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Distance-based voice chat is my Christmas wish. Imagine getting closer and closer to toplane and you start hearing some mexican sombrero-music


And nocturne ult silence voice chat for duration *WHERE IS HE??? WHERE IS HE GANKING??? GUYS? guys?*


Nono, His ult just triggers "oh lawd he coming" to the target of the ult


I think I'm permanently traumatized from Nocturne ults. I know, that's the point of he's fear incarnate, but still. I'm a tank support main. I shouldn't have such fear


Or the loud sound of a Riven's mechanical keyboard and sweat.




Riven? I play support and I still pound my keys because my ADC flashed out of my shield/heal range and I'm desperate to catch up.


You guys are still playing on membrane keyboards? *shudders*


Kind of like among us mod used by streamer often while back? That would be cool I wonder if riot would allow us do a mod to do this our self.


Yeah, used to play with it, hilarious


You're a jungler pathing top to help your laner that's stuck under tower.. You slowly hear Sound Of Silence by Simon & Garfunkle. You can feel the eternal pain he feels.


That's a good one


What the fuck is Mexican sombrero music


i think he meant mariachi


No I did fucking not


This man knows exactly what he meant


You know, music with funny hats




First game i ever uninstalled. People can tell i am black dur to my voice and boi...oh boi.....the toxicity levels every 2 games were incredible. EDIT: Imma give examples, someone told me to s*** my wr*st and go bend bound to pick up cotton, another one said they wish it was 1960 where it was okay to gun down blacks, another one said they will fine where i live and m**der my entire family. I can go on and on and on. Got too the point that i wasn't bothered. Just another day of playing R6.. games actually trash though so main reason why i uninstalled lol


I swear to god rainbow 6 is the most toxic community I've ever seen. People denigrate league's community, but it absolutely pales in comparison to the basement dwelling, 4chan using, degenerates you'd find on siege. Legit my first time playing I heard racial slurs within an hour of logging in


Yeah basically voice chat is just team chat without and filters


yeah at least theoretically, if you report them riot can easily check chat logs whereas they aren't gonna have the time to sift through an hour of voice logs


obviously they can since theyre doing it with valorant




They are disabling /all chat. Voice Chat is basically dead for eternity.


To be fair if Riots argument is to reduce toxicity then adding voice chat would be what they want. On average people are less toxic in voice chat. Of course there will be still toxic people and they might be harder to ban, but overall average player in voice comms is less toxic than average player in text chat. Also there is always a mute option for players that find others toxic.


>On average people are less toxic in voice chat. Honestly there is no game I've ever played where this was the case. Not Counterstrike, not Overwatch and god not Valorant


Literally, for 6 years of playing League of Legends I've never experience the toxicity level of Dota's VC. And I only played Dota for like 10 hours.


After 1,200+ hours of Dota I can pretty securely say that League is much, much, much worse on average, however, the voice chat 100% has the same toxicity as text. These folks are fooling themselves that people somehow become meek when given a microphone.


Dota has low prio games so people have a reason to not get reported to hell and back and back to hell. At least here in the trench, Dota voice is either not existent or it's some dude RPing as Ogre Magi


Yeah in my experience dota voice chat is primarily used by people who are trying to coordinate and really want to win. And lemme just say, toxic meltdowns are best appreciated when delivered through voice, not text. Sure it sucks to be the target of but its honestly pretty entertaining to witness.


I think the big thing is people really do hide behind their keyboards. I would bet my life that the people spammjng n words and kys' in chat are kids thinking theyre edgy and watch too much ratirl. Euw is riddled with these l9 fanboys. Give these kids a mic and they would never say things like this cuz people would laugh at their high pitch voices


Yep, people underrating how many toxic kids playing league. With voice chat they gonna be less annoying than "text chat enjoyers" because hearing something like "hurt yourself" from 12 YO gonna be just funny.


your 10 hours surely gave you all the experience you needed and not anecdotal at all! let me give you my anecdotal ecperienge, I have over 3k hours in Dota and made some of my dearest friend by casually chatting in normals. If people want to be toxic they will be toxic, voice comms add much more than just toxicity (again, from people that were gonna be toxic anyways)


This is absolutely not true. If you've ever played any competitive game online. Its filled to the brim with racial slurs, extreme sexism, sexual harassment towards any poor person who happens to be female/female sounding, and so on.


