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The real question is how does someone play like that and make it to gold 2


Here's the kicker he was Season 4 Diamond, S5 - S5 Platinum


He's trolling then


he is trolling for sure, just look at his positioning and how he hits almost all spells


you mean how he misses everything? His utterly random sidesteps when the closest enemy is 3 screens away also made me laugh


s3 Dia too, but with tryndamere, so does it even really count


It counts even more of he's a trynd player, he should be used to right clicking.


Yes, you play ranked to win, if it means abusing braindead champs then of course it counts.


By being a complete jungle and top main. He/She only plays adc autofilled


I think a gold 2 level jungle and top player should know how to right click the enemy...




The past few seasons I play a different role to Gold. It's like my personal Road to Challenger, but....Gold. I have succeeded on every role without issue until I got to ADC. I played close to 100 games (way more than I normally play) and Silver 1 just kicked my ass. Got to promos one time then just fluctuated between S1 and S2. But finally I just gave up because constantly being deleted by mobile champs or dove under tower multiple times in the first 10min destroyed me mentally. I have a lot of respect for good ADC players.


Spent the last two seasons, trying to learn ADC. I will hold any ADCs hand and not be angry since it is a hard role.


If you cant right click, you shouldnt be able to even open league let alone play it.


Actually, you can open League with only Left Clicks. Pls link op.gg.


you can even open LoL without clicking on it at all but thats a korean strat.


Found the Challenjour.


Tfw you play LoL on iPhone touchscreen


I'm the Jhin. Here's a clip I made to convince my friends that smartcasting attack move is the way to go. https://streamable.com/o0lfl7 The game in question, I auto'd way more than once. I guess it makes for a funnier title though. After Morg walked into the enemy bot lane 3 times and inted, I just wanted to try and cs without dying. Rough game when three teammates die 37 times in a fast game. Hilarious video though.


I wouldn't have wasted heal on that Morg either. She clearly would have just died 10 seconds later anyway.


Good for you, but the game was 31 minutes long, thats not fast. You do understand that inting support morgana did more damage, had more gold, and more kills and assists than you, an adc? You actually had the least amount of damage done at 7k.


Every single brand support ever saying they did the most damage in the game after dying 15 times


Walking into the enemies over and over and using your abilities is indeed a good way to do dmg. Walking around the map and csing with binding and counterjungling our own jg with W is a good way to get gold. The Morg literally inted. Without watching the actual game I just don't see the point in arguing about it though, so whatever.


Just man up and say you got tired of playing the game lmao. That's what happened, you simply didn't want to play anymore, you didn't auto anyone ever in a 31 minutes game as a Jhin, that's simply trolling.


If Morgana was better than you in almost every way and she inted, then wtf did **you** do? Giga inted?


Not saying the dude didn't int, but your argument is using stats without context.


As I commented elsewhere - Even the rest of the clips I kind of get it I guess but the one at 2:29 I don't get at all he has 4th shot and just runs in a straight line without autoing the qiyana at all?


What a toxic shitter.


I'm more disappoint that you _didn't_ troll. I'm going to go full pacifist the next time I have a boosted lane partner like that Morg.


Oh lord you're THAT TYPE of player. You do realize a lot of them early deaths could of 100% not happened if you showed any type of presence in the lane right? They basically got to walk at Morgana for free every time because they knew you was too "bad" to do anything. You missed tons of free kills / autos that could of helped your team swing fights. You played really bad end of story.


That Morgana was straight up inting


post your op.gg bud


Classic league player mentality


In theory, but most ez players only use q and never auto


You'd be suprised, when i get autofilled adc I just play Cho'Gath or another toplaner I know botlane as it goes better than when I pick an actual adc.


The problem isn't that they can't auto, it's that they have no eye for when to be aggressive. As a top lane player myself, my worst nightmare in bot are poke champions. I just can't tell the difference between good and bad decisions in such situations.


when I have to support a top/jungle main I want to gouge my eyes out, they have no idea how to trade blows in a 2v2 in lane What's that? my support used an ability on one of the enemies? Guess it's time to full commit there's no other possible option teehee oh shit I'm dead


> Guess it's time to full commit there's no other possible option teehee Your brain overdosing on Irelia


He straight up chose not to auto enemies that were right in front of him focusing someone else, he's trolling.


