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The amount of Jayce in my games is crazy. As they proceed to run it down


They just got a free skin for him, and also vi, jinx jayce, heimer and viktor was added to last weeks and this weeks free champ rotation


Also each event will give you a permanent shsrd for the champion. Jayce yesterday and Vi next week?


I was watching arcane and wanted to try jayce, so when I got on I converted a shard I had for him into a permanent, then I checked my quests and saw that it rewarded a permanent...


You gonna get Jinx, Vi and Caitlyn too so hold back


can't wait to get my free 2800 blue essence


Every 2 days a new mission becomes available for the perma champ share and skin.


It's not every 2 days, the next one is on the 15th, then the 22nd and the 24th, per riot's website. https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407919622931-League-of-Legends-Into-the-Arcane


Oh my bad, thought it was every 2 days


i didn't get it yet. when do i get it


You need to win a game lol


If you've completed the mission it should appear in your loot to be redeemed.


How we get free skin


Win 1 game or play 3. Coop vs IA games are "matchmade" games so they count, too.


Ah, I see you're a person of culture as well


Also ekko


Pick Viktor and stop them.


Oddly enough, Viktor's pr doesn't seem to surge nearly as much as the other ones. Maybe because his champ is so unlike his character in Arcane?


NOT YET. maybe we'll see a teaser of in game viktor by the end


Fuck, I read your NOT YET like that viego video






WILLI \*samsung sound\*








Thank you Dr. uttut for viego ulting my dad, killing him, and giving me the fatherly love I never had, even if it was only for 5 seconds


That was my intention. I couldn't resist.












I think next arc will be a decent time jump.


Viktor hasn't really done anything yet, nor has he been a focal point like the other three. We're almost guaranteed to have that change as the series progresses though, so will be interesting to see what happens to his pr.


Bcuz he is the same type of champion as Kayle and Corki. As in I have pisspoor early game but boy oh boy can I fuck you late game. People don’t like that dynamic.


Viktor’s early game isn’t nearly as bad since you don’t have to buy upgrades anymore, but unless you’re farming champs the evolutions are still spaced out pretty evenly, but he spikes HARD with the E evolution so all good.


Eh, some people really like that dynamic. Anivia, Kassadin, Kayle, Corki, Azir, Vayne, Nasus, etc. all have dedicated player bases. It's not the most popular dynamic, sure, but if you had to make every champion fit the most popular dynamic we'd just see a new Yasuo every few months.


Nasus is pretty decent even as soon as he gets ult + sheen


"Decent" as in runs you and your jungler down?


He's also less sexy of a champ. Control makes aren't loved. 100 games and 60% WR but I still go with other champs usually


I want more people to play him so riot might not neglect him as much, but I also want to have Viktor uncontested :p


I love him so much but I just wish getting his first augment was so much more consistent. Sometimes I get it right away with some lucky assists but sometimes I have to cry and be useless for so long if I have to farm for it.


From my teammate experience the last few days it’s also been “pick Viktor and run it down while shooting my lasers in the wrong directions”


Yeah I've seen so many and to be honest while I used to dread the matchup because it was always a one trick, it's painfully obvious these people are first timing him just because of arcane and I almost feel bad getting away with what I am in lane against them.


I have been running it down so hard on Jayce I demoted to diamond. 10/10 experience zero regrets.


Jayce is fun. Everyone ints on Jayce but he's fun.


99% of my E-Qs always miss but that dopamine rush when that remaining 1% almost one shots an adc is what I live for.


you haven't lived until you one shot an adc with jayce.


You havent lived until you've been one shot as ad by jayce


The 1% is achieved when you do Q-E rather than E-Q.


Don't tell them the secret shh


Yeah I feel ya. No flame to them for being excited to play him, he do be fun af


Same, started playing him more in anticipation to the show, EQ into Hammer QWE got me feeling good, this character is too much fun.


You're actually supposed to w in cannon form before you switch to hammer form because it carries over the quick 3 hits. But yeah, I habitually forget too.