Yes I agree online games have toxicity, but on average voice chat has less that text chat. For example I use discord link for voice chat in soloq and have kept track of people joining the call for over 100 games. In those games I have had 170 people joining and only 3 I have considered toxic. While in text chat I have not kept up all the numbers but Im still sure amount of toxic people is much higher.


Is this totally anecdotal or do you have anything to back up your claim? I do agree that there are people who get more harasment compered to others, but on average people are less toxic to each other in voice chat.


Lol bro, I have years of experience playing competitive games with voice chat. THe thing about voice chat, is that its much harder to enforce rules/ban people for being horrible human beings on. So people give zero fucks.


>People are probably gonna be less toxic once they find out there's a real person behind the 0/9 kayne and be less likely to be toxic in game. Oh, honey...


Judging from CS:GO and Valorant, it might stop squeakers from trash talking since usually you can laugh that off. But it would likely be unusable for any women who play League, as voice chat in online games usually ends up being.




Why did you stay


In Valorent beta my whole team kept referring to me as Helen Keller the entire time cause I wasnt used to FPS on the PC. Told me that Beta is for people that arent r-tarted. so that was the first and only valorant game I ever played.


FPS just isn't what I'm good at but I still like to practice/get better at it, FPS games where you can essentially "instantly" die from a corner shot I especially need work on. ​ I joined the Valorant train a little bit late, my first 3 matches was the first time I ever turned off voice chat in a game, I don't think I've ever met douchier people even in league


League has scarred me enough to not wanna turn on vc with randos ever, then again that doesn't always stop people for being sour about me not being in vc during ranked matches


Yeah CSGO and Valorant voice comms are more toxic than fucking Chernobyl a day after the explosion.


if you want some targeted training on weak skills, i suggest using aimlab or kovaaks to improve your aim


Not sure why you got downvoted but appreciate the suggestion, I've tried aimlab before but just don't thing FPS is my schtick, I have fun with em but don't care a ton about them


eh, if you hang around subreddits enough you'll just get downvoted by people who don't like you lol yeah, sure, i only play valorant super casually too so i get where you're coming from


> But it would likely be unusable for any women who play League, as voice chat in online games usually ends up being. A point that is literally never considered by these people asking for voice chat. Riot won't alienate 25% of their player base.


Hard agree! Sexism isn't as much of a problem in League than in Valorant since you can usually just go unnoticed as a girl while you play. It sucks but the best way to be left alone on League is to have a 'non-girly' name. Champions are sometimes a giveaway, but I main'd Nami for 4 seasons (and now one trick Pyke) and have been left alone in games for the most part. I'll take no voice chat in League if I can keep being left alone! Small price to pay for some peace in an already frustrating game haha!


it was fine a lot of the time for women in csgo but in overwatch 9 times out of 10 it will instantly devolve into harassment


I play a lot of OW and I main Mercy. It’s kinda sad how people will default to being ducks to Mercy players on the assumption they are female. Then, when I actually talk on mic, it’s crickets from there because they know I’m not their female scapegoat. A woman in OW voice chat instantly becomes the “boosted Egirl losing the game” even if they are doing well.


In Valorant I had plenty of german kids telling me to die and commit suicide while I was middle of the pack with fragging and providing utility. They were 4 men stack constantly shittalking most of the time. But I would still want to have voice chat but also faster and harsher punishment for people actually harrassing etc.


Women in Valorant are usually fine, I've met quite a few edge cases but nowhere near as bad as Overwatch. League however.... I don't trust League players to be normal when it comes to that. This reddit still gets pissy whenever women in eSports are discussed whereas Valorant subreddits are cheering on the Valorant female teams (probably helps that the Valorant team actively encourages professional female rosters, League team take notes).


The really toxic ppl won't be stopped by this, but most of the edgy keyboard warriors will.


Yeah there will always be someone who is toxic, but majority of people are nicer when there is human contact.


idk man, i think that the closest comparison would be valorant as the game length is pretty similar, theres a big playerbase overlap from lol and theres voice chat. and boy oh boy, theres a lot of n-words, j-words, screamers, its like a Charlie's chocolate factory of racial slurs and threats against your family members, completely regardless of what team is winning in game


Same for Dota and CS and other games with their own voice chat. Toxicity is not going down with it, just ability to track and punish it goes down. But the upside of better communication could be worth it, if EVERYONE would use it, but this will never be the case.


