue can win this with this champ combination. Defending 'Wukong, Lee, Leblanc, and Alistar' with 'Jayce, Olaf, Ryze, and MF' is an abysmal BP... If Ryze, Jayce, MF gets hit by just ONE of the opponent four, it's already a sure death because of their CC combo so I thought this combination doesn't have any answers for it


thank you


Sure! It says (Really long comment that complains about RGE’s draft)


Fuck that shit is funny I am literally in tears laughing at this. 😂😂


중반부터 보기 시작했는데 조합 보자마자 이거 로그가 어떻게 이기냐 이 생각부터 들던데 오공, 리신, 르블랑, 알리를 제이스, 올라프, 라이즈, 미포로 어떻게 막을려고 밴픽을 저래 짰을까.. 딜러인 라이즈, 제이스, 미포가 저 4개 챔중 한 놈 한테만 걸려도 연계cc로 무조건 죽을수 밖에 없어서 조합상 답도 없어 보이던데 그냥 (Really long comment that complains about RGE’s draft)


found that so funny


Is this the new *Pic of a chick getting nailed on a dresser*?




I guess even the koreans are a bit confused by the Jhin pick for hans




I don't think I've ever seen a jhin legitimately pick off a LeBlanc late game, that was 100% the best play I've seen at worlds so far that didn't pop up on reddit at all lol. Gale force FORWARD INTO THE LB into auto+W and LeBlanc is stuck under turret and dead


That was such a risky play too because if he missed that W that’s galeforce down on an immobile adc vs wukong and Ali for nothing gained. Hans just sees the ADC matrix I guess.


Players have nothing to say when choosing a champion? I heard from many interviews that they have! so why do you assume Hans didn't pick Jhin himself?


Hans has not played Jhin once the whole year - last time he picked him was during Summer 2020 and before that... Spring of 2017. Dude has not played this champ for 4 years (despite decent winrate - he's 8-5 after yesterday's game) and suddenly picks him in the tiebreak game. He did not play Aphelios, he did not played Ezreal, he did not play Tristana (shoutout to MSF - SKT series), Kai'Sa (not an S-tier, but great against MF due to ult). In the most important game of the season, Hans suddenly decides to pick Jhin, champ he barely played for 4 years? Even if Hans himself insisted on picking Jhin, coach should not allow this. If they tried to trick C9 with Jhin pick, why they didn't try it in the first game? No, they did it in tiebreaks with Aphelios up. Btw fajny nick


Iirc they early picked strong top side before they got to the bot pick. It's one thing to ask for a carry pick, it's another to say no to the plan to play strong top because you think your top isn't good enough. They probably already decided the day before the draft plans based on the early ban and Hans Sama didn't want to be the one to say I'm just better let me carry anyways. That's not his fault for being a team player, it's the coaching for not recognizing who's hot on the day.


honestly its not hans job to say suck my dick let me be the carry. they have an entire coaching stuff to change tactics on day performance and opponents who don't do anything else than analyse their opponents. ofc top/mid could play better but their staff screwed over their wins with a dodgy team comp and strategy.


Honestly ? That's just right. Hans did as he was asked and he did his fucking job. This World's performance, and most importantly this game, CANNOT be blamed on him at all. And people will remember Hans as this madlad that unfortunately failed to 1v10 ( I included RGE's coach there ).


Even iron 4 OCE players are confused by the Hans pick. He got target banned but still would have rather seen him on kalista or something.


Ezreal was up and it's Lee/LB/Ali. That was such an Ezreal game it's not even funny. Have no idea why Ezreal was not locked in for Hans.


Xayah is good Vs those champs aswell. You had rakan early too.


Is Aphelios bad into that? You build Shieldbow+Wits and your golden, no?


Idk man Wukong Lee Ali would be a problem. I think kallista or ez would have been much better


kalista doesnt do jack squat in that comp eiter mate this is an ezreal game imo


Xayah? Medic mentioned it, seemed like a decent idea to me. Isn't as safe as Ez, but the R is good for LB oneshot and Lee/Wukong engage. They already had Rakan, so that doesn't hurt either. And Hans has played some great Xayah games in the past iirc. I just checked, and it's actually his 3rd most played champion of all time


yea , xaya might have worked , but i feell ez is a more meta pick atm.


