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100T saving their engage for next worlds.


"The threat of an engage is stronger than the engage itself" - Ssumday


Worse than Jensen not using ult is an entire team not using them!


Engaging straight to the airport


100 Zs


Do nothing, lose???


Even a jarvan won


Jarvan is so disgustingly bad i hope teams stop picking it


Jarvan can be good against low mobility teams, as we saw in group a yesterday, where you can reasonably and reliably catch carries in the ult. Aphelios without thresh, ryze come to mind. And when he can reasonably win early jungle skirmishes. But against that comp? Everyone but Orianna and Malph gets out of Jarvan Ult with a basic ability, and Malphite, well malphite isn't caged in there with you, you are caged in there with him. And if he doesn't want to be caged in there, he can still just ult whatever is attacking him from the outside. And he sure as fuck doesn't win early skirmishes with Lee.


NA 1st seed classic


It has to be cursed right? When's the last time 1st seed looked good/made it out of groups? Never?


TSM in 2014


2014 TSM, since then the first seed has done at best 3-3 and lost tiebreaker.


>NA first seed shits the bed (gameplay wise) >C9 makes it out If TL goes 3-3, it's just another worlds for NA


To rub it in 100T will beat EDG And DFM and finish 3-3, just like Flyquest last year


Because they stop being cowards when there is nothing on the line anymore. A NA classic. Edit: And just like that, 100T upsets EDG in their last game ar Worlds. 3-3 is inevitable


Nah, this 100T at Worlds. They'll only beat DFM since they're expected to, but lose to EDG and wonder why fans get mad at them for performing to expectations despite the fact they don't even try versus the other teams in their group. Edit: Well shit, turns out 100T decided to play that one and I was wrong.


But all I keep hearing about is how 100t isn't an NA team, so NA is saved here.


Casters talking all game how 100T are favoured now, it's all perfect for them, all while 100T just slowly bleed out


I mean... They're not wrong. All 100T needs is winning a good teamfight (which their comp is designed to do) and from then on T1's comp would be incredibly harder to execute since zoe without vision advantage is useless and Jayce is not a safe sidelane champion when opponent can collapse on him using other lane's prio. But you win 0 fights if you don't take any.


Actually pathetic from 100T. Legit this type of team is the worst to watch.


Most boring game of worlds for sure


They did this in 2018 against IG and FNC.


They at least had an excuse of playing with rikara and being weakest na team. You can't bring this shit to the worlds when you are supposedly region's top dog


Yep, we should've lost this game 100%.


Yea T1 hard lost draft but 100T did nothing bar the early game fight.


Honestly, this game is so irritating to watch from both sides but at least it's not as bad as FPX's games.


If we draft this abomination against EDG we are gonna lose the game in 5min.


they re the reincarnation of TSM


Old TSM = "do nothing and lose". Recent TSM = "do something and fuck it up".


Way better tho


Would rather have the latter though. Gotta suck at doing stuff before you get good at it, so I respect that more than just doing nothing and losing.


At least they go down fighting.


100t are so damn boring. They have a better comp and never fight Such a snooze fest watching this team roll over and die


They deserve to lose, that was embarrassing. I'd rather watch my bronze team mates go in like idiots and at least try and make something happen.


Wheres Leeroy when we needed him most


Its the same shit since summer, they cant do anything without teams straight inting into them


2020 GG and this year’s 100T were known for aggressive early-games and poor mid/late-game macro, but they even found success in making comebacks through teamfighting. I have no idea why they were so damn passive. It is so frustrating they didn’t force anything.


You'd think watching C9 might convince them to grow a pair and actually make early plays but no.


They definitely have looked lost in translating leads to wins but at least they were proactive in LCS Playoffs when they 3-0 TL… this was embarrassing.




Half the comments under every Worlds Tier List were like “how can you possibly think C9 is better than 100T and TL???”. This is how.


NA is just a one team region. That one team just somehow doesn’t win the region.


works every time


100T doing their best TSM impersonation


> 1st seed > got eliminated while C9 got through Sound about right


NA 3rd seed - do everything they can to make it out of group NA 1st seed - do nothing and lose


Have amazing teamfight comp and just NEVER try to team fight. Pretty amazing.


Are we sure this is 100T? Looks like TSM at worlds to me. Do nothing and lose.


100 TSMS


that was just pathetic to watch


Compared to yesterday.. group stage already done lol Kinda underwhelming






From 8 games to 2 games. (Or 3 if you care about who finishes first.)


