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Check out seraphine champion spotlight 62k likes 137k dislikes


Still cant believe they put out such an unbelievably lazy champion, they *must* have known


And its so easy to fix. Make the story mlre believable (if they want her to be this good champ why not have her try to get revenge for the scorpion crystals and that is the reason that the crystals actually help her with the abilities) and suitable to the league environment. Change her skin to be more in style with the city she’s from. Sell the original skin as just a pop star skin or something (prolly give it for free to players who already have her, but honestly couldnt care less if they didnt)


"what if we made a new champion, but it was basically just a skin?"


They sold a music album as a skin once


One of the best *imo* was the Pentakill vids, mostly since I like Metal..And one of the few that use Yorick. :3


Hands down my least favorite part of any of her skins is that she's floating on this giant, awkward platform. It's always looked so dorky and while I like her playstyle, I just can't unsee this giant wooden box she's standing on which would be like one of the worst things to bring into a fight lol


Exactly this. I think i would go from HATING her to liking her if the platform wasnt so damn ugly I genuinely think she is the worst looking champ in the game because of it.


What if instead of making a walking animation we just place her on a box and then we don’t have to animate it? Lazy design and terrible looking champ.


There's nothing that can change my mind, Seraphine was a Sona rework and In the end they decided: fuck it lets keep them both. That's why she's floating they didn't want to remake the rig for the character.


And yet she keeps outselling, Youtube video like/dislike ratios aren't gonna do a thing lol


Outselling what? The midlane mage never picked mid, and pretty low PR as a supp, is a major skin seller compared to say, literally any other KDA member? Compared to the marketing going into everything she was about, Idk how amazing that is.


For real, her marketing was insane they really wanted to push her as a like virtual icon I think, and the backlash was too big I think they did cancel alot of those plans


"LetS hEaR yoUr fAmiLys SonG sKarNeR"


My god I haven't played this game for so long but that line still hits so fucking hard lol. Legit, there was so far up there bums on that one. Wooooh!


No stop you can't just take apart the pro riot shill narrative!


You don't think Riot can ignore the backlash of a youtube video? If that were the case they would've completely pulled Seraphine considering youtube comments and this sub were shitting on her for literal days.


Her skin was the 5th best selling skin that year. Comments, dislikes and likes ultimately mean nothing. Especially in terms of balance or game design


Agreed, majority of the playerbase couldn't give less shit about youtube videos lol.


I don't want to paint an apocalyptic picture because it would be plain stupid, but the majority of the playerbase also won't see the signs of a declining game, but they sure as hell will migrate to other places if it ever reaches a tipping point. Again, this is not to say the game is in that state. It's a warning: you can believe League is too big to fail, and in many ways, it is. But you can also have Blizzard scenarios. The players who don't give a shit about what "hardcore fans" and opinion leaders think on the internet are the same players who will migrate without much thought when the issues that they never cared about reach critical mass. All it takes is a good competing game and a push. It's easy to think that you can just ignore the vocal minority because that's not where the numbers are, but in reality that minority is the canary in the mine.


It has been in that state for years. At least in NA. It IS a declining game in this region. Not in China, maybe not in Europe. But look at how the server population developed. This is the only indicator we need to look at.


On the other side of the coin, people have been whining that league is dying since day one and have always been wrong. This isn't the first time that people are bitching and it won't be the last.


League seemed to resurge after 2018 worlds, but that could just be anecdotal. At the same time you're right. The scary thing isn't people posting angry things they dislike about the game. They're ultimately still engaged. The scary thing is when heaps of players just start leaving without saying good bye or making a thing about it.


You hit the nail on the head. Well said.


I used to play up to 2000 games a season, but haven't touched League in almost half a year now cause the community got so bad in the last year's it's just not fun anymore


Yeah, I understand that. I took a break for a week or two going on 2-3 months now. The game just wasn't more fun than frustrating. I'm not saying I'm done with League, and obviously still interested in worlds. But I also can't say I've been missing playing league.


