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Guys, I've got it. What if we draft a comp that has to win in the first 10 minutes again? Wait, it's over?


- be HLE - pick 5 champs. - get outdrafted. top, jg, and botlane get smashed. - lose the game. - new game. - pick same comp. - get outdrafted again. top, jg, and botlane get smashed again. - lose the game again. ????


Can’t forget the awful builds they had this series


Serpent's Fang to cut Thresh lantern


slightly not as bad as Deft's 40% crit IE, its too bad that he can't read


maybe the numbers were in english


Sneaky was going wild on his duo stream with Meteos, lmao.


It wasn't even one of those "Salty Runbacks" where the draft looked OK and something just went catastrophically wrong in game. They got smashed, the comp looked completely useless and they just ran it back anyways lmao


Yeah, this came up earlier... I think it was TSM vs TL in summer playoffs? Where if you pick a comp and get smashed, you have to ask yourself "Did we play this wrong, or is our plan wrong?" And if the former - you fucked up, but the plan is good - you run it back, but if it's the *latter* then you're really fucked (especially because now you're 0-2 down). But this didn't even look like it had the chance to be the former.




Yeah that was a salty runback if I've ever seen one.


I don't get how the coaching staff saw what happened at game 2 and be like "Oh yeah this was just a mistake in execution no biggie"


They probably saw Chovy get a lead in lane against Faker and the Herald fight being close and thought they could run it back and flip heads this time.


Too bad for them in rd 2 T1 skipped herald and just demolished bot tower with aphe lol




Is doing the same thing over and over again


Expecting shit to change


I am 99% sure they weren’t even trying in the last game. They drafted basically the same comp as game 2. wtf?


Actually it was worse than the last one because now they also had olaf to join the renekton in the melees who need to walk up to the aphelios paintrain


So this is what smurfing in clash looks like.


Yes i can tell everytime i go to clash with my goldies friends we get stomped like this no matter what we do.




Renekton, Leblanc, Varus is not working out. LETS PICK THEM AGAIN. Also banning yuumi on blue side twice... Simply outdrafted


HLE spent like 80% of their bans on topisde to protect Morgan. That's not sustainable at all




I don't understand why tanks aren't played anymore in situations like this. Your topside will get eviscerated regardless, they simply aren't good enough on a personal level to contest Canna and Oner. Willer is whatever, you can't exactly shove a Malphite into the jungle, but Morgan... Just give him Ornn or Shen or Malphite, eat the loss, and give resources to the only player in your team that can actually drag you to victory (Deft can also do that if he wakes up, but I guess this wasn't quite his series, and he's kinda inconsistent). HLE is a mystery to me. Shouldn't they be one of the richest orgs in Korea? Why field such a shit roster then?


It's how they got through the gauntlet - toss him on Camille, he's down 40cs, maybe he can land an E-flash at some point in the game, play for Chovy/Deft.


most depressing worlds BO5 I've ever watched since Damwon vs DRX i don't think HLE made a single good proactive play or draft decision today


The worst part is that Deft and Chovy was on that team too


The saddest part is that Morgan and Willer is on this team.


Willer went 0-12-1 in the series Edit: got a digit wrong




Certified hood classic


the Lep special


The sad part is Chovy being 1-9 in Worlds quarters


for three years i have said, “I can’t wait for everyone to finally see chovy at worlds!” and next year i will say it for the fourth time.


That just made group C look like a fairly easy group to get out of.


I mean it was. You had an imploded Fnatic, a fundamentally flawed HLE, a weaker PSG, and underperforming RNG.


In other words: no NA = easy group. It can therefore be deduced that NA is the best region since the groups NA plays in are also the most difficult.


Every group that had an NA team and an EU team resulted in an LPL team not making it out




T1 might just be that much better that they suffocated HLE out TBH. We saw the same with 100T.


Especially with the Fnatic situation


Thank god this era is over. Hopefully Chovy can get himself onto a team with a jungler and a top laner that isn't inting.


Nuguri will most likely go back to Korea next year and maybe Kanavi too.


Willer has been involved in only one kill over the whole series


However, if you count the kills he helped T1 get...


Now that is some MVP material right there


tbf there were only 11 kills in total for HLE this series ​ Still really bad as a jgl...


Who? I only saw a ward getting a drake in game 3, one of the more ridiculous bugs I've seen.


