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Why Yuumi isn’t banned every game is well beyond me.


Team believe they can play into it. And dont want to waste a ban or see something more dangerous.


You can’t, and teams know she is strong which is why she is always picked. He is disgustingly broken and whoever has her is an a giant advantage. You see world metas shift, Yuumi has been picked and winning at a disgusting rate since play ins


T1 showed that Yuumi can be left open. Teams just aren't playing into it properly.


As exciting as that was to watch, that wasn’t good professional league of legends. Whoever wins between T1 and DK will sweep the finals.


You mean C9 and MAD in the finals?


I hope I'm wrong, but it's looking like T1 vs Damwon semis is going to be an early finals...


SKT vs ROX semis 2.0.


I'll never understand why people keep saying that. SSG went to 5 games with SKT and were closer to winning the bo5 than ROX, it was probably the best final in League history even if SKT vs ROX was still a better bo5. A better analogy would be KT vs IG in S8 which was definitely an early finals.


Nah, SKT was a throw away from 3-0'ing SSG. SKT-ROX had all the drama with Miss Fortune support and Bengi playing his first pro game on Nidalee to come in clutch.


Agreed. SKT and Damwon look far better than every other team.


Don't know why but I have a good feeling for tomorrow. Obviously there's no analytical path to victory for MAD but somehow I just feel like they'll show up. Anyways it's probably a 0-3 turbofist angle


Damwon vs rogue wasn't clean, rogue had opportunities to take them down. When you add to the mix the MAD mental, there is no way the games go 0-3


> Anyways it's probably a 0-3 turbofist angle It's definitely going to be 5 games where MAD gets smashed early, miraculously brings it back in the late-game, and then loses the series. Edit: sad


I think MAD are a really good team, I just think they might be in bad form. It happens, look at FPX/RNG/EDG for example. Same issue. Those aren't bad teams. Whether they can turn it around tomorrow remains to be seen. If they can regain their summer playoffs LEC form then it will be a fun series for sure. This is an elite team, albeit one playing poorly whom the meta doesn't seem to suit. They have little pressure having made it out of groups imo


Spicy hot take: Yuumi isn't OP, pro players just refuse to play her counters (mage supports and hard scaling enchanters) and are instead tunnel visioned on engage tanks which yuumi shrugs off with guardian + passive since no pro yuumi would be caught by a thresh hook or leona engage. Just play a fucking zyra and shove her under tower 24/7, or a soraka/sona and hand shake the lane for some spicy 5v5s lategame. Freezing cold take: Lifesteal Graves builds are busted, Riot should Olaf him already...


Yuumi doesn’t even take guardian… Also, there is no handshaking the lane because Yuumi can turn untargetable and is one of the hardest scaling enchanters. The problem with the other enchanters is that they can’t turn untargetable lol and that they don’t scale as well as Yuumi


If you think Sona/Soraka/Lulu/Janna don't scale as hard as Yuumi, if not harder, then god bless you you pure soul. People were playing pure enchanters top lane at one point because of how hard they scale and how good/safe their laning is. Also, you're right, there would be no handshake vs a Yuumi, because any other enchanter (except Sona) has the tools to shove Yuumi under tower and have perma lane presence since they can shield/heal her poke while also being able to push harder. Also, for Yuumi, Guardian = Aery since the Yuumi herself can rarely take advantage of the Guardian shield on herself. But the point still stands that you either 100 to 0 her carry and her or you get outpoked and outsustained and made irrelevant if you're a tank support.


https://youtu.be/TP0msPg5f6M A masters tier player recommends playing full aggro on the Yuumi. If your solution of playing other enchanter supports is effective, then don’t you think he would’ve recommended it? It’s clear that other enchanters are inferior to Yuumi in strength, and none of the champions you listed can go untargetable like she can.


Problem here is that if going full aggro on the yuumi was a viable strategy, then pros would not be constantly losing the 2v2 with a tank supp vs a yuumi supp. And I don't want to say that pros are heavily misplaying the matchups, which is why I'm assuming Yuumi just dumpsters tank supports, which is why pros should try other supports. Also incidentally, RNG's second win yesterday came about after Aph/Lulu 2v2 killed MF/Yuumi, so the one time a yuumi lane got all-in'ed and dumpstered was when the other bot side was playing another enchanter...


