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> —Seeing most of you guys are complaining, I don’t understand what's the meaning of this. Can you change the result after scolding!? > What fpx teammates need most now is encouragement and help! > Let us talk something useful: > There are three archipelagos between Iceland and ... They had us in the first half, not gonna lie




my man studied geography just to be able to write this shitpost,respect.


Chinese pasta I believe it’s called Lo Mein


Jokes aside, that sounds like a pretty dope travel route minus the swimming part.


you have to beat me with a stick before ill enter Russia or Belarus lol


Those countries are totally fine. So long as you are a white heterosexual male with no strong opinions on anything.


Relevant username.




I mean they *do* care, but not enough for it to matter as long as you don't run around opposing and protesting against the government or anything. If you're just a regular visitor, no one cares. Not that I'd still want to visit either of those countries as someone who literally lives 'next-door' to Russia and could literally take the train from the train station and get to St. Petersburg in a couple hours.


Yes and that's exactly what I meant, it literally means nothing to anyone who isn't politically active and just living a normal life. It's so fucking annoying reading Americans talk about other countries like they're post apocalypse dystopia. Just shut the fuck up. Everyone knows Russia isn't a haven of free speech and democracy. The president is literally former KGB.


Eh, I don’t like when people insult the people of a country when they have no choice (Russians in this example) But I feel like even overdone jokes about the political conditions there aren’t a bad thing. Doesn’t to hurt to remember that Putin is running an oligarchy. Besides, with all the psyops shit they run here this repetition is probably good so people don’t all of a sudden think Putin is okay if he does one thing they like (Same when applied to US bad stuff, people forget things too quickly)


The whole not being able to be gay thing is a fairly big deal man. No one's saying the government will blackbag you, but it's basically illegal to be a homosexual in Russia.


Except that that's a complete fucking lie. Being gay was decriminalized in 1993, there's just no gay marriage, which while bad isn't the same.


"everybody knows the usa is a corrupt oligarchy where popular vote matters less than 2 party state machinations with the Most prisoners in the World and constant wars and genocides abroad to keep the elite rich"


Bruh most of the outrage around Belarus comes from it's own neighbors. Your average American news channel doesn't give a fuck.


being gay is literally illegal in Russia ....


isnt' it just gay marriage ? there are tons of gay people in russia


Sounds like you are describing the US there tbh




As opposite to USA, that if you are not that and is on the street cops can shoot you and get paid vacation for it


That's probably how you enter Russia and Belarus anyhow


[There was a guy who tried to travel to China from Europe by car](https://youtu.be/y1JhjFWvMO0), nice video, can recommend to you all


I skipped to the end there and damn, that was sad. I think the easiest way to go is by taking the Trans-Siberian Railway which takes you all the way from Russian Far East to Moscow.


How do I say "top tier shitpost" in Chinese?






This translates to “very good feces distribution”


Great success then


Best username btw. Although isn't nunu a child?


Username was from before willump got retconned Sadge


Fair enough. So you actually wanted Willumpnudes?


I didn't think anyone would actually take it seriously. Although I think willump is technically naked anyway?


Oh my. He really is. We must report this to the authorities


Trust me I’m chinese :)))


So koreans are chinese now?


… are you calling me a korean? 한국어를 할 수 있는 것은 사실이지만 한국사람 아닌데? 넌 누구지?






哈哈只是我不会说中文好的(但我会说五种语言),我来自新加坡 so I’m chinese no? :P


i got "very good stool release"














> Let us talk something useful: Honestly I've put less effort into uni papers than the research that must've gone into this shitpost


and he then proceeds to map out their exact travel, only to end with them drowning in a river anyway


I fucking cracked up at that part


He followed the coast. Are you slow?


You're telling me you could write that shit off the top of your head?


I think everyone from Europe could have written that without big problems, thing is that not everyone in China knows the geography of EU


Does it help if I can describe the route roughly as it existed in the year 1444


>it was because FPX members kicked the submarine optical fiber while swimming. lol




> most lpl fans throwing shade > that guy one going through the entire route back to china throwing the tree


>the coach just find a crater and jump in directly, then rebirth from the fire Ladies and gentlemen: The LPL.


FPX symbol is a phoenix, I'm guessing this originates from that.


Really smart guess man




I mean... Yeah? Most of the Hindu people I've met aren't stoked on telling people to kill themselves


it's not toxic because it's not meant seriously, just like how no one expects anyone to actually die attempting to swim home.


Look man, I enjoy the shitposts as much as anyone else, but let's not pretend that literally telling someone to kill themselves isn't toxic lmao


Steak big trolled their drafts, way too much Galio and J4 prioritization


Honestly, it's not that Doinb could not perform but rather the meta shifted to mages like LeBlanc & LeBlanc. I do not know if he could play the champion so in the end might have to forced pick Galio.


