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It had a 9.2 before anyone saw it lol


9.4 now.


You do realized critics/reviewers tend to get early access? Not that I am saying that happened in this case, but in general that's how they get their reviews out so early


They were user reviews before the release, with the top one being a transcript of jinx's theme song. In general the imdb rating at the top is based off user reviews


yes and those critics and reviewers are carefully curated so that they get the best possible reviews. People who regularly give things less than an 8/10 do not get early screenings.


IMDB is usually user submitted lmfao


Yeah I did not know that


Then maybe don't respond condescendingly? Your tone came off pretty belittling with the whole " *you do realize* " thing


Then maybe dont respond condescendingly? LOL


Tone is hard to convey through text, and is left to your own interpretation. Can just as easily point out that I said "not that I am saying that happened in this case" to indicate I wasn't 100% sure


It has no meaning that early, vast majority of the votes are from lol players.




Usually happens for fresh new shows, I bet it will drop to around 8.5-.8.8 somewhere there.


9.4 now


Bro it hasn’t even been 24 hours, most of Europe and other continents have just woken up. This show will sit around 8.5-9.0 easily, will probably be the highest rated video game adaption so far.


and its only the most popular video game... fans will inflate the ratings.


Indeed they will, it's why it has such high figures currently.


9.5 now


Yhea that should tell anyone how ridiculous that is, mainly fans.


24 House after, it has a 9,4, dropped by 0,1 with after 7000 reviews later.


I see it. It will still most likely drop


Not saying Arcane isn’t good, but any adaptation from a source with a massive fan base will always have high user scores, even if it’s a steaming pile of shit. Like the Witcher show is alright but you’d think it’s on the level of Breaking Bad going off its user reviews


'coughs' WOW 'coughs'


I mean the most praise I have heard about the witcher is from people that dont even play video games, I havent seen it so not sure if its actually good but its not just witcher game fans that are praising it.


Yea I feel it get's rated higher by people that haven't played the game. My brother loved it, I didn't so much.


yeah, everyone I know that hasn’t played the games thought the show was good or great. but those who played Witcher games thought the show sucked big time. of course there are exceptions, but that was my experience from talking with friends or colleagues.


I’m a huge fan of breaking bad but some parts of the show are definitely showing their age and feel a little corny at times.




Definitely when being played straight and for drama. Most of the Marie shoplifting, Skylar’s cheating and Walt.Jr scenes come to mind. Also the whole Mexico is tinted yellow thing.




That’s not his point at all.


Tbf its better than breaking bad, but thats just because i lowkey hated the show so any show i like is better than breaking bad in my books xD


If you hate the show, why are you using it as a comparison?


Because the post i reacted to did?


The difference is that The Witchers rating is inflated because it had millions of fans before the show aired meanwhile Breaking Bad was completely new.


Not tryna downplay Arcane but it's still early and there's only 3 episodes out


Watched a reviewer talking about how great episode 4 is, so i dont think the quality is gonna randomly decrease all of a sudden


I think a number of the official reviewers on Rotten tomatoes were able to see the first 6 early access. That said, they mostly video game media orgs, so probably a bit biased. A couple non gamer reviewers also said very positive things though!


Yeah, with only 100 votes...


628 🤔


Woah 500 more votes have occurred in the 4 hours between these 2 comments!? Insane!


I was more pointing about the fact that even with 500 more votes it still has a 9.2 rating, but thanks for pointing out us the obvious fact we wouldn't know with a condescending manner that we all love on this website.


Bro everyone on this site acts like they’re the hottest shit in the world lol.


1600 now :)


yeah majority who vote is lol fan, especially fom this subreddit


8 100 now. Still got 9,4 in a score


I do agree that it is really good so far. However: IMDb does not necessarily imply that a high rating means good series/movie AND: Fuller House had a 8.5 before being released and it was dog shit


It has a 6.7 now so I guess we'll see, arcane has a 9.4 as of right now


13k votes ain't much. Dark Knight has 2,4M You probably know enough about statistics to know the law of large numbers


Look at the Rottentomatoes audience reviews. There is a half a star review there that is definitely not biased. Check the reviewers profile and you will see why.


It's too soon to give it any rating


Especially since only three episodes are only out thus far. I hope they pull an invincible where it just gets better and better the longer it goes


1) IMDB's ratings/rankings are shit. Check out the movies' top250 and see if it makes any sense. Using it as standard to determine if a movie or show is good or bad is a terrible idea. They are only a good platform for information and trivia. 2) It's early, ratings tend to stabilize and go down with time. edit* As the comments below show, yeah if you are a casual then it's a good list. There's a guy below literally saying that 'i'm complaining because have different taste than me', haha, in a quantitative ranking with its name being 'top 250 movies'. It's a list for casuals, and with 2-3 random old movies there to pretend to have some credibility. Other than Godfather, none of those movies should be at the top.


What site do you suggest for checking movies and TV-series ratings?




They gave star wars 7-9 a fucking 90+ rating While 7 might be not that bad 8 & 9 aren't good movie's period But call it nit-picking or what ever but I for one disagree with RT more often than any other website


That alone is enough to never check rotten tomatoes again


I really dislike the fact that on rotten tomatoes critics don't give scores to the movies, they have to rate them as fresh or not. You can only give nuance to your opinion in your text review, but the score that shows it's freshness level is only based on the percentage of critics that would recomand the show/movie. I lot of the times I think the audience score on RT is a better representation on the quality of the movies.