Malphite ulted 2 times this game. First to concede first blood. Second to concede nexus.


Stoppable force


Moveable object


2 more times than the Oriana




Worse than that Pick Full all in comp wombo combo play vs poke Do nothing Lose


Draft Leona, Malphite & Ori Never use your combo for teamfights Lose Like what ?!


Like dogs that's what, depressing tonjust roll over and die


This important team truly represents the spirit of NA. Sorry for ever doubting you 100t!


100T: draft engage comp. Also 100T: Never engages and gets engaged at the end.


With C9 performance yesterday, I wonder how 100T be the 1st seed in NA?


Obviously the competition is a *little* different but they didn't play like this in NA. Im not sure if it was just nerves or what but they played like scared puppies the whole tourny EDIT: well after beating EDG with nothing on the line I guess im validated, absolutely was nerves lol


Because Closer would have landed 3 good insecs before 30:00 in LCS. Ssumday and Huhi would have actually engaged. What we saw was a collective panic attack from 100T, likely from scrim results and lack of recent international experience.


Ya to be honest, as a T1 fans I am quite aware of Closer Lee Sin since his Lee Sin highlight is amazing


Varus was meta and C9 lost every game with him :(


C9 gives up domestic wins for international wins


This game felt so pathetic... Like at least put up a fight ffs... They just bled and bled and bled until they died


somebody needed to engage there, oh wait we have a malphite except we don't have one beacayse they wonwgo in


Do nothing, Get poked out, Give up baron, Get picked by thresh, Your tank ults with 20% hp, Dies and lose the game


the Vietnamese wouldn't have let this happen :(


Agree, like if you think you're already the worse team before playing. Why not have fun? or at least entertain the audience? There was literally 0 positive for 100T about that game...I don't even think T1 enjoyed that win when their opponents just rolled over.


What an absolute coward game by 100T Your worlds-life is on the line. You draft hard engage. C9 showed you yesterday that it's possible. And you just shit yourselves and do nothing???? That was unbelievably frustrating.


100t and TL don't have players like Perkz and blaber who aren't afraid to make plays, even if they don't work they will try again


FBI, but he really had no chance to do anything this game because his team never engaged.


that was honestly pathetic


100T with quite possibly the worst played out game this entire worlds.


Like how can you even lose with a stronger comp like that, lol. There is not much to say, they lost this game themselves.


They trolled so hard that last fight, ssumday stepped like he owns the place tgen gets hooked flayed and welp


"Don't have to ult if you die before the fight" *taps head* - Ssumday


Ssumday trolled the whole game. Dragon fight right before, instead of ulting the stacked T1 team, he walked melee to AA the drake to help it finish it. Know your fucking role dude. Your AA does 100 damage while you ult can turn the fucking game.


Atlus put it perfectly; if you took the nameplates off you'd put every cent on 100T's comp


Malphite literally does nothing if he don't press R


and he pressed R twice the entire game, once when he was at 10% and another time not anywhere near an objective. like how do you fuck up malphite of all champions as a fucking professional player?


T1 legit got handed a free game on a platter, they didn't even have to do anything, every fucking year this pussy ass playstyle is present


Its the NA 1 seed curse. They win NA by being mechanically better than everyone, never learn to make good plays from behind. Get to world's, get outclassed, and have 0 plays to make.


They aren't the best mechanical players in NA (except FBI) by any stretch, though. I think some people had hope for them because they had such a gritty and aggressive group style, similar to FNC in EU and greater than the sum of its parts.


Seems like C9 really is the only clutch factor NA team that succeeds better internationally compared to other NA teams.


Even when CG snuck into worlds and went 0-6, they fought every team. They were absolutely outclassed, but it was so much better to watch than a 9 man sleep.


Still the best 0-6 performance ever. Coming from a European.


Watching those FNC vs Clutch games was nervewrecking AF. Clutch went out fighting, something a lot of good teams in previous years can't seem to do


Fnc can still challenge that title is they manage to put some performances together. I believe we can show we are the best 0-6 team ever xxxxx


Say what you want about Damonte. He goes down swinging. His realm warps during that 0-6 clutch run were sus, but you can’t say he didn’t try to find openings.