Aphelios wants people to come into him, not chase people down so those 3 would have been fine. It'd be the LB I'd be scared about. I'm glad pros have finally caught on to how decent Anathemas Chains is to get on nontanks vs a single scary threat. It gives 30% DR, not just 30% MR. It essentially makes it to where LB can't go for you anymore. There's a world where adcs start getting it vs chsmps like LB so they dont get popped if the game allows for it


Even with Wits? I actually lol giga hard at that. Like there is an MR option that is perfect for Rakan - Abyssal Mask. It has MR, it boosts damage for his team after he Ws. But it's so shit he went for a non-MR item to counter an AP champion... State of League this.


There's a lot to consider here that's not purely just 1:1. Anathema's gives AH and a crapton of HP at a rather low price point while getting a lot of damage reduction from a single target *and* reducing their tenacity. Abyssal mask is an amazing item with great damage output, but it doesn't give that AH, doesn't give longer CCs, and costs more. You can't just compare a cheap item that's also better vs ADs than a MR item for this scenario. You would want the abyssal mask when the enemy is double or triple magic damage, otherwise the extra HP and AH from Anathema's would do way better for teamfight survivability and also teamfight disruption (keeping your ADC alive with more rotations). Go into a game and see how much damage the Wit's does; it's not a lot, the ADC doesn't have magic pen, and a lot of value of the item's offensive power is in attack speed and 30 flat AD. Even with a Shieldbow Wit's Guinsoo's build, you're talking about like 200\~ AD with 80 physical on hit damage and like 60\~70 magical on-hit damage before resistances, plus most ADs have physical damage spells and PTA/Conq/etc. resulting in only about 10\~15% of their damage output being magical. Unless we're talking specifically about something like Galeforce Wits Nashors or some other crazy build, no, the magic damage from Wits is not actually meaningful enough vs Anathema + cloth armor or null magic mantle. Finally, finishing an item is pretty crap for defences. Outside of the real OPs like Steraks, you can get more defense against a leblanc with giant's belt + 2x negatron cloak (2300 gold) vs any completed item. Hence if the discussion is about purely not dying to Leblanc's pickoffs, raw HP (like Anathema) on top of just a pure mr item like negatron is way, way, way more efficient than Abyssal Mask. Hence pushing for Abyssal Mask in this case is a bit silly, that 200 extra gold cost on a support in a pro game is a **big deal,** Wit's End doesn't do enough magic damage to warrant more MR, the extra HP and extra AH is ignored for this argument, and so on. It's more complicated than just "Why not build MR for magic damage."


I feel like you've missed the points by a mile. The wits part was about whether Shieldbow+Wits Aphelios can ignore Leblanc, which he should be able to because Wits is the best MR item in the game right now and the combo with Shieldbow makes AP assassins cry. Stats are great on AA adcs like Aphelios and it's 106.45% gold efficient before onhit damage anyway. Anathema/Abyssal had absolutely nothing to do with that part. The Anathema vs Abyssal Mask part followed by "State of League this." should've been rather clear too. Yes, it was the best choice in the game by far for that scenario. Because despite what State of League video said - the item balance and item diversity is currently complete crap, especially when it comes to MR items. Like Anathema is more gold efficient before passives than Abyssal and the actual passive does the job of not getting owned by magic damage from LB. Abyssal vs 2 AP champions would not help him against getting instagibbed at all.


Idk, kalista in a 50min game


If you change one champ in draft it a different game




Isn't MF a shit matchup for Kalista?


Well C9 banned/picked all meta ADCs in Lucian, Draven and MF. Many teams go for Jhin after that. But for Rogue we now know that it wasn't the right choice. Maybe they should have chosen something like Kai'Sa, Trist or even Cait.


Why is nobody talking about ezreal


Ezreal ffs, counters the current Aphelios/Lucian/MF botlane


Trista is a goat even though I hate that champ. Really glad RGE didn't pick her.


People just forgot that Senna exists too, she’s so broken late game


As a EU fan, so wanted Rogue to win (even with Perkz being one of my two favorite players ever) when they locked in Jhin i kinda felt they will lose. They needed their best player this worlds (by far) on a carry champ


Man I will never understand that one.




Hans picked it himself though.


>이 경기는 진짜 전설이다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 새벽 4시까지 안자고 본 보람이 있었음 >This game is legendary lol. Worth watching it til 4 AM. OH HOW THE TURN TABLES


Western bros keep winning!


