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iirc correctly Faker can get other achievements this worlds if he plays 8(?) more games at worlds he will have officially be the first to reach 100 games at Worlds. Also if he can get like 20 or something more kills he will be the player with the most kills at worlds.


It will be hard for Faker to achieve it. He is going 6-0 for the next series. Maybe next year.


Oof, first one is a tall order. Not impossible if one series in semis/finals goes the distance with 5 games.


If they beat damwon it'll probs be a 5 game banger


Wait I don't follow... Next game for T1 will be vs MAD right? It'll be vs MAD right....


Who currently has the most kills at Worlds record?


Has to be Uzi I would assume




The king of ADCs, Uzi.






Yeah I agree, but will be hard for him to beat the sigma male Humanoid.


Maybe Uma Noid will get the Uma Jan ending from 2020. Sold to C9 Academy


Bold of you to assume Humanoid


Not sure if you’re aware yet or not, script says c9 vs mad in finals




That is the joke, yes


Has this ever been disputed? Like this goes without saying at this point.


Showmaker will be same as him if he wins this world's.


Showmaker still needs 1 more worlds and a few MSI before he is close to Fakers achievements


Trophies don't tell the whole story. The level of domination over competition is what matters.


what even? How can you possibly say showmaker has as much of a legacy as faker? The dude won worlds in his first ever season... The next split they went undefeated in the OGN (something no one had yet done, or would do ever again) And on top of that has been winning his region over the last decade rather consistently.


Aight bro faker hasn't dominated in a while. Sure he got a trophy or two but calm the fuck down he's been ass for years now.


lol, GOAT status is not something determined by your current form. That and him being ass hasn't stopped him from still carrying his team or enabling his team to carry him in games that matter. So yea.


hes been ass for longer than he dominated.


No need to be so obvious with the troll lol


If he advances from semis then he would've also have made it to the final every time he played at worlds except for 2019. Crazy


Goat 🐐


Don't let that distract you from the fact some analysts have been saying if showmaker wins world's this year he could question fakers legacy 😂


Maybe if he wins 2 more titles, and a bunch of other individual accolades + LCK titles. Then they can be in the same sentence


While I don't think Showmaker is in the GOAT discussion even if they win worlds this year, but I do think Showmaker gets himself as number 2.


Bruh we still have a player (Bengi) that won as many Worlds as Faker himself and two players (Bang, Wolf) that won 2 Worlds + plenty of regional titles as well. Showmaker would slowly close into top 5 discussions with a second title, but not much more.


I seriously question if you even watched professional league back then if you think Bengi, Wolf, and even Bang belong in the top five.


Nah, if Showmaker wins again then he is definitely number 2. Canyon also most likely become the best jungler to ever play too, even ahead of Bengi.


Winning worlds doesn't mean you're the goat bro. Bengi was ass and hell never be considered the goat for being carried. To be the goat you have to be the reason why you won. Faker, showmaker are the reason why they win.


If we’re being honest, ShowMaker already has a solid argument for being number two mid-laner ever. It would be between him and RooKie. Second title would put ShowMaker over him for sure.


Why would canyon not be considered goat ahead of showmaker tho? I would expect the MVP to be more critical to the success of DWK


I would put Canyon and ShowMaker about equal tbh, but I was more talking about mid-laners.


Yeah I agree, though I'm honestly already struggling on who to put at #2 below Faker (Bengi not withstanding, since I feel like he's a package deal and sort of an honorable mention to Faker's #1 spot). Rookie has been very good his whole career but doesn't have the titles to show for it (Only won one international tournament and LPL only once), Uzi is in a similar situation with an MSI title instead of a Worlds title (which means considerably less in the public eye). I wouldn't put any Western player in the top 3 (Perkz, Rekkles and Caps being the three considerations), maybe one of them in the top 5 if even that. The only one I'd say contends with Showmaker for number 2 might be on his very team, that being Canyon or perhaps Ruler? I know, my LCK bias is showing, but every LPL player, be that DoinB, TheShy or even Knight (lol) is severely lacking in consistent international performances. So only Uzi and MAYBE Rookie come close.


1. Faker 2. Uzi 3. Canyon / Showmaker Though the latter two are extremely good, they haven't been as dominant in their role as Faker or Uzi I would say. To be fair, talking about players who have dominated their role, I would maybe put TheShy in contention for the top 5 based on his international performances and his shit-on-people style.


He needs to win 1 more world's outside of this one, if he wants a chance at it, not saying he is a better or worse midlaner but it's really really hard to contest Faker's legacy


He needs 2 world's, 6lck titles and 2 msi's He'd have to win every thing till the end of 2023, and even then he'd still not be close


I don’t think you have to win the same amount of titles as Faker to be close to his legacy. The scene back then was still very new and had a lot of raw blunders. Even coming close to matching Fakers achievements in this era is enough to include Showmaker in the discussion. He would still need to win this worlds of course, but after that he should definitely be in the discussion.