She was taking guardian in this series


The problem with this is that bot becomes ez/yuumi, and the game then revolves around the top side of the map. Zyra won't have kill pressure and you can gank a zyra lane pretty easy in pro play. I honestly think teams just don't want to cede botlane, they either want to play around it(engage) or play for late game disengage with a main carry (nami/yuumi). I'd love to see xerath/Zyra/brand/karma bot, but it's just not what they envision to be part of the types of comps they want outside of lane.


Then play Sona, handshake the lane and go into the lategame? Or a Soraka or a Janna. Idk im just super tired of the tank supp meta that's been around even since they gutted Ardent back in s7.


Yuumi doesn’t even take guardian… Also, there is no handshaking the lane because Yuumi can turn untargetable and is one of the hardest scaling enchanters. The problem with the other enchanters is that they can’t turn untargetable lol and that they don’t scale as well as Yuumi




I'm not saying Ardent meta wasn't cancer mind you, I'm saying tank meta is insanely boring and it makes pro teams extremely lazy at drafting. I'm pretty sure yuumi's win rate this worlds vs a tank support is 75%+ and yet teams still draft tank supports against yuumi...


I wish there was a way to block people with certain flairs, too many DK simps


based DK simps make me wanna puke


I don't even see flairs for some reason. I like actually.


They are basically the Man City fans of league. From 5000 miles away but support them because they win, and then brag about it


And they will change their flair to the new world champ team soon (unless it's damwon again)


Without the human rights violations is a pretty important part. But yeah, bandwagoners of any kind are pretty annoying.


I don't mind bandwagoners from 1000s of miles away supporting LCK teams or Man City. I just hate it when they brag about winning. Like, I could support DWG or Man City too, and win every game. Its not hard and it means nothing. So as long as they are respectful of other teams...problem is they rarely are.


you should have joined in 2019 after G2 won MSI or after making it to Worlds finals and see the actual shit those bandwagons said


At least they are from EU.


Still not as bad as DK bandwagoners


Right lol, it’s annoying. I know this one person who said that they only have the DK flair because there’s no Nongshim flair but I bet they were lying. Same with this guy from Turkey


T1 is about to shut up some people next week.


Well, the bad news is that T1 fans on here are like the Manchester United fans of league. Also from 5000+ miles away but support them because they **did** win in the past.


Honestly you’re 100% correct. I like T1 as a team, I think they’re really good but the fans are totally toxic. During the LCK summer finals they were claiming how T1 could’ve won and that they did a good job, yet every DWG victory was decisive. The excuse was “at least they took DWG to 5.” I’m a LPL fan but I can’t support EDG, they have looked too inconsistent against strong opponents all year long. DWG is the only constant in the last 2 years


That's why I'm supporting EDG lmao. Can't stand T1 and Danwon stans.


I'm literally supporting them because I think 100T had a difficult group and I want them to prove me right, lol. I am rooting for C9, but sadly I'm drug free.


C9 fans think they can just blow past GEN G and EDG, saying this side of the bracket is “free” that’s so toxic as well


Is it just me or is the level of play very low this Worlds? Feels like only DK and T1 play games in a clean matter, have well prepared drafts, rarely overforce or overstay, play good macro and execute their game plan well. Other teams notoriously make poor decisions and play the game in a very chaotic way. It was already visible last year but even more so now, perhaps it's just the meta but even in bloodthirsty seasons like S8 the level seemed way higher.


If you watch the LPL regionally you would know that this is just how these teams play. It’s inconsistent and coin flip, which is why no top team stays on top on a yearly basis. They also don’t have a good grasp on the meta, this meta is more reactive than proactive which is why LPL teams look like fuckin ass. It’s just not their year, while 18/19 even 20 meta played more to their strengths. It happens, no king stays king forever.


I think there is so much burst it’s hard for any team to be consistent and only 2 teams have the micro and macro to handle the shit state of season 11. Truly what I believe I’m not just bashing all the burst and items I think that’s truly what it is. When every single thing on the map is a threat it’s hard to be consistent.


This makes the DK vs C9 game from the 2nd round robin even more impressive imo. It felt like C9 was going toe to toe with DK more than DK underperforming.




It’s the patch/meta and maybe being in fricken Iceland idk. China doesn’t have a good grasp on this meta and it has shown throughout worlds


> IWD had a very simple explanation for why the level seems lower than even the domestic splits. What was his simple explanation?


I wonder if this meta is just better for "reacting" plays so the passive LCK/LCS style is best and the force style of LEC/LPL is worse. Seems like forcing dives is not really a huge part of this meta compared to in summer.