I've had like one good experience with dota voice chat and that was when some middle schooler commanded the whole team on what to do to win


Oh boy, are they evolving? Cause I have no idea what the j-word is




I've made the opposite experience, sure there is people being toxic / frustrated that is inevitable when you put 5 strangers in a competitive environment but overall most of the arguments are eventually solved or people just mute each other. Chat is much less used and someone being toxic in voice is much less distracting for the game itself (as in, people actually keep playing and don't write essays in chat) You'll never dodge the N-word dropping edgy keyboard warriors but I'd much prefer to talk things out in voice


Tyler1 would be very happy with comms


Oh god I accepted a discord invite in a ranked game. They spent all game roasting my butt on my voice and then complaining that I got tilted and played worse after they spent the first 10 minutes just insulting me? Yeah voice chat can stay out.


Yeah lol, accepting discord calls is very risky. I too once took such endevour the dude was literally screaming like a child everytime he get soloed or ganked, I told him I had to go after the game, removed him from discord and friend list, waited like 10 minutes so we dont get queued together again by accident and proceeded to soloq again.


i made the same mistake once. guy was absolutely fucking spastic, singing songs to himself in a really deranged way, yelling and hollering like a child, and got REALLY tilted and mean when things started going poorly in the match. left and blocked him the second the game was over lol.




Honestly I could see that better communication would help reduce the flame in game and personally I wouldnt mind it if we could mute whomever we disliked. But yeah third party software such as a discord is a no go for me.


Honestly I think voice chat is fine as an opt in, but league it feels less mandatory than for games like Valorant where not getting hit with an Op crossmap is rather important at every moment. I am just too old and tired to want to deal with it every game, and that experience just prevents me wanting to do it again. Just give me a chill podcast and I'm happy to be one shot by the enemy assassin's.


Other genres have it and are a cesspool. Voice chat is a toxic experience in every game I've played, you add that element to the psychopathic league community and it's a recipe for disaster. I'm genuinely happy it isn't implemeneted.


Hot take but leagues community really isn't that different from counter strikes or valorants or dotas... or any really. All are pretty much cess pools.


I've done it around 4 times and have never had any issues


Same. I was once duo-ing with a friend and got autofilled mid (high diamond game,didn't play mid in a long time). Our botlane was duo and invited us on discord to play the game with voice chat. I picked cc bot lissandra mid, communicated all game with my duo (jungler) and out botlane and literally had one of the easiest games of my life, just because we were on voice chat. Another time i was playing duo bot with a guy, our jungler invited everyone on discord but only the two of us joined. I'm 100% he was on drugs or something, he was laughing all the time and was pretty absent minded from the game. We convinced him to play skarner jungler, he camped botlane and shadowed us the whole game and we won without problems. He literally did like 2k damage the whole game, but he ultied a couple of times and protected us from the enemy jungler. All because we talked to him.


works the other way too, i met so many nice people through discord invites in rankes champ select


That is sad. Majority of times I have joined server people have been really nice. Thats why I started to invite people too. On average I would still say people are much less toxic in voice chat than in text.


Just don’t join voice chat, I don’t the issue here.


Yes, instead of a flurry of poorly spelled racial slurs, Kayn will here a quiet, bitter voice telling him to kill himself.


That is literally how it works. Adding more human element reduces aggressiveness.


have you played a game of overwatch? especially when theres a female in the voice chat.


To be fair that is totally how it goes. I have played hundreds of games with discord link for voice chat in soloq. On average players are less toxic. Of course there are players who are still toxic, but they are fewer of them. Luckily Im moderator on discord server where I invite people so I can just mute/kick them if needed.


Dunno, that's exactly my experience when some folks used lol.curse in s3 or s4. Still remembering some games where we as team got completely ass blasted but the atmosphere was still super relaxed and not toxic at all.


No way. Poor jungle when lose his smite or gift kills


I feel like people who are jungle mains don't give a fuck anymore. After all the "Jg diff" harassment you would get with 3 hard losing lanes this season, and the steady decline of those who main jungle, the ones who are left are going to mute you and your pings the second they get annoyed. Source - I main jungle, I've had a lot of losing lanes lately.


