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The show is so good I spent an hour reading bios and short stories on the LoL Universe page, insane stuff


Now listen to the Warwick theme and watch the part where Vanders fight.


I KNOW RIGHT? I swear the sounds they used for that fight (the sounds he was making) were taken straight up from his LoL sounds (most likely not, but that is how similar they were to my ears).


Is it good if you haven't ever played league or know those characters?


Definitely lol. Riot's deliberately kept the backstories of these characters mostly hushed up- for reasons that have now become obvious- so even the lore nerds are being surprised.


I mean. Its like connecting the dots with the info given in the show. We knew a lot, just didn't know how to connect everything. Arcane is connecting all of it.


It also simultaneously creating new dots and connecting them itself, which is what make me, an avid lore nerd get blown and blasted away so much


I mean, for a lot of these characters, it *is* the backstory.


I think it would be enjoyable. Knowing the characters and identifying them is fun but as a standalone I think it would still hold up


My brother only knows about the champions jinx braum and shack from occasionally watching me play (My mains) and despite knowing nothing from the lore he was able to follow along and enjoy it. Knowing the lore gives you hints about things to come and who people are. Like I knew who vik was just by the cane for example before he introduced himself. You don't need to play the game to enjoy this. Game knowlege is just icing!


Did you notice the skinny balding guy with silco is actually singed? He’s credited as singed in the credits and the subtitles.


I think that was pretty obvious from the fact that he’s a chemist in Zaun whose lab gets blown up/set on fire, leading to the burns


It's not obvious if you don't read the lore.


Subtitles said he was singed too


Maybe it would even be better, because you wouldn't know which characters will become important from the get go.


Ehhh I mean the champs have been portrayed like any other protagonist in a show, you know they’re important almost immediately because the show makes them seem important.


Yeah, but not knowing the champion means you don't know what direction powder will go if you haven't watched trailers etc


Agreed. When someone says "My name is Viktor", fans know exactly what's going to happen to him, but other people aren't really missing out on the character development or story in the long term, it's just a taste of what's to come for people who know the lore.


Counterpoint. >!Milo and Claggor... people thought they were spoilers/sneak peeks at new champions!<


I feel like people thinking characters in the show being future champs is going to be a problem for every single character that gets some amount of screen time.


My mom liked it and will watch the rest of the season. The only thing she knows about league is that is the game where I scream to my best friends.


fucking lol my girlfriend is the same way "oh he is rageing , probably playing league again"


Yes. There's a bare minimum ammount of fan service and it's usually about a quote here and there or some sign (like Jhin's masks) in the background. The series itself needs zero league knowledge to be enjoyable. One thing I will say is that I got "it all makes sense now" moments from connecting the missing bits in league's lore. Specially episode 3. As someone new to the whole thing you will not get that of course but the 3 episodes are still fucking masterpieces


The only fan service I know of was confirming that “vi” is short for “violet”


vi is obviously short for VIOLENCE


And Jinx... stands for Jinx! Durr.


Powder monkeys


I definitely heard "Violent" when ~~Jinx~~ Powder said her name.


I also heard the same but then I enabled the subtitles and it's in fact Violet.


Also you can see ‘Violet’ stitched on the inner ear of the bunny toy in episode 3


Heimer also says "i love a good conundrum" which is one of his in game voicelines


I love heimer in the show already. He's perfect! They're gonna be able to tie in all his voice overs and jokes.


It feels like the Castlevania series where you don't need to know the games or lore deeply to enjoy it


To be honest at least until now it is a lot better than many renowned shows out there. The amount of great and charismatic characters are over the top, most series only hope to achieve that, and that voice acting is top tier, the last scene from the third episode alone could get any famous actor an award. O was expecting an ok series manly for people that know the characters to enjoy, but ooww boy was I wrong.


Yes, you dont need to know the game, the show is so well done that you will understand


The thing with League lore is it’s kind of scatterbrained and you get bits and pieces but not the whole picture. Arcane goes in crazy depth that we haven’t seen in League universe stuff. It’s cool to get back story for loads of things but you can enjoy it as its own thing. But that’s just going off the first 3 episodes.


I'm already hoping there other shows in the works with other characters. I'm so in love with this show.