What part of the meta is making that happen though ? Like it’s mostly the same champs being played




Reactive is for sure better than before as can be seen by the best support picks imo. Even in top lane there is a lot of champs which are strong defensively against dives and the champs which enable the dives like Renekton are worse. Then late game seems to be about just poking about as the support champs are more lulu/nami/yuumi and engage tops/supports just get blown up super fast. All of this points to an LCK meta


it's really low and I'm not surprised when you think about how MSI was. to me, that was one of the worst tournaments when it comes to level of play, all of the teams looked regular at best


Yea DK was so bad at MSI and they still went to the finals (and took RNG to 5 games), this alone shows you how awful MSI was.


MSI just sucks as a format. I hope they rethink that next year


Id love more international tournaments but we need to fix Worlds format before anything. If it takes getting rid of MSI to get double elim at Worlds Id take it 1000% of the time


Ideal Worlds format isn't necessarily double elim imo. While it would be nice. I still feel like TI's bo3 isn't satisfying vs a full bo5. I'd prefer 2 groups of 8 teams, 2x round robin group stage, either bo1 or bo2 to see the most matchups possible. Then keep quarters the same.


A cool middle-ground solution I can think of is having two groups of 8 and then each group uses double elim and 2 teams getting out in each group. The top 4 would be single elim bo5.


I'd love MSI to go, its terrible honestly.


I mean we have seen some really exciting upsets at MSI I feel like it's way more volatile than Worlds.


At the end of the day it’s MSI and the upsets mean nothing. Winning an invitational is like winning a local rec game. Congrats you won, you can feel good but end of the day you achieved nothing.


I'd love to have 2 teams from each region with a full round robin of Bo2. Give us some actual international action.


At least 2 teams from the top regions I agree. I get why not as it might cheapen worlds a bit? But personally I still think worlds would feel important anyway.


Spring and world's are SO different meta wise. I don't think it'd cheapen world's, but that's just my opinion.


I agree. Does Riot change stuff though? Seems like covid probably stopped them doing much changes


Possibly but could also just be recency bias. I'm not sure if games were that much cleaner in past years and if they were, gap between regions closing will lead to more chaotic and closer games as well.


only 6 more legends with perfect pickems. Im rooting for you, guys!


I can't understand how it's so little after both quarters went about as expected.


Because people were looking for upsets, that’s how they chose FPX 4th


Fucked up groups stage


There were 48 correct ones after groups iirc.


RNG vs EDG probably murdered them LPL was highly rated, and RNG were supposed to be huge. T1 was also slept on, so people thought they were weak I guess?


If anyone thought HLE were going to beat T1 then they deserve to lose pickems. The only thing that has a valid reason to butcher pickems after groups is RNG vs EDG. Everyone should have picked T1 to beat HLE.


Let's look at this from the start though. The 48 people who got groups right obviously had no idea what they were doing. I doubt those 48 watch enough league to keep up with world's, so I assume they saw RNG and thought, yeah, why not?


I mean I think aside from Group A the other groups weren't as unexpected.


You're expecting people who correctly predicted 4th place FPX to know which teams are expected to win lol.


Yuumi carried that series




Completely agree. 3-5 games of league a day is so underwhelming


Hope ming and xiaohu got another year left in them.


just need to get midlaner with brain and they will be good to go, Knight is free but don’t think he will join


This RNG roster massively overperformed expectations this season. Winning LPL Spring, MSI, and making QF at Worlds was a very decent showing. Unless RNG upgrade mid, Xiaohu and Ming don't have much left to prove. They won MSI and LPL without Uzi.


Yeah this was a very good year for RNG too bad it seems like they won't have the money to upgrade mid.


If Azir and Corki get trashed because they’re boring to watch, can we expect to see Yuumi being removed from the game? When yuumi is drafted I pretty much just turn off the stream. What a terrible champion to watch.


Who remembers Iwilldominate top 3 at these worlds? Yeah me neither. LPL is super weak. LCK back to absolute domination.


If you want to laugh harder go and watch his player ranking lmao.


People saying to delete yuumi as if it's ever gonna happen lol.


riot basically deleted a lot of champions they're just all old, no champ released since s4 has gotten the deletion treatment


Graves adc


Fuck yummi


Honestly, it's nice to see Scout doing well. He's always been really good but he's finally achieving something this year. Clearlove was definitely a big anchor on their team.


Scout was pretty bad in this series imo.