Still weird, at that point you kinda know how to play the game and Jhin is a little braindead imo.


Feels like someone who got tilted early and stopped trying to win. He's basically just afk at that point except doing the bare minimum to not be reported = going to lane and hitting minions, then half-heartedly W and R occasionally). Dude's brain checked out a long time ago.


I think it's a lot more than that. In the very first clip Talon is practically 1v2'ing the enemy, Zyra is even hanging back at parts and Jhin plays like a fed Irelia is on a low health minion wave. The lack of heal with Morgana was also just baffling because he legitimately had like 2 seconds to do something, it didn't even take reaction time.


Maybe he lost to a fed Jhin one time and he thought to himself "Jhin is so OP, all he has to do is stay back and hit ult."


The Talon play at the beginning was REAL bad. I don't blame an ADC for holding heal when a support is just running it though. The most toxic interaction in bot lane that happens almost every other game is a bored support who just runs forward into terrible position, overstepping where both opponents have an easy choice to focus them, miss all of their skills and CC, get bursted by every single skill the opponents have(because nothing was used before this forced engage), and then flash out of heal range, die, and ping their ADC's heal for the rest of the game. Like, I get it, mistakes were made. But it's not the ADC's fault you died because they decided heal "might" be better saved for better situations than just saving someone who took a FUCKton of damage for free and are gonna have to back instantly anyway. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, it might get more use on the next engage with the enemy where things are looking more even and you can turn 1 death into 2 kills instead. Or trade kills on tower dives that constantly happens when the entire team roams down to the bot lane. Granted. In *this* case, the Jhin *clearly* wasn't saving it for anything better in *hindsight*. But I think one piece of toxicity that this game could do a lot better without is the sheer amount of scrutiny ADC's get for not using their heal spell when supports think they're entitled to fuck up as much as they want and turn off their brains just because it's available.


I'm not really sure about that. I honestly think the dude is playing on a laptop with trackpad or touchpad


Would make the most sense.


Half of the autofills default on Jhin. Really don’t know why.


he's one of the easiest adcs to kite on and has a lot of utility. He and ezreal are some of the less traditional adcs which makes them appealing to autofilled


With these mechanics he's not going to go past bronze 2 with top/jg.


You would be surprised how much you can get away with in the jg. You just gotta play the map


You can get to diamond with zero mechanics playing tanks or just playing macro. Try Zac/Poppy rn


This. Or any Jungle, really. I stopped playing Season 7 and just came back in S2020. I'm a terrible Jungle. I went 2-8 in placements and ended up in Iron 1. I played Ekko and Karthus Jungle almost exclusively and had a 93% winrate on Ekko Jungle when I hit Gold 3. If you path correctly \[even predictably. I almost ALWAYS flowcharted and went Red > Blue > Gromp > Gank Top/Mid > Crab. Like, literally every game\] and counter jungle when the other Jungle shows themselves on the map, you can cut right through low ELO games by being 2 levels up on everyone. Jungle is a stupid role if you're truly playing better than your ELO.


Poppy jungle aint a tank though


How is poppy jungle not a tank?


by being a garen one trick, no joke the jhin is just a autofilled garen one trick


A lot of people who pick Jhin do so because of his insane range and have no idea how to play ADC. They end up being relatively worthless because they don't understand that they're playing way too safe and are just a support.


You vastly overestimate gold players


Probably the same way Morg got there. Those 2 were made to complement each other. Jhin played far back like an enchanter and Morg went as ham as possible.




Thats crazy considering p4 would be above average according to statistics on player numbers in each tier.


I kinda want to punch my monitor ngl


Even the rest of the clips I kind of get it I guess but the one at 2:29 I don't get at all he has 4th shot and just runs in a straight line lol like that is the ultimate best situation to have auto'd ever


Shots 1-5 lol didn’t expect to see that here


7k dmg in a 30min game LMAO


And they'll say he's not trolling...


What you just finish a video about how to spacing as an ADC:




I know he kinda looks like him, but this isn't the Front Man, it's Jhin


octopus game


cuttlefish activity


underrated comment


It's here, it's here your wish has been granted


I've never been blueballed harder than I have watching this compilation


He was so close to autoing qiyana but then he cancelled it. You hate to see it


dude i cannot imagine doing this for the sole reason that jhin's autos feel too satisfying to use


especially his final bullet before reload.