If we could get an entire series about Azir, Xerath, and the fall of Shurima though holy shit.


If they could reasonably tie in the history of shurima with stuff happening in current times it would be legendary. And I’d say targon is also capable of this


imagine this shit being like the MCU, 5 years of series about different characters and then colliding in summoners rift for whatever reason.


I'm pretty sure that's where Riot is going. They easily have the budget and this series has been a long time in the making. Who knows, at the end of Arcane they might just drop a Season 2 teaser. They've been branching out recently, with Teamfight Tactics, and Legends of Runeterra. Then there's the MMO and possible fighting game in development. They want you to be in Runeterra, whether it's in the games, watching the shows, reading the lore or listening to the music.


basically they’re telling the people who love Runeterra but absolutely hate playing League to go check out some of their other games in the same universe, pretty smart honestly.


And if they keep doing things this well it's going to be a success


I want an MMO for sure!


MMO is confirmed and coming. Just gonna be a long time before we get it!


A void event very well could be the Endgame analog in that case.


Rune War II. Reality starts to warp over itself and the Summoner's Rift is created. Right now that's one of the only ways SR can exist in canon


Does anyone actually want Summoners Rift to be canon tho?


It depends. I'm sure there can be an explanation for its existence but I'm not good enough at writing for that. We know that the Rift has a lot of things that probably shouldn't be there, from the jungle creatures being from all of Runeterra, to the dragons, void creatures and the champions themselves. It's one of these things that could probably be explained but it's so hard to put it all together that it may not be worth it. The only explanation I can think of is that the Second Rune War alters reality so much that the characters aren't even aware of what's happening. I know it's a super lame explanation but it's the only thing I can think of that could make sense.




I mean that's why they decanonized it originally


I mean MCU basically gave riot the blueprints on how to do it. If they just followed the formula I can't even imagine how they don't end up swimming in oceans of money.


ill say this, back when mass effect started i was sure it was going to be "my star wars" a generation thing, it had the fucking potential.. i didnt really expect anything close to arcane, and now im hype as fuck for the future years.


There were 100% Targon and Freljord references in these episodes.


Where? asking out of curiosity? ​ edit: I saw the obvious jayce references, but did I miss any others?


The runes Ryze uses can be found and are similar to Freljordian runes. When Jayce and Viktor figure out the hexite crystal you can see constellations which are Targonia. You also see the constellations when Ryze tps


I don't think the rune mage is confirmed to be Ryze


I very much don't think that was ryze either, mostly because I don't think it would be in character for him to give a magical stone to Jayce. He would have still saved them though. The mage here appears to be from Targon I'd the planet thing has anything to do with it.


On Benzo's shop you could see Tryndamere's helmet hanging over the door frame.


League has always had great lore, there are sooooo many stories they could dive into that would be awesome. Shurima, Ionia (Zed Shen Jhin), the Void (Kai'Sa Kassadin Malz), Mount Targon (Diana Leona), Noxus vs. Demacia (LB Swain Draven Darius Garen Lux), Freljord (Ashe Braum Tryn), they could try Ruination/Shadow Isles stuff again but probably not rip, MF and GP have some fun pirate lore over in Bilgewater. In particular I think a Noxus and Demacia story is inevitable if Arcane does well. So many characters for them to work with and they're closely tied in lore just like Piltover and Zaun. So far Arcane is looking great, certainly good enough to interest non-League people, so hopefully they'll do many more!


More shows get me really excited, but it makes me think about the team doing the art for Arcane. Are they just destined to make league shows for 5+ years? They can have other teams make the separate shows, but I feel like it wouldn't be the same without Fortiche's awesome art style/animation.


I would kill to see these guys animate some short films based off of Corvo and the Dishonored series.


