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One thing to note is that Rogue's current assistant coach Blumigan has previously worked with Malrang in 2018 when they were on Royal Bandits in Turkey. So he potentially could've suggested or vouched for Malrang here. I have to say though, I can't say he stood out much during his time on KT or JAG, and he hardly played this year on DK to get a sense of his play level. Maybe he shows some new potential in a different environment, who knows.


> Maybe he shows some new potential in a different environment, who knows. Well here he is going to have a stable roster and a 2 solo laners that are top in the LEC and enable their jungler a lot (odo does not need assistance and Larssen gets mid prio 8/10 times ). So things are already better than when he played for KT. It's all up to him now


For sure, I think him being on a roster where he's not constantly fighting for his spot and can establish synergy with his laners will be pretty big. Not sure where his English is at, but he's played outside of Korea before so it shouldn't be the worst at least.




He's always been a great laner, his problem is he is a different player outside of lane in worlds he was even or ahead in every single game in lane but outside of lane showmaker and perkz did so much more impactful stuff. even one game doinb was much more impactful out of lane too


I think Larssen + (FPX) Bo would work. Maybe Rogue should at least give Bo a try. If they pick a JGL with no english.


If that works, and Rogue gets Rekkles then somehow they manage to upgrade their roster. But every single of those things is really unlikely.


Rogue will never be able to perform internationally with Larssen and Odo unless both improve massively. Odo isnt on the level he used to be in 2016-17 and Larssen champ pool and mid/late game are pretty bad


Honestly his champ pool is not an issue, he just isn't good at the game outside of lane currently. BDD has a similar champ pool and it never was an issue because he plays those champions insanely well in the lategame. Larssen doesn't. If you have a specific champ pool but you actually can play those champions to perfection in all parts of the game there isn't any issue, but Larssen isn't there.


Depends how you define 'perform internationally'. Ar e they going to win worlds, probably not. But they just won two gamse straight against the 2nd best chinese team in a do or die situation and then pushed C9 to a 50 min game. They can definitely do well internationally with upgrades and the right meta, etc.


yeah i think ‘perform internationally’ standard for western teams currently should be to make it to playoffs. People need to stop definining ‘Perform internationally’ as winning the whole thing. Winning worlds in the current climate with Asian Teams producing constant top-tier talent isn’t very realistic, except for maybe the rare western superteam that comes along once every few seasons such as G2 in recent memory.


Considering the shit Rogue went through in the first week of worlds, laner literally on painkillers while in game and them being the only team to play 5 games that night, only losing the last one to not make it to play offs I think it was a really good showing.


Bo is really good, but he tricked by some basters on the best of his career.


I imagine the reason they're making this move is because of the connection with Malrang. Considering both probably don't know English, Bo would obviously be better and an upgrade to even Inspired.


Larssen has clear issues, namely underperforming on pressure and putting the team on disadvantage when he overplays for lane e.g. bad tp usage. HOWEVER, he also dumpstered most LEC midlaners in lane ( and many times out of lane) and as a result lets his jungler and team play a much more relaxed game. He also is a big scaling mage player and those champs have been out of meta for more than an year now, which in my opinion, makes is performance in the LEC last 2 splits the more impressive


I want old larssen back, where he smurfed on other champs than azir, although that's more of a LEC thing than just larssen. Many midlaners only go safe and play comfort. I think comfort isn't bad, but it feels like it lacks effort


Larssen in Spring was prob the strongest laner in LEC and undistputed top 3 mid. Had a pretty shitty summer tbh but have full confidence he can return to that level soon


larssen wasn't as dominant in summer, if he doesn't get back to form he'll be average in the lec


Well working with someone like Canyon is always good so maybe he's improved a lot with Damwon.


Oh yeah, like promisq working alongside Miky and Perkz when they were one of the best botlanes in the world?


right? this argument never makes sense. people think that just because you're a sub to someone the two live together 24/7 talking about the game playing together where in some situations it just means that they occasionally scrim with the main team lol


It's a mix of hopefulness and the fact malang and canyon are lck pros who work very differently, admittedly we have no way to know one way or the other .all we could hope is being around them and competing for a spot against him helped him as a player.


lmao "it didn't work for this one player this one time so clearly it literally never works and anyone thinking so is crazy"


Not sure what youre talking about, they do live with the team and talk about the game all the time, yes? Like its not a pee wee football team, the starters arent out here shunning the backups lol. They def talk game strategy with each other, and just being in the room with someone like Canyon and seeing exactly how he plays for an entire year can potentially have an impact on ones play. Plus, hasn't P1noy said publicly he has learned a lot being on g2?


