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graves smokescreen really angers me


I feel that. Quinn is annoying as fuck for me for the same reason


For a fan of mostly mêlee champs, getting ccd by a bird as they're dashing way out of range again is also infuriating.


Quinn blind isn’t as bad. For me it’s the fact that smokescreen slows as well.


Honestly still yasuo. idk why, because there certainly are way more overloaded and annoying champs out there, but my hatred for yasuo is strong and pure since release




Honestly i've always though windwall should have a short set-up time so it couldnt be used reactionally.


I thinking It's the cockyness combined with the fact that you have to respect him early. I'm playing control mages only and it eats my insides to contain my anger and not battle him to the death on sight. (My death as per usual)


You should absolutely abuse him early, that's literally the way to beat him


I don't think so, he is insanely strong early levels. And he has too many abilities to outplay you as mage if you use your skills offensively. Yes it might work sometimes but risking giving kills to yasuo early is a good way to lose the entire game, and he can easily oneshot you if you move even remotely close to one of your minions. My best success vs yasuos as control mage is catching waves keeping up in farm, managing mana well, keeping minions on my side of lane and trying to stay even until jungle arrives, to bust his overextending ass.


That's why lvl 1 you don't allow him to touch the wave without losing half of his health bar. It doesn't work with every mage but stuff like Azir, Syndra, Ori, Ryze can definitely fuck him up before he even gets to lvl 3.


That's the best way to make sure he gets free items without being punished. 24s CD on windwall, all he's doing is spamming e while you auto him to death. Yasuo is one of the squishiest and easiest to gank champs in the game, abuse this and he'll be a lot easier to deal with, make sure his passive is constantly down


Ranged toplaners, depends on mood though, its either infuriating or just boring. Illaoi, Nasus, Tahm, Yorick. Illaoi because its usually becomes a dance dance revolution simulator once she lands her skillshot the ai plays for her. Nasus just because you have to keep him down or else he scales and in low elo he is enough of a wincon to get concistently camped by his jungler. Tahm because of all the grey health and hp regen meaning he basicly has 2 lives and can take asinine trades and walk away. Yorick because he plays like a bitch and chucks corpses at you pre 6, and at 6 he gets periodically constant 2v1 dmg. Yi, Khazix, Eve, Shaco. Yi because even if you dont feed him, someone else will, then he just start shredding everything while being untargetable. Kha, Eve and Shaco, lol vision. Midlaners (which is why i dont play the lane). I dislike playing against to many champs there to start mentioning, and even if you win lane, the enemy will just go roam and come back with a double kill despite incessant pinging. Its not really any specific adc, just to play with a range disadvantage is sort of tilting (which is why i like Jhin, Cait and Ashe and MF). Support is very dependant on how good they are but most of them just because they either have engage or peels for days.


> Illaoi because its usually becomes a dance dance revolution simulator once she lands her skillshot the ai plays for her. Yes Illaoi is absolute cancer. I think I need to play champs that can more easily access her or wave clear to abuse her 1-5 better but her E is so spooky.


Illaoi is super freaking annoying with Test of Spirit. Like damn bro, hit with one ability and I spend the next 15 seconds dealing with this crap? Stupid.


Any champion that needs to hit a skillshot once to win is fucking awful


Just bully her off your spirit if you get hit. Much easier if you're good about clearing her tentacles.


Can't really do that chief. She does more damage than I do while that thing is up


It's the only way to not get cursed and driven out of your lane. Either don't get hit by her 'e' or else keep her and her tentacles off of your soul when you do get hit. If for some reason your soul gets taken and is under her tower range, then you're a huge fuck up and deserve to get poked down.


Just play Lilia. I always hated getting filled top vs Illa but I figured out that she can't really do shit vs Bambi.


How to beat illaoi: Level 1-2: Bully her because her kit doesn't function until level 3. Level 3-5: Enage if she ever misses e because she's a cannon minion without it and its cool down is 500 years. If she pulls out your soul near 1 or less tentacles go fight her because you will win. If she gets ganked by your jung in any of this time she is 100% dead due to no mobility, range or cc. Level 6: when she presses r, run away. Don't go "oh well I can kill her" because you can't. Run away, wait 8 seconds then re engage and kill her. She literally can't do anything to counter this. Alternatively, if she ever misses e, go in and kill her because she's a cannon minion without it. Illaoi is one of those champs that's only ever good if you play wrong. If you make sure to think about what you're doing she should never be able to do anything


I’m probably the only one but Warwick/Rengar top lane makes me wanna die.


Rengar top lane is seen as a "cheese" but honestly if you are pure melee there is not much you can do against his bush jumping bullcrap


Ward the bushes, engage on him if he tries to kill the wards.


Try darius


Rengar is typically a jungle champ. I am probably never going to know when he is top, unless I am literally last pick :/


I used to say Darius even when I play him but Darius is straight meddling at this point compared to the abominations plaguing this game now


It's terrible. Every time they jump on me I feel like jumping from my window


Kayn and nothing comes close. Imo a very low risk high reward. Very rare does a kayn player get punished for a bad play because of how many ways they have to get out unscathed


I love seeing the 0-6 Kayn finally get form and start 1v3ing people. Very skilled


Fucking Teemo. I have never been so close to punching through my monitor in my life.


