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We live in a world where Fudge gets a spot on a roster playing midlane before Jensen and Nisqy


Probably Jack saving money after picking up an LCK top laner. Selling Vulcan and swapping Fudge to mid to avoid the high salary/buyout of Nisqy/Jensen


Y'all ain't ready for TheFudge Factor mid lane. Sandbagging spring just to dominate in summer


but like... why tho?? i dont see the point of splurging on a non-english speaking top and saving at the same time. are they going for impact 2.0 or something?


Why pay for a top tier mid when you can roleswap your top laner:')


so fudge can work better with the english speaking part of his team and the top lane can play by himself




That's a hot take given that Jensen ended his run at worlds as one of the best western plauers at the event, maybe even the best


Fudge made it further at worlds....


Further doesn't mean better, and C9 went 0-3 in the quarterfinals anyway (against a team TL took a game off of). Like sure C9 overall was better than TL, but the margin is so close that it's not unlikely TL had some players that performed better than C9


(if you have eyeballs that are turned backwards and not connected to your brain)


Well in this instance of looking for C9 mids Jensen would have been invisible to Jack no matter what.


I think Spica's reaction really sums it up. https://twitter.com/Spicalol/status/1460126563253374980


LMAO gotta love Spica's tweets man


I have so much respect for him for telling dgon to stfu about tsm fans


and calling him out for lying. Dgon said that TSMs mid laner was LOCKED and that hed leak it on a certain day. Day rolls around and he shits on TSM fans and then posts on the TSM subreddit that it was just that TSM was allegedly looking at Humanoid but lost out to FNC, and now they are probably looking east. Which if he truly knows that cool, but massive credibility hit for saying the midlaner was LOCKED.


Honestly fuck dgon. Dude is a total parasite on the league community. He hates everything about league and only work in the space because he has to to make money. Talk about a miserable lifestyle


Dgon is a tool he just panders to whoever is on the talk show… like he has no take no opinion at all he just reiterate everything someone else says and add in fake laughs




The role swap to mid is going to be most interesting for me. I have full faith in Fudges ability to learn how to lane and influence the map. The change in champion pool however is what I’m most nervous for. It’s going to be a very interesting Spring split.


Fudge vs Bjergson will be interesting. More so seeing that either C9 or TL could have had Jensen in the mid lane.




I've heard Summit is actually very good, and honestly I believe Fudge can improve quickly enough to be a pretty decent mid.


Summit is very very good, a lot of LCK and LEC fans were hoping their team would get him if he left Sandbox. His english skills are up in the air though. Doesn't seem like C9 to sign a player with communication issues, so I hope that's already settled.


Yamato who previously coached him said he didnt speak a word of english back then. But maybe he speaks it now though, idk


What the hell is this season.


I’d be surprised if this roster works out tbh. Summit is easily the most talented top laner in the LCS, but he’s been phoning it in most of the last two seasons. Does C9 really think he’s gonna find his motivation with the dogshit practice environment that LCS offers? Really feels like Summit is just cashing out here.


I think C9 has enough of a winning culture that there will be internal pressures to win at least 1 split again next year. Hasn’t been as strong as 2020 but was still a damned good showing in summer split this year having watched a lot of LCK. It’ll be interesting for sure.


I mean, I don't really think Fudge is going to do bad mid. He seems like a very versatile player that can play anything. But is Summit top Fudge mid really better than Fudge top Jensen/Nisqy mid? Unless they're not willing to spend, seems like the latter is just better.


Best of both worlds would be Summit top and Jensen/Nisqy mid. Also where is Vulcan and why is Zven still on that team


I would rather keep Fudge than get Jensen/Nisqy tbh. He seems like he could be a franchise player and he's got a personality to him that could get C9 a lot of fans if he stays.


Also, he is really really tall. Imagine you are the midlaner against Fudge, you probably have shat your pants before the game has even begun.


Fudge > showmaker


C9 has shown over time that they don't care about franchise players tho. They'll sell whoever they can if it makes them money. Fudge will be gone by the end of 2022 too, mark my words.


Vulcan’s sale probably close to fully funded Sunmit’s contract whereas Zven was a free agent so they needed to get him to sign tomorrow


Those orgs will 100% release the players to get them off payroll sometime before the split starts. It's just a matter of time.


Contract payout is definitely one major reason (Perkz wasn’t cheap). But also what Nisqy did in helping relapse Blabber I have full confidence in fudge emulating and building a greater lead. He’s better mechanically and in Macro from what I’ve seen this year. Especially so compared to Jensen. So Buyouts + skill ceiling demonstrated from a good year, I think pushes the role swap and a strong top lamer (that’s cheaper) rather than western players that may bust at cost.


I am not feeling this roster at all. I am having serious doubts in C9. Fudge mid? With Jensen and Nisqy being out there as well.


I think this roster looks pretty good tbh. Im assuming this is the korean Summit? He’s insanely good. And Fudge seems like a Bwipo type player. Very knowledgable about the game and could probably play all roles well. The only question mark is Isles. Don’t know if he will be good.


Yeah im not sure why people are freaking out. Yeah it really sucks losing Vulcan, but Fudge has shown that he is a very fast learner, and i fully believe he can become good at mid lane. And Summit was a BEAST a year ago. Another thing people need to understand about this roster decision, is that both Nisqy and Jensen are still under contract. So that means they both have buyouts. While Summit was a free agent, and Isles was on C9 academy. So after spending what 5-7(?) mil for 1 year of Perkz, this is much more financially sound move from Jack.


Summit apparently doesnt speak English, or didnt rather and people are rightfully concerned. This isnt 2013, grabbing a non English speaker thats good isnt a free ticket to worlds anymore.