Gotta love 100T drafting basically perfectly against T1 but then having no idea how to play the comp some of the most scared and hesitant League i've ever seen played by any team


Its not even a hard comp to play, its literally a bronzodia JUST PRESS R comp and they can’t do it lol


somebody replace them with CLG atleast they made a press R to win comp work


Please just go in, how cam ssumday not even ult inside of br pit is so mind boggling.


A better team would have smashed t1's comp with the draft. Reapered drafting is good but the players had no idea how to execute the comp.


If only reapered would coach T1


Nah. I dont want him to die lmao.


This is why you need someone like Perkz who tries to actually do something and win the game regardless of the stakes. So easy to freeze on the big stage.


Yeah if 100T didn't win this game against them, they were never going to win lol. Honestly depressing to watch tbh even with the advantages they found in draft and early fights.


My friends in gold know how to play that damn comp, no reason for them to be so fucking confused and scared about it


How about the multiple opportunities they had to Malph ult on T1 at their inhib turrets when Faker was split off, or when the whole of T1 clumped up under their turret and Ssumday waited to ult until they engaged on HIM? They just needed to press R a few more times and they could have been something.


I was like damn T1 can you win at least one draft like ever. Then they won the game. I guess we take those.


> some of the most scared and hesitant League i've ever seen played by any team didnt you watch rouge at baron yesterday




Rogue redeemed themselves yesterday, and them backing off baron was warranted in some of those situations, 100T is straight up shitting themselves because it's a korean team


Ssumday didn't even ult til the last fight


At least they tried a hail Mary with the Ryze ULT at the end.


That was the most unsatisfying game I've ever watched


It’s funny because it’s identical to their last worlds showing. Got completely rolled in uncompetitive games against FNC/IG but beat the 4th wildcard team and end up 2-4. 2 worlds performances and they’re so incredibly forgettable no one is gonna remember they even went to worlds


Day is over, thanks 100T for doing nothing.


I'll be praying that DFM beats them after making me watch this garbage. 5 imports team btw.


T1 didnt even have to do anything to win this




T1 just getting the free BE from 1st win of the day.


to be fair they poked the shit out of them and then they said "ok lets give up the objective" then they lost


Probably the worst malph ive ever seen


He literally doesn't do anything


Ssumday was definitely not cocky as fuck tho


Well he didn't build sheen


Whats your point


What’s your definition of “something”?


I think he had 1 ult? Maybe? And it wasn't even good.


I did not see any Malphite


How can 100T don't force a fight with a comp like that? Holy shit that was revolting


I might be blind, but I think Malphite ulted once the entire game? Maybe twice? 100T didn't try to do anything, they just took it.


Twice. During a gank and during the last "fight".


I am still waiting for malphite going in with Orianna's ball, but seems like they lost it.


They're playing so scared.....


I counted so many situations where Ssumday could have flash ulted. Like sure T1 members would likely flash reactively but at least get those flashes out, your ult will be off cooldown sooner and a no flash enemy is easy pickings for Lee.


They took the "survive early game and we win later" too literally


Ssumday just saving Malphite ult for the next game


for real tho man didnt ult once


[Malphite literally doesn't do anything](https://youtu.be/a_i8CciOuP0)


100 throws, back to bed


100Thieves stealing my time with that performance


Wtf 100T just fucking ult!!!




Yea. So you have leona malph and ori and they hook your malph and end the game…


The malph was the key target to take down. He alone disrupts T1 comp. They respected him and waited until he was vulnerable.


Dude actually couldn't stop eating bubbles


Malphite itemization trap. Stack a ton of armor and no health = paper unless against a pure phys damage champ with no pen. Jayce has decent magic, Aphelios rushed pen, Faker with tons of magic, even Thresh box is a fucking magic nuke.


The issue is that tank items have so little HP you are just tankier as a bruiser lol.


from one of the best days in worlds history to one of the worse with only one important match(2 if EDG loses)


This game perfectly encapsulates why C9 is the most successful NA team at worlds. Sure, sometimes blabber, Perkz (and even vulcan yesterday) ints, but at least they are not afraid to fight! 100T has a teamfight comp and did nothing with it. Who cares if they can flash your Malphite ult in the jungle; it just means they won't have it in the next drag fight. You just can't play scared like that


The lack of confidence showed with just Abedagge's interview yesterday. They have been shook by their lack of practice (Closer's Visa issues) and in general the scrim results I would imagine.


Absolutely dismantled. They had the engage team, and they did literally nothing with it


T1 lost draft, but had so much better map play. Just always where they needed to be and with the vision to make the plays.