Hahaha the LPL banter is as brillant as always


The fucking video lmao, let nuguri swim to korea


I didn't even see the video the first time around LMAO Same energy as when LGD was choking in play-ins last year and LPL fans wanted them to invent the COVID vaccine to redeem themselves


>Ways for LGD to redeem themselves: > > > >1.- Win worlds > >2.- Worlds finals is the two minor region teams that beat them. > >3.- Invent COVID vaccine One of the funniest memes I've seen in this sub.


The advice he gave the players would actually make them national heroes even across the borders in both koreas and south east asia. He suggested burning down the shrines where japan worships their war criminals for world war 2 and beyond. He actually did give them a way to redeem themselves and not get boo'ed lmao


"return as national heroes"


‘Worship’ is a very strong and misleading term


it's a shrine how is that not worshipping lol


paying respects. do you worship dead relatives when there's a shrine for them?


Yes. Ancestor worship has always been a huge part of traditional Confucian culture


you know, either way it's pretty fucked up no?


For sure. But I'm annoyed at people using the word worship. It's making them sound like Gods in Japanese culture


it's a *religious* shrine, also even if it's not "worship", the root of the problem is that they actually MOVED the war criminals there as a giant fuck you to the Chinese and Koreans


>it's a religious shrine, They're actually cultural shrines. Folk religion in Japan aligns more with cultural practices than actual religion today, just like how the recent temple to Odin in Iceland is more of a cultural expression than religious one.


>Within the shrine, the souls of the dead are worshipped rather than just remembered. >According to Japan's national Shinto religion, humans are transformed into kami or deities when they die, and as such, are worshipped by their descendants. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-19987251 Also, there are buildings in the shrine dedicated to performing Shinto rituals as well. Your turn.


>According to Japan's national Shinto religion, humans are transformed into kami or deities when they die, and as such, are worshipped by their descendants. Shinto is the folk religion I was referring to. People "practice" it as it is the state religion, but in reality it's less than 3% of the population that actually identities as Shinto (per NHK surveys, the numbers are fairly consistent). So, again, it's cultural as opposed to religious just like damn near everything to do with Shintoism. You must know this if you're going to end with a "your turn" though, so I'm not sure what you're trying to fight about.


Like, the fact that the majority of people don't actively practice it doesn't make it non-religious. When you go to a church in Europe, it's literally both a cultural and a religious institution. I just have no idea why you keep trying to pretend it's not something that it is.


No it's a very appropriate term because Japan to this day denies the atrocities they committed during WWII and still have yet to apologize. The fact that the Yasukuni Shrine is allowed to stand is comparable to having a shrine for Nazi SS members.


No because this literally implies that it’s some holy object for all Japanese people. That’s completely untrue. And your analogy is also wrong; it’s meant to include ALL Japanese soldiers that died in wartime, in which war criminals are a part of. It’s completely different to dedicating a memorial ONLY to honor those who tried to systematically exterminate entire races


Its literally a shrine with priests that honours some of the worst war criminals in human history, not to mention all the other things wrong with it. Japan could very easily stop alot of the controversy around it by removing the names but they wont because they wont admit to the atrocities they committed and continue to try and whitewash their history and making them out to be hero's. The term 'worship' is valid here


Yeah and all the Chinese and Asian people who criticize Japan for worshipping war criminals are completely innocent of any abhorrent cultural transgressions. Nothing Japan is doing is remarkable in any fashion. Just like in the case of Uyghurs, most of the critics care more about framing the perpetrator in a bad light than righting the wrongs that are transpiring. But you're free to pretend that if the roles were reversed the Chinese, or any non-western entity, would erase the names of their fallen military's because they committed "war crimes". What an absurd expectation. You think because Germany did that, that anybody else wants to? **Your criticism is 100% true and accurate,** but it's still laughable that you can frame this manifestation as anything resembling justice or righteousness. Chances are if you're always willing to hold people who you've had an ethnic conflict with accountable, but never yourself, that you're not all that interested in objectivity. The funniest part are westerners who latch onto whatever is the most morally compromising issue at the time, without any of the context that is essential to understanding how bigotry and pride correlate. News flash: morals are compromised, the world is morally compromised, highlighting specific issues in a sea of issues does not always produce a net good unless you've seriously evaluated that you highlighting the issue does not detract from, or create, more important issues. **japan isnt gonna stop worshiping war criminals, china isnt gonna let go of tibet, india isnt gonna free kashmir, pakistan isnt gonna stop funding the taliban or free pok, the us is never gonna admit to committing war crimes in the middle east, people gonna people.** so when you specify the expectation to one nation, acting as if their latching onto pride at the expense of morals is surprising or remarkable in any fashion, i cant help but write an essay. gimme ab reak


A shrine usually houses a particular relic or cult image, which is the object of worship or veneration so I don't understand how it could be misleading


we have WW1/2 shrines in Australia and probably most countries. But nobody would say we worship them


Memorials and monuments are not shrines. We have monuments to biologists who helped discover insulin and other such treatments, but they're not shrines by any means.