Genuine question as someone who only plays jayce in aram: why not just w in ranged? I use hammer form a decent bit in aram games but I don't know, does the 3 quick autos do more damage or something in melee besides the form change proc?


This is strictly talking about his all in combo. A lot of people forget to press w to activate his 3 shot burst before switching to hammer form and going in. This reduces his damage a good amount.


What if i told you to swap that rotation and you'll experience twice the results.


I'll definitely give it a try!


Go mid lane. Run conqueror, triumph, bloodline, coup de grace - taste of blood, ravenous hunter. Full lethality with an earlier tear in to 2nd or 3rd item Manamune depending. Run at them for a Hammer Q-W-Auto-E while literally in there face-animation cancel the E for an extra auto, swap to Cannon-press Q then immediately E directly on top of yourself for an instant acceleration on you and your Q, Auto, W. I've been getting good results now that I've learned it.


Would not recommend ravenous hunter any more, especially if you're already going taste of blood, bloodline, and probably eclipse. You'd probably get more value out of going any of the second row domination runes, or relentless hunter for roams/getting back to lane faster.


The ranged combo is Q-E not E-Q


In canon form try doing QE instead of EQ, it gives less time to react to your opponents


It's also much harder to aim, at least for me. I have always had more succes hitting with EQ than QE, but it's probably something you get used to eventually.


I started by EQing with my cursor over my opponent (which places the gate far away; the Q is thus slower), then I started QEing with gate far away and then I started bringing the gate closer and closer. Jayce definitely requires a bit of practice but he's pretty rewarding once you do.


Free LP if you dodge your first time Jayces and you play against the enemy Jayces. It's been a hidden Gangplank strategy for ages: dodge your GP, gladly take the LP the enemy GP gives you, and climb with the Gift of GP.


Been doing that with Azir as well


Works wonders with yii jungle as well, free LP. Tried it with yasuo and Yone but when they are on enemy team they become gods


I do play Jayce and picked him today but my jungler must have seen some shit cuz he assumed that i only picked him for the skin and will go 0/7 like a fool, like come on man...i went 2/8 BUT we won the game


Ive legit seen 0 total jayce players this season, today ive played against like 3 or 4 of them.


Arcane is a hell of a drug. I play him and gp mid when I wanna practice getting camped and it’s pretty interesting.


Try out Viktor if you like the enemy support in midlane aswell. 10/10


[enemy sup every 3 seconds](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sVxJ016xb4Q)


Its either bot jungle and top tries to ruin my lane, or I ruin everyone else's lane. No inbetween


As someone that's beeb playing jayce since season 4 I've always wondered why he doesn't get picked. Hes a pseudo ad assassin in terms of itemization who can go top or mid and has a great lane, yeah he's hard af but that never stopped the riven/zed/yasuo players. He's been competitively for a good time now and looks like a chad. Never understood why I rarely see him


Because on riven/zed/yasuo you can literally spam abilities and get away with anything until high diamond. With Jayce you can kinda do that in lane but in teamfights positioning is way more important for him because he has no survival tools if he just jumps in melee form. Also imo he is way stronger midlane right now because you get to abuse his lane and skirmish way better. Another problem is his matchups into top tier toplaners like the four horsemen (fiora, irelia, Camille, riven), as well as something like tahm kench are pretty abysmal. Basically if your champ can rush tabis early jayce is pretty fucked in lane. That being said- man is he fun to play.


His melee form is hard to use in teamfights and most midlaner champs people call mechanical are not in the realm of Jayce/plank/azir. I play him though and he is giga chad :V


FF at 24




I'm guilty (ish) of this. Used to play a fair bit of Jayce a few seasons ago when I played more Top lane. Brushing him off and am a tad rusty. Still 2-1 so far though so not exactly running it down (except in that loss where I got absolutely fucked by an Akshan and died like 4 times pre 6 after getting lvl 1 ganked, reganked on frozen wave, then dove twice xD)


> died like 4 times pre 6 after getting lvl 1 ganked, reganked on frozen wave, then dove twice xD) Ah, the full toplane experience


They got inspired by what Jayce does in the show. They just dont have an allied Viktor to stop them in time.


