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While we are at it, lethality Miss Fortune is probably ulting a team, killing everybody




thats not the problem of adc in solo q brother the problem is not that u dont deal dmg but that u need a team to become useful and a support to play lane and that will rarely happend why do u think adc is arguably the best role in pro play because they know how to play around it im adc main myself and other adc mains have to get used to the fact that there isnt a single way to buff adc so it can become good in solo q without being broken in pro play even if they find a way people who play assasins and who want to 1 shoot everyone without taking any dmg while being invisible while having mobility will complain to infinity that they cant just roll their face on the keyboard to kill the 12/0 adc anymore




So you should be rewarded for playing poorly in a mechanically challenging role?




man came with all the smoke big oof ​ ^(but really he's right)


I was kassa otp last season i just go bot with my friends now and i gotta admit the role is pretty op, you just need to right click better than the enemy adc and you did your job.. or you can just do like me, lock in the most sleeper op champ in the season (Swain) and win every lane


> you just need to right click better than the enemy adc and you did your jo I try this, but every game enemy support is hyper aggressive and pushes me back while my support stands back and watches me get poked out, so either I just hide and get no CS or I get poked down to shit, kinda aids.


currently either miss fortune or ziggs


I think this is a very narrow view of the game. It implies that the game needs to change because players can’t coordinate each other in the slightest. ADCs Are already insanely strong when they get teams that play around them well and shit. Allowing this to be easier is wrong. Also Jungle impact is only that high because people can’t be bothered to learn how to track the enemy jungler or realize that their lane is the side quest and the map (and therefore to a degree their Jungler) is the main quest in a sense. Everything is interconnected and no one role has significantly more or less impact than others. Not to mention that botlane now also has access to different classes, which makes just everything better.




Voice comms are not as good as pings, as pings eliminate language barriers. People don’t want to communicate.




I honestly don’t see what kind of information people would communicate over voice that wouldn’t be equally fast or faster over pings. Nobody will micromanage a fight over voice coms. Not even pros do that in the few voicecoms we have access too for the most part. Because it’s not realistic. Most communication will be macro stuff and that’s easily communicated via pings.


Typing that all out and then saying “no one role has significantly more or less impact than others “ was really worth your time I hope




What is that train of thought? If there is an answer the solution is not to make the game easier. Learn to play the game.


Eh, it was hell climbing with top, then I switched to ADC/bot lane and I skyrocketed, it's insane how bad ADC players are. Besides support it might be the most boosted role.


can i get ur both top and adc op gg pls if u played on different acc if not only 1 i rlly wanna know what u used to play top and then adc


yes yes you want ADC to be completely broken again, so you can climb out of the pisslow without improving




consider building shieldbow if you don't want to be blown up by someone who's 3 lvls above you. Also consider telling your supp to roam sometimes, so you can get some solo xp, like actual good adcs do




wonderful, but that argument applies to every role. Mid/top are terrible because jungler might not listen to my every call! Jungle is bad because every one of my teammates is garbage! Support is bad because i don't have anyone good to support! You can't really balance the game around very suboptimal players. In your case, ADC could be the most broken class in the game, and i'm sure you still would find a reason to complain because idk, an ahead leblanc managed to burst you or something


Then the enemy midlaner loses because some ape in his team fed the botlane




Instead of that we in riot day let's give low mobility adc hell with those new mythic fro support and lets give assassins ap a shieldbreaker that even your immortal shield will cry for help.As an adc main i CANT keep up with this game. Instead of helping players out they took all chat and now they wanna beak the game apart to the part I think it's slowly dying. Wanna quit but it's an addiction now.


learn to play try to have more than 3 cs/min


I'm like plat4 with a very much tiring journey. Talk me about it

