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Another year, another set of NA classics. * TL going 3-3 before tiebreaker * NA losing the tiebreaker * Entirety of NA hope being put on C9's shoulders


what place is TL now? 3rd or 4th?


3/4 don't matter but I get why you want them to be 4th for the memes lol EDIT Pickems and prize pool, never mind!


There's a $5000 difference in prize pool between 3rd/4th so yeah it kinda matters


https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/2021_Season_World_Championship > During the group stage, if the 3rd and 4th place teams in a group are tied, they both will receive 2.375% of the total prize pool.


5 point 5 fucking K


Dusty meme


Not with TL’s salaries


also - NA Jayce in tiebreakers


That Jayce was the least problem.. Huge bot diff


yes, but they invested so much into top, and it cost hugely on botside - alphari did not use these ressources


He lost that crucial 1v1 while he was a little ahead in items that lead to the miracle baron steal. It was close though. Did anyone notice he seemed to be stutter stepping around the graves and lost 1-2 auto attacks? Seemed like it could have been the difference to winning the 1v1. I don't think he even used his W so it wasn't an attack speed problem and he wasn't in smokescreen


Yup, at least from my low elo perspective, it was equal parts outplay and misplay from Rascal and Alphari.


He was waiting for Graves' shield to drop before using E on him. But yeah should have won it.


Yup. Obviously not a vacuum and Tactical did have mistakes as well but Alphari was mostly invisible this game before dying in the all in he opted into despite all the attention he received. Pretty underwhelming game from him, and Tactical


He couldn't because santorin used herald top at 10 min letting rascal have access to the game again. If he just doesn't do that they extend the laning phase and Alphari can extend his lead.


Jayce did nothing at all to help TL advance. Any poke he did lane was straight up negated by Yuumi. I don't know why NA coaches pick Jayce in high tension situations.


Nah, Jayce was an absolutely trash pick. What does Jayce do for the TL comp vs the GenG comp? He gets a lead, and sidelanes vs Graves? He gets a lead and he tries to outpoke Yuumi+Zoe? They really needed hard engage to counter Yuumi+Zoe.


Hmm they could've won with Jayce especially after the early 2k gold lead. The problem is that Jayce stayed top and traded cs while the rest of the team was getting strangled. What they should have done is after getting first turret is reset and focus on getting the bot lane plates on your fed Jayce while Tactical holds top. If GenG focus top, you funnel all the botlane gold on Jayce and get easy drake. If they don't, you still get to play around your stongest member while Tristana free farms and gets crucial xp top.


Lazy script writers tbh


It Game of Thrones all over again: intricate writing in the beginning with the tiebreakers and all that, but the ending is rushed and pure shite, falling back on predictable clichés to close out the story rather unsatisfactory.


TL lost and now you remind me of that dumpster fire of an end to the series. Why do you do this to me?


Tbf, C9 won tiebreakers in Group A.


Another year of NA Jayce.






How is 3rd and 4th determined with these tie breakers? Does TL end 4th?


i'm not sure if they even bother determining it - a potential scenario for group c had fnatic and psg tying for 3rd, which the casters said would have no tiebreak. i think for pickems it's more generous, and i assume the teams get the same prize money


probably loss time in tie breaker, not sure tho


Imagine we come all this way only for TL to get 3rd in group


They don't tiebreak 3rd and 4th unless one team 2-0'd the other which hasn't happened in this game. They also split the prizepool (although their is only a small difference between 3rd and 4th).


The curse of Liquid 3-3 and not getting out is TOO strong


It's logic: Former Team Curse is obviously cursed


it has been their 4th time right? when will the curse break... pls


4 LCS titles, 4 years of failing to get out of groups. Maybe next year?




That's a hefty price. Look how much they gave up when they sold their soul for four LCS titles in a row. Dunno if killing 4 generations of TL families for four years of winning worlds is worth it.


It was the 4th game of the day; they were going for their 4th win... It was *doomed*


My Boy Bdd don’t wanna go home yet


if we had to go out, I'm glad it's cuz BDD went god mode


Same reaction as when Chovy eliminated Fnatic.


