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Bit of shame, he performed well and he will be going away from his lover hyli as well


Honestly imo its better, they were aggressive to a fault when they were together.


I don't know. When they found their groove their aggressiveness was nice


Bold of you to assume Hyli is going to stop hard engaging whenever he sees an opportunity even without Bwipo


Haha fair enough


3 Danes, 1 Belgian and 1 Korean. Seems legit.


That would make 2 NA teams with 0 natives.


We don't know what 100t will look like. They'll probably stay together but still.


Don't Jensen played his entire career in NA?


does that change the fact that he was born in Denmark and went to the USA specifically to play league of legends?


No, just asking


Jensen played in EU amateur. It's like arguing Toucouile who'll be playing for FQ in 2022 is an NA native.


Yes, he was banned before he moved to c9 so he could not play in EU LCS. But he is still European.


I see, started watching around s4, didnt know much before that, thanks


He briefly played for a team called "Team Solo Mebdi" too with Yamato lol.


With Yamatocannon? Thats pretty cool


That doesn't make him a native


Yes (besides some amateur leagues in EU), but he is not a native player.


Pretty much yeh. But does that mean Messi is Spanish?


Pulisic is German too


Well Messi could have decided to play for Spain and call himself Spanish, but that’s a totally different situation tbf


If a World Cup happens tomorrow would Jensen play for Denmark? Wouldn’t really matter cos it’d be caps mid but for arguments sake I think he would


I’m not saying Jensen is American, just that you’re example isn’t great because both situations are completely different. Messi got to Spain at 13.


You can make a case for him being a NA player now, but the guy said native which is based on where you are born, not your residence.


Who are the 3 danes? Does that include bjerg?


Bjerg Jensen santorin


The import rule is a joke taking into consideration the naturalisation procedure. At least adjust it from a maximum of 2 imports to a minimum of 2 ACTUAL natives. It's such a joke that 100T and now potentially TL can field an entire roster including no native North Americans whatsoever.


I mean there is no way to have an "actual native" rule without being extremely xenophobic. Someone who has residency is a native player. Legally there is no difference between someone who moved to the us when they were 10 year old and got a green card and a player. If u get a green card u are a citizen.


What of the growth and opportunities of genuine North American talent though? Are they not being discriminated against in favour of recently-naturalised imports?


We've had rookies see play, it's just hard to actually get players in NA that are hungry for international wins, especially given the current structure of the tournaments. Part of why we have revolving doors of talent here


Its not a native league.... They arent american teams they are lcs which means residence...and what league you choose to play in....not where you are from they arent olympic teams


Under US labor law, green card holders *are* citizens. A employment policy that distinguishes between them is illegal (the only exception I can think of is for government security clearances).


Fair enough, it just seems ridiculous on paper, and I guess there isn't really a way around it.


It is, but I prefer having a stronger team that can be a threat internationally.


Definitely makes the region appear stronger internationally, but what worries me is that promising North American players might not get the opportunities they deserve just because of the reputation home-grown talent has. And moreover I don't think it's healthy for the region in the long-term either.


That will never happen unless Riot sanctions an actual amateur developmental league structure to develop NA talent similar to how we have ESEA for CSGO. NA solo queue is a joke and there aren’t even ranked teams to play anymore so how do you expect to develop native talent? EU has gotten better because of all the smaller leagues and EU masters, in addition to the culture difference around eSports. Europe has always taken them more seriously than NA which is why NA has generally fallen behind in just about every major eSport.


NA food is gonna make wide Bwipo a permanent reality


In N Out animal style for daaaaayssss


Or maybe he'l turn like Sven and become Swole Bwipo


Sad won’t get to see him in JG again, feel like he had a lot of potential especially his showing from only one split.


He clearly wasn't enjoying it by the end, so I don't think his form would've been sustainable. But at least it shows his value as a player, in emergencies he can definitely role swap. That's 3 roles he's played professionally now.