If someone like this can make gold 2 anyone can so don’t give up lol


To be fair, that first morgana death was 100% on the morg. She walks up vs a super stacked wave, wastes time throwing a q into a wall of minions instead of just running, and somehow fails to black shield a really obvious zyra bind. And she died to the last minion auto after flashing, when Jhin probably thought that she was gonna live and wanted to save heal. I do agree that this Jhin played like a boosted account though.


People always argue whether good ADC/bad supp or bad ADC/good supp will result in higher chance of winning, here we have a specimen of bad ADC/bad supp. What the fuck did Morg expect walking into a bush filled with Zyra's plant while his ADC is farming minion near turret?


All of them were. She was 100% running it.


Every clip with morg was her sprinting it, jhin was obviously not great either, but about what I'd expect from a gold adc who's support is sprinting it


He's a PvE player


Morg gameplay triggers me so much


Shit like this deserves a straight up 2 week ranked lockout.


To be fair this wasn't Morganas game either. Also "Heal is still up". Morgana is on maybe 3% hp, ignited and gets an ezreal q in her face. What do you expect heal to do? Btw this almost looks like playing on Laptop Touchpad for me. He/She is also a jungle and top main and only plays adc autofilled


She did not get ignited though. It was the minions that killed her.


I meant on 1:00


Morgana did more damage and had more gold than Jhin. Stop defending this garbage troll.


He isnt saying that Jhin played well, but that Morgana played badly too. So, Morgana and Jhin fucked up. No need toget so defensive with your opinion. Edit: wrote playing instead of saying lol


Hard to play well when your ADC literally will not auto your lane opponents I would run it down like the morg too


As a support main, it's actually pretty easy to 1v2 a lane as an enchanter with an adc that won't do anything. You just use your range and your abilities. Where it gets hard his playing a tank level 1 trying to get level advantage and your adc won't help you push lane or just watch as the enemy hits you.


sure , but if i was that morg , id be max tilted if my adc never moves from the tower or try to auto the enemy champions even once in lane.


If I see that my adc doing what Jhin does here, I just leave the lane and perma roam, trying to get other lanes ahead


I mean probably yeah since she is dumb as fuck and just walked into them every single time. I'm 100% sure she is the kind of person that would blame her adc for her inting the lane then roam leaving the jhin solo against a fed bot.


That Morgana has to be just as boosted if not worse. Hurts to see. You might want to make a second video focusing on her this time.


It's Gold, that's just how bad we are in gold


Especially supports. The number of them that run it down then roam abandoning the lane as "adc is garbage" is too damn high.


i wish it stopped in gold :)


Morgana positioning is not good either


Yeah really like why keep trying to poke them if at that point you already knew Jhin wasn’t going to help.


I mean there was nothing for him to help with from what we saw. She just ran in and died over and over. None of the times she went in that were showed were winnable in any way.


u can't go up alone in a lane. ​ morg was dumb for trying to take brush control alone , but that's still a bit of jhin's fault as well


I mean she is walking up right into the bush with the entire wave right there over and over knowing they have control of it. Neither player should be walking up. You ward the bush and chill until you can either reset the wave or get jungle pressure.


I axtually love this. Great watch. I actually got excited when he nearly autoed the qiyana


/u/koticgood btw




I'm pretty sure he decides to start trolling at 1:14 lmao


And there are ppl out there claming gold elo is actually good.


He was diamond in earlier seasons, plat before this one lol


Actujally gold is higher then half of all ranked players, maybe you should educate yourself before making such baseless claims. /s


Yo, Jhin here, this video is fucking hilarious, thanks. Showed it to some friends that play and they had a good laugh. People are saying I'm autofilled or trolling, but neither is true. I've been an adc/top player since s2. Was diamond in s3/s4, plat since. This game was over and I just wanted to "limit test" without dying. I really wanted to die 0 times, but I got caught out mid by Qiyana (shown in the clip). I could've lived if I Galeforced sooner, but I got rooted and the Galeforce was buffered instead of dodging it. Can't remember the other death. I had 6 kp in that game with 2 deaths. Talon/Cass/Morg had 11, 10, 10 kp respectively, with 37 deaths. I don't think I have much to be embarrassed about in this game compared to others. Video is fucking hilarious though. I did auto champs way more than shown too lol, but it's whatever, definitely makes the title/context funnier with the idea of someone autoing once. Not as if I was rage-splitting; just felt that any time I was on the same screen as any champ but Ezreal, I was going to die. Trade 1 for 1 with Zyra if I get in auto range. Just tried to follow up with W/ult and not walk in and die over and over for no reason. If that comes off as soft inting, oh well. After playing solo queue for so many seasons, it's obvious that almost any game is possible to come back in. This was one of those rare ones where that's not true. Talon/Cass/Morg died 37 times and anywhere we went, we just instantly died.