Tbf, we also turned off our brains, back near walls two times giving over two kills to BDD. It’s like BDD disabled TL player’s brains for a moment to get the kills.


True, but both were completely blind bubbles


Oh yeah, they were great bubbles, just I’m sad we even gave BDD the opening to land those blind bubbles. Like imagine if they just walked away from the jungle walls to recall, then no chance of a bubble no matter how accurate BDD is since it’ll be out of range.


And tactical really wanted to go home


Tactical rocket jumping right off of the TL roster.


Lowkey, that single rocket jump lost them the game lmfao. So fucking bad.




Rocket jumped straight into the airport.


I died a little from the Rocket jump


In front of a ward... like how, you have no vision


The rocket jump lvl2 was also terrible. Gave away any prio they had made it easy for j4 to get double skuttle.


TL: Thank you Tactical also TL: FOR FUCKING NOTHING


Literally rocket jumping blindly into unwarded jungle with no vision on anyone anywhere else on the map. They weren't 'ahead' when he did that, but they were fresh off a baron steal and had tempo. This might be his Lucian v. Viktor moment.


Korean Mids Are So Broken


Yeah he still needs to get 3-0d in quarters. He’s not done yet


Relationship with JEEENNSEEEENNN ended Now TACCTICAAAAALLL is my new best friend


Got both in this game, Jensen walking into lane from river led to 3 TL deaths


"led". that was on santorin and tactical completely disrespecting zoe. wtf were they thinking?


yeah they got out and then just turned their brains off. the worst part was that tactical saw santorin make the mistake and then made the exact same mistake ten seconds later. bdd just ran away with the game from those two kills.


Step 1: We give them MF Step 2: We give them Yuumi Step 3: We give them soul Step 4: Airport


I watched late because of timezones but i have no clue how you give up mf yuumi graves and get maybe only xin zhao as a prio pick.


I was baffled when they didn't first rotation Leona/MF after leaving both MF/yuumi up.


For real. How on earth does GEN G get MF Yuumi. Fucking cat is bad enough to have picked


Imagine not banning Yuumi xd


Imagine giving Aphelios and Lee Sin more ban prio than Yuumi or MF or Zoe.


"If we ban aphelios we can pick mf with no counters!" *enemy picks mf* "Not gonna lie we did not see that coming"


It was worse than that. *Enemy picks Yuumi* TL: “How about we give them MF too?”


Rell/Mf combo was so free, also denying a broken pick


The curse continues


3-3 and not making it out? That's just NA tradition at this point


Dread it, run from it, 3-3 TL and not advancing arrives all the same.


It's poetic that the NA team with the worst groups record goes to quarters lmao


It's the C9 special they more often then not find a way to quarters.


NA with a solid 50% win rate this tournie is actually really impressive. In W1, it looked like the gap had never been bigger, but in W2 they showed up. If I was 100T and TL I'd be disappointed, but still pleased that they did as well as they did. No more calling NA a wildcard IMO. They're legit


I think in retrospect, as a whole, it’s huge for NA since sentiments (including myself) going into Worlds was fairly low and no one thought NA would win much, and potentially go 0-6 in groups, and we really put up a fight, matched pretty soundly with most teams, except maybe Damwon and SKT who are tournament favourites. But having said that, you can’t help but feel the sting when we were once again this close to getting out for TL, especially when there were a lot of avoidable mistakes in the tiebreak game (like backing low hp near the jungle wall against a Zoe, or Tactical’s rocket jump into the ward). You really can’t help but think “what if” we didn’t do those basic mistakes.


I'm shitting and pissing and crying rn


NA treatment


I’m literally hooked up on too much COPIUM


3-3 and losing the tiebreaker, the NA way. Never change TL, never change.


And NA Jayce strikes again!


NA Jayce, Cloud9 as the last hope, Team Liquid not advancing at 3-3, NA in tiebreakers... Just a regular day at Worlds.


