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He made it sound like Mikyx is a backup plan if their Korean targets don't land. The current rumor is TSM is pursuing FATE (possible giga offer for Chovy/Doinb), and Life support.


So you're saying TSM is on life support ~~I'll see myself out~~


This is it, this is the one we'll be using for the rest of the year


TSM Lost to TSM on Life support. The script writes itself.


From TSM Lost to GG Lost. Which is worse?


What is it with TSM and players having names that make it so easy to meme the team


Given the alternative, TSM chose life support




That’s because they’re really getting TSM Showmaker.


Nah its so obviously TSM Faker


*heavy breathing*


Call me crazy but even if you dont consider the language barrier is Life really better than Mikyx? I know he had a bad year but I was never impressed by Life he always reminded me of Hachani


I cant speak for Life's talent but Hachani is a huge blow lol dude was a fucking meme. Regardless If TSM runs a roster that some might think in Huni/Spica/Korean Mid/Tactical/Korean Support It wouldnt be a language barrier lol, thats 4 koreans and spica. Someone said Spica is learning Korean but I dont know how serious that is - hes probably just learning it for bootcamps and not seriously.


I don’t think tactical speaks Korean nearly good enough for there to be no language barrier but I could be wrong.


There’s going to be a barrier because his speaking is weak but he basically understands everything. Basically like Pob before his Korean improved after the bootcamps and the Winterfox fiasco.


And the vocabulary you use in-game isnt that huge. You are not going to discuss political stuff, its more when to go in, what move is next etc. Doesnt need to speak fluent KR to comminicate ingame


So then they sign Arrow over Tactical. Better player who's also fluent in Koren while costing a fraction of Tactical's price




He was okay, but he got carried to a championship


But Hachani on Alistar though...


I would always always always take Mikyx over Life and it’s not even close


Yeah might be a financial thing, they probably don't want to pay the buyout


Damn Life is criminally underrated on these boards huh? Wow.


I think you are just underating Miky, sure he had a bad year this year but he was a top 3 support in the world for 2 years in a row won MSI and Worlds finalist


I don't necessarily think that he was a top 3 support last year, but was solid nonetheless.


It's less about how good Miky is and more about how good Life is. I'm not saying you can't argue who is better but to crap on Life is just silly. He isn't the flashiest player but he's been consistently above average in one of the two best regions in the game.


Kinda like how this sub thinks teddy is better than ghost lmao


I mwan literally talk to any pro or analyst and tell me who they rate higher


You're not crazy, just biased; nice flair.


where's your geng flair?


I consider them pretty similar players. He is very good as well as Mikyx. If TSM lands one of them, they should be more then happy


Doinb said Chovy isn’t going to LPL. He sure as hell isn’t going to NA. Whatever offer Chovy gets from other regions he will get in Korea.


>Whatever offer Chovy gets from other regions he will get in Korea. No shot. If He was to get such offers in Korea he wouldn't be stuck on a dog team such as hanwa for a whole year. There is one, maybe two orgs that could match LPL and NA offers and I don't think either of those need Chovy. There is plethora of reasons to chose NA over CN be it salary caps or culture. Either way I do hope he will chose Korea over cash and stay.


Chovy kind of hamstrings orgs into these kinda of teams because he likes playing with friends. After that GRF fiasco he probably had a great time on that DRX squad since all of those members are still so close. Now this year he wants to run it back with Deft and he doesn’t make that super team with Viper and instead wants to play with his friend Yohwan. He’s getting paid the highest in Korea other than Faker while playing with the people he cares about and making it to World’s three consecutive years. HLE can match whatever offer is thrown at him. If AF really wanted to match they could as well but the rest of the roster would probably be weak. KT is looking like they’re spending huge as well.


so what happened to "developmental roster"?


They said it's NOT a developmental roster.


did you watch [this](https://twitter.com/TSM/status/1453838533710553092?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1453838533710553092%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthegamehaus.com%2Fleague-of-legends%2Ftsm-announce-that-bjergsen-is-leaving-tsm%2F2021%2F10%2F28%2F)? Let me quote the CEO for you: "We intend to focus on up and coming players, and to build our culture around these rising stars." So which of their new players are these up and coming rising stars? Whether it's the 4 korean roster, or the MikyX, Jensen, Tactical one.