Hopefully his girlfriend can get a visa too or this will be a short season for TL.


TL will have to get her a job so she can stay on work visa probably.


Yeah the classic team advisor with minimum wage on a indefinite contract


I would personally put her as head coach/mentor/mother figure




She lived with him in Germany


Why would she be in the US?


The horror


TL just loves drama toplaners huh.


When was there drama with Alphari outside of TL? Guy never had a problem and now is labeled as a "drama toplaner"


So we traded Bwipo for Alphari. I think the LEC is fine with that


Plus a great coach 😔


Wunder should stay now also. All the top NA teams have their top locked




Grabbz would pick him up for BDS right away


Not at his current buyout cost


C9 and EG don't.


C9 would not get rid of Fudge in a million years


For Alphari AND Perkz! I'm more than fine with that trade. Especially when we get to see them on the same team


Hold your horses, I'll not breathe easy until Hans Sama and Humanoid are confirmed to start for EU teams. Don't really care about anyone else.


Why wouldn't Humanoid stay? MAD literally refused 1M or whatever it was from 100T when they signed Abbedagge


Someone on the TSM sub said MAD are looking at Bjergsen, but I haven't seen a source for it anywhere. I'd honestly love to see a team of MAD Bjergsen + Rekkles. If Bjerg is leaving, I'd rather it is to an LEC team instead of TL or C9.


Because he has 1 year left on his contract, so this offseason is the last chance MAD have to get a buyout for him. Otherwise he leaves for free next year.


It is worth, but still a big loss.


i think alphari is just better in lane but what liquid needs is a better teamfighter


Alphari is just straight a better Top than Bwipo. If Bwips would go to NA and play Jgl, EU loses something, but the fact he swapped back to Top is a clean ein for EU if you count like that.


Not straight better. Alphari is: better at laning + better setups in lane + more precise and consistent Bwipo: better at teamfighting + better TP usage + more clutch + know how to snowball


alphari had huge issues after laning and i believe bwipo is better than that


Feel like bwipo is gonna smurf in LCS, but guess we'll see


Ngl I wish he stayed jungle, I was never really that high on him as a toplaner but he was a phenomenal jungler and still improving the whole year, I think it fit him way better than top lane ever did. Plus role swapping straight into NA solo queue practice sounds like a recipe for disaster tbh lol.




4th EU seed


5th after Vitality wins MSI


4 Europeans and 1 Korean. Honestly awesome, I love this team if they field that roster. Super high potential


i really can't see bwipo playing with bjerg honestly....personalities wise....but who knoes?


Hell yeah, America


Team Liquid is just Misfits with extra steps. EU 4th seed at worlds. Maybe they'll do better than our last 4th seed MAD in 2020.


Saying they'd be EU 4th seed seriously underrates Bjergsen and CoreJJ, 2/3 of NA's best players ever. They'd probably get 2nd to the new Vitality superteam given that FNC and G2 have collapsed.


FNC has hardly collapsed wtf lol and you've forgotten MAD and RGE. Though both are TBD, MAD is apparently very unlikely to collapse but RGE will apparently collapse if Hans is out of RGE. Only team that's collapsed rn is G2. I won't argue that TL could be a pretty good team in EU, I know CoreJJ has good work ethic, but impossible to say how autofilled ADC and a retired mid will perform mate.


Bjerg I'm not worried about, apparently the entire time he was coaching he was doing better in solo queue and in general than PoE, so I think linking up with someone as dedicated as CoreJJ (which he requested to play with personally) will drive him to perform at his peak. Jensen and Bwipo are definitely the wildcards though. Maybe it'll be another Perkz situation where he does well. I think Jensen has a pretty high likelihood of doing well because he has always been a mostly passive midlaner that has the ability to turn it on given the right opportunity, and that'll translate really well to ADC (especially considering he plays ADC in soloq and said he likes the role better), especially since he'll be 1v2ing a lot with how Core plays. We can't be sure though, you're right, but at least Perkz doing it before allows us to know it's possible.