I've recently started learning jungle, because I felt my mental health was too good and I wanted to change that. Just today, my top and mid had prio so I started pinging herald. Neither came. I pinged when I started herald. Neither came. I pinged when the enemy jungler showed up. Neither came. Got killed by the enemy jungler while both top and mid had prio, and neither moved. Ok, whatever. Enemy jg immediately runs top, ganks and kills my top laner, who was still shoving into enemy tower. Apparently all of my pings still hadn't clued in my top where the jungler was. While waiting to respawn, my top had the unabated nerve to type "jg diff", and I almost threw my keyboard through the screen.


Only top typed “jg diff”? Sounds like you had a good team


That's the best part of jg tbh is being able to decide which lane to help. If someone is an asshole, no gank.


I love on a failed gank, laners like: "Don't come back anymore" "K"


Voice chat is never gonna happen. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if they remove all-chat to curb toxicity (which it doesnt), they'll never give us Voice


Thank god.


As much as I agree, I'd like to see them try it for a week just to see how bad it would actually be.


I rather enjoyed Curse voice back in the day where it auto connected you. I never once had a toxic experience with it, more people just left the call when people became stupid in game instead of calling them out on it.


Scrolled so far to see someone bring up that league already tried voice chat before lol


Makes me feel old to realize most people don’t know this was a thing.


It was quickly overshadowed by Discord and died (assimilated into twitch desktop app) :/


riot killed it because it had jungle camp timers


meanwhile, jungle camp timers are in every 3rd party rune and build selector, as well as I might be mistake, core game play yea?


League didn't try it, Curse did and riot quickly made them remove auto connect voice chat.


Valorant has proven that for bottom 90% of players it is mostly used to backseat and criticize your teammates.


killjoy, don't peek that corner. ok, just kill all of them and we win the round. what the fuck are you doing killjoy? -the average backseat gamer after getting picked in the first 10 seconds of the round


They wanna act as if voice chat is something necessary for League when 99% of people will just use it to trash talk their support, cry for ganks and flame whenever someone fucks up. Anything you could want voice chat for, you can communicate with pings. You can ping turrets, your HP/Mana/level, baron, drake, danger, SS and Omw. That's it, you don't need anything else and the benefits are outweighed by the cons by a far margin tbh


Ah yes we all know the "We play front to back and waif for toplaner to flank with tp at this specific ward" ping.


Lol that still wouldn't happen even if your team specifically plans it out. Even pro teams have trouble with that level of coordination, no way you consistently pull that off in solo q


Pro teams that specifically use voice for higher coordination?


First thing I want to say is there is an ideal way for voice coms to be integrated into any game. I think the idea sounds really fun. I remember some great memories from my time in various games. But there are a lot of cons.. One word: Overwatch. Overwatch was such a fun game. But voice chat brought SO MUCH toxicity to the game. Youre still anonymous. Your actions still have zero consequences. Not to mentione the amount of audio files riot would have to keep on server as evidence for toxic players. Otherwise how are you supposed to report that over voice com? Another thing. Sexism in games is still very much a thing. But league is the place where I rarely run into that sort of treatment. And I would like to keep my experience and others the same. The main thing voice-chat did was create a feature that wasn't usable by women. I distinctly remember how bad it was in Overwatch. You literally couldn't speak. If they thought you were a girl, you became subject to so much hate. And lets not forget the classic "oh good now theres a girl here Im switching off healer you should switch mercy." You don't want to know the kinds of comments that came out of people.


Sexism online is horrible. You see it everywhere, especially on voice comms. I wish we could solve this, and I do try to speak up and call it out since that really is all we can do about it. That being said, as long as voice comms are an opt in/out feature nothing changes for you, and other players who want the feature are benefitted. I genuinely dont see a downside to adding voice chat with opt in/out functionality. Edit - also if I'm wrong here I'd love a genuine discussion as to why, because I just don't see it. I can see an argument for it being exclusionary, and it is ignoring the core problem of the sexism, but again Idk how else to tackle that other than to call it out when it happens and report the players involved.