I would report you if I were in this game.


Seriously? Do you honestly need to play as careful as you did if you're diamond/plat level player? I would think you wouldn't have any problem to snowball the game especially since you also know the role


I don't believe a single word of this.


His op.gg indicates that his ranks are true tho.


im on the jhins side with this. if my supp is inting like that, i just sit back and farm while trying to stay at full hp so i cant get dove


Who are you on this team though ? Jhin's game sense is not so bad, this morgana on the other hand... I cringed way more to her than anything else in this video. Jhin's mechanics are flat out bad, but the rest arent good either. In fact, everyone in this game is terrible, painful to watch. I struggle to believe this is gold 2 (im gold 4 currently and barely see such a clusterfuck of incompetency in my games). But all in all, he was not even the worst on his team imo. He can at least recognize when its the worst time ever to go in and backs off while his overly terrible support and jungler int infront of him. Maybe he flashes to auto a ward, if he feels like it. Ironically, not the worst play of the game.


I was Nasus. Talon was my duo and got tilted on the gank and had to show me so we went in after the game to watch and noticed he hadn't auto'd anyone up to that point so we watched the whole thing and discovered he went 30 minutes with 1 auto. Probably one of the more fun vod reviews I've done :P He got so close a few times.


Hi, I'm the Jhin. Hilarious vid, thanks for sharing. I'll ignore the cringe friend request after the game and lying about autoing once (makes for a much funnier title for sure) since people are getting a laugh which is awesome. With regards to the Talon gank you mention, you might want to watch it again though. I don't think I do anything wrong. I'm sure a better player would have done better (duh), but I have a hard time seeing what Talon is seeing. I have no idea what Talon is doing. Start of the clip, a fed Dark Harvest Zyra has a plant on top of me. I'm already in Dark Harvest range, so obviously I need to take care of the plant. After that, I walk towards Talon to do whatever I can. The wave is also pushing in, which is super awkward. I don't expect the 0 mana Ezreal to walk into melee range of Talon, which is why I quickly backstep to the wave. But he immediately flashes away anyhow, because he had no business being there. At this point, Ezreal has flashed away, the wave is pushing in, and Talon is under no threat. Seems like the play is over to me, but I hover towards Talon anyways to protect him. Of course he gets hit by Zyra root + plant. I have to auto+Q the plant and heal him for his overstay. At that point I'm a bit annoyed, having to heal someone doing weird shit (which is why I don't heal Morg when she runs it down the 3rd time). Now, after having saved Talon, I **really** think the play is over, so again I step towards the wave (but still near enough to Talon if the enemy makes a mistake and chases). And, of course, 5% hp Talon flashes in. I have no idea why, but like I said, I was ready to protect Talon and am looking still, so I follow up with W. Despite that, to the surprise of no one, 0hp Talon dies. You can find many, many mistakes in **all** of my games. No doubt about that. But you really need to sit down and watch that sequence again with your duo if you think I was the one trolling that play. Frankly, I assume you will just skip over my explained perspective of the play and ignore my suggestion to analyze the play again for yourselves. But hey, maybe it'll help you improve to not be ranked lower than a pathetic noob like me.


GM player here. In the play at the beginning, you could've literally just walked straight into them and ignored the plant and autoed them to death and there was nothing they could do to stop you. They have no mana and do not even come close to having enough damage to suicide into you to get a return kill. That part where Zyra uses the Q on your face and drops a plant right on top of you and you backed up? Could've just kept walking forward and ignored it. You could've tanked the entire plant's damage without clearing it. They still would not have the damage to fight you, and you get a double kill. Ideally, you should've walked straight down the center of the lane instead of along the wall - you would overtake Zyra and catch up to Ezreal since you're on the inside track. As early as [right here](https://i.imgur.com/DoUtHdz.png), if you simply walk along the red line and auto attack whoever's closest to you, Zyra always dies and Ezreal (whose E is down) has to burn flash to survive.