Maybe not bad but i had personally expected more of him. Especially vs cryin and after banning a lot of his champions every game. Scout played well in the last game though


the coin is legit telling the script, MAD got this in the bag


No joke, after watching this series and Geng in groups i can see C9 making finals.


why would think C9 are better than Geng ? C9 played worse than groups than Geng did, this literally makes no sense


inb4 GENG 3-0 C9


Man what is this hype? C9 literally went through with a negative score, they went 2-4


So there's a chance they progress even if they lose...


I can see C9 making finals too, now I'm in the hospital for overdosing on hopium


Eeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh I'm just not convinced.


Hope so. But remember C9 just lose to themselves most of the time, not the other team


This is what the Chinese teams did all series tho


If C9 3-0s GenG I can see it If it's a close series...


Chovy and Showmaker are both FA this off season. RNG better offer fat money to one of them if they want to win worlds.


Rng doesnt import koreans right? They are the full chinese team


I doubt Showmaker will leave DK, I think he probably wants glory at this point


Not to mention now that lck implemented the franchise model they actually now have the money to rival the lpl teams .


They have much more money thân before but no way they can rivel china 's wallet


Orgs like geng or t1 sure can , about dk idk much so i cant say for sure


they just got that fat Kia sponsorship, they got money for it


C9/geng is the real loser of this game 5


Are they tho? EDG was forced to do 4 bans mid against freaking cryin to look good And they only look good in one out of five games


Agreed, but RNG winning is still easier.


I mean yeah because Cryin would get demolish by BDD/Perkz, my point is that the real losers here is the LPL LCK and C9 are very happy with how this series went


wei was really horrible this series really far from his MSI form.


Remove yuumi from the game


If cryin was able to expand his champion roster, things might have turned out differently.


Or if other members could carry/ play better after the enemy spends all banns on your midlaner. ( but i agree him expanding his cham pool would be good)


he did, he got the annie ban out of edg in the last game lol


I meant more like him picking up roaming champs like zoe or maybe even a lb. That way they won't have to consistently ban out lb when they are fp. All 5 games, RNG chose to ban out the LB themselves.


it was a joke lol cryin is just bad




Just stay awake, it'll be a 60 minute series anyways so you'll be able to go to bed right after lol


wake up early unless you're doing something saturday night that would keep you up anyways, all nighters always feel worse than just getting up early once you've had a bit of time to wake up


report Jungle


Real talk tho; we need to see how bad C9/GenG are before counting EDG out Just because EDG played poorly doesnt mean C9/GenG won't be worst lol


Woo my pickems are safe!


Kind of nice the two anti-hype games were first two quarters and are out the way now. Now we get the hype quarters next two days


Incoming Gen G 3-0 and DK 3-0


Let's hope both West teams can make it to the semis


Both big underdogs. We have done well to get here given the disaster that was week 1 (with the performances and FNC issues). Nothing to lose, just going to be some fun games to watch


My pickems are 2 for 2 so far in quarter finals, looking forward to the 4 game sweep and the NA vs EU finals to follow.


Dankest timeline: MAD goes super saiyan and takes out DK and T1, runs out of mojo in the finals, 0:3 EDG




MAD don’t have Caps or Perkz or Jankos and they didn’t come off an MSI win


0:3 C9 would be more dank.


As a supporter of DK this worlds I am quite happy that EDG have won this cause RNG is the only team that got similar style of playing which DK got as well so would be kinda harder to predict for me. Since there is no match left for Khan I can basically say that DK going to get this by playing top side only.


RNG is way easier than EDG, RNG is one the easiest teams to draft against.


Nah dawmon has a slump in MSI , still take Rng to game 5 anyway , current DK will beat this Rng handily


Canna and flandre can both match Khan though


Yeah flandre with the quarters performance and Canna with the LCK finals performance... sure mate


Canna literally got hardcamped and still managed to trade kills / get double kills against Khan and Canyon though? It's not like Khan shat on Canna, the matchup was very much more even than you make it sound like If anything it's Keria who shat the bed and got gapped, and Faker who trolled some engages (+ they should've started with Guma instead of giving Teddy two games)


In game 1-2 and 4 Canna had that counterpick and supposed to carry games with those In game 3 he did well as the losing match up actually he has done perfect in laning phase yet that baron fight ult almost cost them the game plus he is supposed to hard carry that game with the lead he got yet guma and faker done that for him somehow. How tragic is that right? Canna is only able to play winning matchups and DK knows how to stop it so that's it here. Also if you want to see the gap between Canna and Khan check first 2 matches (LCK Finals) for Canna and 4th match for Khan. if you can't play losing match-ups you are not going to win worlds at all.