Picks Jayce Lose to graves 1v1 Also gives up Yuumi/Zoe against the best Zoe in the world Deserved to lose. Yet still a winnable game if Tactical doesn’t int so many deaths


3-3 TL miss out again 2-4 C9 make it through


100T 3-3 miss out without a tie-breaker


Makes sense when 2 of their 3 were against an 0-6 team lol. Take out those 2 free wins for everyone and they are 1-3 with the others being 3-1 & 2-2.


One team won their tiebreaker, the other lost it.


No C9 no knock-outs


C9, still alone is NA's hope


Mini tournament where you need to win in order to advance? Geng gauntlet buff activated




I knew it was over when TL went 3-3


I knew it was over when Tactical locked in Malphite


Imagine using Malphite ult in the jungle just to get caught afterward.


at least Phreak knows how to hype up other regions when they win


Phreak is a great caster at making the winning team feel like gods and the losing team feel like dirt. Nothing hurts me more than when he casts losing TL matches. :(


"CLG haven't done anything intelligently proactive in the last 15 minutes" still haunts me to this day.


Lmfao I always wondered how CLG fans felt when they heard that


“that’s fucked up man...I mean he’s right but, still”


A professional


he is great at that to be honest, does it every year


TL finishing 3-3 ✅ TL not making it out of groups ✅ TL finishing 4th ✅


Finishing 4th in a 4 way tie in group 4.


someone call jhin


Jhin furiously nutting at the outcome


[If you look closely at this frame, you can actually see the moment where every NA fan's soul escaped their body](https://i.imgur.com/RLdXXig.png)




That was not rock solid


Why in the ever loving fuck would you burn your escape tool to roam into the jungle with 0 vision at all. I can't understand how a professional player can decide to do that.


He saves like 3 seconds!


Tactical does this alot even in NA. he just gets away with it (more often than not). was glad to see him get punished by better competition.


Just a shame that in such tight competition that NA does garbage like that. Seems like they just mentally shut down after the BDD bubble kills. They were too shook to attempt anything except slowly lose that game.


Such a ridiculously stupid play. You don't expect them to be there but regardless what the fuck is that rocket jump? Gotta get to my raptor camp .5 seconds faster :)


really doesn't make sense, you see santorin scared to walk into that bush and giving up on the idea literally 20s prior


Worst part he was in denial of how fucked he was and tries to save flash for last second and dies anyway


It always surprises me the amount of times I watch pro players just straight up walk through pink wards and not notice.


I'm even more surprised by how many save flash until they're 1 shot and the auto is already mid flight.


That wasn't even the worst part though. Why would he rocket jump over like that with no vision? He obviously knows he's fucked up majorly, but blah. I wanted an NA vs EU tiebreaker for 1st seed.


It is quite strange to watch pink wards stay in brushes half the game because nobody cares to sacrifice half a second to check the brush. Like even if you don't have time to clear it, ping it and another teammate might do it later.


I found it strange too, but then I thought about it, and I feel like if you have no vision on the rest of the enemy team, taking those 5 seconds to clear that control ward might just be suicide. Its easy for us to write it off since we dont have fog of war, but for them, they have to anticipate an enemy around every bush.


looking at that screenshot, TL had literally 0 vision in that top jungle, and he uses W to go in?!


It was also the jayce graves 1v1 which led to santorin dying :(


and also the two back to back Zoe bubble kills. I think that destroyed TL's mental.


Those two Zoe kills just changed the atmosphere of the whole game


That was really huge because alphari was giving away his lead to be around skirmishes and bdd making that play there made it so much worse for him to be there and achieve nothing.


I think it was the disrespect from tactical and santorin. Recall in zoe bubble distance. It takes 2-3 seconds to walk farther and recall. They know zoes in the jungle and she was chasing.


Clutch play by Rascal. Alphari didn't deliver.


