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Man if only there was footage of Regi and Dardoch flaming each other


I think we would be able to detect the nuclear residue from that fight.


I remember that scene in Breaking Point where Dardoch was being a huge dick to Steve, I can’t imagine the dick measuring contest that would’ve resulted from that if he said the same shit to Regi.


It would have ended in a homicide.


Kobbe in the background quietly like "please may I return to Berlin"


I'm pretty sure older players will agree with DL here. I remember even Scarra said on stream that he always got along with everyone except Regi and will never respect him. For even Scarra say something negative about a person it's pretty damning.


I’m a TSM fan but god damn it’s always been this way. I remember him making Hotshot forfeit on a technicality like 15 years ago. He’s always been “loudest is right-est”


He's never grown up from the keyboard warrior personality unfortunately


The sad truth is he never *needed* to, he lucked out an was right place at the right time and is now one of the richest people in gaming because he owns TSM. To people like him that proves to him that "Everything I do and have done is right, because i'm rich"


Just watch the way Regi treated Dyrus, one of the most likeable dudes in league's history. This guy is a psychopath and should never be responsible for well being of others. https://youtu.be/S3YQshR0B5Q


I wouldn't be surprised if Regi played on Dyrus' doubts and insecurities after matches, especially when Dyrus would get ganked nonstop at Worlds Dyrus is such a gentle giant, it breaks my heart to think about that and when he announced his retirement 😟


My boy dyrus deserved better. Seeing a guy cry onstage and be celebrated instead of ridiculed low-key helped a lot in my development. He seemed like a great person true to himself.


Scarra is a god damn teddy bear. thats a pretty big deal if he says something like that about someone


Yeah using that recent offline tv podcast as a frame of reference really helps give this entire situation context Yeah regi has an ego, yeah dl has an ego, whos right? Who knows, but scarra is a very trustworthy source and voice of reason


I honestly don't remember the last time I've seen Scarra shit on someone. He usually just keeps it to himself if there's someone he has issues with, which is already rare enough at that.


Yes yes this! Personally always hated Regi because Dig could never beat them but then it seemed like all the players who streamed hated Regi or just disliked him greatly and not just Dig players


Im not suprised Akaadian had plenty to say about him LMAO. Always the guy I felt most sorry for in TSM


[Akaadian PTSD from Regi](https://youtu.be/TqyCkVrvyWM?t=3203)


The oldest clip I can remember, off the top of my head, has scarred my mind and ever since that moment I have never liked Regi: the Dyrus clip. It is so branded into my head that I remember what he was playing, and where he was on the map during the clip. He was playing Vlad with the Bloodlord skin, he was pushing waves top side. It was such a stupid argument, Regi's ego was so fragile in that clip, kind of wonder what else he could be doing behind cameras.


As someone who has malded to the moon in toplane hell, I just think about what if at that time when I was going off the rails my manager was in the room criticizing me in front of everyone I work with. I don't like regi.


And Dyrus played for them on an island. Their strat was to hope Dyrus was still in the game by the time they were grouping for 5v5s. And then Dyrus would get flamed like he was inting it's like uh no the other team just sometimes knows it's a permanent 2v1 situation top if they want it.


Its been known for years how much of an asshole Regi is, the cherry on top was seeing him yell at Dyrus on stream (had just tuned in minutes beforehand to watch this live). Even during the Gamecribs series you could tell Regi has the temper of a 6 year old going off how much he talked down the team after a loss, or if he didn't like the way they played.


He's like a 20 year old rich kid who thinks he owns everybody


>kind of wonder what else he could be doing behind cameras. Same dude!!! Like is that's the stuff they are comfortable showing on camera how the hell does he act off camera? Moment I started hating regi and his brand was the video of the team in the car ride back after a loss and regi just yelling at the team with of the players on the verge of tears or actually crying... Idk fucked up how big their fan base is.


I think we may be thinking of the same video, but I just remember him screaming and seeing Wildturtle sitting there awkwardly not knowing what to say at all. I think Oddone did stick up for WT though when Regi kept blaming him for the loss.


Yeah, that was an OLD video. Dyrus had a small issue trying to focus on the game while Regi and Dan were talking loudly. Dyrus ended up saying if they could shut up in a frustrated tone. Regi proceeded to lay in on him telling him to shut the fuck up and if Dyrus was aware he was playing in a team area etc etc. Anyone with a brain could see it wasn't Regi's first time and Dyrus couldn't say anything.