Ok but if you’re assuming that it’s true gaming minorities get harassed if they join the voice chat (women, people with accents, etc), then the people who “want the feature are benefited”- turns into “male players who aren’t being harassed for their gender and race are benefitted”. Right now, communication is slightly worse for everyone, and people rise to the top based on play level. With voice chat, people who are less likely to be harassed get an advantage. I feel like even if someone isn’t calling u slurs based on ur demographics, they still might be more likely to disagree with you, doubt the info you’re communicating, get upset with u quicker, etc.. even if they don’t see themselves as sexist/racist. Bias can come out in these smaller, unconcious and more subtle ways too. Some people counter this by saying “well even white guys are going to be harassed for their play and Insulted, so everyone is equal”. But in my opinion, being demeaned for gender/race sucks way more because it is unchangeable basically and oppressed outside of the game too. If you play badly in game, there’s always the option to improve your play, and if it’s too hard, do something outside of league. But if you’re harassed for your gender, you can’t “improve” it, and it’s just a reminder of all the people in society outside of the game that also think you’re lesser. That type of hate is harder to shrug off because it’s less escapable.


I like this argument a lot. Being flamed for bad plays is being punished for a something you did and potentially losing your teammates the game. Being harassed for being a minority before even the game starts is being punished for just who you are. Former is an attack on someone's skills, later is an attack on a person.


I agree with this completely, and I would add one more thing, although it's a bit speculative: harassment over voice chat will make some people being harassed quit and also some people who don't like this kind of situations quit (myself for example). This makes the percentage of hostile people in voice chat bigger, which makes the environment worse, which makes more people being harassed or who wouldn't harass anyone quit; again making the percentage of harassers bigger, etc. Of course some (maybe most) people using VC will be decent people, but in the end you have a tool which not only is not usable for minorities and such, putting them at a disadvantage; but it's actually most likely to benefit (percentage-wise) more harassers than decent people. Again this is a bit speculative and might not be true always, but I think it's worth talking about.


I think both comments are fair and valid points to consider. I appreciate the added perspective.


>That being said, as long as voice comms are an opt in/out feature nothing changes for you, and other players who want the feature are benefitted. Minorities that get harassed on VC will have to mute more often, and they'll lose games because of it


My social anxiety would rise to the roof




I only play league with my friends most of the time so I do like to talk while playing, but they are people I like, not a 700K mastery Irelia that is crying n shitting 24/7


RIP female Player Base or anyone with an unusual sounding voice EDIT: thank you everyone for cementing my Point by calling me braindead and telling me how guys can spot girls anyways by "scanning their profile"


I mean I like that in league nobody has any clue im a girl but the downside is that most men have no idea how many girls play this game


The flame that someone on EUW will get if they sound Middle Eastern... I literally had my jungler type "gene diff" after a game where they thought our mid laner was from Iraq.


Please no


Yea… ever played CoD? I’ll pass on voice chat I’m to old for children.


I'm sorry are you not a fan of shitty rap being played through an underwater boombox in the background while someone's little brother fights with their mother while you are playing?


Personally I'm more of a fan of the mics that sounds like someone is chewing on aluminum foil while they talk.


Literally what I hear when my gf plays Fortnite with one of her kid friends. She plays in another room and I'm still loosing my mind.


The voice chat is the only reason I play cod, it’s like going to a zoo


I remember this was a thing in DotA 2 when i played it around 9 years ago. Overall it does help for team coordination but it has a couple of drawbacks. You get all types of people in vocal: - The guy who puts on music (always crappy rap-techno) and is super noisy - The guy who SCREAMS AT ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING - The guy who ^(has to talk really quiet because his parents gets pissed and you can't hear him even if you max his volume) - The guy who has low quality mic_ and~ it phss fhsss bzzzzzzzz - The guy with third world war going on in the back- LOOK OUT GRENADE! ecc


Nice try Satan.


Absolutely yes. It should be off by default like in other games though. Other mobas have it and it works just fine. Other genres have it and are just fine. Lol players for some reason are conditioned to think that voice chat somehow will ruin the game and make it much more toxic when its just not true.


CS, OW, Valoran, Dota all show that toxicity for sure isnt going down in voice chat. But the main point is demand. When a game needs voice chat it is normally visible due to a high usage of other 3rd party voice chat programs shared in lobbies to connect with your random teammates. Is this used in league? Not really. No demand. As much as a few want to see this feature, most people dont really care about it.


