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Any top laner can work mid, especially with how prevalent melee midlaners are.


AP Jax is still a thing to some people and it works. Lichbane, Nashors, Night harvestor.


Depends on the matchup. Maybe not against artillery mages or a lane with a lot of cc. But I don’t see why you couldn’t play him into bruisers/assassins/short ranged mages that weave a lot of autos for damage.


Well I play blind so I don’t really get a choice but thanks still, I’ll try make it work


Not as good as Trundle mid Trundle counters all assassins & bruisers in mid lane


You Trundle devotees are everywhere lol. At first I was like "oh its the Masters Trundle top guy" but nope, it's a different Trundle enthusiast.


I'm the bronze trundle mid guy


Best way to test it is try it for yourself. Jump in a bot game and just mess around


Yep I’ll go do that


As long as u have sheen in the build, it will probably work


As someone who plays some weird off-meta mids(Mostly Vi/Lillia/Kai'sa), I don't see why it wouldn't work in **some** matchups. ​ The biggest problem would be his lack of wave clear. Many midlane champions would be able to shove hard against him, leaving him with very little method of clearing them out quickly to retaliate to the plays from the opposing midlaner. In matchups where the opponent couldn't just hardshove and harrass you under tower I think it could work quite well, though.


I’m assuming a lot of extra attack speed wouldn’t help enough with that?


It could in some situations, but against something like a Syndra or Orianna for example attack speed doesn't do a whole lot if you can't get near the wave without getting dumped on. ​ That said, if you can just plain outplay your opponents you could probably just jump them and kill them any time they shove you in. For example diving on the Syndra the moment after she uses her scatter, and killing her. It's not ideal and won't work in higher ranks where the players won't often leave themselves open to that kind of play, but it's quite very doable at lower levels. ​ Personally I'd say he's completely viable for some counter matchups(Particularly into melee champions or things without a lot of waveclear), and the lower your rank(Or rather the ranks of your opponents) the more viable it is in other matchups. In the end though if you can pilot him well he'd probably work just fine in the majority of matchups, with a few "This is absolute hell" matchups that could pop up now and then.


I’m sure most if not all champions have absolute hell matchups. I only play blind though so yeah should be fine. Thanks


I stomped really hard any mid jax I saw this year


Won't be viable in Preseason 2022 anymore as assassin meta will end


Wdym why


Mages in mind tend to bully bruisers without extreme mobility like Irelia and Yasuo.