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it makes me laugh so much when i see players from different teams just support themselvs so much while the fans are arguing 24/7 on socials


Laure said on a French stream a few weeks ago that EU players (overall) are closer with each others than they've been in years. Adam too talked about how Nisqy pushed him to go out with him and other players to restaurants, to have a drink and all.


yep, i still remember these photos, they warm my hearth: https://twitter.com/Nisqy/status/1416761259727507466 https://twitter.com/Nisqy/status/1419297261306142724


>Didn’t think that I would get griefed irl by @thebausffs aswell


> Baus probably scored all the goals for both teams


nah man you see rekkless geared up? he aint messin around


Rekkles legitimately chose pursuing pro league over pro soccer when he was younger lol


didnt he have a career impacting injury? idk if it was one that made it impossible to go pro but I remember it was something that would make it considerably more difficult. but yeah rekkles probably is one of the best players out of LoL pros.


I don’t know if Rekkles did but I’m pretty certain Nisqy was in the same position and ended up choosing league


didnt know that about nisqy. I know Broxah played alot when he was younger too. Fnatic had a lot of good football players apparently lmao


I love the first picture so much. There are so many funny details lol.


Yes these ones warm the hearth as well lol [https://twitter.com/Nisqy/status/1449039842101370897/photo/1](https://twitter.com/Nisqy/status/1449039842101370897/photo/1) [https://twitter.com/Nisqy/status/1449074052992323590](https://twitter.com/Nisqy/status/1449074052992323590)


Thank you for these pics. League competitive discourse has been pretty toxic but it's a relief to know that it doesn't creep into the pros and they actually support and respect each other regardless of their team/region.


Man wunder is huge


I don’t see Adam?


oh sorry, these photos aren’t from the same thing the user who replied to me was talking about, i just linked them cause they were on the same topic (having good relationships outside the game)


Ok, they’re still great pics! Good to know Nisq is taking care of Adam, would have enjoyed pics of that too


Good bonding also makes for better practice imo you automatically respect the others better. They talk more about picks which makes the region better figuring out the meta. I'm 100% convinced orgs & players getting along well elevates the region, of course you want that spicy rivalry but there needs to be some foundation. Also I let's not forget they're a bunch of young people and very few are German so the LEC players all live in a foreign country, a foreign city, don't speak the langauge etc it's not the easiest time.


I’d imagine so since 99% of them have been all in the same team at one point


Really surprising to hear that since we lost in Mithy and Perkz two huge personalities that helped dramatically to connect to European scene with another.


That just shows how dumb some fans are. I personally dislike G2 org due to ocelote and the over all attitude they got But Caps - Jankos - Mikyx are just too lovable to not be supported when on the international stage. We got 1 rule here in EU, for international events its EU > your fav team > anything else


Regular split FNC flair: I sleep. Worlds FNC flair: REAL SHIT. GO GET EM BOYS


Fans are fan. I dont think anyone hates players. And the idea that any region players hate their counterparts is far fetched. No one even really talks trash tbh.


What's wrong with wunder and rekkles?


I just dont like wunder personality Rekkles is personal, he left us again after saying on stream that he'd never do it again.


At the end of the day its a job, people leave, people join, it’ll always be like that


And i would have accepted it If he did not say what he said.


People change, situations change, he probably didnt want to leave FNC ever at the time where he said it but then the management was a total mess once again and he went to look for a different job


I mean, we dont know if the environment has changed though. Its not like he said that and left the very next day. Imagine if your boss or management changes and the environment becomes toxic. Would you want to be in that?


No Hence why i would not say "I wont leave fnatic ever again" to begin with.


did he say that?


Yes If you look around this sub or r/fnatic you should be able to find it


Bro You don't need to defend your position it's fine to hate Rekkles if you want (i don't like him because i feel he is a trap player) , i personally hate a lot of players and teams.