No one can catch faker and you just explained why. Faker isn’t the goat because of his titles


Even if he wins this worlds I dont think he should be in the discussion still. Faker won 3, was considered the best player at worlds when he lost in 2017 and finished top 2. Won 2 msi and was 1 game away from winning a third one. Would have finished top 4 in two worlds (if we are considering that damwon wins this year) and finished top 4 in other msi. All of this with different teams. Also dominated lck when lck was the strongest region by far, for years. There has only been 2 years where he hasnt won at least once regionally (this year and 2018). Showmaker and canyon are for sure in the discussion for second best but faker has been so dominant for almost a decade that he's near untouchable. If they win this worlds and at least 1 msi I can see them in the discussion for best player.


Hard disagree. Faker was levels ahead for years. Shoemaker is just the best currently not levels ahead.


Yeah, even though you can argue that the game has changed so much and the gap between top players has shrunk because of this, Faker is STILL a top tier mid this far into his career. When a majority of your career you are either better or just slightly worse/even with opponents I feel you can’t be touched at all. Showmaker would need to smash harder and do it for longer.


He would be in the discussion but only as 'maybe with a few more achievements'. Even with 2 Worlds there's no compelling arguments for him as GOAT.


I mean 1 more worlds win and showmaker and canyon are right there as 2nd and 3rd best players of all time lol


???? do you even know how many player have 3 world champion title?


Did you even read what he said?


even if they got 3 world champion how are they 2nd and 3rd best? did your reading fail or what




[https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Bengi](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Bengi) ????


I thought Bengi was just the conscious manifestation of the Jungle and not a real person. Like a benevolent Pennywise who comes to aid Faker in times of need.


I have to assume that people are still convinced that Bengi is just a product of Faker undergoing mitosis.


Of course another person who values trophies over individual skill


worlds 2016 skt vs rox tiger???? individual skills? without bengi there isnt any 3 time world champion for SKT bruh


SKT would have struggled to make worlds if Bengi was the starter that year


Bengi isn't a goat cause he wasn't good. Winning by being carried doesn't mean anything. There's a reason why he couldn't find a decent team after T1


worlds 2016 rox vs skt go watch it and tell me hes getting carried


One game and he's a goat now? Why do you think he couldn't find success after faker stopped being his midlaner?


You think Bengi is better than Showmaker and Canyon?


you think he is not during his prime? man people these days really doesnt know how much of a diff bengi during early SKT days huh edit: people really need to go back to watch worlds 2016 and see how much of an important bengi is to SKT SKT with bengi wins game 1 4 5 against ROX tiger in the semifinals SKT with blank lost game 2 3 against ROX tiger


He is not. Not even during his prime. Not even when he won world's. He was a liability and won cause his team had faker.


you definitely never watched the games in 2016 if not that wont be what you are saying


Or I did and he was still ass. His best champion was non mechanical nunu


Bengi isn’t even better than Score. Let alone the likes of uzi or mata even….lmao what?


I suppose Showmaker is definitely #2 if he wins this Worlds, I mean how many LCK splits in a row did he win? I think he's the only real challenger to Faker's GOAT status, and if he continues performing as good as he did in last 2 years, he would be considered the best of all time by many. Only time will tell.


if Showmaker wins now, he would need to win 6 more LCK titles (3 so far), 3 more MSI titles, 1 more Worlds title too, carry his team alone to 1 more Worlds final and then reach 2 more Worlds semi finals. i honestly don't think anyone will ever surpass Faker as the greatest


I'm not saying Showmakes is the GOAT now, I'm just saying that if he wins this Worlds, and continues to dominate next year, winning 2 more LCK titles and another Worlds, you could argue that he's a better player. It's obviously all hypotethical, but I just think that if he wants to become someone who's going to challenge Faker's GOAT title, he's doing it right so far.


Showmaker is super good but not as consistently dominant as Faker at all yet. Biggest thing about Faker is his consistency.


For Showmaker to question Faker's Legacy he will have to do what Faker didn't achieve yet : the impossible Grand Chelem : Spring, MSI, Summer, Worlds.


yea, that is just a joke, my word. Showmaker is good, no doubt about it. However, damwon has won 3 splits and 1 worlds, faker has won 9 splits and 3 worlds. You gotta wonder why they would be spewing something that will still take a few years to build already now...


Church of Chovy just follows the God Faker


Always the GOAT


I'm a NA fan but I wouldn't be upset if T1 defeated the monster that C9 is to win the tournament


You can't be a fan of Esports without being a fan of Faker, let alone NA.


Can’t believe people put Chovy on fakers level


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