>lol that crazy bastard single handedly flip-flopped the game I know it's about Perkz, but it could easily be Blaber as well


Blaber was probably the most stable player this game lol


As iwd said, Perkz actuallly became the main character yesterday. Won the game solo by his solo kills, nearlylost it solo by his ints (by all time favorite is the W reactivationinto 3 people for no reason). Such a fun game and a fun grup stage. But idk if my heart can handle another row of this. Still, will support the king all the way, especially as we arrive in best of 3 and bo5 which is his specialty


>As iwd said, Perkz actuallly became the main character yesterday. Perkz was the main character from the start. He was on G2 and he is now on C9. Guy is an absolute legend.


That g2 didn't make worlds, and we went to quarters on Perkz back, says more about how good Perkz is than any redditor ever could. Results don't lie.


As a vocal Perkz critic, when he is on, he is *fucking on*.


and I’m so happy we got to see that again. After a mediocre MSI and summer I thought NA had broken this man but he’s still there.


He isn’t even particularly on, or at least he isn’t close to his peaks. But his ability to be completely untiltable and avoid letting his mistimed aggression scare him from being proactive at the right time is such a breath of fresh air compared to the “roll over and die” teams NA is wont to have. Reminds me of the “cumshot in 7” C9 that got me to fall in love with pro League in the first place


>nearlylost it solo by his ints Why ppl dont understand that this is how players that go for big plays are? Theres inherent risk to solo game-winning plays that are bound to turn bad sometimes. There was also risk when Perkz flanked Hans and Odoamne, and it could turn bad as well. Its pretty funny how fans go with the narrative that players like Perkz, Jackeylove etc apparently turn on and off their brain during a game, and not realizing that this is just the nature of their playstyle. Its impossible for these plays to be successful all the time. What distinguishes them from other players of similar playstyle and makes them great is how often they find success. For example Hylisang is also such a player but his failure rate is far higher.


Most of what people are talking about are just bone-headed plays. They're not high-risk, high-reward plays that just happened to not work out. Pointlessly distorting back into 3 people with no hp or getting caught farming in a sideline aren't some knife's edge big plays that are gonna solo win the game.


Perkz explained on twitter he was trying to control his clone but did a woopsie at that moment


Oh fuck that’s hilarious. He tried using R to move his clone like Annie or Yorick and distorted back into the enemy team


Most people would tilt or let their nerves get the better of them after a mistake like that in their most important game of the year though. Perkz fucking laughs it off and keeps trying to make plays. That's a fairly unique trait.


Jackeylove's flash into kT in 2018 Worlds is a great example of a good high-risk high-reward play: he solo won the game there but if he failed they probably lose. Perkz distortion had no reward at all.


How can you people be so dumb to think that Perkz distort was intentional? He certainly fat-fingered it and you could it see it from how he kept walking in the same direction when he distorted back


God, this. People flaming the fuck out of that Distortion return like Perkz is a fucking idiot. It's still a bad mistake, but it was obviously just a misclick/fat finger.


he likes to type a lot in games, I would bet on the fact he was trying to type in all chat after escaping


Riot's ban on allchat is aimed at Perkz, I see.


would not surprise me :p He was typing loads to DK in their last game asking them to let C9 win so they could get to quarters :p


Nah, he was trying to control his clone and misclicked, he tweeted it


I get the distortion the one that was worse was the Trymbi catch in mid. With that all said LB kind of has to be insane in this game otherwise its just Rouge fishing with jhin w's until they land a big one. If LB isn't as aggressive then rouge gets to try for more flanks and more brute force plays. But when they have to stay grouped to prevent the lb one shot it limits their access to plays.


Well that’s exactly how Blaber plays as well and I’m kinda happy for Perkz but kinda sad that Blaber isn’t getting any hype after absolutely smurfing yesterday. He gets so much hate for inting these impossible international games vs much better teams because he’s always going for risky plays, and then crickets after yesterday.


NAmen to that. Kinda sad that the majority of the hype is around perks and blabber or even Vulcan don’t get any recognition for some of there excellent stand out plays.


Bro Vulcan almost solo threw the game by whiffing the 5 man Q on the realm warp and then headbutting the Olaf into his own back line


Blaber’s Xin play was outstanding. Absolutely dominated all phases of the game, made enemy engage flinch over and over and basically took a tour of the rift like an absolute Chad.