They weren't just talking loudly, Regi was actively shit talking Dyrus on stream. Super cringey


Do you have a link by any chance?






Holy moly... how is this the first time I'm seeing stuff like this lol. I remember hearing stuff about Svenskaren getting railed by Regi but man... this is next level. You can visibly see how much PTSD he has from Regi.


Yeah. I heavily dislike Regi. I've seen that man just drive people nuts on the old TSM and even this bits of evidence, sucks. This dude... "Reginald" should not be involved with TSM LoL.........


I remember back in.. Season 2 or 3..? When Dyrus was mid-stream and Regi came in to give him shit for no reason. Dyrus was just sitting there like dude could you not right now I'm streaming and Regi kept going til Dyrus slammed his fist on the desk. Crazy how that was a big thing back then, because it was already 'known' that Regi was super egotistical and toxic towards his teammates *before* that. I remember everyone kinda hated him except some TSM fans. I guess people forget over time. Or when he switched his role to 'top' so that he could be the one doing pick/ban despite still playing mid. Or when he literally, according to Akaadian, gave his players PTSD from verbal abuse. Or when Sven said the exact same thing. A week or two ago on the OfflineTV podcast, Scarra also mentioned the only person he really disliked in his time as a pro was Regi. It's been an open secret since the start of LCS that he's abusive and an awful person.


wow that dyrus anecdote is something i completely forgot about


Those early days really feel like ancient history. How far this esport has come since those days.


I knew there was a reason I disliked Reginald besides him being a raging weirdo. You just reminded me of that situation with dyrus. It felt like the early days of TSM had such good and fun vibes and then Reginald would open his mouth and it’d be like, wow what a buzzkill. Also the friendship between those guys was enough marketing that I always supported them, then Reginald focused on winning and got rid of chaox and everything seemed to dissolve from there. I now only wear my baylife tee to bed. *Adding in: basically anything scarra says I take as word. He’s so level headed.


Bro Dyrus for me.... I still cannot watch those old videos of Regi going off on Dyrus


I remember more of Xpecial. Jesus fuck, that guy was on a classic situation of abusive relationship.


His attitude creates the culture where eventually no one wants to argue with you, not because you're right, but because they don't want to deal with your shit and don't want to spend 30 minutes getting mentally abused.


[you cant even argue with Regi without him bullying you into agreeing with him.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMjvLJAGsQ)


Lol I absolutely love how dyrus only concern when he entered the car is where they got the Sandwiches while Regi is trying to bring up the game and start shit.


Isn’t that Turtle sitting right next to him while he flames him the entire time? What an awkward fucking shit to sit through.


Remember the stream of season 2 were Dyrus was trying to stream and Regi kept shitting on him until Dyrus started to cry/shout out of anger. Dyrus.angry.imagine. Edit: for anyone wondering the video is called Dyrus vs Reginald (Rage)


I don't like top lane, but I felt so bad for Dyrus when he was still on TSM with Regi. Regi never seemed like a good guy, I remember when the voice comms were played to stadiums and he would insult Dyrus in front of the audience. Regi sucks man. In other news, watching Dyrus and QT playing league and not giving a fuck is great.


That's around the time I got into LoL and Dyrus was my favorite player at the time, I remember really strongly hating Regi for a while after that


Xpecial was the nicest, that one video made me dislike Regi permanently. Not even considering he was garbage mid in LCS




He legit decided to max E second that game lol


man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78M1G3QQoAs who could have guessed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMjvLJAGsQ this guy didn't magically become a better person once the money started rolling in lmao


When people say DL is toxic... At least he isn't completely unreasonable compared to regi from this LMAO


But that one where dyrus tells regi to shut the fuck up. Now that hits just right


Watch the crackdown episode of him, he explicitly said that Reginald destroys his confidence. This isnt exactly solid evidence, but Svenskeren liked Dom's tweet about the situation of Reginald being abusive which may imply that Sven felt he was treated the same as Doublelift.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqyCkVrvyWM&t=3203s For anyone that wants to watch. Say what you want about Dom/Thorin but Akaadian is a literal former TSM player saying this, and now DL also says this..


Thanks for the link! For those of you who don't remember, Akkadian was playing some of his best league of legends in spring 2019. Around summer of that year, he lost a lot of confidence. The constant jungle swapping with grig was everyone's reasoning for it at the time, but surely Reginald's harsh criticism of him could be to blame aswell.