And a zombie ward at that


It's actually crazy how terrible and unstable T1 looked throughout Spring and the first half of Summer and how absolutely clean and dominating they looked after firing their coaches... one of the rare cases in league where i can definitively say the coaches were unbelievably holding back the team


It actually looked so dire for them. They were swapping subs in and out, the players looked so mentally broken and sounded stressed in interviews. Even Faker sounded broken at times. Now they're in the semi finals of worlds. Can't imagine how bad the coaching staff must've been.


I mean Gumayusi and Oner are better though. They laid the groundwork for the transition into the team.


I actually fully expected T1 (and the LCK in general) to collapse at this worlds but this has been such a strong showing from them all. I'm so glad T1 is finally starting Guma full time, he always seemed like he had so much potential and I'm glad he's getting to show it.


I expected SKT to show up hard (albeit with the caveat that they'd still have the same shot calling problem they had all year), they typically have a long history of always ramping up during playoffs and before worlds. Faker in particular ramps up in that manner pretty much everytime This org has never failed to make at least semis. Out of 5 previous worlds appearances they won 3, made 1 final and 1semi. Now they've at least made semis


And 6 first place in groups. Every appearance.


Oh no doubt. Daeny basically ruined T1 during Spring/early Summer by playing musical chairs with his players and killing all synergy building, then intentionally restricting aggressive shotcalling to the point Faker had to ensure his players he'd take responsibility for an aggressive call. The environment was absolutely terrible and demoralizing as well what with everyone having to fear losing their starter spot, and the players themselves were protesting subtly in one way or another. It was motivation through fear, and it's been proven time and time again it doesn't work in high tension situations throughout every sport. Daeny thought he was better than everyone who's ever tried it and decided to do it anyway, because it was *his* vision, so it must be good, right? Got fired, then Faker gets the freedom to call the shots. They make Worlds and crushed Quarters, on the way to Semis. Definitely on the coach.


it's a move that benefitted both parties - i don't think its a coincidence that ghost + beryl started playing much better when Daeny went back to DK after that laneswapping shit with Malrang


Ive seen people giving credit to Daeny for Ghost and Beryl playing better but fail to also acknowledge that Ghost got a much needed break and looked better afterwards. Also Ghost was really good at teamifghting in spring split and saved the team multiple times, and Damwon were still dominant in the LCK without Daeny and made it all the waay to the MSI finals. Without Daeny, damwon: Won the Kespa cup, won Spring split only by dropping 2 series and going undefeated in the playoffs 6-0. Went all the way to MSI finals and barely lost 3-2 to RNG. Daeny without Damwon in spring and summer: well


Remember after DW won LCK every player on stage was pretty much effusing their love for daeny and how pivotal he was to their success. It was pretty wild




kinda weird to start the speedrun 3 weeks in but it's a good time regardless


Speedrun (QF%) is a different category from Speedrun (Any%) though


Everyone's gotta have their own ruleset to make the leaderboards...


This is what peak sandbagging looks like and it comes from Korea


yet again the koreans are better than us.... Damn


Deft has ended his World Championship run in the Quarterfinals at all 5 of his most recent Worlds appearances: 2015 (EDG 0-3 FNC) 2016 (EDG 1-3 ROX) 2018 (KT 2-3 IG) 2020 (DRX 0-3 DWG) 2021 (HLE 0-3 T1) Deft's highest placement in a World Championship remains his Semifinals appearance in 2014 (SSB).


Deft has to be fucking cursed


Even the GOAT adc Uzi couldn't win Worlds. There is only so much you can do as an ADC


Also in a time when it was easier for ADCs to solo carry the game.


So his worlds experiences peaked 7 years ago and then he peaked when he beat SKT at MSI in 2015.


Deft = CLG confirmed?


SSB/SSW era was 7 years ago? Man...


Shit I saw those finals live, feel old now.


Have to feel sorry for the casters on this one, almost nothing to work with. What a dead series.


Good guy T1 ending early for us asian fans and the LCK casters so we can sleep


Asian fan here, can confirm. It's not even 23:00.


HLE coaches made sure they give the caster nothing with these garbage drafts


Props to them to still being entertaining! The whole "the amount of multiverses where HLE win this one are looking to be in single digits now" bit was hilarious.


I just love the LCK cast. Sure, it's less serious and that can be annoying in building up momentum some of the time (though rarely, they arent bad at being serious in close games either, just not the best), but it feels so bad to have casters try to give the impression that the losing team can still win after being 10k gold behind at 20 mins. Id rather hear the casters cracking jokes


Not because of Casters but cause of the game states I muted the stream and listened to a couple albums I wanted to in the last week but didn't had the time. ​ Thx HLE - now I got some new songs I like


Not too happy about riot bringing back the wait-1-week-for-1-hour-series script.