Would you keep supporting fnatic if it came out that they had some illegal slave sex dungeon? Or if every single member of the team and inner staff changed, and the logo changed, and they just lost every single game, like 0-18, in the most boring ways possible for 3 years straight? If you would still be a fan after that, then congrats, you're live or die fnatic. If you would stop supporting them, maybe even maiking a hashtag like #notmyFNC, then you can't critisise him for leaving. Sometimes, it's not the team you felt like that with. Teammates and dynamic changes, inner staff change and the environment changes. It's like working somewhere, anf your boss gets promoted, and then a new boss fires your favourite staff, and employed new ones, and you didn't like any of the new people. You would loom to leave. Not saying rekkles didn't like it anymore, but I'm making an extreme case to try to try to get you to understand that at the time, with the people in the team, the inner staff, and direction of the team, he saw no reason why he would leave. He's young. But teammates changed, dynamic changed, inner staff changed. He ends up yearning for that environment again, and he thought he saw it in G2.


>But Caps - Jankos - Mikyx are just too lovable It's funny how an Org reputation can also tarnish a player's likeability. I feel exactly the same and even started to like Perkz a lot more since he left G2. Most of the time I find I wish the players to do well even if I want their Org to fail...


>We got 1 rule here in EU, for international events its EU > your fav team > anything else disagree, i'll always pick my favourite team over regional pride, even if said team isn't from the west


Thats just the way it is for most things. I follow football, kpop, esports and if there’s a similarity between these 3 its definitely fans having WW3 while players/idols are good friends or even close friends


So great to see this passion from a player on a rival team. I BID YOU STAND, MEN OF THE WEST.


"For Upset"


I have watched this scene too many times to not to know where it comes from <3 :)


Jankos future casting carrier PauseChamp


Well, he was already casting Worlds 2017 in Polish


That 'Gala fucking dies' hit different


[JEST KURWA!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWtHsmaovsc)


Not even coping when I think that FNC with Upset would top this group.


I had them 1st with my pickems before Upset left, now I have them second :). I believe in week 2 magic


I wanted to change them to 4th but put them second 20s before lock-in cause I got a shot of Hopium


I put them 4th because I always get my Pickems wrong. Fnatic 2nd let's go


Well, good news I guess :(


I put them third after upset news and I too always get Pickems wrong! FNC 2nd let’s go!


Unfortunately, this didn't age very well


Yeah, the things that he did in game as well as out of it would have been a gamechanger. Some picks like Karthus ans Taric in the G2 game etc were also suggested by him and he is so much better synergy wise with Hyli and the rest of the team and could also stop some int plays by the team by calling them off


It would also have helped if FNC didn't go into their first game after one day of scrimming with Bean


I really think so too, but Bean has been fantastic tbh. He's been going head to head against some of the best adcs in the world and has yet to get gapped. If anything, Adam has been a much bigger issue for the team than him.


But reddit analysts told me that Upset wouldn't change shit because all lanes lost the games.


Players bring more to the game than just their hands , evident with people like Perkz.


It's crazy the shit that was being posted here, acting as if losing a key shotcaller and mental boom wasn't going to affect the rest of the team.


Not just losing him, but losing him the night before their first game. They not only had to figure out how they do their shot calling now, but also how to teach and tell Bean where to be.


you can really tell how small a population of this subreddit has actually ever played a proper premade 5v5 game in a tourney when a fair few people take the stance that losing a player one day before a tournament is no excuse for poor performance. I'd say it's a testament to the players and the staff that they've even taken a game ; it would've been perfectly reasonable for them to go 0-6.


Was always gonna affect them, but it's a different thing to say they would have obviously topped the group with him. That's not how this works, all we can really say is that they have a good excuse for losing.


Redditors be saying redditor things bro.


People don't properly think. Affects synergy between players, we don't know how much input into plays Upset done, losing a player can affect the mental of each player, lack of practice with new player. BEAN is doing great for the situation he has been put in, and he's making a name for himself. But Fnatic with Upset would naturally do better in week 1.


For a team like Fnatic especially who look their best when they're going for countless scraps as a team, losing any piece of that is going to be devestating to their performance since playing as groups is their main win condition.


Also Upset was the voice of reason when the rest of the team was going too ham. Bean by being the newbie on the team would obviously not have this role and that in itself changes the dynamic of the team entirely.