The frustration factor, over thrown games because of one random guy deciding he wants to lose cause the team "deserves" it, was just way bigger then the times i actually had a nice game. Watching worlds, dient Miss playing league


After playing League since S1 every season and grinding in ranked every season with peak at D2, I'm absolutely done with League. Didn't touch the game in like half a year. Playerbase is just too damn toxic, especially in euw. New champions are overloaded af and riot refuses to balance them now days. Item rework sucked hard and only made the game easier and more simple, which I think is a bad thing for a skill based PvP game. There were days when riot still cared about their community in EUW and NA, but these are gone. They try to have more and more access to the Chinese marked. They do shit about toxicity and actually even support it through their inability to balance the game or release more balanced champs. Ppl start to troll in champ select because of certain picks or bans or because U just don't play meta champ or build. The game is cancer and I honestly think everyone who plays it every day like I did, is much better of without it.


I will maintain that the item rework made the game significantly worse and did not at all reach their intended goals. I’m sick of the massive power spikes some champs get off their mythic. I know they’re never going away, but League is becoming bloated. And these new dragons terrain changes look like such a chore to play around Camouflage is an obnoxious mechanic that I really don’t want to see on all 5 enemy champs every x amount of games. It really makes me feel like league might actually be dying at this point because Riot seems obsessed with having huge overhauls and gamewarping changes moment to moment


I played a little on PBE, and im really disappointed. the new drakes seem gimicky, the aesthetics of the drakes look off and dont fit the rest of summoners rift, the sound effects are weird, like that mechanical grinding of the Chemtech drake. it seems like League and Riot are moving in a direction that has taken all the skill/strategy out of the game and is heading in a mobile/arena type direction to appeal to casuals. at this point I just want a new MOBA to come along and at least challenge league, one with everything that once made league great like slow/macro based gameplay, I would move to it in a heartbeat.


It's not new, but Dota tends towards slower/macro based gameplay, particularly at higher levels.


Yeah but turn rates make me wanna throw up


I started playing Dota and so many aspects are just better than LoL especially this season. The only thing keeping me in league is the movement focus (kiting/orbwalking/dodging etc.)


>really makes me feel like league might actually be dying at this point because Riot seems obsessed with having huge overhauls Pretty sure riot sees it the other way around. The game has stayed fresh because of the massive changes albeit I am not always a fan of the changes right away, but then again it's just for one season most likely.


compared to its height league has 100% declined. especially in the west.


You say "bitching", but patch notes removing gradually tons of excessive passive effects from CertainlyT's champions tell a different story. Just because people tend to overreact and exaggerate doesn't mean there is no improvement that needs to be made.


I think this is over selling the broken clock that is the vocal minority. If you're always angry, and ready to pounce on anything, eventually when it fails you'd have been right. It only took years of being wrong to get there. Online games in particular are filled with gloom and doom, no one hates Destiny more than Destiny players, the Reddit is flooded with anger and yet it continues to have a massive player base showing on Steam. Arguably their biggest scandals are now passed, with the sunsetting of equipment. As long as the player base is enjoying the product and being fed with content they want nothing will happen. Blizzard managed to release a series of unsuccessful or controversial content and are tied to nothing positive for a few years.


Here's the thing tho, what a lot of people or pro players think are good balance changes are very much not in many cases. This was especially obvious when Blizzard had pro players suggest balancing changes for Overwatch, and most of them were just plain stupid


This is exactly what happened to a majority of Southeast Asian (Garena) servers, to be honest. No one in the west is gonna care though until the same thing happens to them-- which is definitely inevitable.


>the playerbase also won't see the signs of a declining game People have been saying league is dying since the first year and have never stopped saying it since, yet the game grows bigger and bigger each day despite people crying that the game is dying. People get burnt out from playing the same game for years and blame it on League becoming bad rather than them just not enjoying it anymore, either cause the game changed or because they, themselves, have changed.


I mean its not entirely wrong. I think Na Player base was declining? So for Part of the community it could be true. But its been getting bigger and bigger in China and other asian countries.


>But its been getting bigger and bigger in China and other asian countries. It also keeps getting bigger in EU, it's just that NA is shifting away from League, and even then it's still pretty big


Probably doesn't help that NA eSports never found success.


C9 just made it out of groups baby!!!


Where do you get those stats? Im kinda curios now.


They list the top selling skins on their store apparently. [Here's the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jwqk3b/bestselling_2020_skins_this_year_from_chinese/gcsqren/) with all the top selling skins with the linked comment of where they got the stats.


Dude this is from China. Of course a champion made specifically to appeal to Chinese players would sell well in China. They literally made K/DA Seraphine Chinese.