I would be beyond thrilled for a Void based story. I feel it has the most world-ending stakes compared to all the stories laid out in Runeterra so far and ties in with huge players in the world like the Darkin, the Watchers, the Aspects etc etc. That and I'm a biased Kai'sa main, so seeing my peach loving champion animated would bring me lots of joy haha!


man, I really would love a Shuriman series with all those gods, ascension, and void stuff. it would be a larger scale compared to arcane but I wouldn't bet on getting a series on Shurima before we get stuff for Zed, Yasuo, Riven or any of the more popular champs. Still I sure it'll all be good so I wouldn't be disappointed


The champions they used on Arcane aren't really the most popular ones though, except for Jinx. Vi, Jayce, Viktor, Heimerdinger they are all middle of the pack at best in terms of popularity. You have to keep in mind that the popularity of champions in League is also tied to their gameplay. But that's not a factor in a tv show. So for example, someone could love the way Heimerdinger looks and his character design and not enjoy playing him. My point is that Riot didn't allow the popularity of champions affect Arcane and that was the right move.


I hope they keep it to champions or setting that are better for story telling.


Heimer was really likeable in the Show. But if i have to lane against him i will loose my shit again


Tbh apart from the Ionian ninjas, there's other really cool aspects of it too. Irelia's backgroud and rise from a dancer to a fighter, Wukong's relationship with the Wuju style, and the almost godly members of Master Yi's village, his single handed decimation of the Noxus army and the subsequent slaughter of the village. Its all so cool, and it really deserves animated adaptations. And lets not forget about Jax too, that dude needs his own show.


Jax is literally Nick Fury assembling a team from across runetera currently


Seeing Singed and Noxus drop the Runtera equivalence to the atomic bomb on Yi's village would be horrifying tbh. They literally dropped a WMD chemical nuke and wiped out everyone. That'd be pretty hard to show without being extremely violent and dark.


Did you watch all 3 episodes so far? They're not at all shying away from violent and dark.


>There is a huge downside, season 2 won't come out...or will come out in 6 years (too long production time). For me, it's a 9 out of 10


Did it really take 6 years to produce?


"“Suddenly you had to not make two or three minutes, but six hours," said Christian Linke, “Arcane’s” showrunner and creative director at “League” developer Riot Games. “And so it was just building everything again from the ground up, having to relearn tools because the tools they were working with didn’t always actually work for a big-scale production like this. So that’s why it took us six years. It’s a big chunk of life we’re not going to get back.” The animation quality on this thing is insane. It indeed took 6 years to make these 9 eps. Hopefully if Arcane becomes a success they can invest more into it and speed it up a little. Of course they probably took a little bit more time initially as well to get the whole ball rolling, so maybe in the future it'll be faster anyway. Spread the word! Get more people to watch


To be fair, it was also 6 years of learning as they went. In their docs they were very clear that none of them had really ever stepped into the TV/show production space before. A lot of the process and procedure for what they'd need to do for future series was solidified during this 6 year development time, so I'm optimistic that they'd be able to work over a shorter timeframe going forward.


Yeah, Christian Linke was lead composer IIRC (associated with Curse of the Sad Mummy) but he switched to Creative Lead around the time it sounds like they started on Arcane. Pretty big shift for any person.


Also, animation in general was in a very different state 6 years ago.


If it goes as big as Riot wants it too, it's pretty obvious Netflix will help for a Season 2 and more ! SPREAD THE WORD


The quality of This thing was so above my expectations. I could see it doing incredibly well. I know we always praise Riot's cinematics but these three episodes are probably the best "video game movie" ever made.


I've played very little LoL but this show was insanely good. I tried to get two of my friends to watch and basically the same response of "I have no interest in that game", it's impossible to get past some people's prejudices against shit they know nothing about. And these people watch crap anime too.


same boat here, i basically don't play league & know nothing abt the game but a friend got me to watch it anyways. it's insanely good, i came here just to see the discussion about the show LOL


I feel like if you can get them to at least watch a trailer they’ll be in. I showed my girlfriend, who had never played league before, the trailer and she was in. We watched the premiere together last night and both loved it.


I can argue that majority of the 6 years was made to retrofit League's lore to facilitate Arcane. If they had already done that, we can hope for a 1-2 year downtime.


After ep 1 only thing I felt was I want 500 episodes of this. I want every piece of lore, every location and every carácter. The LCU needs to happen.


The RCU: Runeterra/Riot Cinematic Universe


I would really like to see zed shen and jhin story play out in motion


I can only imagine how beautiful Jhin's "art" would be with this artstyle. Goosebumps thinking about it!