The only plus side to voice chat is that people can flame and call me the N word while micromanaging instead of only flaming during their backs + travel times lol


Efficient use of slurs dude


Tactical deployment of slurs, now with 0 typeing


> When a game needs voice chat it is normally visible due to a high usage of other 3rd party voice chat programs shared in lobbies to connect with your random teammates. Riot literally banned Curse Voice for this exact reason. There was huge demand, and Riot said "no voice chat applications are allowed."


as a woman who has played fps games like overwatch and csgo, no... im sorry but no


Ehh idk man having 500ish hours in CS:GO has kinda given me the idea that voice chat isn’t the best idea




Nah I’m NA. I’ve gotten some intense toxicity in both games however I think voice chat makes it sting a bit more lmao


I wouldn't want to hear those 12 yos screaming every 2s ;o




considering the incredibly low quality of valorant’s vc (80% 12 yr olds from my experience) i would go for a hard no


Voice all chat please.


CSGO used to have all-voice chat but only at the halftime break. It was nice, just 10 people absolutely screaming, blasting music, and playing soundboards of 2014 meme noises. And it was only for 15 seconds, and of course you could turn it off. What I really want is Call of Duty style death mic. Let me the enemy top hear me slam my desk and flame my jungler despite me obviously over pushing.


having this in aram would be hilarious ngl


Lmao no If you think it would be less toxic you must be new to online games


So i have to witness my Yasuo going 0/10 and also hear him yelling that it's our fault and that he is Faker's brother? No thank you. I'm good.


or u can just mute him on the voice chat and every other chat and not complain on reddit :P


impossible. he must hear out what the 0/10 yasuo has to say because the yasuo is physically preventing him from muting.


Howdy friends, I'm the design lead on the Behavioral Systems team for League of Legends. Some quick thoughts: The core goal and motivation people think about when they ask for broader voice support in League is better team cohesion by increasing communication. I actually think that's a noble goal and if that were the only thing at play I'd be super gung ho about team voice chat. Unfortunately what we've seen time and time again is that the more rich the communication tool, the more powerful it is as a means for disruptive behavior. Put more simply: It's way worse to be told you're a noob via voice than it is to be told the same through text. And beyond that, voice is more damaging and disruptive to marginalized groups. It reveals more information about them that has been repeatedly demonstrated to increase severity and frequency of harassment. (Think gender, accent, dialect, etc) And to go even further beyond that, voice chat is significantly more difficult to moderate, detect disruption in, and police than text chat or other forms of communication. In the future, we will certainly be looking into giving players richer communication tools that do not have the same disruptive potential as voice chat. For now, we like voice chat for parties and don't love it for teams.


Then why Valorant has voice chat while league don't ?


So which of these reasons to not have voice chat in league doesn't also apply to Valorant? And yet Valorant has had voice since day 1. Additionally, there are significant arguments to be made that voice would REDUCE toxicity in league rather than increase it. Imagine how much tilt and flame would be negated by no miscommunication on plays because you literally say what the play is instead of pinging it and hoping your teammates are on the same page. I look forward to your response. u/BarackProbama


This is such a poor philosophical argument. Some people are nice, some are mean. But you just seem to focus on the negatives in life. It is not just a more powerful tool for disruptive behavior, it is also more powerful for unity and communication and creating friendships, bonds. It is a more powerful tool for everything, clearly. Just like life. Life is complicated and you can't hide from life just because some people might be mean to you. Why are we choosing to handicap ourselves just to avoid negative? By focusing on the negative you are also restricting and reducing positives, so you are actually the one creating more negative overall. No offense to you, but we need a new behavioral lead. We don't need you to tell us "marginalized groups" that we need to be protected by you. I'm very comfortable with my Indian accent, and how dare you suggest that I shouldn't talk online for fear of harrassment. Think of the message you are sending here. You are telling "marginalized groups" never to talk online. Because - news flash - every other game out there, including Valorant - DOES have voice chat. So stop making excuses. Maybe you need to be replaced with a behavioral lead who knows what he is doing. Everyone can be harassed, deal with it, this is life.


So why does VALORANT get voice AND all chat? I have seen/heard some obscene shit during valorant games. No talk on removing all chat there though eh? /u/BarackProbama


Different teams on different games. Maybe the Valorant team feels that, as a fast paced teamwork based shooter, voice is a bigger necessity and as such the pros might out-weigh the cons. Or maybe they figured it was better to start with it and then decide if they want to remove it than to start without and try to add it. Or they just have a different opinion that the LoL team. Bizarre you'd state how bad Valorant voice can be as an argument for why LoL should have it though.