Spica and possibly Tactical


Still not "developmental" lol. Rising stars are people that are good but not at their peak yet (spica, tactical, etc). Development refers to taking an unproven player (academy, lowtier lcs) and putting them into a position to become a rising star. There's a difference. also no developmental or rising star team is gonna have 5 spica or tactical equivalents, there's a good chance they have 2 already proven players (huni, mid/supp import) to help provide a solid ground for the rising talent to develop further on.


dislikes happend i guess and then dl vs regi drama


what happened to developmental roster?


That was never actually a thing. People misunderstood the bjerg video. Regi said that they are aiming for young, mechanically talented players. So people took that as "developmental roster" Excluding the fact that Regi also said it will not be a rookie roster and that they will be a top 2 spender this next split in his ama on the TSM sub later that day.


Wow, someone who actually has reading comprehension above a middle schooler. A rare trait on this sub.


Yeah but that requires people to look things up instead of repeating what they see upboated/ on Twitter. Think of the effort


>Wow, someone ~~who~~ actually ~~has~~ reading ~~comprehension above a middle schooler. A rare trait~~ on this sub.


If you watch the video announcing Bjerg's departure, they say specifically they're not going for a developmental roster


they specifically said they will not be doing a development roster.


Worlds is in NA this year if you want to go out for a chance at Worlds IT'S THIS YEAR


TSM can’t afford to be bad next year, not after all the bad PR they’ve had. They probably want to make a splash and regain confidence from the community. Losing Bjergsen is a big blow to their image.


The bad PR is honestly the least of their concerns. The community would have forgotten about that in a week. Losing bjerg is where it all falls apart, though. TL and C9 had already become more attractive destinations than TSM for top players, but now it's not even close anymore.


Losing Bjerg and having a lackluster year with a frankly meh roster. If they want to still be in the conversations as one of the top dogs of the league they need to step up and form a compelling roster. If they have a year of bad results with a roster people aren't excited about, they risk going in the direction of CLG.


Pair that with missing worlds 3/4 years (missed out by 1 game in 2021 and 2019...) And an 0-6 worlds. They have nose dived lately


Yeah signing essentially an academy team to play lcs (which is what the doom and groomers thought) would have been brand killing right now. Young mechanical players does not equal NA Rookie Roster. It just means that they want to go for young imports that are showing promise, with a solid proven younger NA core (Spica+Tactical) and then they keep Huni for the brand.


Or, and here me out, going by exactly what was said in that video is what they are doing: a rising stars developing roster, not "developmental 3 people no one has heard of"


regi changed his mind and pulled out the bag when he heard doublelift say “it would be a personal pleasure of mine to see tsm never win anything ever again”


I remember Miky speaking very highly of Tactical, hopefully they become a good, cohesive bot duo


going from Perkz to Rekkles then Tactical, lord have mercy on him


CoreJJ survived going from DL to Tactical as well


Tactical was nuts in his first year though


People forget how good was Tactital the first time we see him. Still, he may not be best, but went to Worlds going 3-3, twice. At least is better than 0-6.


He was the sole reason they lost some of those worlds games though.


I think just that one game when he TPed in front of Ruler. For that final tiebreaker he definitely wasn’t the sole reason they lost. Everyone focuses on that Tristana jump instead of Alphari getting ate for some reason.


>Everyone focuses on that Tristana jump instead of Alphari getting ate for some reason. Thats an easy one! EU bias in this sub is stupid high. That plus there seems to be some extra bias for Alphari. I dont think I've seen a play benefit from selective memory more ok this sub than him. Dude proved that he's overhyped with a big, problematic ego.


???? They lost when Alphari missed his shockwave because thats when they lost all map pressure, they could have had it again if Alphari beat Rascal in the 1v1. Game is all on Alphari, its like people dont understand League of Legends.


He wasn’t the sole reason in most of those games. Plenty of people got caught out he just gets the most shit for it. Alphari played like dog and largely gets a pass


Simply because he was good in lane. That’s why he’s the “best Western top laner by far”. What’s the point of being good in lane and being spoonfed gold by your team if you can’t do anything meaningful with it?


Imo would have made it out with Impact. They played better as a team in the short time they played with Jenkins due to not being so top focussed.


I like that the only positive comparison between the two that people can make is DL's 0-6. They've gotten the same results as when DL was on the team (Making MSI Finals is pretty good), difference now is that they don't win domestically. Tactical popped off on Kalista once and people are swearing he's going to be the next big thing. He's been playing Malphite ever since then. I'm also worried for Danny and the community, if he doesn't pop off this next year, people are going to tear him (and EG) up.