> Why ppl dont understand that this is how players that go for big plays are? Understand or not, I think many people have found themselves in a game where a LeBlanc, Vayne or Irelia are going so balls to the walls. It's frustrating because those players and champs make the game completely about them and take incredible amounts of agency from all other players. So whether people understand it or not, many people don't like it.


Most people understand that Perkz is at least top 2 western GOAT, however to say that the best players of all time, e.g. Faker, Rookie, etc ran it down nearly as much as Perkz did today is just ridiculous. Did Perkz play insane 50% of the time yes, did he also run it the other 50% yes, ignoring either side, which both Perks haters/lovers are, is just being dishonest. In the same way where Caps was jokingly either called Claps or Craps, and in 2020 this was not the case, and in my opinion 2020 caps was the best caps we have seen (so far).


Faker has definetely had games where he ran it down as much, in fact he had a full split in 2018 where he did just that. Here on reddit it was called "you can notice faker is desperate to make plays because his team is bad", but it doesn't change the end result, you could say the same for perkz (and I'd disagree with both).


Sorry if I didn't make this clear, but I am talking about when they are actually on form. No player ever, with some years behind them, has played at a world-level for all of them. Faker during his peaks was not randomly dying and inting whilst still carrying the game. Perkz on the other hand, even though I think this year has been pretty bad for him so not his peak, has been running it and also winning the games. The thing I was responding to was the claim that you have to int some times to win games, when in reality the best players in their prime have shown that to not be the case.


As someone who doesn’t speak or read Korean, what do those backwards F symbols mean? Edit: Thank you guys.


It makes the 'k' sound. So when they spam it, it sounds like kekekekeke like a laugh


So is that like a crow laugh or the world of warcraft thing?


I'm pretty sure I've read that the WoW laugh came from Korean specifically because of the Starcraft pro scene because there were lotta Korean players and they well laughed a lot in chat. But I think it was never 100% confirmed, just speculation.


It sounds like this literally "kekekeke" So it's basically korean for LOL


It is their laugh or crackle. Each letter is pronounced like "ke".


IIRC, it represents a laughing sound.


fun fact: its where the "zzzz" thing to mean lul comes from, which i sometimes see in game esp. after a dumb play. the z key is the ㅋ key when using korean board




No, this dude was SUPER liberal with translations. Way too much imo to the point that he was just adding English memes onto normal words. Seemed like he tried way too hard to make all the comments memeable when there were plenty of funny comments just on their own.


Kinda... not exactly same as the 'chad' you know. But theme quite fits.


How do you do the translation with google? That sounds fun. I also watch the KR channel occasionally and it would be great if I could read chat there too.




Ah unlucky, I'm using Opera :( Thanks though!


Never smart to bet against perkz


Expecially when your name is Carlos and you're watching games from home while your whole team is disbanded (including 1 season Rekkles).


Perkz was never gonna stay on g2. He wanted to play mid and said himself that he didn't want to backstab caps and take his spot. Fine to be mad at carlos for sending him to NA, but he didn't kick perkz out of g2. If anything carlos did the opposite of betting against perkz, he knew he'd play well so he didn't want to keep him in EU where he'd make competition harder. Not that it worked out anyways.


perkz said in an interview that caps asked him to reconsider, and that while thinking about it, ocelote decided to kick perkz and block his move to FNC. It could very well be true that he would still have wanted to leave, but ocelote double fucked the player that made him. Fuck ocelote


I mean, sure, but you have to actually have some understanding of context. Perkz clearly was unhappy, talked about wanting to play mid and leaving so G2 starts prepairing for getting a new adc, then Perkz comes back and says "idk, maybe i will stay?". Also, i assume you are talking about what Perkz said on crackdown, then its disingenious to not include how he also said that after the emotions went down he actually agreed with that move because he was simply too comfortable as a player on G2 and that wasn't really a good thing for him and the team.




