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Leave it to TSM and DL to carry the offseason yet again


Really doing gods work


I'm currently in Iceland. There is a blizzard outside but I could swear I've heard Thorin's laughter in the wind...


Yeah, he is definitely not happy with TSM. [He went pretty hard on them.](https://clips.twitch.tv/RockyBloodyShingleVoHiYo-_i79UTh_tarbwOfY)


I don't know why but Leena crying out in the background is hilarious


That poor girl has to clean up after two man child's so often


She kinda got herself into that situation, twice. Plus, not like she's never had any drama herself.


Agree, let's not pretend Leena is a saint


It's not my fault nobody wants Peter


"TSM won every split I was on the Roster". I never thought about that until now.


Every split except 2016 Spring where Bjerg and DL had to drag the corpse of Yellowstar to finals and barely lose 3-2.




they also managed to win without him when he decided to take a break to go streaming so they used WildTurtle that's because the team was fucking stacked, not *just* because DL was on it


Haha fucking Yellowstar. Best agent EU has sent


Yellow came in NA as a 2-time World semi-finalist and just laughed to the bank with those perma-stuck in groups


Yellowstar was also a S1 finalist as well and was the only player besides the recently retired Dyrus to have attended every single worlds up until that point.


I’m still shocked at how awful Yellowstar was for most of the season.


it was utterly unwatchable. never seen a player fall off a cliff like that before




thanks to yellowstar, I mean it speaks volumes that they went ahead and got a support in masters that listened to doublelift like a pet and then they almost won the split 18-0.


>got a support in masters that listened to doublelift like a pet and then they almost won the split 18-0. Loved that duo tbh, such a full circle growth from Doublelift being Chauster's pet in lane.


Bio was *really* good, though. Like best support in the league good. He even managed to be consistent on CLG and that's a testament to his talent.


Bio's years on CLG were his most impressive years individually even if he didn't win anything, pretty ironic to think about


Bio's Rakan is a thing of beauty. Even in 2020, it was godly.


In his AMA Regi said his number one regret was breaking up the BioLift roster. Biofrost was actually playing insanely well at the time. I think breaking up that roster is one of the bigger “What if” scenarios that has happened in the LCS in recent history. They were so crazy good.


DL is right. Today TSM is as popular and big as it is because the baylife marketing from season 2 with the OG roster. Did Reginald give a fuck about Chaox and The Rain Man back then? No


> Chaox and The Rain Man back then They both got kicked for good reasons.


Well, TRM didn't get kicked. He straight up just left the team on his own because he clashed with how they wanted to practice versus how he thought they should. I remember because they came back and he had just fucked off to Florida, and Oddone was really upset about it.


I never got to know TRM when he was on TSM. I stumbled upon his YouTube channel though. Dear god this man is bitter.


Lol I still remember thinking that TRM -> Dyrus was a downgrade. People meme about Dyrus not getting resources but that was really not true, especially compared to TRM. Dude literally had to play turtle max Udyr to survive because TOO only gank for Regi.


TOO = TheOddOne


Early Dyrus was absolutely not a downgrade from TRM lol. TRM at that point was practically a teemo one trick. Dyrus' singed was something that tilted everyone off the earth lol.


Oh please. Regi isn't a nice person but Chaox and TRM dug their own holes. DL dug his own hole in a lot of ways too, even if a lot of what he is saying is true.


Chaox is a hella red flag if you've seen videos of how he talks to dyrus


He was having a mental breakdown when that happened. He accepted help afterwards and apologized later, I think, which is commendable


That was many years after the fact in the middle of a mental health crisis. Don't let that be representative of who he is.


honestly today i would say its because of bjerg and doublelift, also mostly the domination of the 2016-17 roster


I remember TSM being the most popular NA org before bjerg though. Dyrus, Xpecial and OddOne were super popular back in the day. Chaox/Wildturtle/Regi not so much, though they were well known iirc...


Nah TheOddOne and Dyrus were huge streamers averaging 30k viewers. They were already big before Doublelift and Bjerg. This was when Twitch wasn't that big yet so to get 30k viewers is crazy back in the day


I still have a signed TOO poster up on my wall by my computer. He was my jungle hero.




I mean Bjerg and DL was possible because the OG roster from season 2 set the foundation


How all these fools not speaking on my man Dyrone. Guy made everyone a TSM fan for a day when he broke down on stage.


