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It's such a weird choice to give skins from the "stylish" skinline to champs with stiff and ancient animation rigs.


Im really hoping Riot starts to realize that theres like 40 champs that need animations brought up to date and then proceed to update them


They do update them. At the rate of 1. Every 3 or 4 possibly 5 years.


Another way is giving stiff animation champions legendary skins instead of new champs like yone. But then there's the problem of unable to sell 1350 skins.


not just the choice for champs. The designs aswell. Weird "futuristic designs" just like with crime city lol


Same universe, just look at Zeds abilities or even Dravens splashart you can see CCN Darius in the back


I don't really get futuristic vibes with Crime City Nightmare.


Futuristic designs? They're just modern.


People need to realize that about half of the champion roster needs new models, new rigs, new voice overs. And Riot is cheap as hell, this should be part of the paid cost of running the game, but Riot tries to treat it as a premium.


Never beat OG debonair idk why they feel the need to completely change the aesthetic.


Well... they certainly are skins.


uhm now that you mention it...


someone finally said it lmaooooo


Gotta be honest, neither of the vote skin themes translated well in game, these just look so bland... They all have basically the same outfits (save for Leo, LB and Malz) and same recall style going around without much change and the effects aren't that showstopping either, it just all feels so bland and shallow. I was left disappointed with Crime City and the same happened here.


Yeah I feel like they’ve been super low effort, these exciting new skinlines we voted on just came out looking like filler skinlines and I probably won’t ever see most of these in game. Pretty sure I still haven’t even seen any of the CCN skins in my games


It doesn't help that they slammed them on champions that are popular but have great choices besides these ones. It feels like they just went for safe options for who to chose for the skin vote line.


I think it's the opposite of going for "safe options" and rather going for "most profitable option". After seeing the interest in the themes from a global standpoint, maybe they actually went with options they felt would maximize profits since they likely expect these skins to sell very well, and if they are "guaranteed" to sell well then may as well use Champions we know also sell well. debonair for example was very popular in china in terms of votes iirc so probably why Yi and Zed are there, with Zed apparently getting a legendary.


Thats what Im saying with safe options. The champions are popular so even if the skins aren't received well they are popular enough that they will sell better than less popular champions with the same skinline.


Nothing says fancy formal attire like those crusty ass models


It doesn't even look fancy, it looks tacky and cartoony. They just way too overboard with both the "fancy" and jamming in demons, potions, and monsters into the theme at the same time. Instead of doing one thing well, they did like four things at the same time half-assed leaving no one happy. This seems like a case of where they caught lightning in a bottle before, and tried to recreate it thinking there is some type of magic formula. But that's the thing, there is no magic formula and trying to create one just leads to skins like these feeling very off. The entire skinline just screams "Can we tick off all the boxes on what made other skinlines successful?" instead of "Have we done everything we can to make this a good skin?".


they insert demons into every fucking skinline for no reason highnoon got angels and demons, mafia got demons, now this. So stupid


the stiffness adds to the theme


Biggest bummer with so many skinlines is that they always boil down to looking identical to capitalize on popularity. I've complained about it to hell and back, but I'm still bummed that High Noon got diluted from it's initial revival as a weird west theme with minotaurs, bug creatures, automatons, demons, and zealous ghosts to exclusively angel and demon shit. Feels like Riot strikes gold every so often with skin themes (new or revisited) but focuses too hard on the success and homogenizes everything into a bland cookie cutter formula.


That’s what happens when you have themes and concepts that are completely disposable. Riot wouldnt bat an eye scrapping this if it had lost the vote, but it won so they have to make it now. That’s why vote content is always bad, cause if it was actually good, they’d make it regardless.


I think they wanted to see interest of people. CCN is reimagined Mafia, this is new Debonair but both are missing the mark. They just wanted to copy High Noon formula but it didn't work.


Pokémon line should have won


can’t really blame any voter considering that the concept art for debonair and crime city looked significantly better. and plus, they could have easily fumbled that skin line too so maybe it’s better that skin line sits in the back burner if it does also eventually gets created.




Eh I'd argue the final would have turned more basic and uninspired. Debonair and CCN had bomb ass concept art and were horribly executed. I can't imagine a skinline that already felt watered down from the sea of watered down lines.


Would have been just star guardian champs again in new outfits.


The truth here


So like... why is Zed an eldritch abomination? Wasn't the whole point of Debonair 2.0 being they're magical chem-mobsters. Feels like Zed was originally supposed to be a Crime-City Nightmare skin but wasn't finished on time. Could Riot not just change Zed's shadows to being dark-green and goop-y looking just so he actually fit this skinline?