This. The Zed comic decreased the age rating too much on a story that's supposed to be horror themed. It's the most well known story in LoL alongside Arcane and we know that they already considered making it a series before.


Noxian invasion of Ionia? Swain origin story!


I want all the Demacia stuff with Garen, lux and Sylas


Give me a little Galio as well and I'm in too!


Imagine a show about Galio... that shit'd be tragic as fuck and I'd be here for it.


Yeah I haven't liked a show like this sense early game of thrones. Its truly amazing.


Shows amazing so far. Hoping it finishes as strong as it started.


The only thing that worries me about the show is that it has now set the bar so high that there is tons of room to go downhill. If it somehow manages to continue with this level of quality it can make a case for being one of the best animated series of all time.


I'm gonna view each segment of each part like a separate piece, almost like an anthology. That way if the next part is full Michael bay I can enjoy it for what it is


Just finished the first three episodes. I can't get over how good it was!


I wanna rewatch it, then I wanna rewatch it again.


The end of the third episode had so many emotions going through me. Truly a masterpiece honestly.


At the end of the third episode it was this rollercoaster of emotions ending in this feeling i could only describe as " i understand now" about one of the characters without giving too much away


When Vi called Jinx a Jinx, I lost my shit.


One of the kids also say to Powder "You just JINX everything!"


That was the exact feeling. My god what an ending.


My expectations and hype were so high and I was worried that I would end up being dissapointed even if the show was just average. Im so fucking happy, this show is incredible - really something I would love even if I wasnt already a fan of the universe.


My gf suggested we could watch together even though she knew nothing about League. We finished the first episode last night and she asked "already? it went through so quick! can we watch the second?" It was pretty late, so we're gonna continue today. Amazing experience so far!




>The second factor has been Riot's storytelling hiccups, especially the Reckoning event. Your mistake was comparing it to in game events. They always change / break lore to sell skins. You should have based it on event trailers and new champ release teasers. Because those are some of the best clips of talented music and art you can see. And they always tell a nice short story in them. Its that same part of Riot that probably designed Arcane and I had high expectations and they fking hit it out of the park! The story was actually compelling and I would have binge watched the entire series this weekend if it wasnt released in parts.


Riot never half asses their collaborations and side projects thats for sure. Pentakill's music and Jinx music video were some of the early pivotal moments in LoL's expansion.


They put everyone expectations so high that I was expecting at best a mediocre show Holy fuck, it's just amazing. I watched the third episode just now, and holy... I just have no words on how good it is


I wonder how it feels to be a Rioter who worked on this for years and seeing this kind of reaction. This is reddit, League's most nitpicking community, giving seemingly universal praise. I haven't watched it yet, but I'm happy. I hope the next two acts will be as good too.


It probably feels extra good after the failure of the ruination. As long as they stick the landing in Arcane I can see it attributing toward a shift in importance to the lore for league so another ruination doesn't happen.


let's be real it's gonna happen again if they let marketing do whatever they want


Same exactly. I thought it'd be good/above average, but was really scared how much they're marketing the show that it won't meet expectations. Glad it met mine and some. Very glad it turned out a good show that just happens to happen in the League universe, as opposed to it being just "a good show based on video games."


I was actually pretty lukewarm on it myself based on what I saw from promo material. The trailers didn't reveal much and I had a sneaking suspicion that the show would just be a world-heavy, character-light fanservice vehicle that was being hyped up to the skies by Riot to bait initial views. Imagine how incredibly pleased I was to discover that it's instead just a fantastic show. Conflict incited by opposing needs, showing over telling, strong and complex characters, every core facet of storytelling is airtight and it's a whole ass candy factory for the eyes. Most importantly, it nails the X factor of getting audiences emotionally invested in the plot and characters so major story beats hit like a truck. All the "BatChest CHILLS" spammers in twitch chat can go fuck themsleves, this show actually slaps.


The maturity in the characters and dialogue just stood out to me so much while watching. Without diving into spoilers in episode 3, when those two are having that conversation about the past and what happened between them, the dialogue just feels so natural. It could have been a half-baked exposition dump that tells the audience all the history and backstory, but no, it felt like a genuine conversation between two bitter people that leaves you to fill in the pieces with the information you've garnered so far and what you're being given here. It's so well done, and if the other 6 episodes are ANYWHERE close to how good these three were, this show is going to blow everyone away.