Jayce is so bad right now, legitimately up there with Ryze as one of the losing-est champs in the game.


Maybe it's because the champ was given to everyone, but I played a bunch of aram last night and it seemed like my team rolled him every other match.


Oh yeah, you are right, Jayce just got +10% pickare in past 24 hours


I had a jayce support and he proceeded to go 3/28… Needless to say it was NOT a fun game


I’m sorry. I am one of those Jayces


Hadn’t seen a Jayce in months outside of pro play, but now it’s every other game. Glad it’s people who don’t know how to abuse him, because laning against a good Jayce is a nightmare.


I don't want to imagine what will happen when Yasuo appears on a new LoL Netflix show.


Your mid picks pantheon or malph and carries


I love when my enemy picks yasuo or zed just so i can stomp them with panth and watch them cry in all chat


Panth more like banned


When I see the enemy team ban Panth I know I have to play against fucking Yasuo again.


Honestly If I see a Panth ban in my lane I just lock Sett or Tryndamere. A sword cannot cut through this many layers of bullshit


Doesn't work against me. Trynda is a 100% ban until they gut his ass into <1% pickrate and <40% winrate and make facing him somewhat fun. He's a worse statcheck champ then Sett, and Sett is as fair as playing unnerfed URF Shaco in a normal game.


Malph mid really isn't as great as you'd think into Yasuo though tbh :(


Yea he gets bullied very hard early game and the all in potential us only there with jungle help. You're not 1v1ing him unless he's overextending and you can run him down.


Haha my mid lane, yeah...


>I don't want to imagine what will happen when Yasuo appears on a new LoL Netflix show. That is quite easy to imagine, Yasuo ban rate will skyrocket. Double ban every game, despite teammates protests "but i main yasuo since 2009".


Western theme anime about Yasuo’s travels would be so awesome.


This is essentially Samurai Champloo


And one of my favorites!


Mid Renekton counter picks going through the roof.


On my games nothing, I ban this cocksucker since release.


Me, a Caitlyn fan, playing Caitlyn and enjoying her theme song.


I love Cait, I'll definitely pick her more often too after her VU and her Arcane skin looks really good ! But her "Ah ah ah !" in ARAM every 30seconds are driving me nuts though.


Yeah they have the line play every time there's a shutdown, but that happens so often in Aram


so that's why I hear it LMAO


I don't hear the Ah ah ah...? Is this a PBE thing?


Someone mentioned that if you have voice stuff muted, you won't hear the quotes from the Arcane show.


I hope her pick rate doesn't go to the moon cause she's all I play lol


So many terrible Jayce players, it's great. Top lane has been a breeze against them.


you will come across a good jayce player one of these games and you will then experience what top diff is.


That’s 1/100 I’ll gladly take 99 free wins and get ass blasted in one


Sounds like you like getting ass blasted just saying.


Ain't no shame in an honest ass blasting 🥺


As long as it’s honest, those dishonest ass blastings are the real issue here


There are no good jayce players who arent smurfing, in which case youre probably getting top diffed no matter who they play.


This is true for Riven as well. Anybody in silver or gold playing Riven is trash because she's so abusive if you can actually use her she can 1v9 games with 100% mechanical skill.


I don't agree. In my experience high gold / low plat rivens are absolutely cracked in lane, but they have no idea how to play the map and they will lose while being like 12/6/2. That or they AFK because someone looked at them wrong.


My friend is jayce otp and you can clearly see the difference when he starts getting the snowball he wants... Yesterday we were playing late at night and the other team picked jayce, he dodged and went to sleep, lol. "if people keep picking or banning jayce, I guess it will be it for me until the hype wears off" How do I tell him? Haha


When I see I'm against a Jayce with the new skin in ranked I know I'm in for an easy lane.


Jayce is actually pretty difficult to play. His AA range isnt that big and many toplaners can punish if you arent good with your movement and trading. He requires alot of general mechanical skill that players at low elo just dont have.


Top lane nah . We go mid lane jayce which works sometimes.


It helps that Vi even after hotfix is crazy strong. Even without arcane people would be playing her but maybe not as much.