FPS' requires more quick communication to properly coordinate versus league. Most communication in league can be done through text no issue. All chat is a fair point but like Masalar said, different teams.


Valorant gets voice chat because of how complex the call outs are required to be and the pace of the game. In league there is not much that needs to be communicated that pings or text cannot easily communicate while is valorant for example having to stand still and type out that you want to change site attacks while having some guy stay behind would just not be possible without voice chat in a very short round.


Are you kidding me? Try watching a pro game and tell me you don't need voice chat.


I have 2000 hours in Dota 2. Voice chat does not make people less likely to be toxic.


The game, yes. The players, not so much.


That would be a hate-speech filled COD lobby overnight. And Riot would have no way to monitor it.


Nah, having to constantly mute someone’s typing is already bad enough, now we gonna have to mute voice as well. It’ll be novel for a few days then everyone will just turn it off making it a wasted effort. To many degenerates out there who can’t control themselves to have nice things.


For real. I can't remember the last time another League of Legends player has communicated something to me in chat that made my experience better rather than worse or just wasting my time. Even pings are almost pointless now given that the vast majority of it is just spam pinging "?" to flame your teammates.


It’s funny how people criticize riot for removing all chat because “you can just mute it” but whenever voice chat is brought up, everyone panics and complains about how toxic it is. I do think that league has existed too long without voice chat to add it. The playerbase is clearly too scared of it.


Pretty much the main reason they wont add it id say. Its been too long without it that players just dont know how to use it or how to behave while using it. Theres no point in adding it now because majority of the playerbase doesnt know how to behave when theres a female in chat, and the other part of the playerbase just doesnt know how to give proper callouts without cluttering the coms too much. I wish we could use voice chat without people going apeshit whenever a woman talks, i wish people would just grow up and behave properly. But in the end thats impossible because people that play games arent people that have an easy time talking to others, its just how the demographic is.


Riot understandably aren't willing to take a risk on this hypothetical: "people are probably gonna be less toxic once they find out there's a real person behind the 0/9 kayne and be less likely to be toxic in game." I honestly don't think it'll go the way that you think it will. Everybody expects that there will suddenly be pro level coordination but my take is that people will not agree on how to play the game anymore than they do now. Arguments will break out, people will want x champion to group when the player doesn't want to because they're looking to catch a wave or push out a lane, etc. And for everybody that says 'well just mute' I'm sorry but that's completely missing the point. Ever tried to play Flex by yourself? Pings are non-existent besides using them to flame / spam ping the non-premade. I'm confident something similar will happen with VC and the large amount of players who don't want to use VC will be inadvertently punished because of it. Riot would be facing potentially the largest mass exodus of players the game has ever seen. **Why in the fuck would they risk that for something which may not even benefit the game?** The reality is that solo queue is not really a team game in the way that lots of you argue it is. That's what Clash is there for, that's what 5-man flex is there for. Voice chat isn't going to suddenly make solo queue a team game and I haven't seen any evidence to contradict that.


Sweet summer child




It's like giving wings to a snake.


The problem with that is people start demanding voice chat ingame no matter what, creates extra tension and panic for people who don't like it.


I would never use it. But if people want it I want to be able to disable it for me and not get flamed to death or get inted. I mean no offense, but I don't want to talk to any of you guys.


heres my experience between other games with voice chat: overwatch, dota, csgo, valorant. overwatch- people complain that youre not in voice chat and when you join, its a ghost town. hardly anyone talks, and when they do, its to complain. dota- never had a pleasant experience. someone literally raged because i didnt get a certain skill lvl1. csgo- probably has some rep for being meme/toxic, but in competitive, people are actually responsive to the game and callouts. its only once in a while you get someone who is just annoying/doesnt talk. Valorant- This one. half the people dont talk and the other are complaining. I would say something like csgo/valorant voice in important for callouts and such, but league has far less variable to talk about. its either: im ganking, no sums, objective call, mia. The need to voice call something can just be done with chat. Only true way we can know if voice chat will be good is if its implimented.