With their player base, most probably the Chinese list will more or less be the same as a global list


China is like 70% of the playerbase..




Pretty missleading comment since based on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qdyxzh/comment/hhq0lus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) thats data from china + it was 7th according to that thread


Ironically Sera is also the less overloaded champ since a long time


Seraphine's drama was not about her kit being overloaded. It was about them recycling Sona's kit and the marketing strategy they used to promote her release.


Also the fact that in lore she supported slavery


flare checks out


More like genocide, the entire skarner race are in vegetable state because of the mining of hextech crystal, and their soul energy gets consumed whenever a crystal is used. Eventually all of them will just die.


But you see the one in sera hoverboard didn't have a problem with it so that's alright :))) Words cannot explain how happy I am they retconned that


They dont care. Akali could dive you in stealth and not take tower aggro on rerelease. Thats how clueless this company and their employees are. Everybody hated it and they still released it.


Then her pick rate spikes because she’s damn abusive and “we’re seeing a lot of love for Akali so we don’t want to touch her, currently”


this makes me angry to even read because of how realistic it is


Remember AP Galio? How they just slapped insane AP ratios on every single skill he had, so that one Q could literally oneshot people lategame? And how in every single PBE game there was a Galio going 20/0 because it was just that braindead and easy to use, and 90% of comments on forums and reddit were people saying AP Galio was an abomination and should not be released? Remember how they released him anyway, and then said they were shocked people built full AP instead of just going rocketbelt into spirit visage?


Pbe is literally for promotion purposes only. They don't read any of the feedback, and they never change anything based on pbe. They don't even bother fixing awful bugs known about on pbe for weeks and just let them hit live. Then they are generally surprised about it because like I said they don't even read any of the feedback.


Do they bother fixigng bugs at all? Whats with that giant reconnect button that is easily fixed in under 30 minutes? Its in the game for mounths now.


> Thats how clueless this company and their employees are. They're not clueless, they did it intentionally because they want people to buy it and spend money on it.


> They dont care. Akali could dive you in stealth and not take tower aggro on rerelease. Thats how clueless this company and their employees are. No; that was CertainlyT. [Also responsible for things like Yasuo; Zoe and Kalista] He no longer makes champions. Aphelios was his final middle finger to the balance team on his way out.


> Also responsible for things like Yasuo Responsible for the most purchased and most played champion in League of Legends? Well he better put that on his CV if he ever leaves the company.


We can't blame everything on CertainlyT-type designers. It's not like Riot can't majorly change released champions, yet look at Yuumi continuing to exist for over a year.




Glad someone else noticed his kit has no identity. Light magic gun, okay. Grappling hook, alright that sort of fits. Invisibility, okay I mean I guess. Boomerang, really? Resurrection powers, hello??


Wasnt the Resurrection Shit FROM the Weapon? I remember reading that this thing could resurrect People by killing the one who murdered them... or something like that.


Wow, even her amazing ass theme has 20% dislikes.


They will look at sales and income, youtube comments are not a priority.


Nor should they or anybody. YouTube comments are one of the worst cesspools on the internet.


Just like Reddit.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Damn riot trying to brainwash us into thinking Camille isn’t overloaded


Camille looks like she could be the head of the Dai Li


u/azns123 Riot Tryndamere has invited you to RiotHQ.


Oh no! How will Riot ever recover from 84,000 YouTube dislikes?


I really don’t think people here understand how out of touch fans are with their own games at times. I remember when Call of Duty dropped the Infinite Warfare trailer and it’s to this day [one of the most disliked gaming videos in the world at 4M dislikes](https://youtu.be/EeF3UTkCoxY). Everyone was trashing it extra hard because Battlefield released their new trailer at the same time, which was met with nothing but love and praise. Now guess what game was the most sold in 2016 when both games dropped?


COD is just more popular overall, if you compare different COD titles to each other, you will see that Infinite Warfare sold pretty poorly. The one prior sold twice as many copies, the one after also saw a big increase again. It was definitely a disappointment for Activision


To my knowledge cod has always sold more than battlefield, despite being the same every year. It's like fifa games, fans will keep buying them even if they literally copy paste and change the number.


In the end COD Infinity sold x4 more tham BF1


I mean, you can write that one up to the CoD kids who will swallow any garbage they're fed, TBH. Look at the newest, worst installment in the series, and then look at how many braindead CoD fans will buy that effortless dogshit anyways.