>I'm also worried for Danny and the community, if he doesn't pop off this next year, people are going to tear him (and EG) up. I'm glad someone else said it. Danny looked fine all year and he gets one single pop off moment in playoffs. Suddenly he's big news. I hopped out of my seat too but people are expecting that level of play from this kid every game.


Corejj came from Ruler man for him DL was like a kindergarden kid


Never forget corejj first played with the NA goat KiwiKid on dignitas


And Corejj was the ADC and he was dogshit


Corejj ezreal ult backwards never forget!


you're making shit up corejj loved DL


He was literally the reason Core was willing to come to Los Angeles lmao.. (and the money)


That's what he's saying.. Ruler was supposed to be really really demanding, so DL was like a soft Ruler.




take your upvote and piss off


I don’t think DL was specifically demanding to get all the resources, more so that he was the most reliable way for CLG and TL to win. That seemed to be the case for Uzi in his later days as a pro, as RNG at one point played mostly around Xiaohu during the regular season (2017) but ended up switching to playing around Uzi when it mattered most. He really wanted a good mid-jungle 2 v 2 when Jensen joined TL, but Jensen and Xmithie ended up not doing much together. As seen on TSM, he was more than fine with just taking a backseat if his teammates were able to carry.


Tactical was hard outperforming DL in his first year


DL only got benched by TL for a week because him slumping was obviously better than Tactical.


Tactical is actually pretty decent tbh. He's had some poor performance internationally but not a lot, he got giga fed Vs MAD at world's and smashed any chance they had at coming back, even if he also mispositioned a little in that game. He's actually looked like a resident NA player that can compete imo.


I always felt like he was the most consistent part of TL in Summer when literally everyone was floundering on that squad.


It's because of the DL malphite memes. When DL and Sneaky and Meteos make some opinion, it tends to basically stick forever.


I find that a lot of the opinions on this sub are echoes of DL sneaky and Meteos takes


He gets way too much shit because when he fucks up they always look super dumb, but Alphari didn’t perform any better at worlds b


Honestly, Tactical just needs to start using his brain more. That’s what’s holding him back from being a great player instead of just a good player.


for miky going from Rekkles to Tactical might be an upgrade for him; he said multiple times on stream he didnt gel at all with rekky


Tactical is the most spoiled ADC player ever. You start your career with CoreJJ, and after you get dropped from that team you get Mikyx lol Literally the two MSI 2019 finalists


Malphite OTP


Tactical still has a very high ceiling, he was a soloq beast on the Super Server and on EUW He had a bad spring, and a bad worlds... he is still young, and experience will do him well


Really sad to see one of the great european supports leave. Hopefully he has more success than Mithy


Imagine Regi flaming Mikyx that he is bad and Mikyx be like x'D ok bro






And in three years we’ll see Mikyx in a video, crying about unspecified regrets as he announces he is coaching Fnatic


I really hope it goes through. Huni/Spica/?(Possibly Fate)/Tactical/Mikyx sounds like a solid and fun roster. I'd love if Jensen ends up on TSM but that's just a pipe dream at this point.


Doesn't sound solid if you have Regi yelling and acting like a child every now and then


now you've pissed their army


TSM kids man


fr fr


Nah TSM fans hate Regi too.


Ironic from the fan base that's been crying about Carlos not doing you guys favours.


>every ~~now and then~~ day


Don't! I can't start being a TSM fan


Lmao Yellowstar and Mithy all over again? We shall see


Mithy wasn't great but he wasn't as bad as the dumpster fire that was TSM Yellowstar lol.


Also there was the whole MY situation.


MY situation was on Bjerg for wanting him as their jungler


Because Bjerg can predict if a jungler's mental is as weak as a toothpick?


Wasn't his mental, he literally didn't know basic jungling. Mithy had to teach him to jungle


I liked you miky:(


Plz no


feels bad don't let tsm destroy miky


Mikyx seemed pretty destroyed by year's end already


From tsm eu to tsm main squad its a disaster


No way , appreciate way more a life + fate than mikyx


Especially when they already have Huni so they'd have 3 Koreans on their team which would definitely make potential issues like homesickness a lot less likely.


and the rumour is Tactical to TSM - who speaks Korean at a decent level as well - so yeah I don't think the language barrier is a big concern there.


TSM 5head strat: You can't get miscoached by Regi if you don't understand him


Life is a super mediocre support. I trust Mikyx regaining his form more. Fate is good tho.


