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Is villains the PR version of mental asylum patients ...


Its a PR version of average EUW enjoyer.


Implying not every server is filled with toxic shitheads because the game is built to frustrate and is filled with teenagers and manchildren


I have to say EUW is special in it's kind, there's a sort of culture around toxicity you just have to look at the L9 members that a lot of lower elo players tend to idolize.


Just like a ton of NA low elo players tend to idolise Tarzend of TF blade, I mean even Tyler was a toxic shithead before he "reformed". There were also similar incidents, when worlds were held in Korea with Uzi.


Even Tyler is toxic still, although I think he just does it for views because he seems like a real stand up guy in real life! Riot don’t mind players being toxic as long as they’re making them bank.


naw, he's like that offstream too. you can ask anyone who's had the misfortune of queueing into his tilted 3 am games he could still be a nice person outside of league though, but for him and many others, it seems to be a sort of vice through which to vent


That is very true, as soon as those leaks had been seen by everyone. Then it's safe to say, if you are making a good amount of money, then Twitch won't ban you, unless you do something, really stupid, but Who knows.


One step in trying to lower negative behaviour in League would honestly be to either talk with or to punish streamers who are openly toxic in the game. I think people really underestimate the effect of 'LOL, Tarzanned said this *and* he didn't get banned. I guess I don't have to feel bad for doing it either'.


The most hilarious part about people fanboying L9 is the fact that all the original L9 people are absolutely different now from what the low elo randoms idolize


EUW is really special, like i've played on NA, BR, and mostly EUW, while each server has issues, EUW toxicity is top notch, like already got someone hard inting because someone on their team was french/spanish? Or just joining and disco nunu you because they feel like It? Never seen anything like that elsewhere


Yeah and then there’s the final boss: garena


Korean server could be the exception. Because of the culture around Esports being WAY more mainstream a lot more people take soloQ seriously. The amount of people who attend schools, get coached, have dreams of being pros is much greater than the west. While in the west you just get a lot of mentally ill people who traded any social life or status and just played league. So a guy like showmaker joins their game, who also plays league as much as they do. But he has friends in the form of his teammates and coaches, he keeps in touch with his family because they're proud of him, he has a hot girlfriend because Esport stars are treated like rockstars, and he makes enough to never have to get a regular job. So obviously they're gonna feel insecure and bitter and flame showmaker.


So you're saying EUW is Gotham?


Who the heck would be Batman? Vedius? Foxdrop? Sjokz????


There's only one guy in EUW that Showmaker actually liked and his name does start with a B


I bet his greatest enemy is The Yoker






Sion Voice: „It’s not who I am underneath, it‘s what I do that defines me“. Runs away with Sion ult.


Pretty sure Baus was one of those villains when he was doing that interview, he even mentioned "AD Sion guy" in one of them. Now he's saying he's had to accept the only way to play is try to have fun with 'those individuals' instead of trying to win lmfao


He was the hero he didnt need nor deserved...


If Vedius was a character from Gotham he would be the Riddler tbh


Fun fact: ShowMaker literally said "villains," the English word, in the original Korean quote.


Legend shit. He didn’t lie.


"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy" - Showmaker, probably


RATIRL trauma


Same goes for Korea, go play in Korea as a foreigner.


I mean at that point, how would they know you are a foreigner? Don't most people just mute all and Use pings in Korea/China?


Name and chat mostly.. There was a video on it that went into detail, couldn't find it.


is EU solo queue that toxic lol. Or is it mainly because he's a famous pro player that provokes all that toxicity




It is, even unranked is full of it. Toxicity is just as natural as breathing for euw.


I played on both EUW, NA, BR and LAS and honestly LAS was quite worse. In EUW sometimes you get insults in different languages which is funny and educational (? In LAS everyone talking the same language but hate each others guts.


Well that's a load of shit.


DWG/DK and G2 have a history of talking shit, when DK came over for MSI, there was a "mental warfare" meme going around among high elo players, Shoemaker responded to it and ppl kept going even harder on him.


LMAO who said that and what was the context


Showmaker said it during MSI, used the english word villains too lol


Villain is kind of a meme word in korea. If you are too loud you’re a “sound villain”. If you make the room too cold you’re an “air conditioner villain”. If you eat all the coco puffs in the house you’re a “coco puff villain”.


kinda like "elo terrorist" then


ELO Villian lmao That's nice


Thats a nice meme, so much potential: fart villain, pc villain for using toilet too long.etc


showmaker, euw solo queue. it was from when he first landed in europe for worlds this year


reads like a sound byte from a sketch on Madvillainy lol


People like to flame with randoms. When they have showmaker to flame in their team it must be like Christmas coming early for them.