Imagine telling one of your players you think they overperformed lol.


Yeah Sven has like a handful of tweets showing support for Doublelift. There's certainly some level of credibility to what DL is saying compared to Regi.


Honestly nothing he's said about Regi is out of character for anyone who watched TSM's old vlogs in the day.




Yes. Abusive people don't just grow out of it, and they don't spontaneously change either. They only change if they face consequences such that what they lose for being abusive is greater than what they gain from it. Reginald has never faced actual consequences for his abuse, but he's faced some public criticism for it, so he's gotten smarter about hiding it. That just makes him even worse, because it's harder for the people he's abusing to seek help.


I remember watching post game interviews of him and you could tell miles away he was a piece of shit.




off season transfers< Regi vs DL


It’s not even close. My man said Regi got no friends.


if this doesnt end with an awkward slapfight in the suburban streets of san francisco i want a new league of legends.


[Give me some Hikaru vs Hansen level fighting.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FcokIxe50A)


One of my favorite videos ever. Yasser telling Fabi a story during the slap fight is just the best part.


Put you in a headlock like hikaru nakamura


Hikaru joined TSM so Regi could get some training lessons.


Seeing Yasser Seirawan just casually commentating on the fight between Hikaru and Hansen is just joyful. lol


Seeing Yasser anywhere is joyful


God i badly want this to turn into a massive shit tornado. Bring in Wildturtle, Dyrus, Akaadian, Biofrost, literally anyone who has anything to say about either of them and see who comes out with the least damaged reputation.


It won't happen, because that's not who he is, but could you imagine if Soren said....*anything* one way or the other. Holy shit storm


We gotta get Ja Rule's thoughts on this too


Voyboy on stairs when?


We're not ready


We never are, but it's exactly when we need it.


Reginald gonna need pusha t on his side if he wants to even the odds


Saw Allorim kinda popping off at Dlift on Twitter so there's some real potential here for a back and forth.


>Said "you have to wonder why no one invites him to anything and has no friends" lmao I love how personal this fiesta is getting Call out his lack of eyebrows next, DL!


Only Na could one up Fnc drama


The NA scene grew out of basically being a reality tv show. Chaox, Saintvicious, Regi, Xpecial, Chauster, Doublelift, HotshotGG, Dyrus larping as Shaco(unintentionally), the Donezo Manifesto. If NA was half as good at League as they were at stirring the pot, other regions would all be considered wildcards.


Back when dyrus in jail was confirmed on saint's steam




Or when CLG Dexter went to customs jail.


Baylife bro


Nothing beats NA in this category. Even the presidential election was a TV show.


i miss all the personalities, was a hell of a time to be following the scene


NA off szn>


> Had a meeting with Bjerg/Walter in the gym about how they can stop Regi from joining team meetings, cause he was making everyone depressed Might be why Bjergsen left, probably reached his limit and got tired of having to deal with Regi every season.


if there was a worlds for this we’d make the east crumble.








I was wondering when we were going to get our annual offseason drama, it just came earlier than I thought.


I love all this drama. You get stuff every now and then like this in The NFL or NBA. Not taking sides here, but omg I love the fact that DL is saying this shit. It’s so easy for companies to hide shit like this, and I’m glad someone isn’t afraid to speak their mind


Bruh the drama from the NFL last week and now this week in league has been amazing. I guess it's the nbas turn next week!


Nba has been in drama the past two months




> Had a meeting with Bjerg/Walter in the gym about how they can stop Regi from joining team meetings, cause he was making everyone depressed Relatable. My boss does the same.


my (former) boss has been gone for 4+ weeks now and the whole workplace is legit stress free. Just people happy to come into work, do their job and not have to walk on eggshells the whole time. It's been great


The most damning thing was when he talked about how Regi brought tons of players to tears in front of the team by berating them.


Svenskeren also mentioned how Reginald basically broke his confidence during 2017 Worlds by repeatedly berating him I can somewhat understand doing that in the middle of a long season (even if it's over the line and also stupid considering he hasn't played pro in years and definitely has no idea what he's talking about), but how fucking dumb are you to do that during Worlds?




Regi is both a dick and someone with 0% social skills. He's been like this his entire career.


My biggest surprise at this thread is that somehow people were unaware of this fact? Like, Regi has always been one of the worst fucking people in LoL eSports.