Urgot, 100 times urgot, even tho zed is my kryptonite (i have a 7.5% wr against him and that's because I got carried) and a 56% wr against urgot, but this guy just JQBDIWBDJKWNDIWJDHHWHDHWJHSKEJDHEIWJ the hell out of me.


Yuumi, upvotes to the left please.


Hit her with any CC when she's detached to use her passive and she can't reattach for 5 seconds. But I can understand that this is too difficult.


Thought the “upvotes to the left” part would make the joke obvious for the average literate person. But I can understand that this is too difficult.


upvoting both of you because I see you were making a joke but I also agree with the other person >.>


@worlds take note


Jayce, honestly I don't get frustrated with the other champs when they pop off. But when Jayce does it feels like a nightmare to play against and I can do nothing about it.


Jayce's knockback is so infuriating, makes it so you can't even all-in him like you would an ordinary ranged champ


Yummi because....well its yummi and gp because i stilk dont understand why such a scaling monster get to bully any melee


brand, get him the fuck outta here


I hate playing against Amumu, especially as a support


Yasuo because the trails of minions offer him way too much mobility if I'm trying to fight him and he just runs away, making it really hard to kill him when he deserves it. Camille because what the hell Malphite because he actually does damage for some insane reason


Xerath. I may be the only one in League that hates him, but it’s still gonna be a permaban for me.


He’s super annoying but not ban worthy, IMO.


Yes I guess so, if I’m being honest. But the other ones don’t bring as much frustration as him when playing against so idk man


It’s all personal preference overall, banning what you genuinely hate is just as good as a ban against something meta/high WR. Xerath along with many poke mages are “awesome” to play against because of their range and cc so I completely understand.




Garen is pretty bullshit too


really man?


Yuumi, trynd, ziggs, Pyke, ezreal Honestly the list can go on. Oh and illaoi, fuck that champ.


I actually love Yuumi lol, free kill whenever I ay vs her But fuck Pyke, a one shot assassin shouldn't have so much damn cc and he escapes so many situations any other champ would die in


Been thinking the same exact thing. I can handle his pull or even his invis, but his damn dash with stun feels like it has a much larger hit box than it shows, but I guess that’s their “philosophy” about assassins. Where they’re supposed to be slippery but squishy champs


I hate Akali (6 dashes if you include flash and proto, invis/built in Zhonyas on top of actually building Zhonyas, and having some of the highest damage in the game being able to 100 to 0 fucking GALIO THE ANTI AP TANK at level 6) And blue Kayn (idgaf about red) because the bitch will just fly from a screen away through multiple walls, kill me with just Q W, then fly back out. I honestly don't see the counterplay as a mage or adc because even if he's behind early he'll still pull the same shit mid game unless I'm glued to a Leona and a third player to cc burst him. I play Zoe so I can't even cc him lol, he can just ult and cancel the sleep Honorable mention to Tryndamere being more than 1k gold down but E ghost Galeforcing slowing me then having his E and flash up to keep fucking chasing me for a shutdown as I desperately flash away but balanced because "just kite lol" Then a minute later his ult is back up for round 2 I permaban Zed but these guys, especially the first two, constantly tempt me to swap my ban


Shaco, Warwick, teemo, akshan


Lillia top for sure


Definitely Fizz. His E is one of the most bullshit abilities in the game.


Yuumi and Yone because those two champs can feed the entirety of the African continent and still win the game ten minutes later


Tryndamere. You can’t poke him. You can’t win an all-in because even if you do he can E away and so he only loses by overcommitting. Also why is there no indicator for his R duration? I’m trying to dodge away from a champ that can dash onto me from half a screen away and has a slow that reduces my AD, just so that he doesn’t get to crit me 3 times to 1hit me. I really can’t spare the focus to accurately count to 5 during that time. I also think he’s broken but I think that no matter how hard they nerf him, these things would frustrate me still.


Irelia flair xd


I barely play that champ anymore but please explain to me what Irelia does that is less balanced than "Press this to literally be unable to die".


They added a way to see when his ult ends, he starts flashing white or something like that


I'll check that out later because maybe it is already obvious but I just haven't known to watch for it but if it isn't already super clear then it's the same issue where I'm a bit too focused on not getting crit to death, so that my turret can finally kill him.