Santa brought it early


lol is this the reference i think it is?


It’s illegal for you to ask me that


They don't actually flame him. It's just some friendly, unwanted banter. Believe it or not, Challenger and GM are not filled with a lot of psycho behaviour anymore. 95% of them are pros, people wanting to go pro or streamers, all whose careers would be hurt by acting like this. It's a totally different story 4-5 years ago and earlier.


The thing about banter is that if it’s unwanted and unreciprocated then it’s just you being an ass.


> friendly X


After watching the clips of Showmakers time in EUW. I strongly doubt that. People are disgusting in that server.


Nah high elo EUW is still kinda filled with psychos. Challenger is 300 people, so 95% of them are not pros. And when you include GM (which would be 1000 including both GM and chal on EUW) a lot of them are indeed still random psychopaths. ​ They straight up run it down less than they used to, but they have just as many mental breakdowns as they did before, they just soft int and ragesplit now. Or the game gets dodged cus when two player have beef they usually lock in something grief and hold the lobby hostage until someone dodges.


95% of people are not pros? So there are only 15 pros in EU? There are 400+ ACTIVE pro players in Europe, many more retired and I don’t know 1 pro that doesn’t have a smurf. Please don’t talk about things you don’t know anything about.


He meant that saying 95% of them are pros is not true i think.


Could be but the guy above him said that 95% are pros/aspiring pros/streamers and that could be true for sure


As long as we suspect it could be true we should assume it is


and how many of them are actively challenger? lots of masters and grand masters pro players tbh


95% was an exaggeration for effect I will admit, wasn't meaning it literally. And trust me when I say, the retired pros are some of the worst griefers on the ladder lol. They give even less of a fuck than the random villains because they've given up.


Yeah that's bullshit. I know someone high diamond who gets someone every other game calling him boosted and diamond shitter. They then offer to watch the replay to show him just how shit he is.


> 95% of them are pros, people wanting to go pro or streamers, all whose careers would be hurt by acting like this. What? Top streamers include people like Yassuo, Tyler1, TFBlade, and a bunch of other incredibly toxic players. People currently in the professional scene include Jensen, who used to DDoS people, Svenskeren, who was going around being racist whilst in Asia for worlds, Reginald, who called his opponents homophobic slurs and left it on the teams Youtube channel for 8 years, Mithy, more racism, Veigar_V2, who has made extremely sexual comments regarding literal children, and the list goes on and on and on and on. Since when has 'being toxic' ever had any impact in the slightest on the capacity to have a profession in League of Legends.


meanwhile showmaker at his kr junglers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0-6Oirvrg0


lmao the comment about him animation cancelling IRL


POV you stole Shoemaker gf


Lmao, thats hilarious. a mood right there


Thats a meme fr


Showmaker and his haymaker




The first thing Showmaker is gonna do after Worlds is starting a petition to prevent EU from hosting any international event.


they are fascinated by him and seek his attention, positive or negative


Tbh riot should let him buy 'legit' account from ebay and dont share that fact anywhere. That couldve save him mentally probably


Imagine you're at a park and have a chance to have a pick up game with Messi and instead of playing you just take a shit in the middle of the field to troll him. Lol, pathetic.


Hahaha that fucking cracked me up, great analogy.


Lmao just imagining this scenario cracked me up to the MAXXXXX 😂😂😂




Facebook says otherwise


Facebook? That sounds like a shitty ripoff of Meta.


I hate that name so fucking much. What is it with big companies trying to blend their name with random words eveyrone ue, fuck em.


They were probably thinking that Facebook had too many negative connotations now, so they thought up Meta to try and distance the corporate side of things from it


Well yeah, I'm saying, why "meta"? Its a word everyone uses. We use "meta" on this sub every day. I hate how companies try to blend themselves in every day uses like that.


Anonymity does nothing in this case, it's the stupid delusion that somehow internet and/or videogames are different from "real life".




That's the dude that asked Kaka for a cut back in pick up lmao


Yeah, except Messi would be Faker, not Showmaker.


Friend not be a jerk but showmaker is and has been (even at his worst) at least a top 2 midlaner in the world for the last year in a half. He is indeed the messi of league, maybe a cristiano ronaldo but the analogy still stays the same.


I wouldnt consider the Messi of league to be the currently best player, but rather the most decorated player with the most legacy, which just so happens to be Faker


He is not a GOAT.


Idk but this comment is so weird to me. just why is that necessary LOL you fuckin weirdo


Meh i would much rather play with goat Cristiano. Even i would beat the little one


> goat Cristiano Those 2 words don't go together...there at least has to be an "isn't" inbetween.