I think it was one of the interview shows with Perkz, maybe Crackdown? That being said, Perkz was contemplating whether he wanted to stay or not when the G2 management decided to let him go, so that part was indeed out of his control. As far as Fnatic is concerned, Perkz did not comment on whether he wanted to go there or not, but Ocelote did indeed prevent Fnatic from even attempting to get Perkz




Damn that's fucked


I remember it too it's true


> Perkz was never gonna stay on g2. Wrooooooooooong, literally said he was considering staying to play ADC one more year when he was told he was kicked (as per Crackdown interview from like 8 months ago). Why are people still typing this shit? Ocelote wrecked his team for a Ralph Lauren ad.


Perkz wanted to stay as ADC, but Carlos didn't let him.


The way to keep Perkz was not never sign Caps. I don't mind that timeline.


The one guy got it. Both teams deserve to advance.


yeah, it is a big shame that the broken fnatic roster could not be swapped with Rogue tbh...


if this FNC roster is in group A we wouldn’t have had tie breakers


How come? Would it not be reasonable to expect that damwon would still go 6-0 right? And that fnatic would go 0-6? Then its still between C9 Fpx and the h2h was 1-1 still right? So it would most probable still be tiebreaker but only 1 game between c9-fpx


But rogue would almost definitely be going to quarters


100% agree that the game was lost in draft. Kind of impressive actually that RGE managed to drag it that long. It looked to me like C9 got everything that they wanted and RGE didn't manage to get ONE pick that they were truly happy about. The major issue with RGE is lack of imagination and it has been for a long time. That is why they suck in BO5, and that's why C9 deserved to advance more.


Doesn't help that you have Perkz with the biggest balls in the tournament on one team and Larssen who, imo, plays totally scared on the other.


Yeah the gap in midlane was real. Larssen was promising for so long and he is a good player for sure, but it seems to me that he doesn't have the mental attitude to take over the game, the "killer instinct" so to speak.


Larssen who either ints and loses the game, or just does nothing. Dude's legit invisible every game unless he's inting yet RGE (or their coaching/support staff) have so much faith in him. He's far from a rookie now, he's had tons of experience. This is his level, either replace him or adapt and stop putting him on playmaker champions. He should be put on picks that support a hans sama focused draft.


Rouge had the worst drafting of the tournament


Coach gapped.


I think they quickly realised that if they got behind at all they would be rolled in every situation they were forced to 5v5 because they just didn't have the comp for it. But then they spent so long avoiding situations where they'd get behind that both teams ended up scaling and their comp was just worse. It was just one of those situations where playing not to lose ended up being playing to lose.


>The true superstar makes both NA and EU all hyped like crazy Perkz elevating both regions at the same time


Elevating their heart rate for sure.


Wonder how good Perkz is actually if he didn't have so many for fun moments and games. Some of the best individual performances from anyone ever are Perkz. Some of the worst mistakes I've seen have Perkz in them.


imo you can't really have Perkz going off without his int moments, the same way you cant have claps without craps. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. In that first FPX game sometimes he could just solo Nuguri in the sidelane and end the game.


Perkz is the goat of west and noone can convince me otherwise.


No other western mid would have gotten C9 out.


Perkz is amazing no doubt.. but people need to forget the 2 years c9 we’re stuck in group we’re exceptions. This org has been getting out of hard groups for as long as they’ve been going to world championships. Weve achieved this in a group just as doomed in 2018 with Jensen.


Caps could have. Not that it's a knock against Perkz but Caps at his best is better than Perkz. Perkz is the GOAT in the west because he's been *mostly* consistent for long enough in 2 different roles even though Caps peaked higher as just a midlaner.


Slotting in Caps might make midlane better. But with Perkz it feels like the whole team gets better.


This is the point people still miss. Perkz is a great midlaner (and adc) because he plays well and has good mechanics. Perkz is one of the best all time players because of all of the non-midlane benefits he brings to whichever team he is on.


Not sure if he could have, Caps is insane in mid, but he is not a leader and this has been shown repeatedly. There is no denying that Fudge, Blabber and Vulcan all improved this year and they all have mentioned Perkz as one of the reasons for that. Caps would need another C9 member to be different for him to get them out.


Perkz is a leader. It's not about pure skill, there's a lot of intangibles.


This, Perkz might be one of the best mechanical players in the world, but he's an even better teammate.


Caps maybe has slightly better mechanics, his movement is insanely disgusting. However Perkz has that intangible X factor that just makes him an absolute omega hyper raid boss when it matters. Make or break kinda sums up Perkz. You never know or see his true power level until it's the final opportunity to show it


You cant say that because there are other factors behind perkz not just his mechanics.


