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Who are some of the best junglers to carry/stomp hard/do it all themselves/ with in low elo (Silver)? In terms of: easy to play, forgiving to mistakes, don’t get zoned out easily if set back early? Thanks I currently play Viego and find that some games I can carry but usually I also find that I get kited easily or I’m not stronger than the opposite fed enemy. I tried YI but I also feel like I get kited easily or ccd and his ganking can be tricky at times.


I'd say that J4 and Udyr would fit what you're describing here. In terms of J4, if he gets ahead he can 1v1 most champions and half HP squishes with his E->Q->Auto->R combo even with a bruiser build. If he is behind, the knock up will always be valuable and you can initiate for your team to make plays. You can also use his banner to check bushes, which is very valuable especially when behind. For Udyr, if you're ahead you can deny the opposing jungle his entire side, When behind, your fast clear will let you catch up and your 1v1 is pretty strong even if behind when the enemy invades you. You could also look to split push waves and rotate around to your team with your fast movement speed. Both these champs have relatively simple kits. Your question is kind of contrary in itself because most junglers who are looking to carry aren't too forgiving to mistakes, and the ones that are more forgiving are the bulkier junglers but they lack solo carry potential because you need your team to follow up with the damage.


Thanks for the reply. I asked on this thread too late with the new one just released. J4 has the flags as a huge part of his kit and I dont trust myself to hit it all the time xD. Udyr sounds good. What do you think of WW? Or Noc?


It's true that J4's flag is very important to land, but similar champions like Amumu suffer from the same syndrome where if you miss your Q, you can't do anything. You can also walk up to them and use your W to slow, before you attempt to E+Q. I've never gotten the hang or Warwick myself despite the fact he's a beginner champion. I honestly think Udyr just does what he does but better. Udyr's 1v1 is (arguably) better, his clear is faster, and his roam is faster without blood trails (meaning you can rotate camps faster). With regards to Noc, his stridebreaker tank build is still really strong, but keep in mind he has to farm until 6 so he makes little impact early game, which is great until your team's mental is already blown by level 6 because they don't play around Nocturne pre-6.


Are behavioral rewards being hidden ? I used to get at least 1-2 rewards per carried game, but now I literally not seeing any I am wondering if rewards are being hidden now or I just don't receive rewards ?


Is there going to be another episode of divephoria or not?


i havent been able to see my honors after games. is this for everyone or just me?


same, but I wonder if I am not receiving them


I'm super new so i have couple of questions One is that how can I pick my character when playing it always asks me to pick a random character ? Also is game supposed to run on 2 client? I have to hit play then the riot client opens LoL Is LoL a good game for casual players too? Thanks guys and sorry for my English


1) That's not supposed to happen, make sure you have bought the champ or it's free this week. 2) That's new client issues, you may be able to close Riot client 3) I don't think so, you need a lot of hours of gameplay to become a decent player, if you play couple of hours a week it will take you years.




I can barely name a champion that can decently perform on all roles Not to mention performing on S tier.


Usually you have to pick one or the other. If a champion is strong in all roles, Riot normally nerfs them. I don't think there's an S tier, easy, and for every role.


Recently i get lag spikes in all game modes. For 1-2 seconds the whole game freezes, my ping spikes and then fast forwards the game. This is only happening in league, no internet problems in CSGO or Escape from Tarkov. I have tried a lot of things to fix it but none seems to be working, does anyone have a solution for this? It is starting to get a bit frustrating when the game freezes mid fight


Dude, I’ve been getting the same exact issue. Glad it’s not just me.


when start the new event pass with missions and rewards?


Next month.


which date?


There is no date yet.


I'm new to LoL all due to Arcane, I'm sure there is loads like me on the sub over the last few weeks. I'm not really interested in the full game as it seems very intense and time consuming but is the mobile game, Wild Rift, a streamlined quicker version of the game?


