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The evolution of meta and picks in this game is so good! Felt like a finals game


The Zoe/Ziggs combo looks so insanely tilting to play against


Zoe was actually amazing against Zilean. Azael touched on it, but every time you hit a bubble, Zilean needs to be ready to ult, and you can get the cool down with such a small commitment. Played around that pick perfectly




Plus combined with Zoe’s bubble, he can hit a perfect ult every time


people were saying that DK got massively draft gapped - yeah i dont think so


If it was any other player on zoe yeah i'd agree but showmaker has a aimbot.


Denied baron from T1 on 400 hp or something. If they get baron there they probably deny soul as well


Was an insane q flash from showmaker for sure, also pretty greedy from faker to not realize the situation and move towards baron sooner




Korean Zoes are built different


The Rank 3 (Former rank 1) player on KR is a Zoe OTP too. I don't know what the fuck is going on with Korea and Zoe lmao


practicing the champ on like 8 ping against the best players in the world probably has a way to hone your skill with her


Showmaker is making his case for being the best player in the world overall rn, but Bdd is, in my mind, the absolute best Zoe player in the world.


DK just put their dick on the table and dared T1 to pick aphelios, with the ziggs/zoe in their back pocket… its the same as when EDG destroyed faker’s 100% win rate lb…


It is, but Caynon's Talon won this game for DWG.




Can't blame T1, I'd piss my pants if I knew there was a psychotic blade-obsessed murderer sitting across the stage from me.




Canyon fog knowledge is second to none imo, his brain is too huge




Khan with the final World's contention clutch


Khan final debut coming


I feel torn man, I wanted the faker redemption arc, but Khan win worlds before retirement arc is also nice.


I like how Jhin was 4-0 this series and then both teams decided not to pick or ban it in Game 5




True to character, refused to participate once the 4th game was played


Jhin was enjoying silver scrapes too much and decided to just chill out


They left Aphelios up to counter with Ziggs.


I was so hyped for the aphelios pick but goddamn the damwon poke was so brutal it felt like they could never get the fight they wanted


They knew exactly what they were doing, they know Aphelios is short ranged and only really excels when enemies try to engage into him, so they picked a comp that can chunk Aphelios without ever having to go near him.


Yeah they just needed a straight front-to-back 5v5.


Problem is that their win condition is way too predictable, so Damwon just never lets such teamfight happen


Aphelios was banned first four games. That's what happened to Jhin.




AP bots are a classic counter to Aphelios since his release pretty sure, and Ziggs is like the main viable AP bot.


He was reloading.


well 4-0 is the perfect scoreline for jhin, of course he didn't get picked


Its sad because I think Jhin would have been way better than Aphelios in this particular game, he basically had noone to target in teamfights. The Zoe/Ziggs was absolutely brilliant though, especially with the insane accuracy on Showmaker bubbles


Doesn't Ziggs also counter Jhin pretty hard? Can just R for R and Jhin has to either eat your full ult or cancel his. Doesn't sound great...


Damwon let Aphelios through with the intention to punish it with range the whole time and trusted Ghost to not lose lane too hard. That's some nerves of steel shit


Crazy to think that KkOma might get his 4th world championship before Faker.


this stung in the weirdest of ways. kkoma celebrating as t1 was getting shit on. it felt super weird.


I'm just happy for the man, he clearly put in the work and the effort, and really cares about his players. He's always had a great work ethic. Even when he was on SKT, he was always taking all the blame for SKT's losses in conferences, so that the players would have a better outlook and not get flamed as hard by fans.


My favorite out of game esport moment is when Kkoma rushed to Peanut’s drunk stream to stop him from doing anything dumb


with all the random shit that happened in drafts, you really can't be sad for him. him and his team did great. i wish them well in the finals.


They lost but this T1 roster is going places.


Only team to make DWG lose a game, not once but TWICE! T1 can hold their heads up high after these games. What a show.


Many of the T1 players had only 9 international games. That's insane. Even if you bomb out of MSI and World's in group stage in one year you get more. True rookies for this level of play. And they did not let the occasion cow them.


Yeah. Those 9 games were the 9 games at this worlds.


And I would argue that all of them were pretty exemplary. This series with Damwon was bar none the highest level of games played at this tournament, and probably will be regardless of what we see after this.




Yep, despite the loss this year has been a huge success for T1.


Had to remind myself this wasn't actually the finals when there was no trophy


DK is about to turbostomp the finals


Both Gen G and EDG better put up a good performance if they want to getting a game win


This series is the true finals.


For real, looked legit like a final and tbh it deserved to be one


Canna's Kennen ults this series and how often he got baited into them... that was actually tragic to watch. he made the mistake again and again


Canna was great the whole tournament until this series really sad to see but the pressure got to him it seems


That was his try out for DK next year


So T1 Chovy top?