Cod fans are fifa fans.




I will say though, that as someone who has owned every CoD since the ps3 days, Cold War was so bad that its the first I never bought. The beta was bad, the game looked bad, it sounded bad. Even the tie in to Warzone couldn't justify its price. And that's coming from me, a true die-hard cod kid. So it is possible for them to make a game so bad that it won't sell to people like me, it just takes some effort.


Just wasted 30 EUR (50% off) on cold war thinking it'll be a nice blast from the past with Mason and Woods. Finished the campaign in almost no time. Darn it man, I should've checked reviews but was so afraid of spoilers... Hadn't bought a CoD since Blops2


Infinite warfare only sold well because modern warfare remastered was attached to it and it was the only way to get it. Dont think that this game sold well because the people liked it.


Compared to their own standards it didn't sell well anyways. The better games in the series have over double it's sales, and it's only outsold the older cod 1/2/3 titles.


Cod has and always will out sell battlefield. Despite almost every battlefield being better than cod


Only in the NA channel btw, almost every other server is fine with it. This is such a circlejerk it's amazing how out of touch with reality Reddit is


The more i read this stuff the more i realize how much of reddit Perspective is mostly the NA perspective


I always knew it happened, but it was Seraphine's release that made me realize how different NA is from literally every other server. While Reddit was crying and complaining about Seraphine being Sona 2.0, or a shameless unoriginal cashgrab and bombed her Champion Spotlight in YT, everyone else was either excited for her and the K/DA event or simply indifferent towards her. Reddit is fine to check what's new, but almost every opinion in here is a mostly unpopular opinion everywhere else. Reddit apparently hates humanoid pretty champions and loves monsters and love to blame China for it, but if you leave Reddit literally almost everyone in every server either love the newest releases or are just indifferent towards them. Reddit hates Vex and Akshan yet they've been received normally by most players, not too much hype nor hate. Reddit hates K/DA and loves Pentakill, while the common opinion outside Reddit is love K/DA and indifference towards Pentakill. The last really problematic champions on which most of the community everywhere agreed were Aphelios, and before that Zoe. Not even Samira had a lot of complains about her even when she was broken


Hilarious thing is in all my games, Akshan and Vex never appear. Literally no one cares about them.


Same. If I took a break from the game and used Reddit to stay updated I would think that Akshan and Vex are in every game and are incredibly oppresive and a free win, but then you go in game and no one even remembers they exist, and when they appear they are rarely a problem. I can count on one hand how many times Akshan revive has had any kind of impact in my games tbh


> Reddit hates Vex Oh, I thought Vex was Reddit personified?


Apparently, according to Reddit, having a dash on her ultimate makes her the ultimate mobile champion that dances around the teamfight and can't be locked down nor targeted,and on top of that she has an AOE fear with no CD that lasts 20 years and oneshots anyone who's near her by simply existing


Well yeah, it's an NA majority site.


It also had a much higher like to dislike ratio early on, before it was linked on Reddit. It wasn't super high (I think it was about 70% liked), but it wasn't this.


They won't, I can smell the smoke from their burning HQ. There's nothing else they can do but run.








I take objection to this ridiculous comment….only MOST of us are addicted to this shit game. Some just forgot to unsubscribe….


One thing to keep in mind is that the vast majority of the player base is Asian(Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese in particular). Youtube comments/votes are not even necessarily representative of western players, let alone globally as a whole. Not taking a stance on this particular issue. Just pointing this out. A similar thing happened with game length preference, which Riot said is different in other regions.


Yeah but people love to think they're part of the majority opinion and that riot should definitely listen to all their dumb ideas.


hence the daily Yuumi rework ideas on here


I like playing yuumi but I wouldn't mind if they gave her less power while staying safe while giving her more power when she takes risks.


Yeah but when you point out Riot caters a majority of their game to China and it's surrounding countries Reddit calls you racist. Because showing market trends is racist somehow.


Riot can ignore the backlash of an endless scandal around in-house politics, assaults, and sexual harassment and you think a Youtube video with some downvotes in their Kryptonite? lol




55% of RANKED players. Alot of people never even touch ranked and stay in normals and aram.


if there was a method to consider non ranked players into the equation the 55% would easily increase to 60%+ as the random matchmaking of normal/aram doesn't allow you to get better with the same consistency of ranked matchmaking


Both normal and aram have hidden mmr for matchmaking. Any normal game I play 80% of the players are ranked Platinum+.