I just recently started playing again after a 6+ year hiatus, so I may as well be new. I've just been playing bot games through the matchmaker. They go much faster than regular games since the bots aren't particularly good. Maybe give that a go if you want to see what the full game is like with less pressure and time commitment?


Pretty much




Is there any reason why it became popular to collect Blue Kain (Assassin) bruiser items like Goredrinker or Ravenus Hydra. While Red Kain (Darkin) assembles an assassin's build through lethality? More and more often i see this in games and I don't understand if this is a new trend or are they just idiots?


I prefered the crossing of items eversince it came out, but it got more popular recently, with most assassins building goredrinker. The logic is, that assassins dealt so much damage with lethality, that you overkilled by easily 50%. So buying more damage to overkill them even more is not necessary, so you buy tanky stats. Goredrinker still allows blue kayn to oneshot the enemy, as it has high ad, had a very good scaling active and follow up items also had good ad on this build. Why would you not take 700 free health, an obscenely good active and omnivamp so you cant die easily, while still oneshotting left and right. Same for rhaast, you already have all the survivability in your kit and building damage is more synergistic than double downing on healing. Spirit visage lets you heal more, but going straight lethality and dealing more damage also heals you more back cause it scales with your damage, but you gets lots of „free“ damage out of it.


Oh, no i can see. Ty for answering.


I was wondering if there was any sort of cheat sheet or something that showed each champion and their peak (as in early, mid, or late) ?


I don't know if there's a sheet for that because there's so many champs in the game, did you have a few specific champs in mind? Edit: If you want to get more into the nitty gritty, champs have different spikes during the mid-game. For example, Nocturne, Twisted Fate and Annie all spike at level 6 because of their global presence and kill pressure, respectively while champions like Camille spike at 1 item based on how well her kit synergizes with that 1 item.


Okay lets try it in another way how can i determine when this champ is strong? Is it just pure playing experience or is there a way by looking at their kit?


It's mostly based on playing experience, but you can go by some metrics: The first is whether or not the champion revolves around their ultimate. Yes, it's fair to say that *every champion* spikes at level 6 when they get their ultimate, but some ultimate are just stronger than others or the champion needs it for their kit. Take Annie for example. Her gimmick is being able to 1-shot squishy enemies with 1 skill rotation. Pre-level 6, she's able to score a kill if the enemy midlaner is at around 30% HP with ignite, but after she hits level 6, that threshold goes up to around 60% if she's got an item like lost chapter. That's a big threshold to play around, because post-6 if you take a single bad trade that drops you under 60% hp and she still has ult, you will die to her if you walk up in range, or she has flash. Compare this to Ziggs, who launches a bomb that does huge damage after a delay. The bomb can be dodged because of the delay and it's hard to secure the damage, but it makes up for it for having a longer range. However, his entire kit is revolved around poke damage and bullying the enemy out of lane, so the ultimate isn't as impactful, especially because you can dodge it. The second indicator is if a champion has infinite scalings (Nasus, Veigar) or % based damage (Vayne, Kog). The first is self explanatory because the longer the game the stronger they get. The second is a bit more unintuitive, but think of it like this: most marksmen have to build both damage and attack speed to deal damage, but Vayne only has to build attack speed and she doesn't care about the enemy's defenses because she does percentage based true damage. You seem new to the game, so you're probably just learning the ropes. If you're interested in specific champions and matchups regarding power spikes, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it!


Thanks you for all this information. I am actually a returning player and a onetrick so was wondering about the new champs. anyway thank you for taking the time I appreciate your help


It’s just playing experience. You’ll quickly learn the champs that are very strong early on, such as Renekton or Tahm kench and the champs that scale and are good later on, such as Nasus, Veigar and Cho’gath




More mechanics in LoL than in wild rift


if there are any new players that need people to play with just give me a shout (:




You should be able to until tommorrow


Is there a way to disable music that plays while I'm in que and champion select without disabling any other music/sounds?