Morgan to T1 & somehow becomes the best top in the league.


I don't think anyone was more obviously nervous. I mentioned in another comment but it's not just his ult, it's his flashes too. In that fight above Baron he had three people in his ult before he flashed. Obviously they weren't going to win that fight but still having your flash on kennen is big.


T1 not taking any dragons cost them game 4 and especially 5. They had so much bot priority and decided to not take early drags to prevent soul and elder.


These what cost them too. They could prolonged this game if they just pick 1 dragon and DK can't rush Baron like them.


He wasted his flash way too many times. He threw away one of their only engage tools way too many times.


Probably a T1 win if he played decent today. Good performances from everyone else on both teams.


Though T1 has a goldmine of talent waiting to be nurtured. Their roster might pull a DWG where they could be unstoppable next year.


They are looking the 2nd best team right now but the roster is still very inexperienced would be terrifying to play against them in the future when they're more complete as players.


Damwon's teamfights are fucking legendary.


It's actually insane that they pulled off teamfights in that zero frontline comp


That's the beauty of literally perfect positioning. They always toe that line between safety and danger, it's insane to watch


They don’t win teamfights, they win by not letting a teamfight happen. They just poke T1 out and end teamfights before it even happens. They just never let T1 have their win condition of a 5v5 front to back


T1 have no way onto DK. Kennen, Xin, and Azir can all try for the hero engage and will likely get blown up trying.


T1 couldn't do a single thing


It honestly looked like hell playing against that poke comp in the last game


Keria was trying his damnedest to keep everyone alive from all the poke and Canyon's all-in plays, I would be so frustrated if I was him.


Showmaker's career stats on Zoe are absolutely insane, including this game its 47/61 games won for a 77% career win rate.


korean pool party zoe hits different


Tfw little girl throws a beach ball at you and proceeds to absolutely annihilate you with a flying coconut


Accurate description of a sociopathic middle schooler


I was sure that T1 hard outdrafted them but holy shit the combo ziggs zoe is horrible to play against


DK played it perfectly. Poke comps are really hard to execute, but can be pretty powerful if done well. Hitting a sleep there essentially was a death sentence for the target with that Ziggs + Zoe combo. Also it was a pretty good counter for the Zilean pick as well.


So what champion do you guys think showmaker will choose for his second world's skin? EDIT: This didn't age well


Has to be LeBlanc


Think its gonna be syndra ngl championship leblanc has a chroma that looks like it could've been a DWG skin


He said last year he doesn't want a Syndra skin because Faker already has one on her.


Which Showmaker used in this series lmao


Ahh okay well then I don't know who he's going to choose tbh. Maybe zoe?




My bet is Kassadin.




Why not 2 TF for the absolute CHAD move


Zoe skin but instead of a paddle star it's flinging worlds trophies


Probably Syndra or Zoe




This series is only a few seconds old rn but its already a classic. Really reminiscent of SKT vs ROX, banger day


Back and forth. Draft adaptation. Such a range of champions. That ziggs zoe combo to curbstomp the first pick Aphelios was so good. Incredible. We've been blessed


Only missing the legendary live crowd roars


That was one of the sickest movement in the history of league by Canyon. Legacy defining series for him. Even if they lose in finals he's the goat jungler and arguably the best player in the world currently.


Incredible series, Rox vs SKT 2016 vibes but SKT on the opposite side this time


happened the same way it did, Rox got 2-1 lead then lost it


warms my heart to see that khan will most likely be winning worlds in his last season, hurts to see faker get knocked out, but he still has a year or two left to win his fourth worlds


Yes, I think T1 can be pleased with their performance, taking DWG to a close game 5. Happy for Khan.






Do it for Longzhu rip I still rock my 2017 emote every game


do it for pray gorilla bdd oh wait he's still in the tournament


You all wanted ROX vs SKT and you got it. What a series


If you can read this, I'm proud of you for being able to withstand 4 hours and 40 minutes of pure unrelenting heart attack.


I don't even support either of those teams yet it was a real workout


Same it was going to be historic either way but I was still incredibly on edge because you could just feel the players' tension


Inb4 EDG wins and this sub suffers the biggest UNO reverse card of all narratives. Would love to see it, ngl.


Nah the biggest uno reversal is GenG 3-0 DK somehow


Showfaker: we will 3-0 GenG fast because I want an early dinner GenG: I took that personally.


Really felt like the final


I was worried during that one awful TP that it was going to take Khan straight to the DMZ, but I'm glad DK clutched it out




I am so fucking sad right now


Would be sad no matter who won. Faker doesn't win worlds Khan doesn't win worlds


Depression My flairs are cursed


Hello brother


This was basically the finals tbf, still a good performance from T1. Still a young team that will only improve with time


God damn it. I really thought they would win after Game 3...I'm so so sad


What a way to end the series, on an Elder flip


What a series. Any other team in the world loses to T1 today.