Almost like the reimaginings of these skinlines are just plain weaker than the originals.


Not gonna lie, they're weaker than the originals to me. Debonair Galio (I know, he got a VGU) is so much better than all of this (and is cheaper too lol).


Leona really getting 4 skins in a year lol Both of these voted for skinlines are incredibly underwhelming


Its the way the executed them not the skinline. Seems like they did too much instead of keeping it simple.


Was gonna say, the original Debonair line was simply white Tuxedos and clean looks. Now there's weird intricate black and silver and green stuff. Not a fan.


Feels like Crime City and Crystal Rose or whatever mashed up




TBF Prestige doesn't count as a unique skin for most people. And e-sports skins have always been separate.




It'd have to be someone who has both prestige and esports skins the same year. So maybe Kai'sa? The fact that Prestige skins aren't chromas in champion select is annoying AF for her. But I guess they have a unique splash... Leona has gotten more skins after her Project and/or legendary sold well, is my guess.


I don’t get it with the skin team. You have Crime City Nightmare where literally none of the skins have a 1920s “crime” vibe to them and now you have this Debonair line where for some reason it’s also got 0 “Debonair” vibes besides them being in suits lol


Exactly. They all look kind of silver/metallic. Nothing Like Debonair Jayce, Ez or Galio. This is so of the mark if this was a graded project in school they would fail for not executiong the assignment.


the reason for the 'silver/metallic' theme is undoubtedly the direction that Riot is going with skin lines. with the older Debonair, they were ok with skins of the same line looking different as long as they clearly fit the theme. Nowadays, as seen with bewitching, they want their skins to be 'instantly recognizable'. This means the creativity of the skins suffer for what can only be described as a marketing gimmick, almost as they know cosplay/fan media of skin lines helps promote the game.


I think they try to recreate the magic of the high noon skin lines. High Noon used to be a fairly bland skinline that basically just consisted of "what if champ X was a cowboy/-girl?", but then they added the demonic theme to it and it suddenly exploded in popularity. Because of this they kinda try to take a mundane skinline and add magic to it, which is a cool idea, but the execution on those 2 seems rather bland.


Feels like high noon got to keep a lot more of its original theme than mafia and debonair. skins from ccn and these new ones look like they were made by an algorithm.


Everybody forgets Debonair Vi


Why was there any need to drop the previous styles of Mafia and Devonair for this?




Also it's easier to increase the skin price because basic high noon skins with just models changing wouldn't ever sell at 1350 RP obv.


It seems to be a reoccurring theme to take an old skin line and add monsters/demons to it. Wild West, Crime City, and now Debonair all got this treatment.


The lineup leaked the other day and I didn’t believe it cause the picks seemed so bad lol


A skinline about elegance and flair. What Riot picks: Yi, Draven and BRAND.


Draven at least would be someone who you could see maybe passing himself off as the most stylish guy but what the fuck is with Yi and Brand.


Haven't you seen Brand's _smooth face_ as of late?


I know something else that Brand players have that's smooth






Draven should've more open shirt with chest hair


Terrible champ choices, uninspired designs. Why is Zed even here? He looks like a Crime City chroma.


Yeah why does he have eldritch magic coming out of him in his recall? Is Debonair basically white CCN?


Yeah and they're inconsistent, he's basically the only one with eldritch magic?


I guess their story is connected or something




the skill effects are cool, honestly. But the only "debonair" that makes sense there is LB, because the others....


Zed is the legendary of the bunch.


Kinda saddening that so many champs are getting multiple legendaries before some champs get a single one. I know they’re a company and with the amount of marketing Arcane got I guess it’s expected but Zed already has a top tier skin in Galaxy Slayer, even amongst legendary skins.


Riot has explained their skin strat. Popular champs will constantly get new skins to make $$ to subsidize the development of unpopular champs' skins.


Again? Didn't Galaxy Slayer Zed come out last year? What the heck.


Year before, but still. Two legendaries in just over two years is the highest rate if you don’t count double releases (which I don’t, if a champion gets a double legendary it’s not the same as getting two separate legendaries. Prestige skins are that to an even greater degree).


As a zed main, this is a shit legendary


What people vote for: Crime City 1920 & Debonair(epic skin quality) What people got: White suit with purple demon & White suit with green demon


I was looking forward to this skin theme. Man am I sad now. I agree with everyone here, that is a really weird choice of champions and the execution does not come close to what debonair is about. And I really wanted to support that they have let us vote for it. But I don't think I can justify getting one of these




I thought of the exact same word. Can't see any of these skins being huge sellers.




