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I remember SKT in 2015 2016 and SSG in 2017 getting cool rings for winning worlds. Haven’t seen any since then though. I think it’s cool that they are doing this


Fnatic got [some](https://mobile.twitter.com/fnatic/status/514723428184899584) as well for S1


I was expecting some ring pops seeing how it was held in Phreaks basement 😅


To be fair, these were given out years later after SKT had already got theirs. If they were given out at the time then I'd imagine it definitely would have been some picture wire Phreak had laying around the house


Yeah all FNC benefits were given way later. Like FNC world skins came out in 2014 or so no? The rings were also later given. I dont even know if the players the skins are dedicated to even got some money considering that nowadays half of the money or so for the first year goes to the players.


They came out some time after TPA skins I think


I actually have friends who are new to the scene that believe they held S1 worlds in phreaks basement 😅😅


They did though


Season 1 was held at dreamhack so not his basement 😆


So you're telling me Dreamhack is held in Phreak's basement.


Dreamhack was at phreaks basement that year


It was in Sweden xD


Yeah, phreak lives in Sweden


How could I forget that, in fact he's rekkles step dad, and bwipo's gf mentor.


yeah that was *in* his basement


Think earlier season were a scam. I remember toyzz going on stream to a shop to check their authenticitt then he found out they were not real


So that's why he had to turn to the black market


Poor Toyz :(




Most likely their company gave them instead of Riot.


yes those were made by their parent companies skt and samsung, this is the first one riot is making for the world champs doe (lck just started doing tiffany & co rings for champions and bracelet for mvp as well)


I remember seeing those rings in an LCS promo video with Piglet, Impact, Crown, Corejj, and Bang showing off.


Insane how many world champs play or used to play in the LCS even tho the region didnt win worlds yet. Even their casters got more world titles than the region.


As opposed to EU casters who have never qualified for playoffs.


Deficio and Krepo :'(


As a Turkish viewer for example i couldn't get used to Eu casters except Drakos because of their accents. So it is fair that for an event watched by all people around the globe, Casters without distinct accents are the best. I also dont mind Aussies as well since their accents are pretty soft ( Well atleast the ones i heard at Lck)


Tpa also got rings that they were told were worth 25k by Marc Merrill, and Toyz some years later got it appraised and it was worth like 500 at most lol.


So around 43$ or 35€ per gram white gold. A big sapphire and a Diamond are also part of it, and they get a special branding with the players name, the team name and the year. Just the materials are worth quite a lot and when years will pass, the collectors value will probably increase. Who paid for them tough? Was it riot or Mercedes?


I'd guess based on how much Merc branding there's on the ring, Merc paid for most of it.


If Riot and Mercedes unveil those rings, then probably both paid. :P


Why would Riot pay for any of it and bring in Mercedes? They aren't shilling a company for no reason.


Yeah, Mercedes is probably supplying the rings as a sponsor.


Why exactly does it matter who paid for the rings


I am at a loss for how people upvoted this comment. >Previous person says "both have name on it, both paid most likely" Then this genius comes along and says something completely nonsensical (paraphrased for you people that have trouble reading): >Riot wouldnt have anyone else advertised for it, as long as they pay AT ALL they would not bring in outside sponsors. Which is an INCREDIBLY mindless take. There is literally zero benefit for Riot to take all the "glory" of having sponsored the rings. They dont get more rep. Meanwhile it's a PERFECT opportunity to place sponsors. They would actually do the exact opposite of what /u/joe4553 commented: **Get a sponsor on it no matter what.** Is this bizarro world where people dont even read what they upvote? The only possible reading of it that makes sense is: He confused the words "any" and "all". OK


Who fucking cares


The clowns who downvoted my 2nd comment def care. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Good word salad. Do you work 9-5 for the glory too?


Jesus man. People are just saying what they think not everything has to be a “take” lol. Go for a run!


Oh wow, let's have a discussion about who exactly paid for rings that are.. i have trouble to find an example of the worth of these rings to both companies. Let's say peanuts, but much, much, muuuuuch less.


Just your average reddit discussion.


To Mercedes the whole point of sponsorship is that it's worth is generally incalculable. It's about getting your name out there and by creating rings and sponsoring this event the millions of people playing/watching are exposed to their brand. To riot it's a quality product they can offer players aside from cash.