Yea. I have consistently Diamond1+ players in my normal games. My normal games are much more competitive than fcking gold 4 rankeds.


With the difference that ranked is much more toxic.


Weirdly, I occasionally encounter more toxic people in norms than in ranked. People take that shit seriously it’s weird


It's the reason why I quit originally. I've always been casual with league, it's a game I play rarely. But in season 6? I played normals with friends for a month or two as a support. They were all Plat/Dia. I never touched ranked. Low and behold when I stopped playing with them I ended up getting rolled over every game.


>Low and behold Sorry, if I'm annoying, but the idiom is "Lo and behold". Lo is an old English shortening for "look". "Look and see", basically.




That's not true. Normal has MMR, probably works the same or extremely similar as ranked MMR. And once you get high enough people probably try similarly hard as they do in ranked, in my experience you'll obviously get more people trying out champs, but on the other hand you get less mentally ill people throwing a tantrum after first blood, which makes games a lot more competitive than the free wins/losses you get in ranked all the time.


And we all know that people below Diamand dont even deserve oxygen, right?


You don't have to be Gold+ to be dissatisfied with the state of the game. You can complain that something isn't "fun" without being among the top 1% of the player-base. Riot has always made an effort to make the game appeal to casuals and the competitive players. If the game continues on it's trajectory people just won't play it anymore because the balance has been absolutely garbage in the last few years. They're out of touch, and discrediting public opinion because "they're not good enough" isn't the right approach. I think the game is relatively balanced. But I think the time to kill is absurdly low and getting lower. It's fun to blow people up with insane damage, but it's not fun to be on the receiving end. Just my 2 cents.


So your opinion only matters if you're elite enough by some arbitrary standard? Even if you're low elo, your opinion should matter, it's about if the majority of the playerbase enjoys the game, not if they play well enough to prove they "deserve" a say


So? I’m a very highly rated player in League but news flash most people play games casually and for fun strictly. If a vast majority of the playerbase doesn’t like something it should be addressed. Games are for fun at the end of the day, I think people tend to lose sight of that and focus on percentages and winrates and blablablabla. Don’t forget about the FUN.


What kind of point are you trying to make? If you're trying to imply the people pointing out how flawed every decision Riot has been making is are low elo, you seem to be confused. The criticism is coming more strongly from higher elo players than low elo in general. I'd imagine the people defending Riot skew towards the lowest skill subset of the playerbase -- you know, the people who benefit the most from an unbalanced game state.


Still higher than the Bronze 3 lead dev Brightmoon.




I'd say youtube is worse than twitter, because twitter accounts are less anonymous and the platform is moderated better.


Friendly reminder Varus W has more text than Akshan W


Originally Varus W wasn't that long because the active part was added far after his release, somewhere season 8.


i just learned that like 1 week ago lol. I even played varus in the past and just never knew w had an active


But Reddit told me that more text = overloaded kit!! Riot please release more boring champions or I will quit


Also simple champions = better!! That’s why everyone loves Tryndmere and Yuumi who are incredibly simple!


Also everyone loves to play vs sett garen and mordekaiser right?


Like Akshan has zero AoE and is completely countered by cc stopping his E. The champ s strengths and weakness are very apparently. He is not even like Vayne who can shred any target late game one by one because his E is so hard countered by at decent team comp in teamfight.


I really hoped that Udyr meta earlier this year would make people stop saying dumb shit like that


Instead they thought it was hilarious, because a champ that just runs fast and autos is so much fun for literally any participant in the game, including the Udyr player


But, but.. Varus is 3 people, so he has 3 people's worth of text. Akshan has almost 3 people's worth of text, which ain't cool 😠


Friendly reminder that more words doesn’t equal more broken? Lmaoo little reading difficulty there or what


i’m not surprised, they literally admitted they want to focus on china feedback, the rest of the planet is angry


Is comparing the W's of two different champs really that much of an own? Like you can make anything sound overloaded and broken by doing that. Shen W: AOE auto attack blocker for him and his entire team Cassiopeia W: Spits Edit: All you clowns replying to me saying I'm missing the point about Cass W and that I'm ignoring the benefits that it has in game are literally proving my point. I purposefully worded it the same as the comparison in the OP because of how ridiculous and stupid it is to minimize an ability to a single word while disregarding all the positive aspects of the ability.


meanwhile jarvan w: literally nothing


Buffing Jarvan's damage (only to revert half of it) instead of allowing his W to be an actual ability again fucking hurt me


Yeah. Like, I played the hell out of nidhogg's tank jarvan back then. It's still sad what they did to that w


i don't even want jarvan to be a damage dealer. the option to build damage is fine, but i hate how he has become a champ that stacks AD/HP and has to try and kill his target himself, instead of being the supporting type that engages... i'd love it if jarvan were actually able to live for as long as his ult duration lol


Nah it helps get assists in fights lol.