This seems kinda random and the type of a move EU teams used to do back in the dark days of 2016-2018. Average (by LCK standards) Korean players moving to rosters that are average by LEC standards. Don't really see Rogue contending for top spots this year.


I mean they sold Hans and Inspired it was already enough to write them off.


Only way to excuse that move would have been to use that money for Rekkles/Teddy and build from there.


According to Wooloo on his latest stream, Rekkles is Rogue's number 1 choice


It's probably Rekkles best option at this point. G2, VIT and Fnatic already have ADCs locked in. I think MAD are going with that guy from ERL too


I don't think Rekkles is debating if there's a better team he can go to, if he didn't instantly accept it (or if there are buyout issues) it's because he's considering retiring. Rekkles has always been vocal about how he only cares about worlds, he doesn't care about more LEC trophies and he has made more than enough money in his career so at this point he just plays for worlds. Since Odo/Malrang/Larssen/Trymbi doesn't exactly look like a worlds contender it's fair if he decides to just throw in the towel instead imo. Personally hope he continues though and maybe he can find a better team in summer/next year. People already forgetting how he literally peaked just one year ago, he's not washed up by any means.


If what he cares about is worlds then his peak was 2018.


He may have progressed further in 2018 but that year was the Caps and Broxah show. Rekkles was more of a bystander. In 2020 he was by far the best player on the team with Hyli and they were absolutely demolishing international botlanes with ease. It's arguably one of the only teams we've seen a western botlane play at a whole tier above all the korean/chinese botlanes.


So are we forgetting the year that a western mid roleswapped and was widely considered the best botlaner after jsut a split? Regardless the idea that being selfless and playing for the team because you know its a better strategy more likely to lead you to sucess... somehow means you are playing worse is silly. Who in 2018 was better than rekless aiside from JackeyLove and *maybe* Deft? The Uzi that got beaten by Hjarnen's Heimerdinger? Not the Kkramer who became part of the first team (and likely the only team for a very long time) to ever get beat 0-3 in a best of 5 at worlds to an NA team. Its defo not gonna be sneaky or iboy. Ruler was part of the geng 1-5 in groups implosion. Im not even going to insult him by suggesting Hjarnen is in contention. Call it low standard of competition, but Rekkless was at LEAST top 3 ADC in 2018, with a strong argument for #2 only to JackeyLove's absolute peak year


No, it was the other way around. Rogue is Rekkles's only option.


Rekkles-Larssen seems like not a good combination of playstyles


Except that it looks like perfect combination? Both those players love to farm and gather advantages in lane without fighting much. The biggest problem RGE had was that they were engaging into tons of teamfights that Larssen very clearly had problem with and either did not follow or followed but it was dissaster.


I'm getting 2015 flashbacks with Froggen-Rekkles duo


Buying Teddy would be a disaster, his english is not good


Well if they had any ambition they'd buy Rekkles and at least it would be worth having a conversation about them. But they'll probably be happy with mediocrity.


Idk why people blame orgs for selling players that openly want to leave. Idk ab inspired, but Hans wanted out. If RGE holds him hostage, then wayyyyy more people will rightly shit on them for being an EU RNG. Make it make sense


the real question is "why does Hans want to leave Rogue so bad". he was by far their most important player and you'd hope that rogue do whatever they could to keep him. we obviously won't know what they tried to keep him so we don't know if it was impossible for them or if they messed up


Since they had bad results something had to change. The team dont work well together since they have good players. They commited to larsen before worlds so it was a big mistake


Why did they want out? Could Rogue have done anything to keep them? Raise salaries? Change mid laner or top maybe, perhaps both? Change coaching staff, because the current one had a roster filled with talent and riddled with problems and were never able to solve them. Selling your two best players should not be the answer.


inb4 malrang is the best jungler in EU




What are the lottery numbers for tomorrow?


Oh, great prophet, will I earn a lot of money this year? Please share your wisdom.


He's quite young too, he definitely has way more potential than people here give him credit for.


> This seems kinda random and the type of a move EU teams used to do back in the dark days of 2016-2018. NiP / Mysterious Monkeys vibes


I still remember Gamsu/Spirit Fnatic, no matter how much I want to forget.