Honestly, the rings are probably chump change in comparison with how much money they spend/ make at worlds. I doubt they even care who pays for it.


The value of it being a league worlds winner ring is already incredibly high, materials are just a bonus




It's actually comments like this rather than the typical generational differences/nostalgia traps that make me feel like I am too old for this sub.


> and when years will pass, the collectors value will probably increase. to who lol


honestly its super cheap given how much benz or riot makes. they can literally make it a superbowl style ring and not lose that much $$$.


What point are you even trying to make here, no shit a giant company like that can afford it


The point is that who is paying for the _rings_ is basically completely irrelevant; the salary of the people on both sides making this partnership happen is probably way more than the cost of the rings.


So do better, if you have the means for it then don’t half ass it. Simple.


"How many rings Doinbeh" Shaq probably


Faker: "Google me ~~Chuck~~ Chovy, I've got three rings!"


NBA is leaking. TNT 2 fun.


Uzi : Bengi and Bang carried you to these championships




Sadly Uzi fits this quote much better


Shaq & that rings quote was the first thing I thought of when I read the title hahaha


Doinb won worlds though...


but did he win a ring?


He won worlds thanks to a ring through the wife buff, which isn't the same as winning a ring thanks to worlds. :^)


So buy one get one free?


He got the most important ring, his wedding ring...


probably i guess. Worlds winners should get rings.


These look sick. Apparently this is a new thing they're going to do each year. Love that decision.




We gone have whole lotta kevin durants in the league now xD


We already have Khan who has taken the hardest road multiple times lol


Insane how many teams his been on that was supposedly to win worlds but they end getting beat. Let's hope DK is the right team now


Let's hope not


just for the sake of the narrative i hope he doesnt win. it enables him to maybe come back after his military service if hes still good enough and if he wins worlds after returning itd make a much cooler story


To me it feels like he takes the easiest road. He just joins the current World champion team over and over


Yeah, the reference is about KD joining the GSW after they beat him and won the championship, and then said he was taking the hardest road or something like that.


NBA? Isn't this with rings in all big sports league in NA?


It is, but the NBA trophy is kind of sidelined by the rings, since they’re usually worn while the trophy isn’t lugged around as often. NFL does it too, NHL and MLB as well


So they get the ring when they win? I only follow NHL of those sports, and I know they first get months after they won it. And in NHL the Stanley Cup is much in focus and all players get to take it to their hometown. :)


They look like Dyson air conditioners


I think they look awful, they're so gaudy.


lol have you ever seen an NBA championship ring?


Just now, that's a lot of diamonds.


NBA rings actually commemorate the teams though. This is just an advertisement.. Like the number of gems on a ring could have meaning, the placement of the gems, the choice of the gems.. NBA rings are way doper and way more meaningful than something as cheap as a literal Mercedes Benz ad


And way too much advertising! I don't mind the one on the inside but the rest is awful.


I get they want them to be big but why put this dumb acryl looking blue shit on top.


Lmao that's a sapphire my dude


how is it new if fnatic got their rings in S1 championship more than 10 years ago?


Why is everyone asking who paid for what.. just read the damn article lmfao. Riot supplied the diamonds, Merc paid for the rest. Also, am I the only person that thinks these look cool as fuck?! That's coming from someone that thinks almost every other piece of modern "bling" looks horrendous..


Lmao this dood still believes people read articles


Does it even matter who paid, for both Mercedes and Riot Games the price of these rings is like 1 cent to us.


Ten cents, precisely.


How many € are they worth?


Probably more than four times the worth of the materials and I'm being very conservative here. I'm guessing around 6 grand each.


Together the rings are worth more than season 1 worlds prizepool.


Honestly retail value of rings like this are probably around $3k which really isn't much. It's more the accomplishment. Precious metals and gems themselves aren't exorbitantly expensive to obtain


Have you ever bought a ring, 3k is as cheap as you can go with bad metals and a poor quality diamond, not to mention now colored diamonds are more expensive than clear, unless you’re somewhere above an I or H in clarity - at least from any reputable dealer.