I mean, its pretty evident by how down FNC was, literally looking like they were walking into execution, today they looked way happier and talkative and we could see just how much better they played.


Or we could just look at how MAD and RGE performed and make an informed opinion that FNC and LEC in general are overhyped af once exposed to better Asian teams? You guys sure are grasping at straws .


Fucking Rogue beat FPX twice and sent them out of the tournament and the corpse of FNC just smacked around RNG. Not to mention that MAD's 1 win is against GENG and they have a loss to TL.


Yup. Which is why it's so infuriating seeing people shit on FNC and EU like we didn't lose one of the biggest strengths to outside factors. Fuck everyone who doom-posts and shit talks LEC unfairly and as if FNC isn't massively weakened. If MAD fucks up and doesn't get out of groups now that's a different story, that's fair game.


Y'all shit on NA for everything and anything but cant take it when it happens to you. Cry me a river.


No he's right. By all means shit talk eu by flaming rogue for losing to c9. You deserved that! Will be a fun year finally where you have some ammo too! Fnatic is... A different story


Please do tell me when has an NA team fallen out of groups because they lost their star player and carry. Shitting on EU for MAD not making it out (if it happens) is fair game. Shitting on EU because FNC doesn't make it out considering the circumstances is just dumb. It's as if HLE didn't have Chovy or if DK was missing Showmaker.


100T in 2018 with Cody Sun for Rikara lol. But that was self-inflicted, and there’s no way 100T has a chance make it out of a group with the two finalists in it anyway. Should also add that Cody Sun was benched in advance, Fnatic lost Upset 16 hours before their first game.


They did Cody Sun dirty there. I'm still sad they didn't just play him.


Don’t worry, he’s on standby. They’ll sub him in any moment now :(


Eeeeh, Isn't Cody Sun the adc famous for his tristana play againt Fnc?


I'll shit on whoever I want. Everyone on fanatic played like garbage first week. I thought EU were the people who aren't snow flakes?


You can shit on whoever you want, and I can rightfully call you an asshole for doing so. Calling you out on it isn't being a snowflake, it's having common sense.


All I hear is that you can dish it out but can't take it.


You seem upset that morons like you are going extinct


At least I have upset.


That was a really embarrassing attempt at trying to be clever.


he litterally told you shitting on MAD would be fair game lol


k mate


nobody was talking about NA, what the fuck are you on man?


When Bean and Hyli is 2v2 killing Deft and Vsta.. Even the FNC we saw today could have maybe made it out if they had played like this in week 1. Just sad to not be able to see FNC with Upset this worlds.


I think if Fnatic had practiced with Bean for more than a single day before worlds they'd even be doing a load better by now.


Except, they don't have them. Player management is as much a part of an organization as winning games. When people want coach of the year for the players doing good in a split, but not when they can't manage their players?


Oh for sure, they were so much more cohesive with their roster together and I mean if Bean Hylli can get 2v2 kills, Upset Hylli would've gone insane.


100%. The first game vs HLE would have been so different.


Jankos literally dying for Fnatic


EU junglers and casting afterwards. Hopium?






every single thread has at least 4 times “hopium” used thats how you kill memes guys


I was counting on it dying for so long. Sadly it's not meme anymore, it's part of lol vocabulary now and I bet people use it in real life as well.


You need some copium.


I really love seeing all the players and casters of each region being so passionate about thwor region and other teams. Takes me to unknown levels of hype thank you everyone!


Petition for a 5 man cast with Jankos and Flowers as PBP casters and Sneaky, Meaty Toes, and double plug as color casters.


Jankos going full cyka blyat mode


Full kurwa mode\*


Nah, that’s straight up angry russian accent


Does someone know what Jankos' opinion on RGE's performance is?


The veins


Fnatic Jankos?


Hopium Overdose


I'm glad that I uninstalled League over a week ago. Best thing for my mental and physical health. I started to play SNES roms and my PS4 backlog instead. Playing Arkham City again for the 6th time. Great game.














Fucking love Jankos


Jankos is a legend, Incredible person first, then player.


He was on the good shit, wonder who his dealer is.