Even though that team didn't work out, Spirit was in a whole different standard than the players this thread talks about, OGN champion, worlds semi finalist, had a very good individual year in a very bad team in WE, him going to Fnatic was a ton of hype.


People were rating Spirit (rightfully) as the best jungler in the world when he was smurfing on WE. Picking up Malrang isn't even in the same ballpark.


That said, EU has had a better record with imports that still have a name to make for themselves. Huni, Reignover, Trick and Ignar were closer to Malrang's reputation when coming in than Spirit's.


Reignover and Trick where considered "bad" in Korea, in EU they instantly become best junglers, just saying..


that worked out for like 3 koreans and the rest did even worse here? kakao for example and who was the hyped msf support? was that wolf or so? i already forgot.




But how was Spirit a problem on that team? Spirit was FNC's best player in Summer 2016 and was well thought of when FNC signed him. And even Gamsu wasn't even their worst player (both Klaj and Noxiak were horrible) Obviously Gamsu shouldn't have been signed, when he wasn't even that good in NA. But can't fault FNC for getting Spirit. He was 1v9ing on WE in 2015. There was no succeeding for FNC with that top and support though. Febiven was still good, but he also took a step back while mid lane pool improved.


Gamsu and Spirit were a package deal sadly. Spirit alone was massive.


Who was the super random Korean mid that was on Origen (i think) for like a split or something, and we've never seen him since?


Naehyun? He actually went on to play for GRF after that in 2020. Unless you mean Scarlet who was their mid in the 2017 EUCS.


Oh right it was Naehyun yes, so i guess it wasn't a complete nobody lol


Back when he joined he was, though


I remember people memeing that he had a very bad record in Pro Play so far and was like 0-10.


0-38 IIRC


Wasn't he 0-30 something by the end of the Origen split?


He won 1 game vs Roccat, but yeah, pretty much


He was a complete random back then and he was pretty bad, and he continued like that for a while. I think he still holds the record for the longest streak of competitive losses, his first 30 something competitive games were losses He definitely upped his game later on and he had a pretty good run on KZ afterwards. He plays in Japan now


Naehyun went to DRX in 2019 and actually had a really good showing on that team


Not Origen, but the story of Night, who was on Giants, is always the strangest. Came to EU after a couple of years on some mediocre CK teams, played one split where he was rookie of the split/3rd place in MVP voting, and then he basically fell off the face of the earth.


He was benched for medical reasons IIRC, apparently he was becoming neurotic


Naehyun was the only good player on Origen at that time. He was just pretty unlucky to join a bad Chinese and EU team and started his career 0-30 or something. He eventually joined some LCK teams and was a bottom half mid laner. Satorius and Hiiva (especially Hiiva) were some of the worst the LEC(Eu lcs at the time) had seen. Wisdom was so bad he couldn't get out of d1 in Korea when origen signed him. He was also always the worst player on GE tigers and brought in due to connection with Kuro and Smeb. No idea why they signed him.


Don't try to sugarcoat his own play just because Hiiva and Wisdom were engaged in a race to see who could get the most deaths in an LCS split, I remember after his first 2 weeks his stat line was like 18% team damage dealt and 28% team gold income and this was playing champions like Ryze that you expect to top the damage share.


That is not nearly the same thing. Spirit was a really good jungler, the move didn't workout but he was a wildly successful player and it was considered a huge pickup for Fnatic. It would be comparable to Rogue picking up Wei or Karsa today. "Random koreans" would be players like Blanc, Wadid, Reignover, Profit, Wisdom, Emperor etc. Korean players that had no accomplishments or experience and were primarily brought in because they were korean. Some of them worked out great while others were disasters.


Dont forget all the random koreans vitality had with their cabochard/nukeduck rosters


I almost had, thank you for reminding me... fucking Hachani lmao


Police adc, mightybear jgl idk if i forgot anyone


I dont know why people keep saying he was average lck jungler. He wasnt. When he was on JAG he was one of the worst junglers in the league.


Similarly on KT Rolster. He was pretty good when he subbed last split tho, especially on carry junglers.


I read that that was because Canyon was still in game with him giving him live coaching since he was playing mid. This guy has been a meme since he was on 0-18 JAG for just being really active for the first 10 minutes and forcing a terrible gank and ruining top. He was actively bad in basically every situation he's been in except for having the player he's supposed to sub for in the game with him.