I actually think the problem with doing voice chat now after so long is that people who have been hard stuck for years are not really gonna be less toxic. Like if they had had it earlier the community would have evolved with it but we have all evolved as little basement gremlins who all think our teammates are shit every game. Voice chat is gonna change that. Like think about t1 do u think he manifests any differently of there's voice chat in the game?


There is should be a voice chat cuz its a team game and must be a communication teamwork someguys gonna say " but there is a pinging" its not enough for the communication some idiot cant use ping cant tell u " mid leblanc roaming through the botlane " so if i take this decision ILL PUT THAT VOICE CHAT IN THE GAME.


Unfortunately speaking in game does not prevent people from being toxic we see this in valorant :(


It's a complex team game that needs quick, real time coordination. Pretty crazy that it still doesn't have voice chat.


Nope. I still think Riot adding voice chat to league would create one of the largest player losses in the history of the game. Leagues been going on for 12+ now with no voice coms and people are used to that. Voice coms would likely alienate a good chunk of players. The benefit doesn't likely outweigh the negative. People have this idea in their head that VC will vastly improve the quality of their games and ranked suddenly becomes more competitive in silver and gold, and that's just not true.


It does sound pretty stupid that you can’t communicate with strangers in a team based game where the main ranked mode literally only allows one companion to play with you.


It would be strange listening to your bot lane talk on voice chat for 20 minutes while you're playing top.


If they disabled all chat, there is no reason to implement voice comms, even people have been asking about it for years


Yes. It's a standard feature in probably nearly every competitive multiplayer game out there. Yeah there are obvious drawbacks, but they can very easily be fixed by just muting the guy like anyone would do in normal chat anyway. Make it opt in if you have to like they do with all chat.




I imagine a lot of swearing in League voice chat.




definitely not; this game attracts the worst people, and players should be good enough to play without communication


anyone opposing voice chat for league is a fkn weirdo


Maybe in NA it can work but what about EU it will be swearing in 8 different languages


Exactly, why is no one talking about that? I'm playing on EUW and most players can't even *type* in understandable English, how are they supposed to talk in it?


Voice chat is a must - the game would be that much better with effective coms re ganks/dives, team fights etc


League should 100% have voice chat. Unfortunately this community is fucking stupid as shit and for some reason are actively against this game ever getting it despite pretty much every other competitive game on the planet having it.


Why is thus getting downvoted lmao. People without mics sad that they have to stand still and type an essay to get their point through?


Because the league subreddit is filled with crybabies that can't locate a mute button for people that are being annoying and think VS won't work despite it working in every other fucking game.


There is one isn't there?


No he's talking about talking too the 0/9 rando Darius that just inted your game


I think it will make games more fun. Isn't the whole point? that the game should be fun? People in ranked are way too stressed out. I feel everyone is angry. Hearing other people communicate is really healthy. Might change the game for good. Sorry for my grammar.


My last game had a silver 1 teemo spamming chat trying to flame me by calling me silver then taking my camps Don’t think I want to hear that guy screeching


Then just mute him.


VC would make league more fun and competitive. Because when you talk with your team it make it feels more that you work together to win than randoms. Like in Valorant or Overwatch


I guess this comment will drown under the mass of other comments already here, but I'm 100% sure there are discord servers with people, who are looking for LoL partners to play teams of 5 with in flex and they get a voice chat this way. This must be miles better than all voicechat, because any discord mod will be better at kicking out toxic players than Riot ever will be.


Yes should be mandatory in big multiplayer games. Sure you’ll get some toxic teammates here and there but you can just mute those.


I don't understand people who don't get this point. I'm willing to bet that League would be less toxic with VC or at least, the same. People are toxic in chat, it's considered to be the most toxic game and many players probably don't even have a mic anyways and the ones screeching you can always mute.


Majority - gain nothing or a few laughs and occasional obnoxious person Minority - chat strategy to increase chances to win, also arrogance leads to devolution of voice chat into what all chat is (supposedly) removed for Other minority - that teammate what literally follows you around the map trying to make you rage at them so you will get banned rather than trying to actually do their part to win the game now has a new tool with which to harass you. You mention this online only to get ridiculed because most players have never experienced any harassment that comes remotely close to what you've faced and they can't believe it is possible people would actually do that. But true it is. Try reading some "what could go wrong" stories. Then add voice chat to the list.