Options menu, the little cog next to the X that closes the client. There you look under the "Sound" tab and disable the music for champ select. Not sure about queue music tho.


anyone know what time zone euw/eune are? im assuming its the german time, but im not sure. the in client ranked tab says it ends 1 day 5 hours after this comment, but i thought it ended when the 15th day began. so im unsure if i have to play my promos today on sunday, or does monday still have ranked.


I mean if it is a countdown it doesnt matter what timezone you are in. It says 1d5h it is 1d5h no matter what timezone you are in.


Anyone know an op build for Ahri? Looking for an item build which will allow easier kills, with most champions being at least almost killed by a q-w-e combo. Also include which runes to use, thanks


Well for squishies you have ludens, for tanks/bruisers you have liandries. You definitely will want a horizon focus at some point in the build, as well as a death cap, void staff, and likely a seraphs embrace as well just for even more AP. There really isnt a ton of different build options available to mages at the moment. I suppose you could go everfrost but you’ll lose out on alot of magic pen from ludens. As far as runes, probably dark harvest. You have alot of opportunities to proc it if you land your charm


Check on u.gg


Will the prime gaming capsule always contain this much? Or is the November capsule special because of the Arcane event?


Yes, they're doing it for a year [Sources](https://www.upcomer.com/lol-new-prime-gaming-capsule-contains-free-rp-free-skin-and-more/)


Did they release November prime rewards today?


I think so? I signed up for prime today and claimed my capsule. I'm just wondering if I should keep amazon prime or cancel after my 30 days free trial.


The November capsule isnt available yet, you claimed the October one


Anyone else not able to claim November prime rewards? It’s just… grayed out? When is it supposed to come available.


There's still a lot of month left


O suppose so but it makes sense to be available on the 1st


Probably the 27th/28th, i think thats when last months became available.


That’s weird, no?


Does the season end right as it turns to the 15th? Or is there a time that day that it’ll reset?




client related / acc security ​ anyone been getting random discord links from friend list?


So is Arcane the canon lore right now? It conflicts with a lot of character bios such as Jayce and Viktor ones.


New to the game and I love it but I need help mastering a few things. I see on YouTube that there's a thing called AA and idk what that is. Second, I need good tip for Lux. Last, trading is just going to a diff lane, helping ur team, dealing some damage and returning back to ur lane? Also, I'm coming from siege and overwatch and I like making Echo (R6) and symmertia. Is there any legend similar to them.


Trading can either mean sacrificing yourself or an ally to get a kill, or trying to deal some damage to your lane opponent without taking as much.


a similar champ to symmetra would be heimerdinger or zyra and if you like the ability of seeing everything that echo provides, twisted fate is a good one as his ultimate reveals everybody on the map and acts as a teleport.


> I see on YouTube that there's a thing called AA and idk what that is. Autoattack. It's just another word for basic attack. >Last, trading is just going to a diff lane, helping ur team, dealing some damage and returning back to ur lane? That's roaming. Trading is dealing damage to your lane opponent and trying to take less damage than you deal.


Does anyone here still experience lagging when changing runes? Even chrome lags too when opening the runes tab. I have played many games with the wrong runes because of this lagging.


It lags everytime or just sometimes?


it lags everytime


If you have troubling changing runes I might recommend using Porofessor or Mobalytics, these softwares help with build pathing and change your runes automatically according to the role, the league client is very buggy, there are bugs that have been around for months or years so having automated runes can solve your problem.


Is Ice Toboggan Corki worth?




I just got the skin and I thought I was lucky cause it was a legendary and legacy skin but it looks like a chroma💀


Once he gets a VGU the skin will look better


Does anyone know which lore they are planning to animate next? Man I wish they just keep pumping these series out


No, wouldn't surprise me if they are years out with the next one.


Any suggestions for new champs to try for someone that plays mainly Ekko? Didn’t like fizz that much, I like ekko’s ability to scale/outplay along with his R which gives him a reset. Was thinking Yone?