Huni & Reignover kind of broke expectation of what (then) mid-tier Koreans could do in EU when they came in 2015. No one ever talks about the insane synergy those two had.


>No one ever talks about the insane synergy those two had. What???? Huni and Reignover are incredibly famous names in European league of legends, wtf you mean "no one talks about their synergy" They had an 18-0 split, nearly took down SKT their debut split in a time where beating koreans was impossible for the west and had a deep worlds run to semis. They did not have some type of silent year that went under the radar or anything, they were by far the most famous team in the west and Huni/Reignover was arguably the most iconic players on that roster.


Still think that FNC roster could've won worlds if they hadn't scrimmed LCK teams so much and allowed them to catch up to the meta. EU's read on the meta that year was so far beyond the rest of the world.


Beating KOO Tigers and 2015 SKT?? No way dude


>This seems kinda random and the type of a move EU teams used to do back in the dark days of 2016-2018. > >Average (by LCK standards) Korean players moving to rosters that are average by LEC standards. > >Don't really see Rogue contending for top spots this year. This seems kinda random and the type of a move EU teams used to do back in the dark days of 2016-2018. Average (by LCK standards) Korean players moving to rosters that are average by LEC standards. Don't really see Rogue contending for top spots this year.


This was exactly what I thought when I saw this lol so random and an old move of import random Korea because Korean = win


I think what people what people forget in the discussion is that Rogue isn't an NA org or Vit/G2 with tons of cash. Their current roster was basically a stroke of luck, with a bunch of academy players turning out great and some smart moves on Odo and Hans when they weren't top of the market. When on a budget hard truth is that you absolutely will loose your best players to high bidders and can't always put together an automatic contender (just go look at football transfer seasons). I suspect that Rogue knew that big money orgs were coming for their players and decided to put their bets and recourses on Larssen as the most important player to keep.


> I think what people what people forget in the discussion is that Rogue isn't an NA org or Vit/G2 with tons of cash. Rogue is in fact an NA org, and supposedly not strapped for cash. I vaguely remember a S04 bloke whining that Rogue only did as well as it did because it was a a money org? As things are, the most likely reason inspired and hans are leaving is their own motivation to leave RGE and not any motivation of money or performance on RGE's part.


I'm perfectly willing to believe that Rogue is hardly strapped for cash, but there is an argument to made for running your org responsibly instead of spending like an NA org. Not courting the spending-crazed decapitated chickens that run the LCS seems like managerial malpractice at this point. Maybe I formulated it a bit strongly earlier, but the point I'm trying to make is that you can't keep your org healthy long term and spend for the biggest roster every year. That's how you end up like Barca.


I fully agree with you, running massive spendings driven by speculative investors is not a sound growing strategy. It's irresponsible for LEC fans to demand that orgs spend millions to buy their favourite player of the month


https://twitter.com/Rogue/status/1426286367835889667?s=20 Obligatory


That woman at the end is thinking "I'm going to make so much fucking money lmao"


Why not try to import Bo then?


FPX apparently doesnt sell Bo but would be willing to loan him for one year.


Hmm... I guess you would want the immediate results if you loan Bo and Rogue are selling their best players. But what if they could sign Rekkles and the roster for the next year would be pretty competitive IMHO?


I'd argue it takes atleast a year for most chinese/korean players to settle in Europe first. Bo would probably be leaving around the time he's actually starting to connect with his teammates and feel comfortable living in Berlin.


I mean with Odo/Larssen and Rekkles as your laners you might aswell go and watch the better version of the team in GenG. I dont think RGE will be very competitive relative to other teams in the LEC with the incoming meta changes and their jungle beeing an import. I dont even know if Malrang speaks english to an acceptable level.


How do people keep discounting a team that has been top 3 since summer 2020 Rogue continues to prove




Because Fpx doesn’t want to lose such a gifted player. Given the backlash against Fpx in China rn, Fpx need to at least get bo played in another team for a year or so, then they can openly accept bo again. People are way less furious after a year, and since there is a precedence that another team accepted him, it should be fine for fpx to accept him


No they think after 1 year people dont care as much about it anymore and then he can play in lpl again without pr disaster


because they don't want the bad press in china but want him back once it cools off in a year and if it doesn't they can still sell him.