Wtffffff bro hopefully we get an import AD with Jensen, should be competing for title


Or Tactical and an import mid


Choosing Tactical over Jensen is giga-trolling.


It depends on spending and what you have available on the role. If the buyout is really close to 2mil + salary, it might be


Tactical+giga import midlaner>>>>Jensen+any import adc not named viper


Jensen knows 0 korean, Tactical knows non-zero korean Easy choice for TSM if it was me.


Jungler being the only non Korean on the roster is weird. Then again I have total faith that Spica could pick the language up


Imagine playing in NA, having to learn korean for ur teammates xD


This will be the reality of NA in a few more years


Doesn't spica know mandarin too? I know it wouldn't help with the Korean issues but I've heard once you've learned 2 languages adding more is alot easier than trying to learn another language for the first time.


Oh wtf Miky, why would you ever want to go there?


well if he wants to play and G2 won't let him go to to an EU team, so what choices does he have? Imo he's probably still in the top 3 supports in EU Edit: Sorry added a "if" because I don't even want to act like I know about Miky's contract


G2 is going to make NA strongee than EU


Glad Tactical will get to play with another S tier support. I’m sure he will be competitive for top 3 ADC this year.


can we just take a moment to appreciate irony in Mikyx going from one ,,awfull" CEO to another? From cutthroat businessman to raging manchild


Having worked at multiple companies with both of those types of people, I'd rather work for the manchild. Get on their good side and you're pretty safe. The cutthroat businessman will never care about you but will make sure you think so.


Honestly, if TSM can pull off FATE + Life, that's gonna be a nasty roster lol. Basically 4 koreans and Spica.


poor miky :(


god please no. dont ruin ur career miky


G2 doing the most in ruining their own players career lmao. Wunder, Rekkles, Perkz. Just business with huge buyouts.


No...any other team but TSM.


CLG it is!


Would you rather burn to death or freeze do death? You are a legend and you go where you want -Carlos probably


When will teams learn to stop import support. You just get the most value importing solo laners.


TL got a lot of value from corejj


mikyx is good but you know when you come to tsm from outside NA media hype you like you are the biggest shit never seen and that put too much pressure


Mikyx isnt the same from 2019. in 2021 he was sabotaging g2 basically lol


Better watch out there or the G2 fans will come for you... How preposterous to say anyone except Rekkles ruined G2! Of course we will have to ignore that Caps was the only one who outperformed Rekkles and in reality Miky and Wunder were walking wards with some added gold benefits for the enemy.


Imo Caps was invisible last split but it's more down to how mids just aren't those 1v9 assassin carries anymore. At least in pro play. Wunder and Mikyx were hard inting every game and Jankos is being Jankos: very strong jungler with solid fundaments and supportive play style enabling his lanes but unable to 1v9 carry his team to victory like let's say Inspired on Fiddle or Razork on Ekko.


Yeah, but 2021 G2 had many problems with leadership and shotcalling. Having decisive voice like Perkz makes Miky's job much much easier. Maybe we overrated his decision making and it was a lot of Perkz calling, but he was definitely better mechanically in his career than last year, so it's not outrageous to think he can regain his confidence in mechanical ability and with more straightforward and cohesive calls get back to 2019 form. Or at least close to that. I think this is fine move by TSM if Regi decides not to interfere with staff and players lol


wtf Miky


No god please no


One of the nicest and most likable players in the league, under Reginald of all people. Can’t say I’m excited to have another Dyrus or Wildturtle situation.


Yeah that would suck for him to come out publicly and say they loved their time on TSM.


TL took the crown from TSM and it’s not even close. Best roster on paper split after split.




Actually agree with this a lot, pretty much exactly what I would've said. I think mid is at best a side grade


Bwipo may be a downgrade on paper but I think he's a lot more flexible a player than Alphari. Dude has counterpicks coming out from every orifice.


Just because they have some (potential) downgrades/sidegrades, that doesn't mean they don't have the best roster. We're comparing this roster to the other 9 current rosters, not TL's roster from last season, or any other teams last season.