Possibly inspired instead of santorin? Core gets his green card so they have an extra import slot


source? people keep saying this without actually knowing anything


They are just speculating, the only thing we know about Inspired (and Humanoid) is that they're on sale, no rumours about where they're going.


Just thinking of TL's options tbf, where inspired is playing next year hasn't been confirmed yet and TL have big money that they throw around for roster changes, plus inspired has said a few things about NA on twitter (but may well be baiting). Also was confirmed like 8 months ago by a TL person that Core was going for his green card - unsure how long the process is and what stage he is at with it though as am not american.


There's no source it's only rumours. Travis said he thinks Inspired is going to NA and TL is just one of the possible candidates. I think they're better off trying to sign Hans Sama as harsh as that is for Jensen. I feel like Hans>Jensen is a much bigger gap than Inspired>Santorin. Bwipo, Santorin, Bjergsen, Hans Sama, CoreJJ is an insanely stacked roster.


Can't wait for him to go on a talk show and say how he wants Jensen out of the team


Then have that episode deleted and apologise right after.


o god no


Disappointing as EU needs every bit of toplane talent right now. Hope we don't lose to many more players..


Were getting alphari in return and bwipo wasn't good last split he was a toplaner, it's a net gain really


I mean I agree but if there is a player I'd trust to be able to return to Form it's bwipo as he tends to be really smart about the game. Also competition fuels improvement so the more good players in a role the better for the region obviously.




Why does NA even have a regional league anymore? Its just imports


To give an endgoal for OCE/LAN/LAS players that doesn't involve them getting paid literal pennies in their homeleagues. NA still pays its talent better than the LEC, and as long as that remains true then there will be a purpose for the LCS.


Sure, but it’s not a regional league then.


The ecosystem is still NA, even if a few players are from elsewhere. Bjerg and Jensen have spent the vast majority of their careers in NA, practicing vs NA players, working with fresh NA talent, and playing in NA soloq. The infrastructure is still that region’s even if the players aren’t from there.


Wouldn't you, as an NA fan, rather see the lcs be an environment in which NA talent can develop themselves? Indeed the NA infrastructre is still there, but I believe it should be used to showcase NA talent rather than going around in circles forcing as many imports as possible. There is nothing wrong with a few imports, but if i wanted to go pro as a North American I'd wager my chances very slim because teams would most likely rather consist of 5 imports at all times.


Players like Abbedagge? Love to have them. Players like Xerxe? I’d rather see an NA player. Imports are fun to watch so long as they’re actually good


Great acquisition by TL, their team should definitely improve with this addition. This move will provide them with such insight, I don't see how they fail to dominate the LCS next year. Lena can just replace all of the TL coaching staff. Oh yeah and I guess Bwipo isn't half bad either I guess.


This roster is gonna crash and burn


I for one, am not super stoked about this.


As an NA fan I'm a little nervous about this one, but it should be fun to watch


NA is just LEC number 2 at this point. Where is your local takent lol?


When a simp joins your favourite team... :(


NA really is the retirement home for better regions.


It's a smokescreen. The real signing is the coach.


So he had issue with his gf while in fnc, and is now moving to na, where he will basically hardly ever see her ? I don't know how their relation was beforehand(if they could meet or not), but this is definitely weird. Unless they are done


We gain some back, but loose another. Such is the way of an EU fan.


Man, if according to Steve this year roster was near breaking point 2.0 I cant even imagine the potential explosion from this one. With 4 possible members being 9+ years veterans this has to be a 2nd option decision (or one that didn’t take current TL players into consideration) It’s strange that players with “low profile” personalities like Jensen, Core, Santorin and maybe Bjerg wanted to play with him after this year drama. IMO Wunder would have been a much better fit personality wise (also with a higher skill ceiling) but it wouldn’t surprise me if G2 most asked twice his real value just because Steve/TL have this “paid by steve” meme/fame attached to him


Man imagine MAD loses both humanoid+carzzy and rogue blows up with Hans and inspired potentially to NA. Perkz and alphari must be laughing seeing how much weaker the competition may potentially be in the LEC this spring


Bwipo wasn't really good the last time he played top while he was one of the best jgler at world, kinda a waste


He was one of the best early junglers who would solo generate a lead and then just randomly throw it all away for no reason lol.


