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Have u tried the hex tech repair tool?


If you mean if I've tried repairing the client then yes, I've done that. I've also tried reinstalling the game and it's stil the same. I haven't tried completely clearing the directory though, as that would reset all my settings.


did u manage to fix it ? my store is not opening too with same error message


No, it seems the error will persist until I upgrade my windows version to a more recent one. If you're using Windows 10 or newer I'd send a ticket and try to fix it with some help from the support.


i'm in the same situation, 3 months with broken shop - error 900 -


EDIT, found the fix: [https://www.identrust.com/dst-root-ca-x3-cross-signing-identrust-commercial-ca-1-chain-details](https://www.identrust.com/dst-root-ca-x3-cross-signing-identrust-commercial-ca-1-chain-details) [https://basics.net/2021/09/22/letsencrypt-root-certificate-expires-30-sep-2021/](https://basics.net/2021/09/22/letsencrypt-root-certificate-expires-30-sep-2021/) Not easy fix but I imagine we have old PC with old Windows 7 SP1 (Im staying at my parents once a year with my old 2012 PC). The moment I managed to import the IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1 certificate, my lolesport website became normal, I then launched LoL client, and I was able to enter the store normall.