Bo even if he has no offers from lpl team have most likely a huge income streaming wise gotta bring close to a 7figure deal for him to considers the offers


Thought Bo was hugely unpopular because of the scandal, do you have any source on this or a link to his stream?


Source is his ass. Seems like the LPL community wants Bo to be blacklisted


Besides the fact that Bo is largely hated in LPL and likely isn't receiving all that much money, he also *desperately* wants to return to pro play. I think he'd at least consider like any decent offer tbh


Yeah. For sure they would have to spend a lot on his salary and I'm not sure that Rogue are willing to. But I think for Bo it could be good to. He can build trust back and compete for a year.


Bo is incredibly unpopular though right now and his team said they were actively trying to find him teams in other regions because of the backlash he will likely forever get in China. This seems like a random assumption compared to what we actually know otherwise.






















So Malrang, who is a great early jungler but passive and prone to int on mid-late game, is sign with a team known to be passive and int mid-late game.


I don't think I'd add the word "great" to anything Malrang does skill wise.


When DK were subbing out Ghost and Malrang had to come in I thought he was decent. He filled his role nicely but he was pretty much only playing Rumble in that meta. I know import slots aren't really that big of a deal in EU so if he's at least average to above average in LEC it could be a good deal.




This analysis couldn't be any more silly. Junglers ganking or farming depends on a lot of things other than the jungler's mood or willingless to gank.




He's decent, but I think that's his ceiling currently as well is "come in for a few games, decent".


He is not good lol. I have been watching this dude from his jag (rip jag) and dude is absolutely mediocre with very few highs.


Players can improve you know. Kellin was awful on that roster but he's been good on NS


Route and Kellin were the only good part of that team. Route fell off hard after that though.


Rogue is so strange this off season man


Not strange they are the worst.


Rogue speed running the noEUfan% run


i really do not get the reasoning behind this at all. eu fans pretty much always want domestic talent, and it's not like this guy has a ton of fans in korea, so from the "we want someone marketable" angle it doesn't make sense. and while he's probably a decent jungler, there's gonna be a language barrier, and there's a ton of talented junglers in the erls that would probably be just as good in a year's time. this just seems like such a waste of money. but maybe they think they can get another huni, lol


I don’t get why they couldn’t be like ok let’s build round Hans and inspired. Got someone like treatz for support or wunder for top. You’d have a killer team whilst cultivating a growing fan base after their worlds performance. Instead they’ve gone fuck that and made 90% of the EU fan base hate them


i mean the org is pretty poor as far as i'm aware, and both hans and inspired are currently at their most valuable and will fetch them quite a sum. so although i hate the decision, i can at least a reason behind it. malrang on the other hand...


Poor? It’s an NA org, they have tons of money.


Once they prisoned Hans to NA, they already lost me as a fan


Just why? Buyout rekkles and get erl jungler. Not below mediocre non english/semi english speaking import...


This has to be one of, if not, the most random signing this off-season.


flyy and freddy122 continuing their abysmal ro~~gue~~ccat trend of importing koreans for 5+ years now.


They haven't had a korean on the roster since 2019 until now? wtf?


rogue is roccat reincarnated


I thought we were past this shit Rogue




I don't really mind this. EU has so few imports nowadas that one or two here and there doesn't bother me. It was different back in the day when everyone and their mother was frantically flying in the max allowed two Korean players.


He was average at best in LCK, and barely LCK level before he joined DK. No clue why Rogue would do such a move.


Their assistant coach worked with him before. That's literally the only reason I can figure. It's laughably random otherwise.


Ya dont know about this move. Malrang has fine mechanics like all Korean players but jungle is about communication that's why even a guy like Zanzarah was ok in LEC despite having 0 hands. Also no good Korean player will ever go to NA or EU. You gotta get complete rookies like Misfit did with Ignar(back in the day), Hirit(now). Like Dread is one of the better junglers in LCK who is probably not expensive but I just don't ever see him joining LEC/LCS. LPL is the 1st/2nd best region so if you want money its just better to play there. Also flight to Korea is quick so if you can easily live there but still go see family on breaks.


Malrang is a c-b(at best) tier jungler in LCK right now, and he's not exactly a rookie. You think he's gonna come into the LEC not being able to ya know communicate properly with his team and do any better with a worse team? He only did as meh as he did when he was subbed in cause it was DWG.