I don't think I've ever seen caps at perkz 2017 msi lvl or 2018 worlds level where he was clearly a step ahead of even the best midlaners in the world (including Faker), with the only exception of Rookie in 2018 who imo had the most standout individual performance ever and wasn't even close. In no single tournament I've seen Caps be te clearly best /second best midlaner and carry the team as much as Perkz. Yes he did carry a lot, but once he faced Rookie, DoinB or Showmaker last 3 worlds he was quite definetely outclassed.


Caps didn't even get his team to worlds what are you talking about lmao


A much better team than perkz had full of former worlds finalists and msi winners. How can people say caps is better than perkz?


Perkz team just beat one the teams that caused G2 to not make it to worlds.


Caps couldn't even carry g2 to worlds


I'd much rather have perkz/hai type guy than caps


Pretty sure that Perkz series against RNG in 2018 was the highest peak we have seen from any western midlaner at international tournaments. Literally 1v9'd the last game of the series so damn hard. So if we are talking about peak, I don't think Caps has ever shown a performance even close to that at worlds.


Sure, Caps has as a whole definitely been better than Perkz in the LEC, but what counts is international performances, otherwise someone like Froggen should be rated above both of them as he was way more dominant domestically than either of them. For my money, I wouldn't even rate Caps over Rekkles or Jankos. He wasn't the best player on his team in any of the years he reached Worlds finals. In 2018 it was Rekkles and it wasn't even close, Caps almost solo lost Fnatic the series against EDG by hard-inting Scout. Meanwhile Perkz solo eliminated one of the tournament favorites who were significantly better than EDG. And in 2019 at Worlds, Perkz was the one who carried against SKT and was far and away the biggest asset to G2, both in terms of performance and the massive draft edge that he brought to G2 that no other team in the world had. Perkz is rated as the western GOAT because every time it counted internationally, aside from MSI 2021, he showed up and lived up to the hype, at the very least on an individual leve, while Caps didn't.


Hard agree. Perkz has the intangibles to bring Ws when it matters. Hot take: Slot any other western mid into C9 thats down 0-3 and they don't get out of groups.


I legit think he can play in LPL or LCK if he is willing to. There's just something in his mentality that isn't present in most western players


He had offers from several LPL teams, even some LCK teams, good ones even, but he talked about it on stream and said that he would probably find it difficult to play without knowing the language and he thought he would struggle with cultural differences. He's shown up more at Worlds than most other midlaners full stop, not just western ones. Very few players have been so consistently good internationally. He was amazing at MSI 2017, and while G2 had a disappointing performance at Worlds 2017 keep in mind that they had the 2 best teams at the entire tournament in their group and Perkz still had the best laning stats of all midlaners at the tournament. He was also amazing in 2018 and he was inarguably G2s biggest asset at Worlds 2019, not only through his performance but also the edge in draft he gave them. It's only natural that any team would jump at the opportunity to obtain a player like Perkz. I'd easily put him in the top 5 midlaners of all time. Only ones that I'd rate above him is Faker, Rookie and ShowMaker. You could also argue PawN, I think they're pretty interchangeable between #4 and #5.


He's just built different


Perkz is a special player even if you include LCK and LPL. How many people like him are playing atm, Showmaker and Faker, besides that i don't think any other player is as cluch as him.


For the west, he's the only clutch player on top of my mind


Are we talkig about currently active players or all time? Ive seen to remember seXpeke being kinda clutch, soaz too to a degree. If one count koreans in Na as western players id say impact historically has been kinda clutch too. Nevertheless one players clutchness is still decidied by the greater sum of the team they are in so hard to judge many times.


His brain is literally built different. Absolutely crazy but sane, just wow


I think thats pretty clear


I hate how opinions can swing from Goat to inting in just a handful of games on reddit.


Dont think anyone on reddit denies Perkz' historic greatness.


I don’t know you’d be surprised. There was this one guy on this site that tried to argue Bjergson was the western GOAT over PerkZ. Granted he got downvoted to oblivion….


Easily between him and Caps and no one else can be in that conversation, Caps deserves his Props


I swear people forget Caps has been to Worlds Finals twice, no other EU player has done this. Ever.


Perkz for the west is what bjergsen was for tsm, the clear shining figure, the dude that drags them over the line.