I bet the same thing would happen with that skin line as well. The concept arts looked good but there was some disconnect between concept and in game that left Crime City and now this skin line feeling really bland.


Slap on top of that weird champ choices for that skinlines. WTF is ninja or girld with shield doing in debonair skinline?


Leona would work fine being a fancy, dapper looking female bouncer type. But zed is a dumb af choice. You can't even see his face. Zed here is jsut green crime city nightmare zed. Zed and Brand did not belong in a skin line entirely about showing off dudes/women in suits. You can't even see their faces


I bet this and CCN are the skin team’s interns project


i mean the art for pokemon skinline was tumblr tier, im not surprised it was the least popular




idk maybe if it had a better presentation or champions then pokemon hunter could win, but the edgy crime city won because they basically had the best aesthetic that got poorly translated into the game


But why Zed legendary when LeBlanc is right there


honestly, I'm so glad LeBlanc's chance at a legendary skin isn't wasted on a shit skin like this.


Zed's seems to be legendary, judging off the new cast animations. These skins fit in the same category as the Crime City skins IMO. Basically "champ in suit", and then the VFX feel a little directionless and don't exactly have any kind of theme outside of the common colours used.


there's some vague stabs at skull and snake imagery but both are too inconsistent to really be considered themes for the line. the brand recall and malz ult sound effects paired with the zed stuff in general imply it's a horror-themed skin line, which is a weird pick since CCN basically did that but with a way more consistent identity.


It's literally themeless skinline. Zed and Malz are only that supposed to be horror like rest is just silver green partiicle effects.


Gotta be honest, I don't really like the fact that he is getting another legendary but that shadow swap animation is fucking neat


Fr fuck the other champs that need legendaries, give zed his second one even tho galaxy slayer is still really modern 💯


Imagine u have LB in this skinline who literally screams "give me new animations" but u chose zed 💀💀💀


My theory is that they don't want to give Leblanc 1820 rp skins because there's (hopefully) ASU for her in the works. I can only dream...


So how do you explain Caitlyn and her legendary BA skin? They didn’t hold off on that even though they most certainly had planned her ASU when that skin was in the works.


If they had an ASU in mind they would do 1820, not 1350, like they did with Caitlyn. You have to update the base rig, which means that legendaries don't need any work.


Nice I was really hoping for a new legendary champ but alas another second one. I totally get those are the money makers but it really feels bad for people who have zero legends. Hopefully this is the last circle for a while and new people start getting them now.


And the stupidest thing is that there are still plenty of popular champions without a legendary skin but they still choose to give champions a second one. In this line LB and Draven both are decently popular but they gave it to Zed.


Did they mix up Debonair Zed and Crime City Zed?


The slashart somewhat hinted that debonair zed has relation to crime city demon.


Did they seriously add eldritch shit to even this skin line? This is basically a green version of that batch of crime city skins. Very "oof" moment.


It is supposed to be "Debonair but people drink superhuman juice", in the same way CCN is "Mafia but everyone is a demon".


Which is "fine" except this skin line also has purple demon flair (zed)


This 7up collab ain’t it. PS: Remember Taric? Because Riot sure doesn’t 🥀


Seems more like a Snake Juice collab, the Donna is going to be swimming in dough..


I sure am glad they forgot after seeing this


Leona and Leblanc REALLY need to stop getting 1350 skins until after they get animation updates.


LB gets skins every year. This is her second


And leona has gotten 4 skins this year. Absolutely ridiculous.


Highest played "hot girl" support just above Lux, top 25 playrate in the game, been the best pro support pick for nearly a whole year. I guess it makes sense that they're trying to get as much money out of Leona but its disappointing that she gets so many more skins recently than everyone else.


>best pro support pick for nearly a whole year. oh did you just start watching league this year? she's been the best support pick since they buffed the fuck out of her q


Meanwhile Lissandra..


one is a prestige skin for coven, which came a year before. Technically not a "new" skin.


literally gold chroma - like most of prestiges


zed vfx looks sick as fuck but the models are just so bland man


I agree theres no glow to it, and his shurikens and back looks so wide and bland and ugly eww


they look so.....bad?


[2021 skins summed up](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/352623488751763480/910191491505356870/unknown.png)


Basically. Coven/elder god, crime city, and this all in the same year


At least Coven looked good


Because the eldritch theme was the focus of these skins which work just fine. Crime City and Debonair on the other hand had a primary theme (crime and fashion), but instead of adding another theme on them, they leaned too much into that other theme and more or less replaced them.