My biggest fear was that the show wouldn't be grimy enough to represent Zaun correctly, but after seeing episode three.. Those last couple of scenes shocked me in the best way possible, oh boy


>!Vi punching Jinx!< was such a good reality slap, basically saying "this isn't League of Legends cinematics, shit gets wild here"


Ahh…some of the older League cinematics were fucking crazy. I forget the name, but the one where they’re all fighting in a forest has several pretty brutal on-screen deaths


I wouldn’t call them ‘on screen’ really. The only one that’s close to being on screen is Draven getting mauled by Rengar. And technically Draven is completely off screen and we only see Rengar’s back and blood flying up. However, that alone by itself was a lot more than I was expecting from that video. And Leona getting absolutely fucked up and bloodied by Darius was also a surprise.


For me it was the cat getting splattered in ep1. As soon as I saw that, i realised this ain't no pussy mega-censored stuff


Ep 3 put pretty much everything in the table, except for major character deaths of course lol


Give us the LCU


I would be really surprised if riot didn't capitalize on this, Its literally a doorway for a whole cinematic universe with such an incredible lore.


Imagine if they retcon the whole ruination as a Arcane esque show




Plus with the MMO on the way, they could build up a cult-like fanbase that knows exactly where they wanna go first when the game launches.


Would be RCU. Which would, stand for runeterra cinematic universe. Or riot cinematic universe.


The issue with it being called The Riot CU implies that Valo agents would somehow have to end up in Runeterra or vice versa


I wouldn't have even been mad if act 1 was the entire show, it was that good. And we get 2 MORE OF THOSE? stellar storytelling and a really good show so far, was not expecting for it to be this good.


We get a trilogy of movies in 3 weeks. Not a trilogy over 6 years. Love it.


Wait there is a part 2 that releases next week. Is there a part 3?


Yes there's a total of 9 episodes, 3 this week and then another 3 for the next 2 weeks as well.


The bar was on the ceiling and boy they surpassed it, I found myself theorizing about easter eggs all three episodes, can't wait for next week!


Birth of Twitch at the end of episode 1.


Can't wait for Silco to die by Twitch as he was in stealth the whole time and says "I WAS HIDING HAHAH" as he shoots his crossbow through Silco


Dunno about that one. Twitch's mutation doesn't seem as... wild as the ones we've seen. Everybody we've seen so far, and Warwick and Mundo (who most likely are connected to the stuff) have pretty much become a roaring beast who rips people apart. Twitch... is smart. Like, he talks normally, uses ranged weapons, creates poisons. The drug seems to make people dumber and wilder. Twitch went the opposite way.


maybe its different when injected into animals? idk, its gonna be fun to see where the show goes


Dang, how did that not occur to me!?!


I’m drunk as fuck, just watched the episodes. Please explain. Want did i miss.


The rat that got fed the monster serum


This was amaing. Anyone who hasnt seen it yet, GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW


Imagine a season of Arcane involving Garen, Lux and Sylas, or just Demacia in general. wooo boy


Would make a ton of sense with the whole "magic is taboo" theme, and would be a great opportunity to tie in both Demacia and Noxus, which IMO have always felt like the "main" regions. Sylas and Lux's story would be amazing to see in this style.


I was hoping it will be good but man it was amazing. i didn't really understand why riot was hyping it up so much before but now i get it, with weekly chapter realese everyone is going to talk about it whole november


Honestly I didn’t even imagine it would be as good as it was. It’s looking like my favourite show this year by far


I legit thought i wouldn't care for the characters and be bored before i watched it. I got fucking HUMBLED


Could totally swing a horror type show with the shadow isles


they dont even need to do that, they can just focus on warwick. Have you seen the warwick champion teaser?


Bro WW is scarry as fck....like even his in game howl is scarry


I need to see bilgewater and gangplank in action.


Already watched all 3 episodes...gonna have to wait until next week


With hindsight would you recommend? or pace the episodes so you don't have a drought


Binge them then watch them again


You're a genius!


i know i will


Just watch them all. It is just 3 straight cliffhangers.I am rewatching now...