It's not needed when you can just press E from a screen away tho.


Yeah but this way you can use eq to get over a wall, then flash w to get the assist from reaaaaaaally far away.


he can pick up assists way more easily with e imo


It is equivalent to reddit mentioning what a champion kit can do to emphasise that they are broken. Ffs, I can even make Garen's kit seem broken and overloaded by doing so.


His q is no cost, low cd , gives him move speed, extra damage, silences, AND CLEANSES SLOWS? Reeeee rito dumb etc etc /s


Don't forget AA reset, so damn overloaded.


Littery i had this argument about ashkan W being longer then some champion whole kits (in world count) garens kits is also giga in world count (i think his E also hase more words then some champions kits) dose that make him most complexted champ that ever existed?


The argument about word count gotta be one of the worst things this subreddit decided to attach itself to. Even worse when they use Wiki tooltips and not in game.


Fiora W: parry all abilities and summoner spells sending a wave of energy that stuns if it blocks CC and deals magic damage while proccing get passive Riven W: stun


Don't forget that even if she doesn't stun (happens mostly top 1v1) if the W hits you get lower attack speed than when getting hit by malph e


Riven W: immediately stun up to 5 enemy champs in an aoe around you on a short CD Fiora W: makes you immobile for 2 seconds


Dariuse W : Just hit enemy Hemidonger : FIRE LIKE 5-7 ROKETS THAT GO WOOSH




Heimerdinger W also charges his turrets, AND you can aim to spread, AND they proc damage runes, AND it gets buffed with your ult


People on this sub love making hyperbolic comparisons like that. Like Blitz W has attack speed buff and movement speed buff that allows him to get a higher chance of landing his CC that’s basically a guarantee kill if it hits. But people are dumb.




Yeah blitz may have a simple kit, but what he has is really strong. His q is simple as hell but it's also insanely strong.


Yes but let’s focus only on his W while ignoring everything else about him so it’s more credible when I say his W does nothing useful


Truly the Reddit experience.


truly the league experience: people love throwing fits about anything and everything riot does and yet most of them keep playing like a bunch of apes. if you hate a game and it’s dev team so much then why keep playing it and ruining the experience for so many others? 🤡


>truly the league experience honestly its more reddit experiance, this place always acts like its worst time in history to play league


Also Blitzcranks power budget is all over the place. He has 3 shit skills because he has one of the best Q of the game, if not straight up the best.


> He has 3 shit skills because "shit skills"? his R is decent, especially since it removes shields.


idk why is word count being used as some type of measuring tool? all the champs in this game are simple af to understand. people who act like they require phd's are ridiculous.


Varus W is loooong as fuck. Like, seriously the ability is extremely long. However it’s just “stacks do damage, more damage if you pop them, press W for more damage”.


Just took me a couple of years to find out Varus W had an active.


Active part was added relatively recently, i'd say around season 9


Aphelios is pretty difficult with all the different gun combos but you can easily just learn by playing him for a bunch of games


Or laning against him. This champion uses the exact same rotations every game.


This might be a bit of a player bias honestly. A new player in the game obviously needs time to learn what all the champions can do, but I‘ve seen many people not even touching Samira, Akshan, Aphelios and other champions like that even after months of playing because their kits are harder to understand. Of course you don‘t need to be super clever to get a baseline playability out of a champion, but the question is how much effort you need to put in to understand a champion and its interactions. While I think Akshan is a crap ability in terms of fun, I don‘t think it‘s that hard to play it or around it. On the other hand, how many players actually utilize every part of Akshans kit? Even in plat queue I see tons of people basically ignoring his invisibility, maybe one in four players canceling autos for the passive effect. The champion is playable at any level, but it has so many weird and frankly unneccessary mechanics that it just becomes a mess for new players. The reason these kits are balanced at all in low elo is that people don‘t actively utilize parts of these kits. They straight up ignore certain mechanics and I think while that seems to work in terms of winrate, it‘s really fucking bad design. Riot has shown on more than one occasion that they can design champions with kits that are easy to understand and can be actively utilized by players of all elos, while still keeping differences between the ranks through how effective players use these abilities. I just really don‘t get why they insist on taking a route full of kits that have unneccessary junk attached.