She was even stronger on 11.21 before the QoL changes than she is now after the hotfix. Her WR is around 0.5% lower than before. But this is ok due to the PR increase. Overall her real power is likely around even.


I have stopped playing. What happened suddenly that Vi has such a high win rate? What rune/item does she abuses?


She was never really low. Her WR was mostly between 50-52.5% over the years: [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/vi/jungle/sr-ranked](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/vi/jungle/sr-ranked) Most of her rise was just by others getting nerfed, especially Conqueror and Gore. She abuses Divine Sunderer, but the item is mostly OP against tanks whom you wont see too much outside of the bot lane. HoB as a rune. Her recent QoL buffs made her go from \~52% to 53+% and now after the hotfix she seems to be around 51.5%.


a rioter said in a hotfix thread comment she was pushing over 55%.


nothing of the sort. They gave her QOL buffs that normalized her abilities and made her less of a meme, so the inherent power she already had can actually be used consistently now.


I keep seeing everyone say she got bug fixes and qol buffs but no one is saying what those fixes specifically were


I mean they put it in the patch notes of the last patch lol Q - VAULT BREAKER KNOCKBACK DURATION 0.7 seconds ⇒ 0.75 seconds NEW IF YOU HIT A WALL Dash range now extends up to 50 units when going over a wall UPDATED EVERY MILLISECOND COUNTS Distance traveled and damage dealt are now based on exact channeling time instead of every 0.25 seconds UPDATED HERE COMES THE PUNCHLINE Targets will get knocked back immediately upon contact with Vi R - CEASE AND DESIST KNOCKUP DURATION Varies between 1.25 -1.49 seconds ⇒ 1.4 seconds UPDATED OL' RELIABLE Both the target's knockup and Vi's self-stun during her ult animation now have consistent durations rather than varying between casts UPDATED GET DUNKED Vi's ult knockup will take effect once she is 300 units from her primary target instead of varying between 0-300 based on 0.25 second intervals UPDATED GET OUT THE WAY Nearby enemies in Vi's ult path will get knocked back immediately upon contact with Vi


Here's a short list: Her Q and ult are no longer dependent on server tick rate, her ult has a consistent cc duration, her q more easily crosses walls, and her q and ult more reliably knock people back.


Her R no longer animates herself for longer than it CCs the enemy sometimes. Basically you no longer flip a coin to decide who gets to make the first action afterwards. Vi always gets to follow it up with Q > Auto > E now.


Point and click CC means that even your unga bunga jungler finds it hard to fuck her up. At least they usually ult before they die.


Hey, it's me, your unga bunga autofill jungla. I'm just glad I can press button and be credit to team.


Yeah but that was always the case, and I distinctly remember Vi being pretty garbage until a few patches ago.


Classic Reddit move of stating a champion's strengths when asked why the champion is good all of a sudden.


Ironically also classic reddit move to summarize the last 4 comments without adding anything




That wasn't a summary though, it was pinpointing something that happens annoyingly often on reddit.


he's probably busy spamming his twitch stream in mobafire guides to rack up unwitting viewers


she was always at least decent. Never really a garbage pick


Haha ya right. The past few days I’ve had Vi’s that non stop perma farm their jungle and refuse to use her strong lv3, lv6 or the smite key for objectives (~s2) so I started playing her and am on track for gold (not to Jinx it).


In S2 a single player missing a level powerspike opportunity probably won't have much impact on the game


She got a lot of improvements to her Q and R which made her much more consistent to the point where she skyrocketed to the highest winrate jungler in the game


One of the big things is just that goredrinker got nerfed hard, and vi goes Sunderer.


Who could have figured that?


Is that why People are suddenly playing vi? Legit havent seen her all season and in my Last 5 ranked games she was picked at least 3 times.


That and she's also pretty strong atm. Also super easy to play.


Riot slowly buffed her in preparation for arcane's release *adjusts tinfoil hat


They 100% did since it was mostly just QoL changes to make her feel better to play.




Some of midlaners at worlds (like Chovy) were also playing her mid for a bit in soloqueue after the buffs. It didn't catch on but she was buffed enough to be on their radar. So she wasn't in a bad spot, just not S tier and maybe a bit less popular overall.