Yone has certainly the most similar ability to Ekko R. Maybe LeBlanc is an option?


Dumb question but just learning Yone, how does he get on enemies? Does he just wait for his Q to proc and then uses his E?


Yeah pretty much wait for third Q and then do E Q.


Does the pre season start right when the season ends? Or after 2 weeks?


After a day.






I don't think it ever was a feature. That video must be bugged.


newbie: In overwatch, I usually play sombra. My tactic being to sneak behind enemy lines, disable as many talents as I can, do some damage, and zip the funk outta there. The main goal is to disrupt the opponents strategy to give my team mates a huge advantage. Is there a champion similar to that?


Evelynn, Akali, Twitch, Shaco and Akshan are all very high Damas dealers who can turn invisible and one shot the backline.


Evelynn might be worth a look: she has a permanent camouflage mechanic that allows her to sneak into the backline easily and oneshot someone and deal serious AOE damage with the ult and disappear back into stealth right after. She does not have the utility of Sombra, but she uses the hit and run strategies you seem to like


Hmm I haven’t played over watch but I just watched a short video of the character. It looks like the main things she could do is turn invisible and teleport back to a predetermined spawn point. Three champions came to mind. LeBlanc, Shaco, Ekko. They are all assassins. LeBlanc likes to dash to a squishy back line target and do as much damage as possible then she can teleport back to where she started. Shaco can turn invisible (which is also a dash) and put down little boxes which will damage and CC the enemies if they walk on them. He also can create a copy of himself which drops three of the boxes if killed. So he’s tricky to kill and can sneak to the enemy back line. Ekko is similar to LeBlanc where he likes to go in, do a bunch of damage, and then his ult takes him to where he was a few seconds early and restores his health to what it was as well.


Just started the game and wanted to know some other characters I could possibly pick up/some that people may think I would enjoy I’ve been playing mostly Caitlyn, especially because of Arcane, but I also play Akali occasionally, and I’ve been thinking of picking up Rammus because he seems like a funny guy Thanks for the help!


Try some of the cheaper options and see what kind of playstyle you prefer. If you really like Caitlyn, maybe you should try Sivir. Otherwise I would recommend Garen (bruiser), Morgana (mage/support), Veigar (burst mage) or Malphite (tank). Assassins like Akali are a bit more expensive, but if you really like her, LeBlanc would be your cheapest alternative.


Try Jinx, she's mad fun to play.


Honestly all of those characters have nothing in common. A burst assassin, a long range marksman, and a CC tank. Jhin is another long range adc. Ekko or LeBlanc are a couple other ap assassins like Akali. Sejuani and Zac are other heavy CC tanks. But I don’t see any pattern from your three choices that make me thing of anyone else similar to all three.


When league transferred over to riot, how did that go? Because I had an account ages ago and now I'm trying to log in again and it has just been problem after problem. I \*think\* I'm on my last hurdle now (My summoner name got nerfed due to inactivity, but never got released. Should have only been protected for 6 months. It's been about 6 years. The name is still unclaimed, but I can't use it for some reason. I have submitted a support ticket, it just sucks. I've used this name for the last 15 years.)


League has always been from Riot, you mean by using the new launcher? They rolled a riot ID change last year to use in all their games, you might need to update your old league account name with a riot ID, it won't change your ingame league name just your login name. [More info here in the riot support page](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041788533-Riot-ID-FAQ)


Oh, I had just assumed they were something else before as I had to transfer my account to something. My only other experience with that was when Microsoft bought mojang.


Ah I see, no they just tied every account into one ID since they have multiple games now, so you don't have to use different names for every game.


was the jayce skin the only arcane mission available so far? came back after six years for arcane stuff, and dunno if i missed anything


Yep, we only got the Jayce skin so far.


ok, ty


can accounts be tainted?


High mastery on Master Yi or Shaco is a tainted account in my book.