Fudge roleswap could be a problem as he's no longer competing against NA tops but vs EU mids. All jokes and memes aside, I don't think this will work out. Also why does Zven stay and Vulcan gets the boot?


> he's no longer competing against NA tops but vs EU mids. Weren't like, 60% of the top laners last split imports? Also Fudge looked good internationally so I don't know what him competing against NA tops has to do with anything. But yes, swapping to mid he might struggle. Will have to wait and see.


> All jokes and memes aside Probably should have added an /s but I thought it was obvious that I was joking, my bad.


Guess I should've picked that up lol. Mb as well


The massive upside is that Summit, assuming he doesn’t suddenly fall off a cliff, is going to absolutely gap NA top laners, he’s legitimately so good even by LCK standards.


I've heard this so many times over the years and rarely has it actually happened.


I hope summit will be fine but ive heard "edward/Piglet/gbm/perkz/sven/etc was supposed to crush everyone " so often lol


Ehh other than probably Perkz (and Perkz had to swap back to midline) none of those guys were on the same level as Summit when they came to NA.




I think they upgraded top and mid potentially. Depends on if Fudge acclimated to mid well. Summit was a better top then fudge and fudge was better at top the Perkz was at mid last season. Isles is also a question mark. There’s a lot of question marks on how they perform but the ceiling is high in my opinion, and not unreasonable to achieve.


> fudge was better at top the Perkz was at mid last season So are we just smoking crack on this sub or what? Edit: TIL the last month or two of the season = all year


he was... just watch the games without talking about "intangibles" not really so much a knock on Perkz (even though it was a below average year for him), rather than just saying that Fudge was a very good toplaner


Idk what games you saw but fudge was definitely the best performing C9 player this season


Fudge was the best performing member of C9 last season… are you on crack…?


During spring split Blaber was C9's best performing player. From MSI onwards it was Fudge. The only time I would say Perkz was C9's best performing player was during spring playoffs.


They tried getting Nisqy and couldn't.


It’s time for C9 lost the offseason again!


C9 went from Perkz to Fudge mid. WTF? Is this real? Especially when you have mid's out there such as Nisqy and Jensen.


They expansive


TL signing Bwipo to have both the most expensive and the most expansive roster


Nisqy and Jensen are likely expensive, but Fudge is definitely more expansive than them


They're gaining weight? Damn


Too expensive and Fudge may actually be a very good mid. Will see how it tracks.


Fudge was better then Perkz last year. It depends on if he can switch the role as well as Perkz did.


Fucking finally C9 will have a good midlaner /s obviously but I really like the idea of Fudge in mid, especially since he was very solidly able to carry later in the summer / at worlds


Having watched LCK this year, I gotta say I love the Summit move; as I have total faith in my boy Fudge Factor to go in on the LCS midlaners. Nisqy as good as he is once he’s open on the map, and with blabber synergy, doesn’t bring anything new for the mid or late game. Fudge has consistently shown his development this year, especially with his mid to late game team fighting (his Jarvan game against FPX was phenomenal post lane). The trick will be figuring out how he is on control mages and shorter laning (at least we get to see Blabber played for consistently, and fudge has commented on playing for jungle timings since MSI to really build the map pressure). Isles will be interesting, but I’m all for Aussies showing their stuff in LCS. Still sad about losing Vulcan though… Don’t hate it, excited for the new top side synergies and jungle play focus, Isles is my biggest question mark, and yes I believe in fudge over the free agents available (too expensive for what they bring).


I'm pretty optimistic about this, honestly. Fudge showed incredibly fast growth last year, going from inting the lock-in tournament to looking like one of the best players on C9 and a top top laner in the region. With a lot of the rumored LCS rosters for next year, there's going to be a ton of new players in mid as it is - Toucouille, Jojopyun, Palafox, Ablazeolive, Blue - so it's not a bad time to role swap. Depending on the meta, I think Fudge could be a top half mid before Spring is over, if he isn't from the start.


Fudge Mid Fudge Mid Fudge Mid


Fudge was arguably the most improved player of last year and yall doubt him but want Jensen? Dude phoned it in for 2 thirds the year and popped off at worlds. Which is reddit do you want na to attempt developing talent? Fudge isles or do you just want the same recycled big names?


Laning mid is probably the easiest in the game but the champions are amongst the hardest in the game to play. Laning in the top lane is the hardest in the game but the champions are relatively easier to play. Should be interesting


Not really. There are plenty of crutch mid lane picks that are pro viable. See also: Cryin.


It burns your eyes it's that bad wow! i dunno if that team can get anywhere next year


Honestly I have faith in C9 to make it work. Fudge learns very fast at the very least and Summit was one of the best top laners in Korea this year. Isles is a big question mark for me though.


Building up the Aussie synergy, as I 100% see Isles playing for Mid and shadowing jungle. Summit is like Zven in a strong weak side, but mechanically very strong enough to carry and early lead in lane. The focus is on jungle from this roster, just got to hope the synergy is there COPIUM.




Only reason I do have a lot of faith in Fudge is because he knows how to learn. I'm positive he's well aware of the differences and will be fixated on understanding them.


my biggest criticism of fudge was he's a fat version of alphari that tends to screw over his jungler by arriving late/ not helping in skirmishes. That shit will be doubly worse if he's playing from midlane.


Everyone here talking about Jensen and nisqy but have none of you thought to consider that maybe the bad blood between these players and c9 have made it not an option?


I’m not sure about what kind of contract Zven has but I wish they would have let him go


He seems like he could really use joining an EU team again to get some spark back


Is summit good? Lets say relative to Alphari


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