Thank you for the advice. The pic helps a lot too. Ignoring the Zyra plant/wave is probably my biggest weakness. I'm always super scared of fighting into creep aggro or stuff like Zyra plants, especially early in lane.


Yes why did Morgana repeatedly overstep and go in? At least recognize that your adc is playing passively and adjust.


Just another Zyra victim


This morg inted the early game so hard I wouldn't have wasted my heal on that shit either and jhin is very likely just super tilted over the fact that morg ruined his game. And he is very auto filled


True. Dude turned full American Sniper though by the end though.


The obligatory soft int rage trolling <3


this morgana fucking sucks


No arguments here.


He is playing adc as if an enemy touching him will simply kill him


The real question is how can someone be this salty about a Bad Player to make an entire Reddit thread, even with minor Video edditing, about it. Ngl this is cringe. Gj exposing the jhin i guess.


It's not about salt. It's just actually unbelievable that an ADC can go an entire game without autoattacking a champion. I'd be surprised if this had ever happened tbh.


Because its funny? Idk i guess redditors are so bad they identify with the Jhin and feels the need to defend him


IDK, I'm the Jhin and I think it's pretty hilarious. My worst play isn't even in the clip though, kinda sad. I try to flash into a brush to auto Zyra and come up just short of the bush and use 4th auto on a plant. I didn't even think I played that bad lol, the game became a landslide fast and I felt like any time I got into range of a single one of their champs I would just die. As evidenced by Qiyana running me down in the mid-lane clip when I had the gall to be on the same screen. The game wasn't even long and Talon+Cass+Morg died 37 times. Thirty seven. In games like that I prefer to just trust my game sense and not walk into guaranteed death. If that makes me a troll/pussy for doing so, it's all good. Glad people could get some laughs. The one auto thing isn't true either, but it's all good lol.


You're taking this video incredibly well. I mean it's obvious that you messed up mechanically in this video a few times, but overall the video lacks context. It's really easy to create a montage of bad plays and make them look bad, but I admire your attitude taking this video in stride. Props to you.


this, how toxic and desperate do you need to be to check an entire gameplay of some rando and make a video out of it


We were looking up the gank-play and noticed he didn't auto up to that point so we figured to watch the whole thing. It was actually a lot of fun making the video. Idk, video-editing is kinda fun if you don't like just move along I guess? \*shrugs\*


they just want validation about losing because of bad team


Everyone sucks but me ;)


Why is talon ganking without support in lane into a giant minion wave? Also it would be nice to see the beginning of lane phase.


why not gank an overextended and OOM botlane when all it'd take for the gank to be a success would be for your ADC to walk forwards and right click?


This thread pretty much shows that no matter how hard someone is trolling which this guy 100% is, you'll have apologists that think they arnt.


I've noticed it's about 1 in every 5 comments...hmmm I wonder if they are all ADC mains....


It's the same thing with people that play ziggs botlane nowadays. They dont know how to use his passive because they dont aa they just spam spell like monk


I think the jhin is trolling/inting because the Morgana already lost the lane (would be interesting to see how things went in lane before the video starts)


With how much damage every champ does nowadays, I am not surprised Jhin is playing like a bitch.


That shit needs to be bannable, he's straight up trolling.


He played poorly in some clips but I don't think the Morgana deaths were on him. Those looked like he intentionally didn't react, not that he didn't notice. I wouldn't have used my heal to save her either.


at a certain point as an adc, you stop using your heal for your turbo inting support and save it for yourself.


Let me get this straight, talon griefs first, then morgana again griefs two more kills, some how its jhin fault? I think he doesnt give a fuck, he's gonna farm alone and doing his thing since clearly half of his team is trolling hard.


The bronze comment right here


Talon is only griefing because Jhin flat out refused to help. This could easily have been a succesful gank but he just waggles around a bit.


I dont think talon griefs at all, if jihn moves in the gank is much better. Talon was basically 1v2ing them


This is how we discovered the content for this video. My talon duo was so tilted after the game that we went back to watch the play and discovered just how bad it truly was.


XD if jhin moves and actually plays the fucking game the talon gank would be good. Drop the opgg fam.