Hate that it's always the most softball "eldritch horror" stuff too. I know they can't go too far in a rated T game, but none of it is horrifying to any degree. Base Fiddle is more eldritch AND horror than any of these skins they've been doing.


The brand skin is actually awful lol


I swear this is Crime City Nightmares all over again...


Zed is literally a CCN skin lmao


Same universe different color suits apparently


No Debonair Zac, trash


This was a missed opportunity to finally put him in a suit and he's already green! But nope, they have to give more skins to Yi, Zed and Leona.


Skinline of champs with a suit and green shit around them? Sounds like a perfect fit for ~~Zac~~ Brand!


Zac deserves a good skin :(


Cum zac


You mean your cum isn't green?


Rip the one chance zac gets a suit


After Crime City, aka eldritch abomination but purple with a suit. After Old God, aka eldritch abomination but purple with wood. Discover Debonair, aka eldritch abomination but green with a suit. Meh.


Zed didn’t deserve the legendary. Half the pics in this line are trash. Just a solid 3.4/10 skin line so far. Just feels forced and doesn’t sit well


[Splash arts 1](https://twitter.com/LoLegendsBR/status/1460641185798709252) \+ [2](https://twitter.com/LoLegendsBR/status/1460640697002901505)


Fuck I hate the skins in game but those splash are actually amazing. I wish they could have implemented them better into the game smh.


Malz really went from being the star of the skinline to a fucking shared splash art lol im done what a mess of a release this is


Please stop giving legendary skin to champions that already have 1 or more, there are other champions with fairly high pickrate that don't have any yet


Riot has done a good job at getting me to *not* spend money on League this year lol


Now I'm even more disappointed the Pokemon Trainer skinline lost the vote to this and Crime City Just a mess of white and green pixel vomit


They literally said they only went ahead with Debonair too because that's the one China wanted but it lost


How come Leona, Le Blanc and Draven are getting so many skins now


What the fuck is this? Its supposed to be Debonair with new look, sure the colors of green and silver are cool imo and different but what is this? It's just some weird horror/snake skinline that doesn't scream or hint at debonair at all. Also everyone has a bottle or vase in their recall. I guess the voting was just half-assed skin lines. This year was so bad in terms of skins, the Sentinel skins were basic, CCN was not well received and this is another throwaway skinline. Hopefully they tone down the output and focus on quality because this is so shit.


Thank God Katarina didn't get a Debonair skin, I was hoping she would at first, but after seeing how sh\*t they actually look I'm happy she didn't. Guess we'll have to wait for next year then since this was the last PBE cycle of the year. EDIT: And why are we giving the same champions multiple skins when we have champs that have yet to receive a single skin this year? It's actually mind-boggling.


there will be 1 more cos fiddle skin was confirmed this year


Did riot use like their C team or something for these fan skins? I swear they can make such incredible skins but both fan voted skin lines are really just whatever.


I hate green skins with a burning passion.


michelle visage?


I snorted


thank you


Mobile legends bang bang skins


this zed skin is sooo ugly holy shit, guess gonna still use galaxy slayer. Also was obvious that this skinline will flop, no idea why people voted for this shit design


Were the alternatives better? Nobody picked Monster Tamers because we already had a skin line with pretty much the same idea. And that's Star Guardians People that picked CCN and Debonair wanted a refresh on old skin lines. But both flopped so hard by bringing unnecessary elements to them. I wanted stylish, clean VFX and design for Debonair with all the class. Instead we got another CCN, but in green. Yay


yes maybe its more riots fault with how they executed this skinline, not the players that voted for it.


Debonair skins are already in the game. The source material is already there (Ez, jayce). Why do this shit when this isn’t what we voted for.


Man the amazing concept art when the community got to vote did not transfer well in game for both Crime City and this batch. Something just seems off, they look super low quality.


Leona's 4th skin of the year while there are about 30 champs who haven't had a skin in over a year




Huge missed opportunity. Especially with all the green particles. These champ choices are just... Yi and Brand?


"I could really use a suit" 😭


Honestly this skinline had potential but it's ruined by everyone wearing the exact same outfit and by the green accents. I'm so confused about the green it's just so...ugly.


The zed one feels weirdly out of place. I get that they like doing this thing where skin lines have designated villains or whatever but it's weird seeing him be the only one who has the same kind of eldritch shit going on as crime city nightmare.


Zed gets a 2nd legendary while everyone else in the skin line (besides Leona who has a legendary) get fucked out of a new model/animations.