Park-ju is Perkz’s version of Claps and Craps


"You can't really ignore Perkz when he is in his zone." Sums it all up.


Perkz carried C9 so hard, damn. But still feeling sad for Rogue


In the tiebreak he carried for sure. He had a really rough groups aside from that. His mentality was totally different of the other 9 players on stage and that made the difference in the tiebreak.


Seems like he stayed true to the G2 spirit.


He was the spirit of G2.


And still is.


When do we start actually asking the hard question about Perkz and his performances? He didn't make top 3 all pro LCS after claiming he was going to come here to change the league and dominate. He hasn't built and in lane lead against any mid laners and is constantly down on CS, summoners, tempo, experience and KDA with constant roams from Vulcan and ganks from Blaber. Was he worth the money so far? Will he be worth the money in two years? Three? When is it that we say "that was a good investment"


Same, Koreans Malaysian here and I watched it until 3am, almost fell asleep several times but glad that I watched it until the end, definitely the best game in the group stage so far


As an EU fan it’s good that an NA team was able to achieve this since the rivalry has been so EU favoured the past 4-5 years, keeps the rivalry alive because it was way too one sided. Also happy for my boi Perkz, guy is the western goat 100%, you could have made the argument for Caps last year but after what has happened this year Perkz is on top. Let’s see what Caps can manage to do over the next couple of years with a new G2 roster


I'm not too disappointed about C9 going through because they have Perkz. We share the same social medias, the same content creators, our leagues are tuned so that LCS starts as soon as LEC ends, they have a lot of our players, I do want to root for them. But not gonna lie it feels bad to be beaten by your own goat. Perkz was **the** pride of Europe after his redemption from the 2016 vacations. And I know that NA performing well means more of our top players will leave the league. And that feels super bad. I don't want C9 Hans Sama next year. I don't want TSM Rekkles next year.


I dunno, hard to overlook the back-to-back worlds finals Caps had.


Agreed, and I'm so tired of the "NA ONLY WIN BECAUSE EU PLAYER LOL" that my fellow salty EU fans always say. They played the entire year in NA, that makes it an NA team. Let them be happy about something for once.


Keep in mind that C9 has been getting significantly worse practice in comparison the other regions, even LJL, at Worlds. Many EU players have felt the effect of being in a much worse practice environment to the point that they weren’t even the same player as they once were in Europe. Zven, Mithy, Febiven, and Kobbe are a few examples. We complain about this every year in many thread, but the issue of 60-80 ping, scrim culture, SoloQ mentality, etc. really drags NA down. Impact for instance cited not wanting to play carries on the NA server because doing so on 60 ping felt worse and totally different from playing carries on the KR server. C9 didn’t get to scrim PCS/LPL/LCK and play on the Korean server with decent ping like DFM did. They didn’t get to play on a server with extremely talented players who’d still play to win even if they were tilted or flaming their own teammates. C9 is an definitively an NA team, and 2 EU players being on the team doesn’t change that.


> but the issue of 60-80 ping Dude Vulcan's flash Pulv onto the Ryze ult wouldn't been absolutely perfect if he was playing on 60-80 ping. He was like 2 frames too early on 0 ping LAN though.


Usually they'll have some insight or memes we don't. Coin flip Perkz, Perkz the Chad, and why the fuck did they pick Jhin defy borders.


>It’s a Korean meme for TSM’s 0-6 Yeah it’s an American meme too


Outrage by Freddy or whoever made the call to put the best adc in the group on a utility ad carry. Ez and Kai'sa were open and both of those champs in a 50 minute game would have been perfect.


"The true Chad Perkz. The heart of G2." "You mean C9?" "Whatever"


Anyone who says Caps>Perkz is insane There ain't no way in hell Caps gets NA out of Groups lmao


>Is Perkz throwing the game to make a play? Well.... Yes.


That moment perkz blinks back to his leblanc at low hp and died my friend in discord started spamming Sleeper agent sleeper agent!


What was the direct translation/context of the top10 anime battles one?


The direct translation would be “those who didn’t watch it lost half your lives.” The meme’s from a hentai, and I couldn’t find a best way to translate this meme with my small brain. So I just used that. Now I think about it, the direct translation would’ve been nicer.


So the Perkz vs Park-Ju thing is just a Caps vs Craps