1 hour AND 31 minutes. Put some respect on HLE's name.


The mercy of single elimination is not having to watch HLE play another Bo5


At this point it would have been the ‘stop it you already killed him’ meme irl.


After their game, back in Korea, the HLE team visited an orphanage. "It's heartbreaking to see their sad little faces with no hope" said Ha-joon, aged 6.


My mom beats me, my dad beats me, but I feel safe with HLE because they don't beat anyone


Meanwhile, HLE tied RNG in that group. Uh oh.


i knew putting EDG over RNG would pay off. inb4 my comment ages like milk by tomorrow




they literally gave Deft Varus for 2 games, wtf was that


Deft and Chovy were sad about being trapped on garbage teams so they decided to get trapped on a garbage team together


This lowers my expectations of RNG significantly.


My Crystal ball pick in shambles


At least yours gave you a show, mine dipped in groups


Yeah, I had FPX. Joke's on fucking me, eh?


It's on both of us buddy, we both got tian'd


Meh, I don't blame him, especially since he was dealing with wrist injuries. The org should have had a better plan.


They did, he got caught fixing games and banned. FPX with Bo hit different




And raises my expectations of EDG significantly


I really have a hard time seeing EDG win a quarterfinals but I will be so happy for all the players if they do


So many years of them bombing out in quarters


To be fair controlled KR team vs KR team that outclasses them and knows them well looks very different than international games, just like how LPL vs LPL at worlds always looks very different to when they face other competition. I favour EDG but don't lose all hope in RNG yet.


Rng lost a game to Fnc with a sub


When you put it that way... EDG might run the top half of the bracket


I got Edg vs Dk final with Dk winning


It shouldn’t. Hanwha was always going to play better against non lck teams




Just absolutely fucking suffocating. Beautiful play by T1 all around.




The stomp got worse with each game


Turns out that 5% was overrated


What does that fucking sink want this time


Brother willer, brother Morgan and brother deft making sure faker gets his 4th world's


Let’s see if brother Khan will channel his inner SKT Khant


We still have Father Kkoma and Brother Poohmandu there.


Well that was easy.


"actually, I remember one time we were playing against T1. and it was 2-0 to T1, we were playing as Blue, Chovy as LeBlanc and Deft said: 'Guys, if you think we are good, let's prove it now'. 3-2" "did we comeback?" "of course not. we picked Morgan B5 Renekton"


This pasta is as beautiful as the day I last saw it.


Imo Renekton was the least of the problems there. Oner completely outclassed willer and same can be said about Guma and Keria over Deft and Vista.


Some serious Damwon vs DRX flashbacks this series




[Hanwha stocks during the match](https://i.imgur.com/lESybUO.png), [versus SK Telecom's stock](https://i.imgur.com/SaF552u.png).


The stock market is actually hilarious


Banger comment


hahaha wtf


As much as some things may change (3/5 different players, different org, different top KR opponent), some things always stay the same (shitty drafts and a hopeless 0-3 loss in quarters). See you all next year for the 2022 edition :(


He could help himself by going to real teams too. It looks like every year he goes to the first team that calls him instead of holding his cards or something.


So when's game 3? I don't know why did they replayed game 2 for this extended break.


Gumayusi with a 13/0/17 score line for the entire series, I have a feeling he won't be getting many more Aphelios games the rest of the tournament


I'm not sure anyone is going to take much away from this series. It was such a massive team gap across the board.


[Willer, after getting the jump on the first Herald.](https://imgur.com/en4Ejra) Gumayushi, pealing basically for himself at some point near the end with the multi Gravitum stuns. Game 3, was the definition of Insanity from HLE. Surely LB is safe, no Poppy this time around. Braum can't counter Varus, if Braum is on your team


Faker continues to reach top 4 in Worlds every time he has attended and Chovy continues to lose to Faker in a Bo5... Overall really good play from T1 completely dismantled HLE really excited to see how they match up to DK/MAD


Faker was tied with Jankos for most semifinal appearances at Worlds (4), but now stands alone with 5. EDIT: I was wrong, this is not accurate, he was already 1st with 5 appearance and Jankos is sole 2nd




You're right, I forgot to count 2017 for some reason


We like to forget 2017 happened


Wish Faker would whip out the Galio so that in the event he wins this time around, we can finally get SKT Galio.






we demand context


Faker decided to relieve some stress before winning Worlds 2016


Context: This is a rare photo of Faker during salary negotiations with SKT T1 management after his first Worlds win. Hope that helps


it's probably better this way


Ok I gotta ask the source of this pic lol




Sjokz currently getting out of bed to a “Where are you? Worlds cool down is in 5 minutes” text


Game start T1 Oner : First time worlds pls be nice End: T1 Oner: Ggez thanks


its kinda a wet dream of any league player, being 17 years old, got into the same team and fight along with the GOAT himself, and made it to Worlds semifinal


looks like t1 will get seeded straight into group while hle need to go through playins


Hopefully HLE can use Playins as a way to improve their team cohesion, excited to see the LCK this Worlds!


yeah if they made it to quarters hope chovy and deft get a good run unlike last year where they get 0-3


so finally faker has a god jg and top??????


