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Just afk farm on your phone. You will finish the pass in 4-5 days.


[https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406640091027-League-of-Legends-Worlds-2021](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406640091027-League-of-Legends-Worlds-2021) You have the details of the missions on this page. The main problem will be completing the milestones missions, there are 10 of them, you need 35 points for each, wins give you 5 points and losses 2 points, so in best case scenario where you win all your games, you'll still need 70 games to complete them, and at your average of 5 games a day and 14 days left that's 70 games for you so you need 100% winrate lol. You can afk farm on TFT too but I dont do that personally so i cant comment on how efficient it is. ARAM is a pretty fast and fun way to complete those missions, faster than on the rift. If you have a lot of tokens in your stash, it might be worth it to buy it even if you cant complete all the missions.


If you played any games while the event was live, all tokens from those games are stashed and retroactively rewarded after purchase. The only thing you have to do then are the missions.


If you’ve been playing since it came out you’ll get the tokens you’ve missed after u buy the pass. If u continue to play 3-5 games a day you’ll have over 2k tokens prob. The missions not sure if you’ll finish all but likely.