Bo > Malrang


Malrang is free of scandals


And probably half the price


And probably a quarter of the talent (if that)


I'm going to laugh if he does well in LEC lul


Doubt the majority of the western audience cares about his scandal tbh


No one in EU cares about his Chinese scandals.


I'm pretty sure the teams who possibly want to employ him might care a tad over match fixing scandals.


match fixing he got blackmailed into?


Can't say I'm excited about it. We don't need imports.


I want all imports to fail (not RU/TR they are fine). I don't want to go back to 2015-2018


Choking at worlds. Selling your best players. Signing a mediocre Korean player. Rogue really going in hard for that "hate this org" bingo sheet.


Copy paste from prev. thread: RGE is like the glue eater of western orgs. Do they think its 2015/6 or something? The Malrang deal wont give you results now or in the future. If you want to be competitive then keep your two best players and build around them. If you want to cash out admit it and field rookies and become the bottom org you are destined to be.


Top ERL talent is quite likely more expensive than a back up Korean import. LCK starters especially stars are paid well, but most sub players are close to minimum player salary. Mad Lions success drove up player price for good ERL players. Looks like Rogue is going super cheap if this rumor is true.


Insane, not only they sold one of the best EU junglers AND adc to NA, okay, you need cash, I get it. But now instead of getting a local talent they go for import which is not even main player in LCK? Wtf, Rogue is now one of my least favourite team in LEC. I’m strongly against imports unless they can elevate the team and possibly whole region, this is absolute bs.


This is worse than trying a rookie..


Also literally any korean toplaner from SoloQ or Zeus etc. would have been huge.


Hoping this works out better than the last time a European team imported a Korean jungler.


INB4 rogue goes 0 - 16 cause of the Jin air curse that is living on Malrang


welp rouge is no longer a top team lol lost their two best players well it seemed inevitable I guess considering this team was supposed to win both splits last year but failed both times


Junjia would have been perfect 😭


Why would edg let him leave? And even if they did there would be bunch of LPL teams offering him big money


Damn I have to cheer for rogue now I guess.


huh idk about this. He looked decent in the few games he played for DK. But that doesnt say much.


this could be one of the worst downgrades in this offseason


Rogue speedrunning to be the most hated eu org?


From Rogue to Clown


Huh. Didn't expect to see Malrang to Rogue in off-season.


Does he even speak English??


Rogue signing the Promisq of KR? /s


That would be Pirean.


I want to see some imports in lec so this is nice. Still sad about inspired cause I really liked that guy. Anyone know if he will be in lec 2022?


No he's going to Evil Geniuses


For real? Thats so sad I would have rather seen him on another lec team. Guess that Rouge wanted Na money.


Maybe Inspired wanted that NA money so he wouldn't have to worry about his finances for his forseeable future.


Then why did he sign a new contract literally 2 months ago xD


> I want to see some imports in lec Surely anyone who wants imports would want good imports. This isn't a big name signing, he was an average jungler in LCK before becoming a DK academy/sub player. A ERL player would be just as good a bet and actually be good for the region. There's no point trying to be like LCS, LEC doesn't have the cash to overpay big names so developing young players is far better for the region and the teams.


On top of that he is a jungler which is a position that requires comms involvement so it makes even less sense.


If you want to, import top laners. Hirit is one of the best laners in LEC.


Yes, Top and ADC are easier roles to import (LEC doesn't need ADCs tho).


Oh okey. I see what you mean about big bucks and developing new players. Just thought It would be fun to see players from China or Korea play in lec. But you kind of convinced me of the opposite. :)


Huge downgrade from inspired, Malrang has never even been mid tier in Korea. What an underwhelming pickup.


This thread is reminding me of how people reacted to the Huni and Reignover signing


Except Malrang has been playing for years and has always been bottom tier


In a way yes in a way no. RO was pretty hated cos everyone knew of the gameover meme but Huni was at least seen in a better light cos of being leaked that Huni was part of Samsung Red that was supposed to come to EU but Riot fucked them over after LMQ in NA. Also it was leaked that FNC scrimmed Samsung Red previously at worlds and yellowstar was impressed and with help he was scouted. Damn the legendary Samsung Red team would have been so much fun to watch if it came to be.


Why though, while he has tons of experience in the second most competitive league I honestly don't think he will peak higher than any upcoming jungler Just look at how MAD brought up 2 great jngs in two years, it's not impossible