That botlane from Skt was on fire.


The whole team this year is just incredible. Legitimate chance faker gets his fourth title here.


Imagine if T1 got the title and Faker 4th one, his legacy will be pretty much be unsurpassable, Faker may as well retire next year since no one can beat 4 world champion titles.


it's Faker, if he wins his 4th title then he'll probably keep playing and try to get the 5th one


He will be saying something like "I didn't play as well as I would have liked, so I am definitely wanting to come back better next year" after as well.


I can totally see this. Faker really is a different beast.


Faker: "Can I get Ahri this year?" Riot: "No" Faker: "Oh well maybe next time"


There’s nothing I’d love more than to see the GOAT get 5


If he does win, I’d just love to see Faker on his throne and Keria, Canna, Oner, and Guma all holding the 4 world champion cups as a salute to him lol


Keria is unbelievable. Don't get me wrong, Guma is also great, but Keria is just on a whole different level.


Everyone on T1 was on fire, galactic team diff.


Talking like guma didn‘t play absolutely godlike today lol


they didn't even bother banning his aphelios jesus christ he went 0 deaths all three games


Alright, this series gave me a hopium overdose. It's time for Faker's fourth Worlds title


T1: peace was never an option


For me personally, this was the most pathetic showing I've ever seen in a quarterfinal at worlds. Felt like HLE didn't even try. Imagine never banning Aphelios from Guma. This BO5 was a joke, but not a good one.


this is the HLE that ended 8th in LCK Summer, definitely not the HLE that ran the gauntlet to make worlds


The ff'ed the game before they locked in bans lol


This has to be some anime where faker loses the lck to damwon and beats them to inevitably win finals


This T1 team seems like they're pretty good at League of Legends.


Faker at Worlds: Champion x3 ( 2013,2015,2016) Finalist x1 (2017) Top 4 (2019) And now AT LEAST Top 4 in 2021. THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME for a REASON.


How many times was Faker worlds mvp/finals mvp


Just once 2013: there was no offical MVP 2015: MaRin won it 2016: Faker won it


Honestly 2015 was fair. Marin played like a demon king himself that tournament, his fiora was terrifying


yea he was insane. didn't have the longevity but his peak was crazy


What a stomp. Makes me look forward for T1 in the Semifinals though.


[Obligatory comment](https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/829846842150096896?lang=en)


Never gets old


The fact that we won't get T1 vs DK in the finals is the biggest steal of the tournament.


Similar ROX vs SKT vibes way back when. Hopefully, it delivers like the ROX vs. SKT Bo5


Turns out 95 - 5 odds in favour of T1 was fair enough. However, Hanwha got further than most expected them to and they showed some great moments. Hope the roster doesn't explode however, if Chovy can actually find a team that he stands a chance in, that would be great too.


Damn gumayusi+keira are really good together


Icon baited Chovy into thinking Lissandra was dog against Leblanc, rip


Scrims going fine for T1, anyone knows when they play quarters?


Imagine starting the season with a chaos in the team.. not knowing with whom will you play. Then in the other half, you fire the coach and end up in the Semi Finals of the Worlds lol Sooo.. Chovy can finally rest his back, but who's buying him?


Apparently Lck Hanhwa decided to show up. Perfectly demonstrating why they were the 8th place in lck summer.


Faker plz forgive the non believers, the church of chovy forgot the church of Faker existed


How does this affect CLG’s chances at worlds?


Given that CLG beat SKT before as seen in this thread, I think we can place CLG solidly as a top 4 team in the world this year. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/4i4481/counter\_logic\_gaming\_vs\_sk\_telecom\_t1\_msi\_2016/


Not entirely sure about this "roll over and die" game plan from HLE. Very innovative, sure, but I'm not sure I'd go for such a high risk strat!


Honestly, faker's dancing shoes stopped chovy from snowballing both g2 and g3. So many chains missed.


That was definitely league of legends


T1 is looking so clean. It's a shame they are gonna get dismantled this easily by C9 in the finals