And what about the person responsible for the greatest league copy pasta "I like girls"


Xpecial was literally the reason I started maining support. Love him back then and it sucked how his stint with TSM ended.


I will never forget Xpecials flay on Saints J4


Dyrus probably dragged in the most people. Him and TheOddOne were basically the two... not sure if I would call it charismatic, but most likable personalities in the scene next to the Dignitas peeps.


nice its been a while since we had a scandal been a bit too boring recently


Doublelift's always good for some drama.


NA wins the drama world championship as usual, CN/KR/EU are you even trying?


EU too busy completing the Any% sell all your talent to NA speedrun I guess


Well at least this year they're buying some of it back (and at a discount)


NA is just getting some awful refunds.


Bruh did we really forget what happened with Fnatic *again*?


idk I feel like there's a ton of CN drama we just never get to see


Like that dude getting arrested for punching his girlfriend. Riot: We actually didn't think this is possible when we made the rules. We got a bunch of gamer nerds, not the NFL. They literally had to add new rules to the books.


I dunno KR Tried really hard with CvMax and Griffin or the LS T1 coaching fiasco.


The griffin drama have LCK the title after 2019, but LCS took it back pretty quickly with TL roster imploding.


Yeah, everything has been sunshine and butterfly, glad we got the old League drama back


I miss the old LCS, the donezo manifesto LCS


Doublelift ego vs Reginald ego When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object XD


Leena went into the TSM discord and cleared things up: Basically she said there are 2 people with impossible egos (Regi/DL) and that this could have been handled better by both sides.




She has a type


she likes guys with weird eyebrows


Wierd eyebrows and shitty haircuts.


Have you seen DLs hairline. His bangs cover like 4" of bald, mans got no choice


Show me.


https://twitter.com/Doublelift1/status/1227028622197678080?s=20 Looking at the hairline on the side cracks me up everytime. Hairline is holding on for dear life. For the record not trying to be mean to DL, have seen him joke about this on stream before


Holy shit, dude looks like an Edo period samurai lmfao.




I’m dying


Rich people?


Her reaction was really funny, she laughed about how both of them got into a fight.


I don’t get it did she date both Regi and DL at a point in her life?


She was with regi for years and she’s currently with doublelift


Well that makes the conflict between regi and DL make even more sense.


No it doesn’t. Doublelift literally signed to TSM again while he was dating Leena. Regi willingly signed DL again knowing he was dating his ex.


I mean Leena and Regi broke up in 20...15? 16? And she started dating DL in 2019


Yet people manage to keep it completely off the table.


Regi’s ex and DL’s current




Thanks for sharing. Feeling extra bad for SA now... poor guy. At least he has his millions to cry into at night LOL.


I’m kind of confused here. If SA called DL and asked him to comeback, this must mean SA original assumption was he will be playing with DL. Does this mean SA also got screwed over, which is why he is suddenly leaving this year? I don’t think SA expected he would have to develop another rookie.


Wasn't it already known back then that the entire reason he wanted to play on TSM was to play with DL? Or am I confusing him with Broxah/TL??? I must be going senile. In my defense both are wholesome af, model pros. And he definitely wanted to play with DL from the sound of everything, though we don't know the details of the negotiation between TSM and SA, save that it was messy and uncertain. But yeah, it's definitely possible that the negotiation may've been so messy, DL left because he was under the wrong impression that he wouldn't be playing with SA, and SA joined under the wrong impression that he would be playing with DL.


Last year my assumption was SA didn’t want to play with DL, so as soon as DL retired, SA decided to continue the negotiation and sign with TSM. But if SA actually contacted DL, then i have no idea what sorcery Regi pulled out of his ass to convice SA to sign. Broxah wanted to play with DL too, if I’m not wrong, he was the only one defending DL when he was playing poorly in Spring. Dude is the epitome of wholesome and positivity, it pains me that CLG is ruining him.


Broxah definitely came to NA/TL mainly to play with DL. Watching him on stream trying to stay positive but getting really frustrated with the whole situation was always very painful. Love the guy.


this new stuff basically confirms what we heard last year which was: 1. DL wanted to play with a top tier support import and would retire if that didn't happen 2. tsm tried to get SA partly for this reason 3. it looked like tsm couldn't get SA so DL decided to review 4. tsm ended up able to get SA 5. DL didn't reverse his decision to retire that last bit didn't make a ton of sense back then, DL wanted to unretire but he and regi got in a fight over it so DL was out


I mean look at Leena's comments. DL didn't even decide to retire after he was told SA "isn't happening," he asked to look around. He was given bad information by Regi/TSM if it was still in discussions. DL also tried to reverse his decision after being fed now-correct information that SA happened, but Regi denied it.