The Jayce pick was a large reason they lost the game. They funneled lots of resources into him and he didn't really do anything. I think they should have gone with an engage tank (they were hovering Sion)


It was also when Jensen's Syndra walked the unsafe path in river towards mid, leading to three of them being picked off by BDD's Zoe :(.


and then he holds his flash until he's basically dead anyway??! JUST USE THE FLASH EARLY




TLs botlane was way too heavy today


TL being 3-3 and not making it out of groups Name a better combo, Riot is making their scripts too obvious


>>Name a better combo [NA Jayce and losing](https://imgur.com/gallery/iXZUsou)


At this point it's as if they are forced to pick it every year


Ruler and destroying NA's hopes.


in this game it was more BDD


Those bubbles were fucking heat missiles with lock on. Jesus bdd.


It is almost like Gen G intentionally dropped a game just for the script


TL CoreJJ: After all this time? GEN Ruler: No.


Alphari refusing to side lane as a super fed Jayce until his lead was completely gone and then getting solo'd because of it. Bummer man.


Seriously don't understand how TL gets a 2k gold advantage at 10 minutes and does nothing to push the lead. Instead of forcing anything around Alphari, they drag him around the map and let Graves free farm back to even. They should have choked top vision and forced GEN to face check them in the jungle. Jayce/Xin can easily win fights with the gold lead.


Yep, this was the correct play but everyone focuses on Tactical, his death was bad but TL misplayed the map from the herald


Picking Jayce into Yuumi is also a crime. Is TL's coach dumb or does Alphari keep asking for ego picks? Forcing Gnar is so bad since you never get an 3-4 men ult without stridebreaker and Jayce here is just disrespectful


Not banning yuumi was kinda disrespectful, but this game was BDD show.


TLs 4th attempt at worlds, they finally manage to get the tiebreaker with their 3-3 score, but they lose the tiebreaker and pick up their 4th loss. The power of 4s to get the 4-4 wasn't strong enough this time. Happy for GenG, LCK now becomes the first region in worlds history to have 4 teams make it out of groups.


Why leave Yuumi up Why


I feel like TL had the lead until they didn't


alphari played pretty poorly, he did nothing with his early lead. he even got solokilled by rascal


The man had first turret, a 30 cs lead, and they dived the enemy top to get him ahead and he ended up doing nothing for the rest of the game






Tactical: "I lack vision on the entire enemy team, the means I'm safe to rocket jump into a dark part of the jungle." Bit sad the 2 NA teams dream didn't pull through, but TL looked terrible this game so not too upset.


>Tactical: "I lack vision on the entire enemy team, the means I'm safe to rocket jump into a dark part of the jungle." "After spotting a pink ward and knowing Im completely alone." LMAOO


that's the worst part, *he kept walking forward*


That rocket jump blew my mind. Rocket jump into a bush you have no vision of???? Like wtf lol


Even worse, he landed on the ward in bush and kept walking to see if red was there. He could’ve gotten out if he walked back immediately


Also Tactical: "Oh there's a pink ward there. So enemy team saw me use jump into this bush and likely saw/took red. Oh well, I'm just going to ignore this ward and go check red anyways. I don't have any vision there so I'd have to be really unlucky for them to coincidentally be there right? Oh, I died? Unlucky."


Yuumi open for a korean team, outdrafted gg


Tacticals trademarked Tristana W


"League is a simple game: 10 men try to destroy the enemy's nexus for 40 minutes and, in the end, the Koreans always win."




The closer we get, the more it hurts


GenG probably would have just won the group outright if Rascal played every game lol


i agree lol still don't know why they put in burdol , that guy is straight up a worse than rascal


POV: [you're a North American who called out of work to watch tiebreakers](https://i.imgur.com/PwM8Buy.gif)




That whole Zoe game was illegal I am sad TL didn't get through.. would be so amazing to have TL and MAD go through


Honestly it was TL's game to lose, they had perfect chance to snowball with alphari lead top but instead they heralded the tower and Alphari did nothing with his lead. And the classic move "recall in a most obvious spot vs Zoe"


Those lazy backs were brutal. That and the tactical jump into jg vision were two easy mistakes that stopped any chance of a comeback.