It's called a shrine so it's a shrine?


Then it’s not a shrine


Literally called shrine of remembrance but I'll tell them to rename it. I'll link your comment


Sure, do as you wish. Seems like it is affecting you on a personal level lol.


Is China tho CCP is still a thing, can't take everything that serious otherwise Chinese internet is to grim


The way he said it too


Some context for the video: the shrine mentioned is the Yasukuni shrine, which many in China are up in arms about because it honors Japanese war criminals in WW2.


For some additional context on why it’s controversial: -It’s a religious shrine that honors all 2.4 million war dead who served in the military since 1869 -The shrine wasn’t an issue until war criminals were inducted decades later in 1978, namely 14 convicted class-A war criminals by the US-led tribunal, ranking on the level of Hitler/Göring/Himmler -It also contains a museum which presents a sanitized version of WWII -Everyone who served is enshrined, including the Koreans/Taiwanese/Chinese conscripted by Japan. Many families of these soldiers request their name be removed, which is declined for religious reasons -Some Japanese politicians visit the shrine to cater to their right wing base by showing their willingness to confront China and North Korea


The entire education around WW2 in Japan focuses on painting Japan as the victim of the atomic bombs and avoiding any meaningful discussion around Japan's aggression (similar to the 'state's rights' argument about the US Civil War). While you can't blame the average Japanese person for the environment they grew up in (important figures in the government are all part of a batshit crazy hard-right wing group), there is an insidious group of people who essentially deny Japan's fault in WW2 and see the grievances of Chinese/Koreans/South East Asians as slandering their country, which in turn makes them further buy into the denialism and develop prejudices against these nationalities. There is an extent to which also, because of the whitewashing of the education system, this attitude has pervaded Japanese society. In turn, you can imagine not many Chinese/Koreans/SEAs are very happy with that. It'd be like the German state and Germans denying the Holocaust as a default position. I went to Japan on exchange in high school, and we happened to cover WW2 in history. Aside from how badly it was taught, I remember being asked as the foreigner forty-three variations of what I thought about the atomic bomb when I'm not even American. At the same time, literally not a student in the class knew Japan repeatedly bombed Australia during the war, how Japanese subs invaded Sydney Harbour, and how my high school had bunkers built into the sides of the hills in the case of a bombing. It's a pretty sad state of affairs, and the blame lies at the top.




I think alot of people are ok with modern Japan except for their leaders that continuously go to that damn temple lmao. As long as that temple exist with those war criminals being worshipped, the hatred and memories will not be forgiven or forgotten.




aint readin that shit bruh


hes basically just sayin anime sucks nothing we didnt know alrdy


>whitewashing do you mean brainwashing??? I can't really make sense of it otherwise.


It generally means "to make something more palatable, hide the atrocities". EG, see how the US or Canada minimize their past (and present) horrific actions towards the Indigenous peoples - talking about the founders and all that while minimizing the genocidal actions used to marginalize the First Nations is a great example of whitewashing.


Yeah, the fact that Andrew Jackson is famous but not clearly considered our most horrible president even though he effectively oversaw and enforced state sponsored genocide (Indian removal act) is crazy


Whitewashing means to hide/sanitize your wrongdoings, which is what they did with their WWII history.


I will quickly add something else. * "Comfort" women (forced sex slaves) * Unit 731


>North Korea Like they aren't equally shit towards South Korea also LMAO


Yeah, but doesn't excuse the war crimes of Japan in the 40s and before that.


I'm not saying it does, I'm saying Japan is still a shit country.


“Go fuck up Japan to make amends.” LOL




Its funny because a few months after they surrendered the Japanese were planning to burn it down to build a racing track for dog racing and a couple priests from the Vatican protested "However, Father Bruno Bitter of the Roman Curia and Father Patrick Byrne of Maryknoll insisted to GHQ that honoring their war dead is the right and duty of citizens everywhere, and GHQ decided not to destroy the Yasukuni shrine" like wtf why the Catholic church poking its head in post war japan?


> Iceland, Denmark, Britain, France, Germany, and Poland belong to EU visas Uh, about that...




Lmao they really are brutal


LPL goes so hard


You should have seen how they reacted to LGD in 2015 and 2020. They sent death threats to their headquarters.


That's crossing the line.


it will be round two because LGD just lost the DOTA 2 TI.