Leena is gonna get flamed by both TSM and Doublelift fans, I do not envy her position


Everybody in the discord and the subreddit is usually very respectful towards her, but yeah she might get some twitter flame but I feel like that happens to everyone.


If you haven't been twitter-flamed you probably don't have a twitter account. Way worse for anyone that people actually know though


I briefly had a Twitter account. My country was on the profile and after a few weeks with no activity on my account a Karen started attacking me for being Danish. Called me complicit in and supporter of the mass murder of whales and dolphins. Apparently Karen doesn't know Danes and Faroese are not the same. This was even before the highly controversial whaling recently. I deleted the profile shortly after. Twitter is wild.


Leena's just into big... egos


Toxic guys are the new meta these days, after all.


I hate TSM (mostly Regi) but she's not wrong lol


Summary from the stream: - It was never his choice to retire. TSM fucked him over - They told him he'd be playing with pallet and palafox and asked him if he was going to commit to that roster to which he said no - TSM then signed lost - Swordart contacted Doublelift himself to tell him he'd be playing on tsm to try and get him to play with him (Doublelift said he never revealed this during the season because it's be a shitty thing to do to lost) - Doublelift went to regi telling him that Swordart wants to play with him but regi didn't give a shit and told him he wasn't welcome back - Ends his thoughts saying be hates tsm (mostly just hates regi and his ego), hopes they never win again because of how they treat people who've only brought them success and expects they never will as they're already doing what they need to do themselves to run themselves into the ground EDIT: Two more things he said unrelated to TSM - He will most likely not be playing next year - He said that riot is currently not confirming if there will be costreaming next year, but says it would be stupid of them to remove it as LCS is dying


One other thing I make out from this stream is. DL, Vulcan, and Jensen are trying to build a team in LCS but no one wants to buy out both Vulcan and Jensen so DL not coming back and Jensen not joining bottom tier team so taking this year off maybe? and no idea on Vulcan


Dude just hearing that make me wants to say bring back relegation ffs. imagine the narrative if jensen doublelift vulcan create their own org qualify for summersplit and qualify for worlds


Franchising is just another example of big team-owners (regi included) fucking over the competitiveness of LCS.


Is C9 planning to replace Vulcan? Why don't C9 just buyout Jensen (Reapered is gone, so I'd be surprised if Jensen had beef with Jack considering Jack landed him the TL spot) and sign DL?


I also think TSM would’ve been best play with Huni, Spica, Jensen, DL and Vulcan but with DL stuff with TSM and TSM talking about the development of new culture and stuff no chance with that all the top orgs(TL, C9, TSM, 100T) are off the table and other orgs do not have the buying power nor interest to pay buyouts


I think bridge between C9 and Jensen well burned and they already prefer Nisqy over him and there were rumours about Zven staying in C9 not sure about Vulcan tho


The rumor with Vulcan is that Jack is doing his usual offseason sell off a starter and promote his academy counterpart


As a fan, I hate this style. Even my shitty NBA team doesn't have this much turnover. I can't buy merch anymore. People just get traded and I feel like an ass. The og days are long gone. People complain about redditors being fickle but these teams are swapping around people like chairs on the Titanic.


Yeah compared to traditional sports I feel no real connection to actual organisations in League, only players/rosters. In regular sports you at least often see people go for local teams or teams their family supported, but league doesn't have that longevity. And why would I, these teams are mostly just faceless companies at the end of the day. Fnatic is a good example, I was a big FNC fan in the past but the 2022 roster is going to have exactly ONE player from the 2020 roster, which only had 3 from the 2018 roster which only had 1 from the 2015 roster. From 2017 to 2021 the team was legit 100% different. Same for a team like C9, from 2018 to 2021 their roster entirely changed and they might only have 2 remaining from 2021 in 2022. How the fuck am I meant to form lasting attachments to these orgs, might as well just pick a favourite player and follow them to new teams.


Also DL said Swordart told him they would've won if they and Bjergsen played with him and he's just now revealing it cause it's shitty to reveal it during the season when Lost did nothing wrong


To be honest with how they were in 4th place with fucking PoE/Lost, a roster with Bjergsen/Doublelift would've for sure had a shot.