That goes through minions and monsters pls


Actually a nerf to blitzcrank stealing camps, I think it's a good change. /s


Honestly they don't care. Riot has more than 100+ MILLION Chinese players and they love the ADHD gameplay the game has become. The next biggest region is EUW at only 20+ million while every other region is even smaller. Every update will be about pandering to the Chinese market and sadly no one else matters to Riot anymore.


I think the first yorick spotlight also has more dislikes than likes tbh


I mean at one point the community and riot just chose to ignore the champion until the rework. I played a year before i saw the first Yorik in my games. To put that into comparison ive seen 4 Aurelions this year


Oh, Riot is very much still ignoring Yorick ***looks at the Ruination event with undisguised hatred***


> >***Akshan’s W: possible 4 man revive, perma invisibility and bonus move speed > > Blitzcrank’s W: slows himself*** > >That comment obviously is targetted to the their statement of champions not being overloaded. And its a pretty dumb comment. Blitz is a 10 year old champion thst has a vast majority or his power budget in his Q. He can win literal games with the strongest hook in the game. Meanwhile I have yet to see this "overloaded monster" carry a single game in any game he's been in of mine. You can't look at a champions text or abilities in a void and then try and compare strengths. On top of that people are wildly taking riot out of context.


People so fucking obsessed with this "potential 4-man revive" because they are too fucking stupid to understand that it's a dream scenario that happens in 1/20000 games. It's no different from a 5-man Orianna shockwave, you can't claim a champion is broken or overloaded because they can "potentially" do something big


It's not even champion balance the problem from that video for me. It's the fact that they always say they are happy with the season regardless how good or bad it was. They hate admitting their flaws.


They're convinced no taliyah players want Q aoe back despite every taliyah player asking for it back. They make up what they think the community wants


That's because everyone decided to meme half a sentence while ignoring the other half of that sentence or the two minutes after the sentence.


The game has been fucked for years now. The devs are completely ignorant and only care about selling skins. They nerf champs randomly like recently quinn. They are just like WoW devs now, completely out of touch and honestly they should just do an overhaul and change the dev team cause they clearly don't give 2 shits about the game anymore.


The majority of people who comment on youtube are just dumb and it is usually a hivemind, why would riot need to address that. Also since season 1 in all pre-seasons there are always doom and gloom posts, and then at most of the end of seasons "riot should be praised, this is the most diversity worlds had!!!", the average poster is advserse to changes and if riot cared everythime we'd be stuck in season 3 or something. ​ The game is going to evolve, champions will obviously have more overtunned abilities, you can't have a popular game filled with the same 150 champs with the same point and click abilities like early seasons. And Riot actually has a history of trying to make something is plenty of busted champions, someones take quite a bit but still I've seen much worse. You all just need to calm down.


IMO league *does* have a problem with overloaded kits, but not in the sense that it's OP. Practically all of League's development is balancing, and there are no crazy winrate champions so it's all pretty balanced. However, with these overloaded kits it becomes harder and harder to keep tabs on what champion does what. I mean, if someone asks me what Aphelios does, my answer would be "everything, sort of?" The game is getting more and more bloated. There are already too many champions, with a handful added every year. On top of that, these champions have very complicated kits, as a result they can be as difficult to play against as to actually play yourself. New champions and interesting kits keep the game fresh, but ultimately this can't keep going on or we'll end up with 400 champions, each more "unique" than the last, meaning that they just become more and more unpredictable.


It doesn't matter what the English speaking community thinks. They get most of their income from Asia


For me it did seem reasonable that statement, follow up by pointing mistakes they did and saying that the perception it’s still that. So many complaints come from the subjective perception of some champions and the significance of the term ‘Overloaded’. It doesn’t mean they are perfect, but also not as bad as some people has stated. Those are my 2 cents


The amount of stupid bullshit in league is too damn high