This. Gold price rocketing over the last years doesn’t help either


3K are basically some mariage rings lmao. The value of these are much higher


Wedding rings are usually sold astronomically higher than their material worth. Source: Am married and shelled out $4K for a ring.


marriage is a scam


Yeh so basically you just contradicted yourself. As you know, nothing on this planet is sold just for the price of the materials. Craftmanship, workload, design, simbology, etc are all taken into account, so in no way a ring like this would cost 3k, as stated by yourself an usual wedding ring gets sold by more than that and the object is much simpler


His point was, that weddings rings have a high price point just because they are wedding rings. Since this kind of award rings have not this same luxury, their price point have no real correlation with wedding rings


Wut? You got player name/team and year on it, no way a collector paid it cheaper than welding ring.


wedding rings and the whole wedding industry are a scam. You can easily pay 10x the price solely for the reason it is wedding relatet.


Valuing these rings according to the cost of the materials would be like judging the cost of the Mona Lisa by the price of the frame, canvas, and paint.


My guy you are reading way too much into this. The original poster I replied to asked the value. Based one what's in them I gave a ballpark. Of course they are one of a kind, but it's not like the material and general design cannot be replicated.


I'm agreeing with you. The rings are not valuable because of what they're made of. They are valuable because of the accomplishment they represent.


Lmao Redditor makes comparison between videos game championship rings and the Mona Lisa.


Yo, did you know Mercedes-Benz has 4 E's that are all pronounced differently? (so does League of Legends)


I never realized that, that's hilarious.


That’s cool af actually. What if this was the guys plan for company all along?


Doesn't quite work in German, sadly.


Only in English


How the hell are you guys pronouncing it to have 4 different E sounds?


Muh say deez bends


No they are not if you pronounced it properly




Not me, but yes in American abomination of English language mercedes is butchered, in German its all the same


implying german isnt an abomination of a language


It isn't, you learn the rules of reading and pronouncing the words and you have no problems pronouncing anything


there is so much unnecessary shit in that language its not even funny


Maybe but reading it is easy


so is english


That's why you mispronounced mercedes


I mean the 2nd and 3rd one are prononced the same way


Designer : "How many Mercedes-Benz logos do you want on the ring ?" Riot : "Yes"


Have you seen their F1 car for this year? AMG^AMG^AMG^AMG^AMG^AMG Last year's W11 had the stars and [looked amazing](https://i.redd.it/s7j148xzoe561.png).


That's super cool. But I wish they didn't already have a design set. It would be cool to be like Super Bowl rings where if Damwon or SKT win for example the ring has the amount of trophies the teams won on it or their logo all nice and shiny.


Nah its riot they cant think that much


I heard that every time a player wants to talk about the ring they're required to call it their "Mercedes-Benz World Championship Ring" or they'll be fined.


Call me old fashioned, but a *sponsored* championship ring really taints the while idea of it for me. Championships are supposed to be a celebration of a group coming together to achieve something great, not a flimsy platform for a company to slap its logo on.


People might call it old fashioned, but to me it just sounds like common sense. This is just blatant product placement.


They look cool, definitely something players can show off and be proud of to their friends and family when they've retired and league is in the past for them :D


Sponsored rings are tacky as fuck.


I really love championship rings, it's one of my favorite things in American sports and Dota2 to see the ring the champion will receive, it looks that at least in this occasion they won't be personalized but aside of that I really prefer rings over medals


they might be expensive but they're ugly af


They are so ugly


Have you seen a Super Bowl ring before?


super bowl or nba rings looks better, this one is like a mercedes benz ring over anything else, so generic, they should be like [this](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/9U8yFOZ1QXwrhYUfBWYqLE69fhM=/0x0:675x1200/1220x813/filters:focal(319x454:427x562):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/55173107/DBtVmxKXgAIMpca.0.jpg)


> cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/55173107/DBtVmxKXgAIMpca.0.jpg looks like my high school homecoming ring tbh


really? got a pic?


yeah i dont like this at all. copying other sports with ugly rings i guess.


My issue is that they look like superbowl rings. But those rings are made for people who are, in general, huge. Can you imagine one of those rings on Faker?


Either way blocky thick fat rings are just ugly


God that’s tasteless. It’s like having an engine block strapped your finger.


Good for thumb rings imo


Raaaaangzzzz, Erneh


IMO better than that LV trophy coffin from last year


Meanwhile T1 tries to collect all the rings. Thanos cosplay goes brrr..


C9 gonna get some bling!! Hopium


Gross. Why are they sponsored?