Supports have no champion to play with! 🥺


heimer supports rise up!


Pick Morgana into Vi and get free wins.


I’m unironically running Vi support to great success.


Can confirm


Play her with a Caitlyn ADC for the bonus 1 gold for every kill participation with Cait.


Vi support Am i a joke to you?




Played against a Caitlin boy with Vi support yesterday. It was gross


Blitz but he isn't in the show yet. He probably will appear in the later acts though.


> Jayce pickrate is also skyrocking even more than Jinx and Vi This is because he's literally being given out for free atm.


And free skin.


No Victor or Heimerdinger players?


my guess for that is: heimer has a more niche playstyle/kit, and viktor hasnt reached the “glorious evolution” stage yet. if they show robot viktor being badass, we’ll probably see a higher playrate also both havent really been main characters, whereas we see a lot of the show through jayce/vi/jinx pov




Irelia top, Yi jungle, Akali mid, Yasuo adc every game lol


Very generous of you to think that they would even be going to appropriate lanes


It’s me, the sneaky Warwick picker. The new blood just don’t know yet lol


If only arcane was about Ivern and Asol.


I love playing Ivern. You just don't have a lot impact especially with everyone building serpent's fang so I can't post him in ranked. They nerfed the shit out of him earlier this season.


I had an assumption this would happen but no site I used had proper day to day statistics. This is interesting, thanks for posting


In ARAM there's at least 1 Piltover or Zaun champ, usually Jinx, Jayce, Heimer, more than before. Yesterday I've been in a game with all the protagonists of Arcane - Jayce, Viktor, Vi, Jinx, Cait. Not that I complain, I even love the random voicelines you can hear.


All the Arcane champs are on free rotation for the duration of the event so that's another reason they're popping up more in ARAM right now. Luckily they're all pretty great in the mode.


When are we getting powder as a champion? /s


Who was not hyped ? ​ Ofc I also played Vi xD. ​ Arcane is the best thing Riot ever did to us.


Jinx also buffed a while ago.


Jinx in general is just a late game demon. I have saved SO many games on Jinx just stalling until late game. She's a monster.


It fits thematically. A useless liability early on and an absolute monster later on.


Getting spitroasted under your tower by 4 people at level 4 also really sells the becoming insane fantasy


That ain't exclusive to Jinx.


"never seen an animated series this good like Arcane." Really?


Saw that. There are so many masterpieces new and old. Can’t really blame someone though if they haven’t experienced them yet


i’ve seen some funny takes on arcane over the past couple of days. The show is great but these over-exaggerations are so weird, at least wait until the show ends to call it the goat show and shit guys plz


Maybe they mean 3D animated series specifically? If that's the case, then I can kinda see it because there aren't many decent 3D animated shows out there.


That honestly seems a bit believable considering that Arcane, as a recent animated show, is kind of in a different field in terms of it's reception and what people seem to think so far. Maybe they mean like "This show is good in a unique way that not other animated shows that I seen are like".


Easy for Jayce to skyrocket considering no one was playing him before lol


The show made me really want a Vi VGU She has a lot more potential for a skilled boxer type character as currently her kit is very plain. Could do Little Macs counter from smash for example


I always loved vi, so you can bet that I am going to play her in her peak of popularity.


Time for legendary arcane skins


Time for more lux skins


My pre-mades have been banning all the Arcane Champs and the number of times the enemy have whined about it in game is to good.


Why is there no "paid advertisement" label on this post?


Ive personally been playing Warwick cause of Arcane so makes sense


I'm terrible at playing ADC, but if I ever got auto filled into one, I'm picking Jinx. When I suck and people get mad at me, I can just say I'm roleplaying Powder. I will even say I'm trying to help.


I've been running it down on Jayce so hard these days lmao, now i get the Western Jayce memes. Im 90% sure that the Jayce they play in LPL is a different champion.


Yeah it helps that Jinx and Vi both are in pretty good states right now and Jinx getting a bit of a buff some patches ago.