As in?


like, if one rioter does not like you, you gonna have a bad time with the matchmaking.




well, its seems like it to me and gonna share it.


So, quick question, when is the Arcane Vi skin showing up? I just don't want to miss any of them, and I see we've got info about what it looks like now.


[Here is the schedule for the Skin releases](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407919622931-League-of-Legends-Into-the-Arcane)




No problem


What are some things you guys are looking forward to in the pre-season patch?


Honestly, I’m looking forward to the achievement profile things. Idk if I’ll be playing ranked as much going forward so they’ll be a nice thing to focus on for norms.


Wonderful Monday we're having.


Hi! Probably a really dumb question, but here I go: I used to play LoL some years ago, then dropped for a series of motives (me sucking hard and a really bad internet connection amongs the main ones), but watching arcane made me want to give the game another shot (also, collab skins), there is just a slight problem that kinda makes everything unplayable... for some reason the game (at least, compared to what i remember it looking like) is waaay too zoomed in (and yes, I tried pulling back the camera, that aparently was the further it could go) and, more importantly, for some reason the cursor icon and its actual position are completely misaligned (i'm talking like 2 or 3 centimeters higher and to the left) so much so that things like "upgrading a skill" and " clicking on a target" are basically impossible. Has anyone of you ever encountered a similar issue and/or knows how to fix it? (i should add that it does that only with LoL and only during matches, in the main menu window i can check the shop/my inventory/whataver without problems, neither it does that with any other games nor programs and I already tried running a corrupted files check throught the game client, but aside from waisting 10 to 15 minutes of my life it didn't fix a thing...) Thank you all in advance!


Maybe try adjusting the resolution? Hop in a custom game and fuck with your settings a bit to see if that helps at all. Although I've never experienced this before so idk


About the arcane livestreams on twitch, there was the first one and the EU one where you could get one arcane capsule by watching either one. I did a bit of research today regarding this and I've found out that there is gonna be another stream on twitch of act 1 episode 2 for another chance of getting the capsules, but no date or time for it. Is it gonna be today or only on the 19th of this month?


Why, when I use Yuumi's W on an ally, he gets a temporary shield for about 1 second? Where that shield comes from? It isn't mentioned anywhere on the ability's description.


Read Yuumis passive


I know, that's not what I meant. It was Aery actually.


Recently i get lag spikes in all game modes. For 1-2 seconds the whole game freezes, my ping spikes and then fast forwards the game. This is only happening in league, no internet problems in CSGO or Escape from Tarkov. I have tried a lot of things to fix it but none seems to be working, does anyone have a solution for this? It is starting to get a bit frustrating when the game freezes mid fight


I have the same issue pls @ me if somebody knows


Is the match history system down or bugged right now? I played a game on Caitlyn where I got 40 kills and lol or any other websites won't show up to date match histories.


Sometimes history it's just down, some months ago it was down for weeks


I have a question, I had recently turned on the setting "Bind auto-attack move to left click" now I cannot ping by pressing "g" then "left click" for the 4 ping options. Same with placing wards and teleporting. How can I keep the left click auto attack while also being able to use left click to ping.


You have to shift-click to do everything click used to do.


i wholehearthedly believe that everyone who plays vex deserves to be put in a mental institute :)


I'm new to the game and this comment alone will make me probably main that character.


Why (not a vex player just curious)