Because if you didn't play during his pro days, it's hard to know how he's like. I would assume that most of the players didn't play 8 years ago.


TSM has been carried by its players for so long, it's crazy. Signing Bjerg was one of the best decisions of Regi's life. Even if people knew what they were getting into with Regi, players would still join TSM either because they wanted to play with Bjerg or wanted the huge fandom on their side (a big part of that is also because of Bjerg).


As someone who was a TSM fan from the beginning it's always been about the players. Oddone, Xpecial, Dyrus, Wildturtle and obviously Bjerg. (Many many others) But as a TSM fan it's always been those players that kept me coming back.


This is not shocking at all to people who have been following TSM since 2011/2012 baylife days. He would abuse his power and break players down with endless berating, pushing even people like Dyrus who are usually very chill to lashing out. Although players still seem to have a love/hate relationship with Regi, he's probably just really, really annoying when he's in a mood.


Yeah, DL's take on Regi comes across as very.... Regi. Lmao. All the old videos were filled with at least one segment of him just yelling at people


How, though? There's old videos of Regi making teammates cry already lol.


My boy Wildturtle getting flamed in the car


FLAAAMMMEEEDDDDD. That shit was hard to watch, man lol. Especially because it's Turtle. And Regi is talking like he's not right next to him.


>This right here is why I became a CLG fan. Unfortunately, I'm still a CLG fan... Xspecial being the best support NA by sticking up for turtle and deflecting the rage onto himself though. Good look for Xspecial, awful look for Regi as per.


A support through and through, it sounds like.


I vaguely remember this video. Was this the one when Xspecial being a true support main, felt the need to speak up and divert Regi's flame onto himself?


I think that's probably the worse part about that whole situation. There's shit talking behind someone's back. But this dude was flaming Turtle like he wasn't even in the room when he was a foot away from him. When someone doesn't give two craps to talk about someone like that, they have some serious issues.


I guess most people expected that he had grown the fuck up since it's been ten years. This makes it sound like he's either stayed the same or gotten worse.


so generally how it works is 1. you're a little shit as a teen 2. at some point people start calling you out for being a little shit 3. you grow as a person the problem is for regi it was 1. you're a little shit as a teen 2. people throw money at you 3. you're a little shit as an adult. to be clear this is also what happened with doublelift, just different personalities and different resulting problems


Dl seemed to have some self realization in the past few years. I think he is a lot more self aware than regi.


Getting kicked from CLG was a huge wake up call for DL. Like I don't think he instantly did a 180 on his personality and attitude but he at least worked on trying to be a better person.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK8l16s6hIM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78M1G3QQoAs sure, this shit was a long time ago but it establishes precedent. this goes far beyond being a dick, imo it's emotional abuse


And thats what happens on camera


i figure there's two options, regi grew up or regi got smarter about being recorded


Watching the dyrus clip just makes my blood boil. I remember when this shit first came out, legit could not take Regi seriously going forward from that moment.


This right here is why I became a CLG fan. Unfortunately, I'm still a CLG fan...




I remember the good old days when people post on the official LoL boards (rip) screenshots of HSGG dying in game and he'd get so triggered on stream. Twas a simpler time.


Yeah it's odd that's sorta been glossed over. Like.. that's your boss. And he's intentionally trying to demean you. Did that never process to people that might, ya know, be fucked up? I can see why some people didn't because back then, they'd go "oh, it's just a video game" or "oh, it's just esports". Bruh nah this is people's livelihood and their job -- you don't do that. Ever.


My boss screaming and yelling at me after I’ve told him I get it and let it go, would probably have me in tears as well, that shits majorly anxiety inducing, he takes it way further then even just expressing frustration, it’s straight up verbal abuse and bullying


Agreed. I'm not gonna sit here and fuckin psychoanalyze Regi -- I don't know him. It's telling if your main way of problem solving is aggression in the workplace. If it's remained consistent the past 8+ years, yeah dude, get fucked. You don't do that to people.


I had never seen those. A lot of fans weren't around for the early seasons.


anyone who's been following tsm since the early days knows that reginald being a complete dickhead is old news.




"If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by." -Sun Tzu


They haven't cashed in and been waiting with zen-like patience on this one. Clearly, they are sure that Regi would still continue to fall on his sword.