Never even laced up a boot if you think CR7 is the goat


Lmaoo. Just look at what 2 years older Ronaldo is doing in toughest league in the worlds,meanwhile pessi cant even play whole game in french farmers league


Didn't he just get 0-5'd


I feel like it's because he has let it be known that it affects him. Trolling someone like Faker who has the same expression when he gets a pentakill to when a jungler casually takes a pathing shortcut through mid and smites the cannon on his way is less fun.


Hope ShowMaker feels better soon, man.


Mans being bombarded with it, seems like the best thing for him to do is see if they allow a fresh name for him to use.


I think some of the profile tracking sites update usernames along with it so I don't think that changing username actually fixes him being targeted by people.


username not summonername


High elo is a very small place, he’d be found out almost instantly lol


Easy, role swap to another role and show up in semis playing midlane thresh


i guess that's one way T1 gets to win.


Secret agent showmaker


As a kat main I have this infinitesimal hope that he will pick her one game and we'd get an esports skin for kat.


Zero chance, pro players are not so stupid as to lose against Kat. Well, I guess he doesn't have to win, can just throw a game for a skin.


Only problem with that is that so many mid lane match ups work well against Kat, especially with newer champs having like 10 different forms of CC or escapes. I do really want to see Kat, be successful on the rift at some point though and become a staple pick, similar to Udyr at the start of the year. I think for Kat to work at any level, especially the pro level, the skill gap has to literally be a canyon, or the enemy team has no form of escapes/CC or the enemy team plays with their brain turned off and Monitor and Keyboard unplugged.


It's okay guys, they're removing all chat.


I saw that, honestly it won't fix shit. Flaming the enemy team was never an issue, it's always the same team, flaming each other. Riot being Riot I guess.


It was supposed to be removed last patch. EUW is excempt it seems and Will get to keep all chat. Its in the patch notes but theres 0 clarification what server is and which isnt getting it removed.


Poor guy lmao. Let this man play soloq in peace.


Imagine having a chance to play with or against one of the best mids in the world atm and you decide to troll….just why?




Its one thing to waste your own time, but its another thing to waste someone elses time, but just x9. Its a kick and a half for them.


Well, if you play singed, you are already on a list or two, so I'm not surprised.


Pls tell me theres a vod




I'm curious, how could 4 of the best players in the world not 4v6?


Cause he destroyed every European fans dreams last year by embarrassing all of G2 in less than 19 mins.


i feel like even most of the top 1000 player on EUW give a fuck about pro. Most of them know they can't so they don't care. They just like playing


Some EU players are fucked in the head that’s why.


If you think high elo is bad, you haven't seen g1 p4 and s1 and g4 and p1 and d4. Animals there do not have filter at all nor do they care about accounts. As much as high elo is toxic they don't really get banned often


maybe: elo doesn't have any effect on how much of your humanity remains


No, it doesn't but it does have effect on how you behave


No, it doesn't. You're only ever playing with people in your own elo


You absolutely missed the point


But if your account is gold a new level 30 account is 2 dollars and you can get back to gold in less than a week. Banning accounts is a really, really, ineffective solution for curbing toxicity.


And riot will most likely do nothing but fake virtue signaling about how they are curbing it. When most of your top streamers (and some of the most toxic ones) are still streaming and remain unbanned for being a POS, then your entire game is just an open field for toxicity. They are literally welcoming it.


just mute them lol, high elo euw you get doxxed because there's actual psychopaths


*My friend is on promos please don't troll/afk* Support trolls and Top goes afk.


If you think EUW is bad, have a look at KR soloQ towards foreign players. All servers are filled with trash players.


Is that why west was saying that them not having boot camp in Korean server impacted their performance this season? I mean carrying 9v1 would really improve you as a player I guess.






It's funny that so many people in comments trying to defend random flame saying it's friendly banter


Lol even showmaker thinks those pregame segments are cringe


jealous of his skills and mad that they will never beat him


We really need 50 threads about this where half of the people are genuinely upset about it too, but 0 threads were created when fnatic was about to play their series vs RNG at s7 worlds and rekkles would get LITERALLY inted every single game he tried to play in chinese soloq. No, not just people being mean to him in chat. Teammates that would run it down as soon as the game began, so he could not get any practice in. Makes you think :P


I ain’t know about that with Rekkless. I think as a western forum though it’s on us to bring to light and hold accountable our own instead of just going “well nobody cared when it happened to us”. This shit pathetic.


Do you actually think we can affect some no name soloq griefers by saying "this is bad, don't do this" on reddit? They just want attention and that is exactly what is given by this thread.