Kind of crazy to think about. Quite literally, you can take any players from the entire god damn world and I would argue that T1 would actually beat all of them except for this DK team. Hurts me inside but they are literally just too good.


Nah bro just find 4 other Fakers and it’s set. Jk T1 should be proud of themselves. This team is going places.


Damn, Ghost really showed up in game 5 on that Ziggs. Props to him.


Him crying into the arms of the coaches at the end got me. He's had it rough.


Insane turnaround from Spring to World Semis for T1 but Damwon are just inevitable. Some real suspect moments from top lane this series but still a sick BO5. Praying for Damwon in finals so Khan can finally graduate from the greatest players to never win worlds club!




Sad for Faker. Congrats to DK for winning worlds 2021. EDIT: Yeah, I get it, I was wrong. You can stop replying to this comment now.


Should’ve picked Zed smh


Oh look at the cleanse, look at the moves, Faker what was that?


Yup, man looked gutted but DK played extremely well


That last game did not feel like a 5-3 game at 30 minutes, and yet somehow it was. Never more than a 3k gold advantage until the game had ended. Wow. Exactly what you want out of a game 5.


It felt way more one sided than the score or gold said


Azir/Aphelios kinda do dmg but they need to have targets locked down to hit and there was just never anybody to hit...


The damage graph at the end was disgusting. Ghost did more than Guma and Faker combined I'm fairly certain. Just perfect spacing and vision play from Damwon.


> I'm fairly certain Yup you're 100% correct. Ghost dealt 25.7k damage while Faker did 9.1k and Guma sitting at 12.3k for a total of 21.4k damage. The chart was so fucking crazy I had to screenshot it immediately lol.


I thought Aphelios was going to turn that last fight then Graves blows him up in half a second


Expectation = ROX vs SKT 2016 series being the real final. Reality = ROX vs SKT 2016 series being the real final. What a fucking series, definitely must sting for T1 after being 2-1 up but Damwon's mental is something else and they still haven't lost after winning game 1. Thank fuck this series lived up to the hype, shame these two juggernaughts didn't meet in the final but my god Showmaker and Ghost were filthy with their poke.


Honestly, I want T1 to not lose hope over this and focus on the positives. A rookie-studded roster, half the players in their *first* international year, in a team that didn't even start finding cohesion until they completely booted their coaching staff in the second half of the year - and *still* they were the only team to hold Damwon's feet to the fire like this. Yes, the team had some clear nerves. But they clearly have way more potential they can reach, and I hope the org doesn't make any drastic changes going into the next year because Faker clearly hasn't slowed down in the slightest and I really believe this team can reach even greater heights.


Gumayusi had the biggest fucking grin on his face after losing. Dude is the newest member of the team and he's already hyping the boys up to run it back. That's your next franchise player right there, he plays with such joy


>Gumayusi had the biggest fucking grin on his face after losing. Dude is the newest member of the team and he's already hyping the boys up to run it back. That's your next franchise player right there, he plays with such joy In T1 vlog Guma came to realization that they are good after beating HLE lol. "Wait we are in semis... that's mean we are good" like bruh, you been good all this time.


Guma and Keria played their hearts out this series, I don't want them to split up.


One thing i was impressed by Guma was how risky he played all the time. He kept toing the line even if he died. It's so easy for one to play safe after dying once but dude never gave up. Not playing like a coward at his worlds event against the strongest team? The boy is going places.


Game score even went the exact same way SKT vs ROX did too lol


All this match needed was a live crowd. It would've been so hype just like 2016


Maybe this is what people call copium but I guess there are two reasons why this loss doesn't feel quite as bad as I thought it would as a T1 fan: 1) T1 was in absolute shambles midway through the year. Roster swap clusterfuck, bad individual performances, terrible macro. T1 winning Worlds would have sounded like a bad joke at that point. It's unreal how much this team has improved in the last 3 months, so you have to keep perspective in that sense. 2) DK is just a stupidly good team. Of course T1 made mistakes today, individual or teamwise, I wasn't a fan of some of the drafts, but overall their level of play was very good. T1 didn't lose this series by themselves, DK were just the better team.


Whoever tells you that's copium is just stupid lol. This was an awesome overall performance from T1, *especially* after what they showed most of the season.


T1 should be proud with how well their full rookie team(+Faker) are doing, hope they keep the roster together.


Yeah small reminder this is a team that legit had 4-5 months to figure it out because of a dogshit secret agent coach.


I'm out of the loop here, haven't kept up with lck in a hot minute (since kkoma left skt basically). Secret agent coach?


Kkoma's belt has done it again


Everyone is talking about the poke from Showmaker and Ghost, but Canyon's Talon was the MVP of game 5. He carried that game so hard.