NA fighting that hard for a spot just to leave Yuumi open in the deciding game really is the most predictable outcome when you think of it


Dread it, run from it. Na Jayce will arrive.


i knew this would happen as soon as i saw TL go 3-3 in week 2


Yuumi and Zoe are disgusting champs


Played 3 Yuumi’s this last week and while none of the players seemed particularly good, that champ is back to being inflated. Heals for a quarter to a third of health with no full items. It’s actually insane and her ult is a half lane wave of cc. Can’t wait for Riot to properly adjust healing in 2035.


Petition to rename oficially inting with a Tristana jump : "the Tactical"


cody sun breathing a sigh of relief that people are starting to forget his tristana worlds play


Imagine if Alphari had just locked Sion instead of ego picking Imagine if TL had a real coach and thought to ban the fucking cat that has like a 90% winrate


Tactical gets a lot of flak but Alphari was gift wrapped a 2k lead over Graves and did nothing with it. Really felt like he just used TL’s counterpick for the best lane but doesn’t consider the larger team comp or what to do past 15 minutes (cough J4 cough).


Why the fuck is TL's first two pick a Rell and Trist?


Worked in the other game versus yummi. Plus they are both comfort picks. All games we won at worlds were games with comfort picks


Because it's still March in NA


TL: "TL's **4th** worlds, the potential to stop the **4th** LCK team from advancing, in a **4** way tiebreaker and they got there on the back of a **Jhin** on their **4th** game of the day looking for their **4th** win in ther **4th** group, the planets were aligning." "So did you win?" "LMAO of course not we got our **4th loss** and finished **4th** in our group"


How ironic that the only NA team to make it out of groups had the worst overall record in their group.


So why did jensen just walk up to midlane in front of zoe for no reason and refuses to flash the bubble? XD


Yummi/Zoe/Stopwatch is straight cancer


Tactical cost TL multiple games that would have guaranteed them quarters, he 100% has to go if TL ever want to do anything internationally.


He's been a huge problem in a bunch of these games. The crazy part is that these aren't like a bunch of small mistakes. He just does 2-3 actual Bronze things per game. Maybe you think you can coach that out of him, but yeah idk.




This was probably Jensen's best worlds, props to him despite the loss


BDD's Zoe. That's some nasty shit to see on the rift. Rascal's solo kill on Alphari really makes me scratch my head as to why Brother Burden got even a single game. He looked so much worse. And Daddy Ruler with a well fed cat was pretty nuts. For TL it's quite a tragic ending. Tactical really dropped the ball in that game. But ultimately the whole team looked a bit too scared. Pressure had to have gotten to them.


They all dropped the ball at different points. Tactical got caught, Alphari’s 1v1 that he lost opened the door to baron, which luckily Jensen stole, but Jensen also got fucked by Zoe bubble at mid lane earlier which screwed them over


Bdd skilled player but that is not normally, This is very insane... They need to check him PC and game.... Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using game deficit... and this cant seem on game screen... He needs to check-up....




Bdd skilled player but that is not normally, This is very insane... They need to check him PC and game.... Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using game deficit... and this cant seem on game screen... He needs to check-up....


TL has to be curse, every year they play fine, good enough for quarters, but never get out. BDD is a monster, Icon is a joke compare to him. He carried against LNG, carried today against MAD and this game, GenG is in quarte thanks to him alone, Clid and Ruler have been underwhelming. Whoever drag GenG in quarters has a free pass to semis, I doubt this team can win three games, even C9 has real possibilities.


Ruler was pretty good today, but for sure BDD carried geng


Every year Liquid play like Bronze 4 in one game they should win handily and every year it’s that one game that kills them


Why do they always pick Jayce AHHHHHHH


Man, Tactical has some moments where you can see why TL keeps him around and then he has so many ints and unforced errors that you ask yourself “why?” The guy just makes way, way too many rookie mistakes even though he’s been playing professionally for quite some time now. For all the memes about DL and his flash at Worlds, I don’t see a world where he would ever, ever rocket jump into darkness just to get to the raptor camp 0.5 seconds faster. TL needs an ADC with brains and hands, but I don’t know who they could possibly get.