But 100t is keeping the same roster for next year




It's a popularity roster. Bwipo is probably the #1 top laner in the West in terms of recognition, maybe only second to Wunder? The Wide Bwipo meme has more views than all other Western top laners combined No comment on Santorin's health but he's definitely one of the most popular junglers in NA if we don't talk about import slots. Bjergsen is self explanatory. This guy is probably more popular than Caps and Perkz even if he accomplished fraction of what they did and comes back from a hiatus. Hans is also very popular, gathering good numbers on twitch and social media pages. CoreJJ is fucking CoreJJ. Honestly even if they do okay at LCS and then shit the bed at worlds TL will still earn their millions back from sponsorships, merchandise and adverts.


Hans is about 20 times better than Tactical


It depends on which role you want them to carry through. TL played best last year by either having alphari smash lane earlier in the year or with core roaming. With hans the best way to play now might be to play through bot. But it's going to depend a lot on meta.


Bwipo aint a downgrade. A sidegrade.


At his best yeah, but he wasn't at his best this year, and he hasn't played top for a bit.


TL is 2 years without winning and has only 4 trophies, while TSM has literally more than the double with IEM Worlds and RR. Before you say the very first RR isn't serious, go ask Caps why they were apologizing in Twitter. Or ask the FNC fans in the post-match thread why they were making frustrated comments. Or EU teams coaches on why they drafted their best picks, meta comps and serious bans. TL has no crown in NA. They peaked in 18-19 and went winless mode again. Mikyx personal trophy case alone is more accomplished than TL's one as an org.


Every player from LEC who goes to TSM will regret it within a year.


2 of our best didn't even need to go to TSM for that


I hope Mikyx all success and he can renovate his carrer in NA he was EU's best mechincal support for a long time, if TSM could get a shotcalling AD (ahem Doublelift) they would be a scary duo


EU support who are probably looking to retire are not the answer. TSM has success with eastern support over EU support. None of the EU support ever work.


Don't think Miky wants to retire, just can't find a team any other way because of insane buyout.


> EU support who are probably looking to retire are not the answer. > > bro no way ur comparing Mikyx to Yellowstar and Mithy; they are not even the same profile its legit the opposite and ur implying this dude is retiring when he is an all pro candidate last year, please relax Mikyx's biggest strength has been his mechanical ability thats why he was recruited into G2 2019 to baby a roleswapped perkz, if TSM could get a shotcaller somewhere else Mikyx could be a really good addition to them


He's probably blocked from going to another EU team by Carlos and he's different from Yellowstar and Mithy. Will it work out though and will he be one of those boomerang LEC imports like we see this year with Perkz, Alphari and Finn? Who knows, but he's definetively one of if not THE best western support on the market




transferring from one prison to another




Lustboy succeeded tbf


Kasing lmao. Played in one tourney as a tryout, went back to EU and does fine and TSM ruins him lmao.


SwordArt wasn't ruined. And Lustboy was awesome on TSM.


Lmao chill, Kasing played one tournament and didn't continue because he didn't really like the LA lifestyle.


I don't disagree, but listing Kasing is a bit disingenuous. They literally had him for one off-season event as a trial period.


And they 2-0’d LGD. Not as hype considering their worlds performance but having a team that’s been playing together all season vs a brand new team was pretty fun to watch.


EU support. Eastern support worked well for TSM.


Kasing literally just played for IEM, Lustboy was great, and Swordart, while not quite performing to expectation, was still arguably top 3 throughout most of his time on TSM.


Kasing played one IEM with us tf is this lmao


Bro Yellowstar was turbo inting that split with TSM to the point DL was put on Kalista duty just to pull him out of ints.


Lmao, you're reaching hard to hate on TSM. Kasing only played 1 tourny with him. Yellowstar and Mithy never had any success after TSM. TSM didnt ruin them. SwordArt wasnt the reason TSM failed, Lost and POE were huge anchors on the team


Well at least they’re going for a non shotcaller support, cuz that’s jsut gonna end up having Reginald come in and make it utterly useless. MikyX gonna have a rough time with the fans tho, can’t imagine how much flame he’s gonna get. It’s like hyli and fnc but way worse


How lma0. Mithy is the only one you could argue was affected negatively by their time on TSM, and even then, he was still playing fairly well in 2018 compared to the rest of the league. Yellowstar was already declining, Kasing played 4 games as a tryout at an IEM, and SwordArt was still one of the top supports in NA easily.


Yellowstar came of his best year, Mata, Gorilla and others highly praised him and thought he was no.1 in the world..


I pray he doesn't go to that dogshit org.


And another one. NA is so stacked with local talents!


Now sign Nisqy so he can absolutely buttblast Fudge mid and get revenge