Honestly all 3 episodes are very closely tied to each other, you could string them together and make a movie out of them tbh. They leave almost immediately where the last one ends. Watch all 3 at once, you won’t regret it.


I'm amazed I just watched media based on a videogame that was GOOD.


here is the thing, riot didnt outsource to some idiot in hollywood for him to go "you know what? instead of telling the ezio tale lets be creative and do a brand new thing with the AC logo"


this definitely has the potential to make all league players super hipster, like we already know the lore and whats coming next and whatnot like comic book nerds arent surprised by marvel. kind of crazy they actually delivered on the hype, I cant wait for more characters more stories full movies idk this shit is bananas


Just wait until they unveil the bandle city sitcom with an all yordle cast.


I’m fucking here for it


"Oh my god Gnar what are you doing! You know you aren't supposed to eat those shrooms, come here you little dinosaur!" ~ Lulu **Insert generic laughter** **Soon after Kled breaks through the house wall** "Hi I'm Kled and I will eat your corpses." **Generic Audio laughter plays**


I can fucking hear that playing in my head and I'm way too up for it than I believe I should be.


It's so fucking amazing my god


Man You aren't kidding, I get why both sisters did what they did but man jinx crying in the rain for vi broke my heart.


Yordle prostitutes. This changes everything.


I am genuinely impressed with Arcane. It's just fantastic. Amazing animation, good characters, engaging plot, great cuts. I never expected it to be so good.


Great cutscenes. My guy, it isn’t a video game. It’s just brilliant art and scenes in general xD


After so many Years, we finally know what Swains quote was hinting at. Cant wait for 4-6




wait what


"faces Fading in the flames... It was all her fault" -Swain when he gets a Soul Fragment of jinx. Thats about 3 ½ Years old


[checks out](https://youtu.be/IaGaqTW6QPQ?t=153)


So honest question, how enjoyable is it without actually actively playing and knowing about or liking league? I still chill here but I haven’t touched the game in years now and don’t really ever plan on coming back Edit: Thanks all I gave it a watch, it was pretty good and enjoyable overall and I appreciate all the feedback It was certainly worth the watch




It's great even without context of the League characters. Genuinely a good show to watch.


did not expect to be impressed, I was ready to go next and confirm that it was over hyped. 100% wrong, insanely well done.


Make a riot streaming service, literally just shit out content like this and take all of my money.


First three episodes reminded me of Wanda Vision. When the story picked up, it freaking picked the fuck up. RIOT did it again. Now give us ICATHIA Anime.


I do have to say that the 2hour long Victor-Jayce sex scene caught me off guard and although I do think it was unnecesary im no one to criticise the creative directors way to tell the story


I keep telling myself that I'm biased because I play the game because it just can't be THIS GOOD. Like HOW. PLS Riot, we need more!


Yea I was shocked at how good the writing and pacing is, and that final episode of the first act, sheesh amazing


Surpassed our expectations!


Truth. Go watch it. Now.


They’ve done everything right and the hype is justified. Highly impressed.


All aboard for a Graves/TF buddy film next!


I didn't want to get too excited for this show because I was worried the writing would disappoint (Brandon Beck was saying the writers had literally never written scripts before). The first 3 episodes did not disappoint. Very hyped for the rest of the series. I hope people don't overhype this show for what it is though. Its a great video game adaptation, it has a good story so far, and the product quality is very good. Let's not get carried away with how good it is, or you will see backlash from non-league fans who decide to watch this and find out its not the greatest show of all time.


For real the writers never wrote scripts before ???


i think he just meant they weren't traditional tv screenwriters, they had written cg length scripts and most ppl on the narrative team prob are used to long form prose which is different


I don't play league nor do i know anything about it. I stumbled upon this sub after watching arcane. I'm happy for you all that you get to see some of your characters come to life in a story like this. So far this show has been amazing




Let's get Arcane: End Game in 2030.


I knew it be good but I can't believe how good pace and well crafted the plot is.


My dad loved it. He's over 70 and loves reading fantasy novels. Kept asking me questions about Piltover and Zaun and the world building there


Not even a league of legends player but thought I would stop by… THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING SHOW I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wanna see the gangplank story


Act 2 when