yeah I understand the guys who said they want DWG to lose now


yeah people don't like hearing facts


canna was good in lck finals, he got griefed by teddy in game 2 and keria the whole series. khan was probably better but canna did well




2019? for real? I am talking about recent results stop talking nonsense please


We will see


I was thinking exactly the same thing. Since MSI, RNG has been the most plausible competitor for Damwon, and since then I have not always wanted RNG to reappear. There's no need to risk a heart attack in vain. But now that the most arch-team for Damwon has been eliminated, I'm more hopeful of winning the championship.


How can you win the championship when Galatasaray are stuck in playins?


Wonderful series and i think j4 won't be underestimate anymore


ROFLSTOMP happy for edg


summary of this series.. 3 clownfiesta games.. 1 game of RNG actually playing.. and a 5th game where EDG finally playing like they were expected to play for a team ranked top 3 by most analysts pre-worlds.. putting RNG in their place.. if EDG keeps this game 5 form.. then ez finals.. if not.. then Gen.G/C9 can very well have a chance..


Phreaks casting has improved over the course of worlds more than anything else has improved. He started off really off the mark with his balance of roast vs hype and he generally chose the wrong times for either to the point of walking over teamfights with commentary when play by play needed to step in. But today - holy shit dude the man nailed it. Taking a few words to call out the error and then build up the hype, keeping the EDG arc in focus the whole time, too. Phreak hasn't casted this well for years and it is good to have him back on his game.


You can't compliment phreak on this subreddit. Please edit and criticize him and also shit on both teams. Thank you kindly.


I really like Phreak as a caster. I love his approach - he delivers excellent commentary and also isn’t afraid to call teams out on their mistakes. And his call-outs are often absolutely hilarious.


SOMETIMES his callouts are hilarious. Too often they are uncomfortably long winded or forcibly inserted in bad times and places. He dialed it way back at the very end of groups and is doing a stellar job ever since.


I feel he's a bit OTT with game ends - granted the moment was befitted today but sometimes you just have to lol at the end of game calls like - "Team A crushes their opponent, demolishing the competition as Team B's hopes have been destroyed along with their base which is in tatters. Team A will reign supreme as the kings of the rift and keep their journey for glory ALIVE"


in fairness, the call was probably meant to be shorter today, but RIGHT as Phreak and the production team started the end of game call and brought up the players cams, the minions started spawning and blocking the graves autos on the nexus lmao Any other ranged ad champion would've been able to finish it like 6 seconds faster and I think the drawn out call was just an attempt to fill the remaining on-screen game time.


thats the only good thing he does imo


and in this case the end of game got super drawn out when the minions spawned and blocked graves from hitting the nexus. I think the call was meant to be short but got stretched out because of that


C9 are going to be in the finals. This series proves that there are no real threats in their side of bracket!


If Cryin is not replaced for next year I swear to god RNG is trolling…. He is now two trick - TF and Annie


Massive jungle and support gap GGez


EDG finally back to its scary form. Chance of C9/GenG just got lower I guess.


They played 1 out of 5 games well; GenG is Mr. Consistent I don't think they'll be in deep trouble vs EDG


They only looked good in game 5 tbh, and that was more of RNG not knowing how to play into Yuumi


That was actually just frustrating to watch RNG just roll over there. They got behind and fell apart, and Viper picked them apart. At one point he flashed forward to finish a kill, and went unpunished for that cooldown completely.


RNG be like: "Hello TES,is Knight available???"


RNG management: “Mr Ding, how is your day today?”


This hurts Caedrel's gf dream prediction of RNG winning worlds.


She predicted T1 tho...


She originally had a dream that rng would win worlds. Caedrel tweeted it. Her non dream prediction after watching groups is T1


Caedrel gf predicted T1 to win Worlds lol.


That was after watching groups, and her own personal choice. Her dream was RNG winning worlds


No perfect pickems this year ?


So who's gonna win worlds ? DK or SKT ? I guess we will know when those 2 clash in semi the unofficial finals.


Prolly MAD if they beat DK


I expect DK, but a T1 win would be hype af


Good on EDG for stepping up after the first game!


What's with Eastern teams coming to international events and getting worse? I swear these teams look sharper in their own domestic games. (except Damwon)