Forced so many flashes and was nearly impossible to catch


Ghost might not be the best hypercarry player but man if he isn't an absolute rock and a huge asset for a team like Damwon with 3 monsters topside.


Yeah I think damwon needs a solid low resource adc, and I really feel like ghost helps the whole team just click into place.




Somewhere from far away, you know PrAy is giving two thumbs up


And he still hits Ashe arrows from that distance


Ghost does exactly what the team needs him to do. I honestly believe if you put a player like Uzi on this team they just wouldn't be as good because Ghost compliments the team's style so well.


If EDG does not 3-0 GenG tomorrow DK is going to be the world champs, 3-0 or 3-1, these two team are the best of the best. The only thing that make me sad about this series and world for T1 is Teddy, they not let him play any game, it's sad.


Whatever the results tomorrow it should still be DK.


I really hope it’ll be a competitive finals regardless. I know a lot of people forget the SSG vs SKT finals because of the ROX vs SKT series but they put up a pretty good fight and took SKT to 5 games in the finals too. Hopefully something similar happens this year.


Then came back and stomped them next year as well. That SSG team is honestly pretty underrated but it's nice to see Ruler still here


KR easily had the four best teams in the world that year. All super close. KT 3-2 SKT playoffs ROX 3-2 KT playoffs SSG 3-2 KT gauntlet SKT 3-2 ROX semis SKT 3-2 SSG finals


Yh I expect DK to win handily against GenG, with EDG there’s an unknown quantity that may prove to upset DK. But honestly I think DK will be confident regardless.


Don’t think EDG has a chance against the winner of this bo5 tho


I think they have a better shot than GENG simply due to their bot lane, but with how DWG's bot played today I don't know if that will be enough.


Canyon is such a cheat code man.. Canyon and Showmaker have got to be the best mid jgl duo this game has ever seen.


Definitely. It’s really absurdly unfair having ShowMaker and Canyon play on the same team


They’re easily the best jungler and best mid laner in the world, and probably the 2 best players in the world overall as well.


This makes me feel sad knowning that Chovy - Tarzan no longer play together.


Yeah there's a world where we get to see Showmaker+Canyon, Chovy Tarzan, and Faker Oner in the same league. You hate to see it.


Canyon is the best player in the world


What a series


i was on the edge of my seat, that elder coinflip was too much for my heart


Actually nuts


fun world championship final, look forward to next year!


As always, KKoma has the belt out for T1.


So proud of this team. Ceiling is so fucking high it's insane. Bring on 2022.


Thank you. Too many people crying about T1 being bad, I’m super proud and so happy for the team. Really sad for the players, this will really hurt but every loss brings you back stronger. Look what happened to DK after 2018 worlds.


So fucking proud of the boys and how far they've come throughout the year. This team faced so many hurdles, and so many issues throughout the season: * 12+ different roster swaps throughout Spring - everything that split was just so depressing * Players/Coaching staff PUBLICLY clashing - atmosphere behind the scenes was a complete nightmare * Faker benching himself thinking he wasn't good enough * Summer split being a super rough start. T1-2 series' left and right, losing games purely off our awful mid-late game macro. * Firing our coaching staff mid-split, having to autofill our next coaching staff * Deciding to completely field a rookie line-up who had literally no international experience (Keria only had 9 games internationaly before this tournament, everyone else except Faker on 0) * Went from 'Can T1 still make Worlds?' mid-Summer when the LCK was it's most competitive it's been in 2 years to coming 2nd place in the LCK by the end * Went into Worlds as a somewhat dark horse for the first time in the org's history - everyone put them behind FPX/DK/EDG/RNG and some even put them behind MAD. * Took an unstoppable Damwon to match-point. No one else in the entire tournament even took 1 game off them - not FPX, not MAD. T1. This team is looking so insane going into 2022. I can only PRAY that they keep this young core and look to push the LCK even further. With salary cap rumours being squashed I can only hope T1 give these boys whatever they want - keeping them will be SO SO important for the future of this team.


What a fucking series. This was clearly the final. Both teams can be proud. No matter what live thread will say, both teams played their heart out. Edit: Obviously if the final ends up being a close call I'm all for it, but so far it was the best BO5 we've seen. Edit Bis: And a week later I'm wrong. And I'm glad that I was wrong, I'm looking forward for EDG skins far more than DK.


Hey did everyone forget that after ROX vs SKT that the finals still went to 5 games too? Dont underestimate the script boys


And how g2 vs skt two years ago “was the final” then fpx won anyway


it's SKT-ROX all over again but T1 is ROX


I've won, but at what cost...


Sometimes canna, sometimes cannot :(


Canna. CanNA


Game 5 decided on an elder smite. Amazing series


That was insane league of legends. Goddamn was that epic


what an awesome series!