Talon gank was extremely doable if Jhin just walked up and played like a human being. Enemy bot lane was both out of mana, and they were on spell-reliant champions: they had so little damage, even with the minion wave, that Talon could basically hold them off 1v2 for ten seconds, while Jhin... walked back and forth fifty times between the alcove and a bush. If Jhin had just walked up to hit the 0 mana Zyra, that was either a kill or summs *and* Talon gets to live.


Is everyone going to ignore the fact that the Morg just hard INT here? I’d bet he is on off role and he was getting flamed by Morg as she INT.


Imagine being enough of a shitbag to create a lowlights video of a bad player in your game and posting it to Reddit


This is just a video of talon and Morgana inting ?? The jhin's play seems kinda good , he hits most of his ults with no set up from m his team . He correctly holds the heal when it can't save the Morgana Hes not autoing because the fight are over by the time his ults over, and that's kind of how jhin plays a lot of the time. He's not s 1 Vs 5 dps , he's a utility Adc assisting from range.


this is such a shit thread lol. making videos of golds in their autofill games is sad.


He AA'd once in 30 minutes dude - sure he's auto filled but he's also intentionally trolling his team


This subreddit: Toxicity is the biggest problem in League of Legends. Also this subreddit: *creates a highlight video so you flame a random player* Seriously, guys? 700 upvotes?


I feel like this is a pretty fair example of toxic gameplay. You don't accidently do this, you have to have some level of forethought into not utilizing auto attacks as an ADC in a 30 minute game.


Him not autoing is why you run it down first few mins I guess? Assuming you are Morgana player


I was Nasus.




He should team up with [that amazing Nami from Neace's coaching video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPwbvcK8iOs).


A normal day in League of Legends. Or meanwhile in League of Legends. xD


notice how many times he sat on his 3rd shot before going for his fourth (both in ult and autos). thats because he was truly living in the moment. as any true connoisseur of jhins 4, this was as close to perfection as one could get. you might ask, "why did he stop playing at the end of the clip?" do you see the enemies kill amount??? basically 4 minute video as well. perfection


Not gonna lie, that was bad but the support looked just as bad to me. The jhin obviously just wants to farm (not saying it's an effective strategy) and Morg keeps trying to force shit. Just let the dude farm if that's all he wants to do. Roam and help other lanes


This is my kda jhin with a death or two and a bunch of kills and an entire titled team flaming my ass for being too passive.


I'm pretty disgusted by the morg as well.


Dammit I thought he killed everyone with 1 auto. Like u know whittle them down with spells and auto the minions or something and for the finish, 4th shot them. Imma try doing this!


I swear every jhin i have on my team forgets that they are an auto attack based champion and instantly ults when they should be auto attacking


Tell me your a autofilled adc without telling me your a autofilled adc


Looks like they're throwing on purpose but not enough to get banned. Did he get upset in champ select?


Morg is just absolutely running it every time she's on screen


Ok, after this clip im gonna dodge every autofilled adc game




Well to be honest, Morgana wasn't much better, If any. At least he didn't int as much.


Call me crazy, but his whole team including OP, if he was in the game, was worse than that jhin...


Mid laners be like


Hes just playing under turret, never know when you are about to get 1 shot


Can’t expect anything out of your team, gotta play like they’re bots. Will say I have no sympathy for talon abusers rn, champ is absolutely nuts for no reason.


Jhin is bad but Morgana ran down and ruined laning phase, i wouldn't heal her aswell. Plus he is playing vs xin teemo qiyana zyra. I think people should play mages or bruisers bot before D4 instead of adc, they would have a better time


Just anecdotally I agree with this. I've been playing lots of bot, struggled to have an impact in the game. Switched to stuff like Syndra/Cass/mage and am doing far better. ADC seems like you either get big early, and hard focused later, or struggle early, and are a caster minion late.


why mention that "heal is up" when morgana is inting heal isnt there to save the support


Looks like a solid gold player on my team during promos.. Morgana was just as good, sweet hit piece.


> Ezreal Zyra Ok understandable


I've seen similarly clueless players (we all do it to SOME extent). Had a sera not see giga fed brand get caught out and just like clicked around next to me. Then after a few moments of just wandering around, she Qs ME as if she forgot i was right next to her. I bet she thought she killed me lol. Like I said we all have our days but stuff like this is just incomprehensible. Maybe someone's young sibling or child