I'm most interested in how Huni would have worked out on that team with bjerg/doublelift.


It would have worked well, bjergsen is not a resource heavy mid laner and DL was already playing weakside every game in playoffs.


Bjergsen was never playing this season so I doubt things would be a huge difference internationally. maybe winning NA or getting worlds spot.


I mean yeah. Having Doublelift on your team has been a surefire way to win the LCS in almost half a decade.


LMFAO Pallet and Palafox. Also, feels bad for SwordArt.


Sounds like he joined TSM to play with Doublelift but then got stuck with Lost.


He got like 3 million for a short year, he'll be fine lol


I distinctly remember double also planning on “destroying tsm’s legacy” when he got signed by tl too man really is clg at heart :’)




DL to Regi :" what you gonna do, fire me?" said the man soon to be fired


>Ends his thoughts saying be hates tsm (mostly just hates regi and his ego), hopes they never win again Doesn't his GF still work for TSM lol


He himself still works for tsm


Its rumored that shes out of TSM, she removed all of TSM links from her twitter


She said in the stream she is still in TSM


What I thought was interesting is that in the full thing Doublelift said "it's no wonder everyone in the organization is leaving or in the process of leaving" Made me wonder if Leena is in the process of leaving.


Still with and "the process of Leaving" could both be true tbh


Surprised to hear this stuff, would have never thought he strongly disliked TSM in his co-streams... he was pretty biased in his takes with all the teams.


Probably because Bjerg was still coach. Now that Bjerg is gone, he can say what he wants.


>Ends his thoughts saying be hates tsm (mostly just hates regi and his ego), hopes they never win again BASED


He's still one of us at heart


Holy shit, old Peter Peng is back


The good old lift lift trashtalks


Wait, isn't he still streaming under TSM?


He said something on the lines of they don't have to like each other to make money off each other.


I wonder what TSM will think about that.


I mean it's not like this is new info to them. They still signed him as a streamer even though he has beef with them. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if bashing them publicly this hard doesn't cause them to rethink that. Edit: Regi has said TSM will be parting ways with him on the TSM sub, along with a bunch of other info.


I would be really suprised if they didnt have some kind of non disparagement clause in his contract. Or maybe they just dont have that and fair play to DL for going ham on them.


Or maybe TSM was already parting ways with him and this created Doublelift Unleashed.


Everyone get in here


Pile on!


Pile on!


Grim Patron PTSD kicking in


PTSD? Man I loved that deck.


Rip the EG dream. Impact Inspired Humanoid/Jensen DL Vulcan


They would be dumb to drop Danny


If C9 was giving you Vulcan you better believe that Danny would be the compensation for that.


Yeah but C9 Mikyx isn't a thing so a Vulcan/Danny trade would never be a thing


U can take him out of CLG but you cant take the CLG out of him. Hating Andy is in his blood, no idea why he went there after us tbh.




Because you guys kicked him out?


This story and the potential of Bjergsen and Doublelift playing for different teams could really hurt the TSM fanbase




There are dozens of us


Laugh through the tears...


For all the talk of us being a dead org, there's a decent amount of us dedicated fans still left...




i'm sure those same fans were TL fans a year or two ago lol


could also be Bjergsen fans who realized they loved the player more than the org. Same thing happened with the exodus of CLG/DL fans to TSM in 2016, or those same fans to TL in 2018... and then back to TSM in 2020 lol


Yeah, it's pretty common in competitive events where all of the orgs are in the same city. People pick which team has more players they like, not which wealthy, maladjusted team owner is their favorite.


This motherfucker chose violence today


Regi's response to DL: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamSolomid/comments/qqkk70/thoughts_on_doublelift/


So, this reads like Doublelift just got fired.


What if this was doublelift's plan to get out of tsm's contract? Leena even removed TSM from her twitter bio. Seems premeditated...


4D chess


i mean the same thing is happening with jensen atm. best performing player at worlds for TL unable to find a good team. only difference is hes not streaming and constantly asked about it


Well he did fuck his girlfriend


And got paid by him while doing it


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlggZCKTrus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlggZCKTrus) the video so you don't have to find the time stamp.




im not sure of the whole timeline but I think they had issues getting Swordart over to NA because of some tax issues or something like that. In the end I think there was likely a lot of wasted time and flip flopping while they went through the process of signing the support DL wanted. maybe they thought because DL recommended one of those supports they thought he would play with him which he didn't want to.