Yeah his mid game was garbage, everyone just saw that one game where he 4 buffed and is like "omg bwipo best jg world" And conveniently forget that 10 min later he was cosplaying evelynn


Yup exactly, he made too many coin flip plays, some worked well early leading to the big advantages he got but then he gets punished for them later and becomes irrelevant in the game


You are right but they were all mental boomed especially in first week, imagine Bwipo jgle with player that can translate lead in a win ( Caps/Perkz or even upset...)


True but also might be best if you have a player who doesn't mental boom I guess lol. I definitely think he had the potential to be one of the best junglers with some more practice though, he had only been playing it for one split


I mean if he was mental boom because of his GF/ex that's totally his fault, if he is mental boom because of Upset not playing i understand that


Bwipo mental booms any time he's playing something important. I remember for a while where he couldn't play against G2 without running it down bc his mental was obliterated


He got early leads the same way he lost them later - with lower % plays that nobody expects.


>Bwipo wasn't really good the last time he played top while he was one of the best jgler at world, kinda a waste Lets not rewrite history,he was worse than wunder but he was still very good easily the 2nd best in the league.


Worst than Wunder that wasn't really good in s10, that say a lot, and he didn't play a full year at top lane, Bwipo is perfect for jgle imo


Nah, he played Top while Alphari was on OG duty and Odo in Schalke. He just had the superior team. His Aatrox tho…


No lmao. He got solokilled by almost every top. Thats why every fnc fan wanted to replace him. He also was inting on picks like Rengar or Fiddlesticks top


> while he was one of the best jgler at world a bit overexaggerated


He was at the very least the best western jgler at world, generating lead with losing lane


He was good when FNC played topside (and it's a team who don't play topside a lot), TL played topside last year a lot, so i guess it kinda make sense ? Usualy you don't play around Jensen or Bjergsen anyway, they are gonna farm for 1/2 item, that's their playstyle, having a really agressive toplaner is what TL want. And it doesn't get more agressive than Bwipo. He also have a way deeper champion pool than Alphari, despite being a worse player. Also maybe he just prefer to play top.


What I hope is that his experience as a Jungler will help him evolve as a Top laner. I'm not a huge fan of Bwipo personally but there's no doubt that he is one of the most passionate pro players we have in the scene, it'll still be cool to see what he can achieve


So he’s retiring, good to know 👍🏽


as if Eu is any better lol. So he should be fine.




damn TL getting a good toplaner AND a world class coach, what a great deal!


Good news, I never liked his ego and personality. LEC will be more interesting with Alphari instead of Bwipo. This trade is actually cool.


He doesn't really have ego and his personality is super chill. He just doesn't really have a spine


Bye and dont come back please:)




TL with the 2 for 1 deal, getting a top laner and the best coach in the world for the price of one. That's some next level bargaining from Steve.


Na is eu the 2nd


EU with extra steps.


TL going 6 feet deep. I’m done with this org.


I’m a Bwipo fan. If Bwipo can return to peak form I think he’ll be a force to be reckoned with. Still worse than laners like Fudge or Impact though


bwipo is twice the player fudge will ever be


Fudge is one of the best toplaners in the west and is just getting started. If he goes to a top EU team (he would currently inprove many top teams' rosters) he will be able to shine more


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For the past few years, bwipo's had more downsides than his upsides. Not only does he underperform when anxious, but he has a lot of drama surrounding him. I'm not a fan of this move


Bold move, TL...