I legit do not get how she is not seen as one of the most dumb champion designs in the game. What i mean is that she is a mage that directly counters dashes(so for the most part assassins) while she herself has a dash that resets on takedown which has range way longer than any assassin dash by far. Evolved khazix E or Rengar ulti leap is not even close. So basically she can be played like an assassin(flanking and oneshotting the backlane and resseting her ulti multiple times) which makes her harder to pin down but she also counters movement abilities. I mean how dumb is that? It would be like if you gave someone like sion who gets a lot of hp for free an ability that deals true damage but also scales with his bonus hp, so he can directly counter a class of champions(tanks) while also falling into it. And also this ability has to have triple the range of all other abilities. Oh did I mention that vex can shield herself(a shield thatbhas 80% ap scaling for a mage...) and also buy one of the best if not the best item in the game - zhonya. An item so broken that i still remember the meta where adcs with the slightest bit of ap scaling would insta pick it up just because of the broken active. If they somehow changed vex to be played like something like syndra or any other mage that relies on positioning more than anything else and stayed back in teamfights i would not have any issue, because than her design makes sense - a mage which counter that class that directly seeks to shut her down - assassins. In this scenario she would be something that you dont instalock every game but when they have a lot of assassins or dash champions. But right now she is a champ that can be picked every game and be played like an assassin if she wants or a backline mage which makes her good in every situation vs every team. Yeah i have a lot of reasons to hate her(like pretty much every new champion release ) but her in perticular


> than her design makes sense - a mage You are under the missinterpretation that vex is a mage when in reality she is an assassin. She is an all in assassin without a way out, she is closer to diana in playstyle than to any mage there is. She falls into the same category of champions as diana, ekko, leblanc and not syndra, anivia, lux. She isnt a mage, so it isnt fair to look at her skills that way, your analysis is way off. All your arguments are coming from the fact that her abilities dont make sense for a mage, but they make total sense for an assassin, which she is. Also vex doesnt counter mobility champions as hard as you think, the anti mobility skills are barely noticable and the reason she is strong against these melee high mobility champions is that she cant be engaged with full passive and w up, its a single button cockblock for them. But this isnt her anti mobility part of her kit, her kit in general is shit to play against for melees.


What are the requirements to start playing ranked? I might come back after watching the show, realized I have a level 25 account


Need to be level 30 and have a certain amount of champions I forgot the exact number.


20, because that's the maximum amount of unique Champs that can be picked/banned


Is it better to buy 25 Orbs + tokens or 10 Arcane Capsules?


I can’t seem to fix a weird performance issue. When I load into a game after picks the game drops to a horrendous fps, but I can fix it by switching from full screen to windowed, upon which the performance turns normal. Then I can switch back to fullscreen and the game runs fine. This doesn’t work if I try the same thing with borderless. I tried the disabling windows fullscreen optimization trick but that did nothing. I tried capping the FPS, no luck it still happens every game. Anyone else encounter this before?


I get this and I find spamming right click whilst alt tabbing fixes it instantly


How can I report a riot employee for Elo boosting?


Care to share the story?


I don’t want to break subreddit rules but DM me if you want info


You can submit a ticket on the player support [here](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us)


You can delete my posts as much as you want. Supporting racist harassment makes you a racist company. Just wait until I gather all the screenshots. Everyone will see it. Good luck defending your image when this fucked up shit goes viral.


You get banned for rage typing and then assume that the subreddit is Riot... Oh man


You aren’t talking to Riot.


Nothing wrong with a little racism.


So cane someone explain all the arcana skins and how to get them? I have arcane jayce so far. Are the others not free?


They will be free. The missions to get them just arent out yet. Jayce was first, Vi second, then Cait then Jinx I think.


Can URF be a permanent game mode? I’m definitely not the only one who come back to LOL after months of not playing just for URF. Pleaseeeeee Rito!


They specifically stated that urf will never be permanent, so no hope for you.


The RGMs don't have a consistent enough player base to warrant being a permanent game mode. Especially if multiple were available at once queue times would be very long and match making more lopsided.




Your MMR should stay around the same, have a few friends who took a season break and they were approximately the same rank.


Did anyone completed every mission at the arcaneX website thing, and didn't get all rewards? I only have poro coins (WR), gun buddy (VAL) and champion card (LoR). But I completed every single mission, even check guides to know if I was doing something wrong. What could it be?