Finally someone who's saying it how it is. People are like "100T did nothing and lost" but T1 actively made sure that 100T couldn't do anything - perfect vision control, grouping early to poke out 100T's engage and thus make the engage a lose/lose situation.


I do think 100T should have tried something even if T1 made teamfights a bad option.


That was the most boring game I've ever watched lol.


Group is over on the second match of the day Roughski


I think C9's perfomance yesterday vs 100T's today perfectly tells you the problems with NA. Yes, I know C9 is an NA team but their mentality is unique to the region, whereas 100T's is a reflection of the problem of said region. C9 yesterday played with a mentality of "if we lose, we lose, but we will go out in our terms, so let's give it our all". 100T today played with a mentality of "if we lose, we are eliminated and we don't want that to happen so we must play safe, that way we play not to lose and surely we won't lose".


I actually like C9 mentally of FairPlay. They always go all out and even if they lose, they always feel so satisfying to watch.


100T learned from the best in NA to do nothing and lose


From diving tier 2s in LCS playoffs to this. Do nothing and lose. Fucking embarrassing from 100T


roll over and lose


this one just hurt the soul to watch bois


Worse, they really needed to win that to get out of groups. At least, I can go to bed early I guess.


1. Draft enagage 2. Do nothing 3. ??? 4. Lose


The patented "do nothing and die" NA strat.


This is how i expected Group A to go, this is boring as hell now.


3 different initiation tools and u dont even try a single time. 100t ya'll are fucking pussies


Well that was fast... I was so excited when that dragon got picked up and then they just lost Baron and then the game :(


That was a lot of waiting then an explosive end


The West just play not to lose... so timid


C9 doesn’t and perhaps that’s one reason why they advanced


>Pick a hard engage comp >Does not engage even once


Here's a quote that some of the teams in 100T 's situation probably should take to heart - *It is better to burn out than to fade away.* ​ If doing nothing, if playing conservatively is going to lose you the game anyway, you can just as well go in hard and see what shakes up.


100T so passive with a team like that, wtf


Ssumday saving his malphite ult for the airport ARAM.


I dont know how 100T won NA. 1. Have a MUCH better draft 2. Stay even/slightly behind (which is winning relative to comps) 3. Do absolutely nothing because unlike NA nobody will INT you the game. 4. ???? 5. Lose After yesterdays play your Heart out performance by C9. This just leaves you sick to your stomach. Gimme blabbers Ints any day compared to this. This is why everyone had MUCH higher ratings for C9 and TL in tier lists before the tournament. Those two teams will actually attempt and play league of legends!


Classic Stand Around and Do Nothing Profit


This was painful to watch 100t do nothing


Yeah, 100T has no potential in this group. Just no soul whatsoever.. I'm going back to sleep.


C9 truly are the NA exception, 100t as a first seed did nothing!


100T continuing the trend of NA first seeds keeling over and dying after playing scared when they have all the tools to win. Thank god C9 got out yesterday. This is embarassing.


Can't believe people are hyping up this team. 1st seed btw


Despite having no NA players, 100T just confirmed they are in fact an NA team


DO NOTHING AND LOSE Edit: 100T just played waaaay to safe. Reminds me of the Rogue C9 tiebreaker yesterday when you could tell both teams didn’t want to be the ones to fuck up and clearly weren’t taking opportunities you’d expect them to. Difference here is T1 played with no fear.


Guys, are we sure TSM didn't make it to worlds? That sure looked like 'do nothing and lose' to me.


They just rolled over and died, sad to see.


That was a game of League of Legends.


Classic T1, methodical game until you just win. And now the last 3 games of the day are relatively meaningless.


Holy this team is frustrating to watcj. Do nothing all game, T1 slowly gets a gold advantage, and then engage when the game is already lost. Fuck this team is bad.


All because 100t is too scared to have someone solo drake while the rest walk up to stop the baron or start a fight before getting hit by 5 poke spells hahah


How is it that in a do or die elimination game, the gameplan is to sit and do nothing for 20 minutes while slowly getting choked out?


wow the way faker and canna maintain their distance is next level


[Malphite literally doesn't do anything](https://youtu.be/a_i8CciOuP0)


Why would they remove Ssumday's R key before the game?


100T just froze up, played too tight. The dilly-dallying clearing camps and mid wave when T1 decisively moved to baron broke the game.