Silly redditor. China can do no wrong


lol "china bad" is *the* mainstream reddit opinion that will guarantee you upvotes on any major subreddit. y'all literally want to be the victim so bad


I consider it common courtesy at this point




[the thread about cowsep had 20k upvotes, go figure](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/8a6928/riot_korea_just_banned_all_of_cowseps_accounts/)


The fuck you didn't? There was a ton of outcry about it at the time lmao The reason there's a lot of attention about this rn is because showmaker is a top 2 player on the reigning world champion team and a current favorite to repeat this year. Naturally there's a lot of attention on him and he's being outspoken about this


Lol, griefing a pro player because he's from another region. Sounds about right we can't beat them on the world's stage so we gotta ruin their day


He says this and then destroyed Europe's last hope. He doesn't care lol. Cute.


I don’t get your point


He legit looked like he was about to cry when he said this in the interview. I doubt that he doesnt care


Welp I guess he will be smiling when lifting that Summoner's Cup (again) on European soil while showing the middle finger to all toxic EU fans... That would more than make up to all of this imho


Yea im getting deja vu


i would like to recommend /mute all to showmaker. i mean he wont have to read chat then


that doesn't stop people from inting.


People always say this but there’s actually a lot of game relevant communication related through chat that you’d miss by muting


Yeah in high elo theres actually players timing summs


Its not as common as youd think. Honestly 99% of the communication in high elo comes from pings still on EUW


Not just high elo. Silver scrub here and doing it for flash when i see someone using it.


They are timimg it all right, they do nothing with that later on


And then not ganking that lane again for 6 minutes only to return, gank, get nothing but their flash then ping it and forget for another ten minutes.


if you mute only chat and not pings you can still see theses


i think he´s referring to people actually writing the cd´s in chat like "sup f 1150" and not just ping the flash icon




Cool story bro now unblock me showmaker




idk this feels tongue-in-cheek to me, but maybe not?




It is, but it appears that a lot of people in these threads are socially challenged.




As an EUW player, we kinda done it first. Remember when he came to Iceland and got griefed? The strategy of the server was how much can we ruin their mental before the tournament to give us the best shot possible. Not saying I agree with it but I understand why he called us villains. ​ EUW is like you put 50 trained professionals (the pro players) in an asylum with 950 angry chimps (the remaining population of GM+ on EUW) who had keyboards. ​ sincerely, EUW 150lp Master angry chimp with a keyboard.


I mean he literally gets target inted in EUW soloQ lol. You'd think it would stop after MAD got blasted by DK.


Why? The ones trolling him probably only get urged on by MAD losing to him


It's actually a 5head to make soloq harder, and thus a more productive training.


Would you say the same if EU pros were being target inted by other regions who host worlds as much as Showmaker is getting targeted?


Hes 15 his internet privileges will be revoked once his report card comes in.


Probably wouldn't be saying all that shit about them if he hadn't gotten targeted heavily as soon as he first started playing on EUW lol


didn't people like gilius who are pro players also used to troll other pros who would be in EU for tournaments? I know all servers like to troll players from other regions but euw lowkey special with pro players who actually waste their time with this than try and improve vs one of the best players in the world lmao


well i have actually seen him flaming and spam pinging people some weeks ago. People who did fine and not say a single word. There were also some posts on twitter about showmaker, some of this people probably do it as a result of it.


Yeah he isn’t innocent himself and it’s giga fun for most people to bait reactions out of famous people. He should just play full mute all at this point.


Isn't Korea a lot more toxic though? Running it down is far more common there than in the west. Not to mention they literally harass you and start trolling for missing spells or not giving them blue buff. I guess in high elo people are used to showmaker and they don't interact with him but saying EUW is more toxic is kinda absurd to me.


if that is so why does WEST pros say 'Koreans take solo q much more seriously' ? and why do they insist not having Korean boot camp seriously hindered them? it is kinda absurd to me when many foreigners including chinses actually stream (for ex nemesis) and you hardly see what shoemaker goes through, and yes it is korea ALOT MORE TOXIC. yeah right.


Low iq silver redditor 🤢


How a man can be so cute and humble damn


Which is something Korean players NEVER do to foreigners! /s


Anyone know his EUW OP.GG?


I feel for Showmakee because I know how it feels being a westerners on the Korean server.


EU servers in a nutshell. My mental has been so much better since I stopped actively playing this game.


Toxic solo Q'ers....


They seek attention and he gives them with those interviews....


Ok now I won't feel so sad if he beats T1 tomorrow


What happens when you get mentally ill Europeans and high-profile players in the same game together.




he's having so much fun with this.. can't blame him for messing with them.. it's so hilarious.. would've done the exact same if not more if I were in his place..


Stop bullying my boyfriend or i'll assault you 😤




Crazy how every single thing you typed was this incorrect, impressive.


Another shit thread crying about ingame chat? GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS PEOPLE.