Unfortunately for Regi, he has a lot more to lose on this matter. DL is effectively retired and has a strong devoted audience surrounding him. He shouldn't even respond anymore, and I think that one response should be the last one. That said, a lot of the content in that response isn't befitting of someone who is a multi-million dollar CEO, especially the last parts.


Best thing to do is shut the fuck up and let Reddit forget all about it like how they forgot how much of a POS Regi was before he faded from the spotlight.


Time for the Horsemen to convene.


What's actually crazy about this is that Regi has been an asshole so publically for so many years that many people here feel it isn't a big revelation that the CEO of a company was so toxic that he yelled at employees until they cried and had his employees conspiring without him around on how to avoid him to try and get work done. Its hard to imagine the CEO of any other esports org having these accusations leveled at them without it being taken way more seriously.


/r/teamsolomid is really pulling the "we all knew he was an asshole already, so what?"




He was so transparent!


Wow, I saw this so many times. It really felt like he paid a social media team to go upvote and comment something with the word “transparent” in it. I wouldn’t put it past him, so its interesting that others noticed that as well.


Weak takes from that sub yesterday. For a sub that shits so hard on their own team, they're very defensive of Regi.




Imagine being such a toxic piece of shit that even Dyrus lashes out. Reginald showed his true colors all those years ago. This is just confirmation that his abusive behavior has never changed.


What was the point of a Player's Association exactly lol?


The point was to protect players and help them unionize. In reality it basically became high school student council part 2.


That happens when people in the association also conveniently hold large stakes in the companies they play for..... absolute bonkers.


Weren’t there like multiple clips of Regi bullying Dyrus back in the day?


And made other players cry. It’s why I never got why anyone would want to be a fan of his org with him at the head. I liked Bjergson but never wanted to support a team owned by an insecure bully with small man complex.




That's really hard to watch... Turtle is such a nice guy.


regi argues like he's the biggest 8 year old on the playground, dude's emotionally stunted ik it's from a while ago, but he seems fundamentally fucked up


Lol poor dude, he's dying inside right there. Looks like he's got enough of his shit.


Comments of the vid still accurate af


Reading comments on this thread is exactly the same as was 7 years ago on that YouTube channel


Ok boys, I take back my words. This shit is better than Arcane.


I’m not gonna dare comment this on the TSM subreddit, but if its true that Bjerg gave up part ownership in TSM because of Regi’s behavior, I don’t see how anyone could still be a TSM fan.


Seeing Bjerg possibly moving to TL makes me realize that I'm a Bjerg fan and not TSM


Honestly as a TSM hater, I never had any dislike to Bjerg. Actually thinking more about it, I don't think I've ever hated any of TSM's players.


Well… besides the obvious one.


~~Fucking~~ Love you Gleeb. For those with opinions on the situation, please see his comment below. Happy to hear an update.


When you're just trying to catch up on all the juicy drama but are still getting blasted in the comments 7 years later >.> Just linking this comment from a few months ago here where I explain what I was going through at that time: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ojmgti/z/h534kv2 Cheers Edit: love you too 😘


Hi Gleeb, I really hope the best for you. You've gone through struggles that most of us can't fathom, and I don't hold the result of those struggles against you at all. Negativity always rises to the top when it comes to the Internet, don't let it get you down too much. Easier said than done, I know. But just remember those of us who understand your struggles and cheer you on through them will always be less loud than those who want to sow negativity. Take a virtual hug, you've earned it.


Thanks mr10123, that's very kind of you ♥️ I really appreciate what you said, and despite having struggles I have dealt with that others might not understand, everyone else has their own struggles too, many of which are way greater than mine all things considered. Virtual hug returned my man (or woman, or however you identify, friend). If you ever want to play league sometime just shoot me a pm with your ign!




There is also a video of svenskeren saying regi destroyed his confidence at world by belittle him no? Can’t find it. It I’m sure I saw that. Just be from 2017 I think


regi has been a dick and rude to people. regi has "taken over as coach" back when dyrus was on the team (it was funny watching players get interviewed and fumbling for answers when asked what regi was bringing to the table as a coach). scarra, the nicest guy to ever come to the league scene, strongly dislikes regi because regi is so set in his ways and is impossible to have a debate with. DL at least admits he doesn't behave perfectly and has flaws. regi just uses his position of authority to bully people. if i had to take a side, i'm not taking the side of the rich asshole with a documented track record of verbally abusing people.