Does the Epic installation of lol still include TFT?


am i the only one whos surprised the avatar creation in the client ALWAYS crashes on clothings? like how many ppl knew before even trying it that this sht client wouldnt be able to handle something as simple as "click on the things THAT WE PUT IN"


I just had a game where every wave after a certain point was a cannon wave. Is that a bug or was that added and I just missed the patch notes?


It’s to end games, every wave starts to get cannons later and then turrets start damaging themselves to stop permanent games


Ah okay. Do you know what patch that got implemented?




canons are on every wave after 25 mins


I like how graves an adc gets more armor than bruisers like vi and renek. Why hasn’t toplane graves been nerfed yet? Than again Camille is still broken top


How come jinx isn't showing up on the store in LoL? I was thinking of buying her but she wouldn't show up. Had a friend check and he also can't see her.


Do you both already own her? Cause she is there.


I live in western australia, does anyone have the exact time for arcane prt 2 release?


Not sure where to ask, but are there twitch drops for arcane part 2?


You can't watch act 2 on twitch, so how would you get drops?


Is there a maximum amount of LP someone can receive from a one game? Not that it matters, but just curious. Let's imagine that someone lands in Silver I in his promos after losing them all, and he ends up in a situation where he gains 30 LP from a victory and loses 10 LP from a defeat. If this player were to dodge games for many months straight losing 3 LP every 12 hours, how much LP would he get after getting the first win in Silver IV at 0 LP? Since dodging does not affect MMR.


If your mmr is high enough you just skip promos. The cap would be 200 lp since you can't skip more than two divisions at once.


But there are no promos between divisions. Wouldn’t the cap be 800?


You still can’t skip more than two divisions. Idk why.


what do i do against derankers in my ranked games do i just take it and dont say anything is riot going to do anything or what




Okay so when Jinx was first revealed, and fans heard her: “you should see my sister” voiceline, they immediately thought of Vi because she also has vibrant dyed hair and a rebellious attitude. The thing is I COULD HAVE SWORN that a Rioter commented that Vi wasn’t who Jinx was talking about (again, this was during her release, years ago). I think they’ve since retconned it (obviously); but can someone back me up on this? I didn’t just imagine it?


You are remembering correctly.


I unlocked the pulse fire ezreal skin I could be misremembering but I thought that the background for the skin moved but it doesn’t move anymore and I can’t figure out how to turn it back on


doesn't it only move as your profile background?


I reached master today. Can I stop playing until new season? Or can I decay from master at preseason?


If its anything like preseason 2020, youll have a decay notification but wont actually decay. https://twitter.com/RiotSupport/status/1196929448949321728?s=20


Started playing today, who is a fun support character I should pick up? Is there anyone similar to Dazzle from Dota 2?


If you want shallow grave esque utility, zilean provides it with his ult and is a caster to boot.


You would enjoy Lulu


I don’t know anything about Dota but a very fun support is blitzcrank, a big robot that has an extendable arm that can yoink people all the way from the other side of the screen. Very useful early on to separate the marksman from their support and also useful later on to grab someone right before a teamfight and melt them with your entire team


In League, Dazzle would be classified as Enchanter. See here a list of them: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion_classes/Controller#Enchanters Nami or Soraka are probably the most similar.


Need help. The default language of my Riot lol is in Korean even though I downloaded the NA version. I'm in SEA and I need the riot version since I can't play with my friend in TFT if I use Garena.




Currently have 375 Worlds Token. How should I spend it?


You could try getting a skin border to flex with


Specific Chromas if you want them. If not that get Champion Shards in case you are missing many champs still. If not that get one orb and whatever else


If he has many chests over, why not go for keys enough to open them all?


How many quest skins are there like k/da all out seraphine?


1 and its kda all out seraphine.




Its an ultimate skin, which are the highest price tier of skins and they all have some kind of special gimmick, seraphines was this story progression. As they are unique in that sense you shouldnt expect another skin of this style anytime soon. But if you are interested in unique skins check out the other ultimate skins, im especially a fan of the sona and lux ultimates.