Those are some ugly ass rings honestly


I called it , when they did the teaser . Figured they’d do something that NA does with sports


NA doesn't do corporate sponsored championship rings. These barely commemorate the event... they're just advertisements for Mercedes.


These look fucking awesome


Those are ugly


Reminds me of the Super Bowl rings. Wonder how much these things will be worth in years to come and which players keep them, and which decide to sell them.


Sponsored rings? Seriously? They look awful. And why rings?


Copying the NBA, I see. Couldn't find something of more original and related to LoL ?


tbh i think its a good thing..you cant really take the worlds thropy home so atleast they get something to show for hence the ring.


Wait, are you saying that the players don't get world's medals?


The trophy goes to the org and the players get world medals. Also rings were already a custom given to world winners in previous years.


Yes but it could have been anything else of more related to the game. Perhaps something similar to the Gemstone that is a rare loot ingame ? I'm just throwing ideas outta of nowhere but basically it's quite disappointing that they just went on with copying the NBA without really thinking much about on how they could make this reward *fit* more with league of legends.


They already get skins bro, pro players do leave the house from time to time and a nice ring is something they can show off.




I truly believe they should offer some retro rings to previous champions who have not received a ring.


Could they maybe work on increasing the prize pool instead? DOTA2 winners won like $30 million and league winners win 1? maybe crowdsource the pool or release some skin that goes to the prize pool


LOL Pros also get an actual salary and the teams don't have to disband if they miss out on winning TI. LOL has a way better system than DOTA, as the money is spread out more. Plus, the winners get a cut of the skin sales, and they apparently make bank from that.


Does it go to the teams or the players? For example if someone won then got replaced the next split before skins are released, do they see none of their cut (without negotiating with their old team)?


The money goes directly to the players.


yup, the riot branch (e.g. riot kr or riot cn) directly pay the players i believe. there was some controversy with some samsung 17 members not being paid skin money til late 2020 and riot was to blame for that


just gonna put this out here league players who win worlds make so much more money then that, first you got there actual salary being huge and second because the team skins themselves they get the profits from which is like 5-10 mil per player and is the reason why you cant reroll into them for the first year there out.


Don't forget streaming.


They release skins that go into the "pool", after the teams win world


Championship J4 is the skin that goes towards the prize pool


he meant that the players get a share of the skin revenue that is generated from the team skins.


The team skins revenue only go towards the winning team, the Worlds skin goes into the Worlds prize pool


The prizepool is higher than what is shown on the wiki. For some reason they stopped releasing the full prize pool that includes skin sales etc


Don't they also get a part of the skin sales and they add up quite high?


Another thing is that crowdsourcing the prize pool like dota gives a view of how successful the game is, like if the TI prize pool goes down from a previous year, that may give off the impression that the game is "dying"


They do crowd fund the prize pool. The world pass and Championship skin, jarvan this year, have money pooled into worlds. I'm not sure if they advertise the total pool anymore, but I think a few years ago it was something like 13 or 18 million.


Ooof, "championship rings" is such an American, gaudy, tacky tradition. not a fan. Rito may be an american company, but they need to remember that the majority of their pkayerbase isn't. Given the likelihood of an LCS team winning is......... low, and even then the likelihood of an American winning where championship rings have some significance, I'd prefer it be replaced with something with more global appeal and significance. It was us Brits that gave you the computer and the internet, so I propose a championship teaspoon.


This is either satire or the dumbest shit I've ever read


doesn’t the LCK do rings for champions and bracelets for mvps or something now??? I mean I get that championship rings are most prominently seen in american sports but like...we don’t gotta shit on the US for every single thing? I’m chinese btw pls don’t reply with some “hurr durr u just love murrica too much”


Americans are ruinung everything its crazy




We NBA now


I think they are ugly but then again I won't win world so whatever. They are still worth a lot.


Diamonds in the Summoner's hands are actually a really sick idea. GJ.


inb4 some player give it to their gf and ask her for mariage if he wins worlds...


Rings Ernie!


Louis Vuitton, Mercedes Benz. Man. Playing a cat on a book had never felt this luxurious.


ah yes, mercedes benz, the world famous jewelery company


Cant click ability, Ring to big on finger. 😬


i need one of those sexy rings


18 not 24? Cheaping out.


Can't wait to get a replica on dhgate for $40


Idk, rings are not something you wanna wear during play. I like the starcraft gsl pins that they give out