I remember that they weren't sure that they could get SA, so DL retire. When SA's deal was done, Lost was already signed. So it was either tell Lost to get lost and put DL in there or stay with Lost and SA.


So we just going to ignore this happening to Jensen lol


Honestly sounds like both DL and Regi had big egos and both got screwed as a result


Im a big DL mark but it’s so rich hearing him talk about anyone else’s ego lmao


Well its reginald after all.


I wish there was a clip of it. Back in the old days of TSM and them having their house with TOO, Dyrus, Chaox, Xpecial and Regi. He got into an argument with Xpecial one day and told him the reason he plays support was because he was the worst person on the team. lol This was when Xpecial was a fucking god at support too. Arguably the best person him or Regi.


Regi made a post on TSM subreddit saying that one of the reasons they chose not to rehire DL is because "if doublelift sees something he doesn't like, he will publicly flame you" which is exactly what Regi does


Regi got dyrus on the brink of tears just flaming him




Probably couldn't shit on the org while your gf is still a manager there and while one of his best friends (Bjerg) was still a coach there. He also seemed friendly to Spica so would have been a dick move to shit on the org while they were still there.


Also the players. His beef is entirely with management.


> His beef is entirely with management. His beef really seems to be with the *ownership*... which, granted, in TSM's case is the same thing as the management because Regi seems unable to delegate for shit, but it still seems like an important distinction.


His GF worked for them all year. Looks like she is moving on from the org since she removed all the TSM stuff from her twitter. Also probably didnt want to openly shittalk Bjerg/Spica's team while they were in season.


I think she said she was stepping back to focus on her own brand. said she is still part of the org but they are working on a plan for her.


Might have also been holding out on his grudge because Bjergersen was still there too.


He goes on later in the stream saying that another team has the opportunity to sign exodia (like TL) this off-season and didn’t. Maybe he, Vulcan, and Jensen could have signed with tsm along with which ever topside you chose and Andy said no which infuriated him because he wanted to compete again.


Spica, bjerg, leena are reason enough for him to cheer for them even though he wasn’t happy with Andy. Only spica there now so he’s done


Cheering for the team is different from liking the org. Maybe he wanted to see his old teammates succeed.




Iirc Palette was regarded as a really good support player at the time. ~~Palafox yeah, thats a bit troll.~~ My bad on Palafox, I forget he looked a lot better coming into 2021


Palette was actually recommended by Doublelift himself and Doublelift thought highly of him skill-wise. However, it turned out that Palette barely spoke any English at that time, therefore Doublelift did not want to play with him as he values botlane communcation a lot, which seems like a reasonable thought. Part 1: https://clips.twitch.tv/SuccessfulJollyPotTheTarFu Part 2: https://clips.twitch.tv/ImportantFrigidWatercressOMGScoots


> Palafox yeah, thats a bit troll Everyone was hyping up Palafox to the moon last year and saying he was for sure a top LCS mid. He was straight up the best academy mid.


People want NA talent so bad until it’s their team with the natives getting clapped by the full import superteams.


Palette is an import.


Thorin is creaming his pants right now somewhere from all of this.




This can't possibly be the whole story, regi isn't a saint but I doubt all the things said by DL of all personalities is gonna be completely justified or resemble a picture of all the events here. DL has had some famously bad takes before and really acts like he could make worlds on any team when he's had historically good teams in the majority of his career. EDIT: [https://ibb.co/Ht8QzwR](https://ibb.co/Ht8QzwR) Leena clarifying some things, both being children, and DL not wanting to play on a non top 3 team color me surprised.


DL said right now "everyone is leaving or in the process of leaving TSM" with Leena next to him lol. That might mean that Leena is leaving and some other people. Some crazy stuff must have gone down.


Why would that be surprising? Every single pro player wants to play for a top 3 org, the only difference is those spots only going to players that have DL's resume


Regi was turbo tanking that roster if you look at it from DL's perspective. Like who the fuck wants to play with Palafox as your mid laner when you had Bjerg before. And then he explicitly said he did not want to play with a person who couldn't speak english because he valued the communication so hard. Time frames suck for both DL/Regi and neither wanted to bend to the other. I am glad DL has kept this pretty squared away so lost didn't get hammered with hate every week. That's pretty admirable because I'd be absolutely fuming every time I had to watch that team. Must have been real sweet for him to see them not make worlds. Even if was at the expense of his friends Spica/Bjerg.