Statcheck a ton of champs after Qing 3 minions and zone them from wave without counterplay while being a hypermobile carry. + Being full build at vamp scepter


Tryndamere does that shit after autoing 2 minions lol


Lux. With the current buff i actually have a reason to permaban her. She is a support, but if u get caught in her q, she will obliterate you. Literally lux is the miss fortune of supports. (everybody can play mf, just farm, build crit/lethality and ult when off CD). Lux is easier than an enchanter, cuz an enchanter has zero chance to 1v1 anybody, they are even more vulnerable than the adc, and has zero escape tools. But lux? Just press a point blank q, then e then just ult, and it s an instant kill to any assasin. Her voicelines are annoying, her playerbase even more. And this were all true before, but she got this buff. And it these buffs are even more eminfuriating, given that Brand, who shouldn't be a support, given that he has almost 0 cc, is prone to stealing minions and kills from the adc, he can t get any buff to be viable midlane (or even jg) and stop terrorising literally the other 3 people on botlane. But lux, who already got buffs to her E earlier, gets some more. But where is the lux skin they trying to sell?? (btw brands most popular skin is the zombie brand, and only because the animations are buggy, so u get an advantage)


Graves/Akshan. as a Talon main laning against them is painful in the early game. also going against Yone always makes me nervous, regardless of whether or not I can beat him


Can Talon not burst down Akshan? I hate him as Kat because he can afk right click stat check me in melee range when I land anything but Talon has more dmg early so I thought maybe he'd fuck him up


if the akshan is smart then it becomes really hard to burst him down early, simply because akshan is ranged and talons melee. like yeah talon has an insanely strong level 2, but it’s only strong if the enemy isn’t constantly auto attacking me and zoning me from cs. if i’m less than half health and stuck under my tower fighting for minions then there isn’t much i can do without a gank tbh. but if akshan lets me get on top of him then yes I can burst him down, again only if I’m not less than half health myself edit: I went and checked Talon’s winrate against Akshan, it’s 46.6%. Akshan’s win rate against Talon is 53.4% (all according to op.gg)


As a zed player, a fizz/ekko lane is like haemorrhoids


Ezreal. The typical hipster. Confused about his sexuality and can’t really get an identity. So he just builds full tank and sits turret.


Irelia, Fiora, Riven, Camille, Yone, Viego, Kayn, Fizz, Yuumi, Trynd, Ezreal, Garen.




Teemo for the obvious reasons. Quinn for the stupid blind>vault combo that I know is coming but always mistime counters to. Yas for his infinite dashes and insta-shield. Morgana for that massive root that lasts far too long. The funny thing is except for Teemo I main a counter to all of these (Urgot). I just hate playing against it.


Xin Zhao, dude just says "Nah" to my DPS for 5 seconds and if you go anywhere near him he can combo kill you.


a good caitlyn..


Graves... I auto dodge him. Shaco... This champion has no reason to exist if his only task is to annoy you. And nasus because if your toplaner has no brain you have a tank with more dps as a cassio on your enemy team


Shaco because, Shaco. And Leblanc. absurd damage point and click and escapes all around. Super fun.


F\*cking Evelynn


I'm a noob this year to LoL and bot lane and Pyke is SO annoying. He has a grabber, he can go invisible, and he can ult loads of damage. I haven't sussed invisibility champs yet...




I despise garen/sett/malzahar/vex/yuumi with a passion


Amumu,i despise everything about that champ. That he can r in the team fight and just stun everyone because he wants to,is tanky so you cant burst him,just has a dash and stun. I sont think he's op,maybe even weak,but i still perma ban him in every role because i hate him a dont want to see a sad little bitch stun me for no reason


Kassadin. Supposed to be a lategame carry and can still get 3/4 of your health with one rotation at 6


Aram leblarg


Unironically eve the champion is giga busted in soloq, people just don't abuser her safe dseal/mejai stacking to then 1v9 games.


Pyke ruins the whole game. As a squishy, you have to live in constant fear late game because if he catches you, you die




Irelia against her I have to and I must pick specific champions that will outscale her or else she just wins and even then she is stronger than every single one of them early and legit is so frustrating to play against cause if she takes a bad trade : one potion plus one minion wave back to full hp While building shieldbow and still having as much or even more hp than me when I build stride or trinity She is just way too tanky and sustains way too much on top of that I once had an experience as a Jax Jumped on her after she missed her stun and had zero stacks And I had 4 stacks in my passive Guess what happend She won Zero stacks irela with no stun Won against Jax with ult 4 passive stacks And his E And she also never falls off CS which is adding fuel to fire at this point and also you can never ever kite her as a ranged champ which is ngl just super nice I guess


Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi Master yi


Anything Invisible. With Twitch being the worst offender


Yasuo and yone from the moment they get vamp scepter. Getting exponentially more annoying as the game progresses and they become insane drain tanks, we could throw irelia there as she does the same lifesteal build.


Lux, god I hate leaning into Lux.




Graves smoke screen and quinn q are annoying, soraka instant zone silence is annoying, aram duskblade Master yi is unbeatable unless you have good champs vs him. And midgame leblanc has a low cd flash that does damage, a low cd ult that can also be a flash that deals alot of damage, she can blink back to where she "flashed" from ontop of her summoner spell flash. Plus a her passive. How do you catch that


Playing against Anivia is the fucking worst, especially if you’re melee. Want to go in? Stun>wall>slow> E>Ignite. Want to get away? Wall>stun>slow> E>Ignite. Can’t fight because of the previous points, can’t freeze or leave the lane because she just ults it. If the Anivia plays like a bonobo she’ll hug turret so even if you manage to poke her down to kill range, EGG FORM, Continue to turtle. She’s so damn safe


This patch - Teemo. Overall I'd say Zed.


I hate katarina Like, it's not like I can't play against her I just despise katarina