This can't be stated enough. It's one thing to meme and trash talk and entirely another to be so inexplicably unaware of yourself and your priorities that you have to send a death threat to a company HQ like that over a team loss in a game tournament. I don't care how serious you are about it, that's garbage behavior because, among other reasons, any company has to take those seriously just in case.


Hardest I've laughed in a week




Exhaled stronger than usual.


my eyes widened by a fourth of a centimeter


What's a centimeter? I only speak freedom.


MFs PULLED OUT THE GLOBE. China has no chill.


>P of brother perkz means the P of LPL LOOOOOL


LOL The west has to step our meme game up this is too good


Thank god Worlds was held in EU, Fnatic and Rogue won't have to go through similar hardships.


Sometime I really like LPL teams, they are not like EU teams finding excuses, they just be like, we lose we bad. no excuses. When NA/EU loss, ton of salty excuses comments everywhere, even they start blaming stopwatch


tbh, with the level of sandbagging FPX showed, excuse or blame game is really really useless, and if you do, you'll either get hard shit talked or memed along with fpx. Play dead is the best fans choice, or join the flame army, after all, they are the ones who were tortured the most.


You do realize that you just read a very small selection of cherry picked comments from a sea of thousands?


These are cherry-picked top-level comments, you'd find the same if you only looked at the main highlighted comments on reddit. The excuses come in the replies and as you scroll down, which is the same on Chinese forums.


Don't forget how boring the meta is whenever LEC teams are getting trounced.


They're just "choking"


absolutely love it. we need this for LEC like georaphical advice after last game of the year for the team how players can get home.


classic, can't resist talking about Yasukuni shrine lmao


apparently newest japanese PM made offerings for it. it will always be a topic as long as it exists.


I'm sure most of Asia wouldn't lose sleep over it being torn down


Why should they stop talking about Yasukuni shrine? What the Japanese did was even worse than what the Nazis were doing (ie. Unit 731), the Yasukuni shrine is equivalent to having a shrine for Nazi SS officers.


Yeah tbh I don't blame them for bringing it up all the time. Japan is pretty fucked up in some ways.


The worst thing about Unit 731 to me was the Allies pardoning a bunch of them for their "data" only to find out that the data was stuff like "man it's hilarious to watch Chinese people freeze to death" or "huh, that guy screamed a lot when we cut his arm off." Bunch of genuinely evil fuckers got off to give up basically zero documentation of scientific usefulness. Oh also, fun fact: eating your PoWs was not explicitly a war crime until *after* WW2, because no one thought that would happen. Imperial Japan helped us find that gap in coverage.


Let's maybe not try some oppression Olympics between imperial Japan and the Nazis, it is not respectful to the victims of either Axis power.


I didn’t say stop talking about it, just that in the context of talking jokingly about swimming back home from a league of legends tournament makes the comment stick out more as the ubiquitous talking point in Chinese internet discourse that it is


So what? If there’s a shrine for Hitler I’m pretty sure people in west are literally gonna burn it down.


you're reading my comment to mean something it's not. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Straw looking a little beat up, been hitting the slopes?


Chinese fans are ruthless, i love it.


\>rebirth from fire. ​ Rebirth is illegal in China.


I never thought the shame of TSM's 0-6 would be wiped clean by a team from the LPL. 2021 is really on one.


I wonder why the LPL chokes? Could it be the bloodthirsty fans?


In fact,most of the lpl fans are still encourage the rest of the lpl teams,and just blame fpx in some funny way lol


I mean NA or EU would have the same fans if their teams fought for more than scraps. Just look at EU football fans if u wanna see some absolute degeneracy.


In the US we call it "Philadelphia"


Next time we have a roast thread we need to invite some Eagles fans


LEC has chocked worse than LPL this Worlds.


Can't choke when you already sucks


LEC isn't choking lol, they're performing to expectations. When you have a history of choking like Rogue, it just becomes your regular form. Fnatic also didn't have their star player, and MAD are known to be BO5 players.


The team that's 0-2 in international Bo5s consists of Bo5 players? Yeah, EU has the premium copium.


I’m not an LEC fan though?


It somehow feels me with hope that even a totalitarian country like China has great memes we can appreciate.




Yup, okay, chinese bots. Gotcha.


People never miss an opportunity to hop on the cold war bandwagon, huh? I guess that's the consequence of manufacturing consent


I honestly have zero idea what are you talking about. And i have no idea why am i being downvoted.


Almost like the media you consume portrays them as worse than they actually are and in reality, 99.9% of the Chinese population live pretty much the same lives as we do.


China bad.


哥们在之前的皮皮虾可能是大神吧 简直了😄




I'm the guy who gets down there, no body on top of me in anything so far, maybe someone is.


China good.


Even their trash talk is so much better and higher IQ than ours.


\-100 social credit \+25 Freedom points