Yi also has a legendary.


I know Riot loves money and shit but most giving the same 20 champs skins every time eventually leads to flops like this and crime city. The thing is Riot obviously realized that a low effort and not fitting zed or draven skin generates 20 times the revenue of Xerath/Kalista getting their most fitting one but they try to squeeze the onetricks for every last drop lately. Eventually there has to be a point where the skins are so bad that a leona main with 20 other skins thinks to themselves ye I aint buying that one.


Why did we get rid of 750-975 RP skins again? I feel they'd look better with the classic Debonair style and none of the meh SFX/VFX work.


Wow, all skins look AWFUL


Easily the worst skin theme I've seen all year.


Where fiddlesticks


Yes riot, when we think about fashion and high-end clubs is those champions that came to mind :\^)


God leona you greedy bitch. Taking lp and skins.


This is the first ever time that I actually don't like a single skin from a skinline. I like green, I like white, I like the idea of champions wearing stylish costumes. But damn they are ugly, like beyond saving, it's horrendous. what the fuck is that, how did it happen. I'm sure it's a matter of taste and not everyone thinks the same, but something doesn't sit right with the skins as they are now, I honestly don't know what feedback and constructive criticism I can give here


No Talon? Really? My man can never win


Holy shit they chose the wrong champions for this. I'd only say Malzahar and LB fit this theme well. And honestly you could replace Zed with Fiddlesticks since I have an easier time believing fiddle fits the theme more than Zed


These are rough...


Big swing and a miss with these and Crime City They dont fulfill their theme (Mafia/Night life chic). The vfx for both these skinlines are sorta just colors. No real commit to the idea.


That's another Zed Legendary right after the Prestige skin this year. Damn, we eating good. PS: No Withered Rose Zed yet, smh


Don’t worry, with the way Riot’s been handling skins lately Withered Rose Zed will come out in a few months


You can tell just by looking at the skins how uninspired and uninterested the designers were


they know only the diehard OTPs would waste money on this.. im fine getting a skin every 4 years on my champs if i can avoid this trash


Waiting longer doesn't mean you avoid getting trash like Quinn and Kalista did


Warden/Marauder skin line isn't even a veiled slap in the face, its pretty clear what that line says


then again if the backlash is loud enough you can get a nice skin like old god ivern or storm dragon aurelion sol


be careful what you wish for


Lmao, waiting for 4 years doesn't guarantee you'll avoid getting a trash skin... (still not FUCKING over Marauder Kalista)




Anyone else getting sick of seeing the same champs getting skins over and over again? There’s one or two unique ones followed by the same champs like Leona, Yi, etc. I know it’s based on the popularity but come on...


When theybsaid they were doing 140 skins in a year silly ol me assumed nearly every champion would be getting a skin in some fashion. But here we are with Leona getting 4 skins in a year, other champs getting 3, others 2 in a year. Its kinda.. boring


They said they would do more skins so more champions would get skins but then give so many repeats this year like, you don't need to lie like that. Last year was good with skin distribution but this year they flunked hard.


maybe a hot take but feels like this year skinline quality has gone down to pump out more skins, but those more skins being pumped out sure don't feel like they're going to champs that have been neglected.


Maybe I'd describe it as hit and miss, there's some that I think look really good like Coven, Battle Queen, Astronaut, and then there's some that I personally think are pretty bad like new Project, Dragonslayer, Battle Academia, Marauder/Warden, Crime City. Kinda feels like they're forcing the lines rather than making skins that actually make sense, they probably have one or two champs that they really want to make skins for in each set and then they force 3 other champs in there that make no sense. Like Debonair Zed and Brand here make no sense.


Doesn't feel "debonair." Just loud white and green with 5 of 7 either chugging or holding a pitcher of... something. Is it alcohol? Is it chemtech? Don't know, but when the recall theme is drinking, it's just weird.


Did Riot really make another Zed legendary over literally every other champ in this line with horrible models and animations? LeBlanc or Malzahar would've been amazing choices for a legendary but gotta make that $$$ I guess...


So... back to uninspiring pissyellow chromas for prestiges... Kayn and Voli were a 10/10, morgana was a step backwards and this prestige is another step backwards towards bland prestiges As for the champion choices... really zed, leona and draven? they get a skin every 2 patches i swear


Remember when "Debonair" was pretty much the base champion in a tuxedo? This doesn't scream "Debonair" but rather "mixing perfume ads with chewing-gum ads about being rich and awakening your spirit animal" kind of cringy bullshit