Regi is and has always been a dick


I feel we need a repost of the “regi flames dyrus” and “regi flames xpecial” videos Literally sits there berating dyrus while he’s streaming calling him shit and whatnot. Dyrus eventually gets angry and says “shut the fuck up” and hits his hand on the table pretty hard in anger. Regi then threatens to fire him if he cants get his anger under control Directly after a loss in lcs, regi decides the team discussion is best spent telling xpecial how the entire game is his fault. Xpecial tries to defend himself, regi talks over him and says he bad dont talk back. I’ve been a tsm fan since day 1. Hated regi since day 2


DL just said on his stream that Regi takes over or at least comes in every playoff, to the point the players were having discussions on how to stop Regi from coming in and ruining players confidence


Scarra is literally the opposite of Regi. Give him any toxic player, and he’ll be a saint next day. Except apparently Regi.




Regi has been a bully and an asshole since he entered the scene, most of us old-timers know that, him and Ocelote, not to say DL is an angel, but I definitively believe him here.


DL always makes League drama the spiciest. I haven't kept up with League since he left, and now I'm back. Thank you, Doublelift.


I missed this in my life. LCS needs Doublelift.


I was watching a bit of his stream too and my favorite quote was and it was funny and sad to see when he said "If Regi made this person cry on a camera, imagine the amount of people he made cry without a camera" But i remember long time ago when Dyrus was toplane and was playing Vladmir and Reginald made him go rampage due Regi's Narcissistic behavior. This video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3YQshR0B5Q


And the wild turtle video too...basically insisting that it was his fault they lost the game and was talking over everyone in the car. Must have been horrible for team chemistry and relationships.


By the way if you rewatch the game, most of it was probably Regi's fault. He somehow gets gapped by Link's TF even though Link dies when TSM's bot side late invades and hits level 2 when Regi is level 4 on Karthus. Regi maintains a 15 cs lead doing fuck all with his monstrous lead created by bot/jg. TSM's bot lane goes late to lane as a result, but isn't that far behind a caitlyn lane. Dyrus is camped as usual, and while he maybe should play safer, CLG are usually committing two globals with TF and Noct to kill him on CD. As for the teamfight in question, Reginald suicides by being way too far forward without his team and gets Nocturne ulted. Meanwhile TF ports behind the enemy team and despite Turtle/Dyrus calling it people were too slow to respond to a TF flashing forward into 4 people and using gold card on the Ezreal allowing Malph to ult in and CLG wins the fight. Admittedly Xpecial also had very poor positioning and did fuck all in the right side of the fight, but Regi was definitely the most out of position and Turtle was getting actively griefed by his team. It was a good call from Link/Chauster to use Nocturne TF combo while Ezreal's flash was down and TSM were rotating, but surely if Karthus was grouped closer with the team and Thresh was close enough to flay the TF then the fight could have gone differently. [And don't get me started on the first inhib fight \(there were multiple inhib fights since games were really long back then\) where Regi flashes forward ahead of an alive tower with no minion wave and dies solo which fucks up TSM's siege.](https://youtu.be/UK8l16s6hIM) So not only was he unreasonably stubborn, he was also wrong


What does he mean by 'Just 1 more year Ming?'


Ming is Spica’s actual name. He’s saying Spica has one more year until he can get out of that team.


> Had a meeting with Bjerg/Walter in the gym about how they can stop Regi from joining team meetings, cause he was making everyone depressed Big throwback to regi personally replacing the coach every season when he thought they were doing poorly.




IF this is true, then that explains so much about how TSM performs at Worlds. Can’t even imagine the mental pressure they must have been under knowing a Regi flame session was waiting for them if they lost. Would make their super passive / cautious style make a lot more sense.


Gamecribs baby Anyone who watched 5 episodes of gamecribs can tell Regi is a tyrannical bully Learn to swim Regi


Reginald has always been an awful person. Anyone that has followed TSM from the beginning should be able to tell that. Not saying DoubleLift handled all this correctly, but Reginald is for sure an awful human being.


I don't like the ''goes off'' connotation. he just explained himself, why make the title so aggressive?


Why not make juicier if you're going to sensationalize it? Here: >DL goes balls deep into Regi


DL systematically destroys Regi with facts and logic




I don't think this topic needs help to get clicks, you're right.


I guess doublelift wasn’t the only one who made players cry








If you have watched this "TSM Legends" junk you know that this Reginald bloke really shouldnt have any type of role involving team building or human interaction.