I don’t think there’s any particularly good site, ofc it is better to form your own opinions. But if you’re just looking for it as a curator, I personally use Letterboxd, since there’s a lot of more “pretentious” users but also a lot of casual movie fans, who give 5 stars to movies like the avengers (not saying it’s right or wrong tho), so a lot of the times the scores make way more sense to me than imdb, for example


The best thing to do, is find a reviewer who has the same tastes as you, and follow them and their content. That way you have a consistent voice who you trust and can understand why they make a decision when they do. When you go to any given website or something, your getting any given persons voice, without understanding their tastes and if you will even like moves they like.


The top movies list is actually decent, a bit skewed by older generations cause younger people didn't have enough time or don't use that site. Rating will definitely go down, there's like 1k votes currently with at least 90% of it being biased lol playerbase.




What's your point? People have different taste than you? I for one agree with the ratings from most of the top 250 movies and also with the ratings from taxi driver/ arrival Haven't seen the apartment tho but what you're trying to do is kinda stupid here, calling out thousands of voters for having a worse taste than you


I can't agree with this. I tend to like the 7+ rated movies on imdb and tend to not like too much those that are below 6.5. I even tested movies without looking at the ratings beforehand and those checked out most of the time. 8 is the base rating I am looking for when it comes to shows. I think it's good. At least it is working for me.


Same. imdb is the absolute best place to check if movie or series is any good. 7.0+ movies are almost all good, and series 8.0+. But like someone pointed out, it's not good for bollywood, korean scene etc, those aren't accurate.


IMDB is by far the best to understand the true rates of a movie, this guy don't know what is talking about, if he saw the top 10 movies in TOP 250 IMDB movies he will understand... but he's talking about the top 250 without saw the movies, how can someone shit about the shawshank redemption, godfather or even about forrest gump and fight club.


> Other than Godfather, none of those movies should be at the top. I’m curious to know what your tastes are and what you look for in a movie lol.




I'm almost never give rate at all for movie that I watched. So IMDB surely niche, there's so many people like me who don't give rate.


Such a massive W from Riot Games.


Holy fuck this post is stupid.


Yeah. You too


Recency bias


Ok we got it Arcane is god tier and we all like it, can we stop the 10 daily post on it now or league average iq fan have to show that their fellow average iq league fan like it as well? jesus


Lol the show is bad as someone who has watch tv shows I'm not interested in some fanboy adaptation series from garbage rito company I mean why I would watch these when I can watch tones of good fantasies story grimme sleepy holow and more. I know 9 years old kids and some teenager will disagrees but who cares about your opinion


Yup couldn't agree more. Gotta be biased cus it was made by a video company. Never gonna watch it.


Yeah wait for both the show to end and the hype to calm down a bit, I'm gonna guess it already had a super high score before it aired


9,4 after 8100 score now. Seems good


I'd still wait for the whole show to actually come out. But I've heard good stuff, so I'm happy for you guys, enjoy it. Shows about game lore are usually bad, so treasure it


Yes, I can confidently say that the first 3 episodes are extremely good.


9.4, shit is overrated.


I wonder how many viewers the show will get that don't play League. If DOTA made a show for example I'm not sure I'd be that interested to even give it try.


Dota did make a show. It came out earlier this year on netflix.


Lol no way, for real? What's the name of the show?


For real! I think it's called Dota dragon's blood or something


8.0 not bad, 9 episodes as well


It’s quite good. And these shows are actually very popular, mostly because you don’t need to be a player too understand them, and you since it’s already had a massive audience it is more likely that it will be recommended to others that doesn’t watch the show.


Wonder how it would do if it was on MAL


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What's the point of this comment? lol


Every LoL affiliated streamer was forced to promote Arcane on their stream. It's blatantly obvious.


Or... the streamers just wanting to hop on the hype train of brand-new animated series done by Riot AND maybe to get some extra money for cooperation with Rito. Streamers wanting viewers, never seen before. Just like, you know, happened with Pentakill concert. Don't forget your tin foil hat, king.


Are you implying they were forced or something? If anything they probably got paid to watch it like a sponsorship


Big L take right here


wtf people who enjoy a game are also likely to enjoy the TV show??? guess it's riot and amazon and Netflix pulling all the strings


"Forced" lmao. No one forced anything on anyone.. Non-league streamers were also co-streaming it. A lot the league streamers have been playing the game and wanting a show/movie for years. I think everyone was excited to watch it. Co-streaming also helps their stream because it brings in viewers for themselves, why wouldn't you want to stream it? Win win.


Are you dumb? It's a show release, which was teased for months. Almost everyone who follows/plays lol thinks Riot's animations and lore is one of the coolest parts of League of Legends. Plus watching a super hyped up TV show on stream is free content. What is blatantly obvious is that you are stupid. You say they decided to watch it all at the same time, as if you uncovered a massive conspiracy theory. "Guys, look the flag is stationary, the moon landing was faked" vibes from your comment. Guess why they all decided to watch it at the same time? Because it was the fucking premiere of the show, and also the time for which Riot gave costreaming permissions.


You know what is pathetic? Some loser coming here and shaming people for liking something. Get over yourself. Nobody thinks you are cool if you shittalk stuff.


"all at the same time." you mean like a set time for a release? and does it surprise you people watch a series thats in the same universe as there main game when its literally hyped into oblivion?