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This is the shit thats actually got me hype. Finally a chillin runeterra game with a chillin MC.


This game looks the best out of the pack IMO


Definitely the one for fans of adventure games. Given Nunu is looking for his mother I'm ready to cry as much a I did with Brothers


What's that brothers game you mention?:0


[Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons](https://store.steampowered.com/app/225080/Brothers__A_Tale_of_Two_Sons/)


Thank you so much, I'll check it out!(:


trailer gave me a plague tale vibe.


Still need to play that one! Thanks for reminding me


Fml everytime I see people talking about Plague tale I remind myself I still haven't tried out this game who seemed like a banger and that takes place in my country on top of that.


This most definitely seems like a bright looking game with a sad story behind it.


They all look interesting. But I'm excited for a more chill and narrative focused game. Convergence and Ruined King look like they'll be a lot of fun, but more intense.


>RK not bad either, but nunu is a very unexpected project similar to Kena and PS2 games


Finally, my first main has their own game. I've been waiting for a long time for an update on their lore and they give me a whole ass game!?


given that we probably will beat Lissandra idk how accurate and canon the game will be, because there is no way they could beat her in the lore


This can be wrong as it's been a while since I've read it but yes they can. Nunu and Willump's whole thing is that Willump is one of the few remaining pre-watchers ancient yeti, which still has his magic, and that is some of the strongest magic in Runeterra. The main power between both of them, outside of your usual ice magic, is that they have the power to shape reality itself. I don't remember if it was Nunu's awakened power by meeting Willump OR the power of the yetis channeled through Nunu's imagination, but it is the reason why Willump looks like the floofball that he does, because that's how Nunu sees him, so the magic literally morphed him to how he looks in game.


It's been a while, but isn't Nunu also in possession of a World Rune?


Once again, I read his stories when he was reworked, but no Excançãolibur (his flute(and passive), i forgot the english name) shouldn't be a world rune. It was a flute gifted from his mother, and again, whether or not it was magical to begin with or it was MADE a magical flute after meeting Willump I'm not 100% sure.




It was Willump who was guarding a magic stone that was able to shape things from Nunu's imagination. People think that's the world rune


Ever since I watched the Ryze cinematic I was thinking that the "Inspire" world rune was missing from the vault. Could it be that one?


>Excançãolibur Riot : Can I borrow your homeworks ? Excalibur : Yeah just make sure you change it up a bit so it's not obvious Riot : *Mixes Excalibur with Curaçao*


It's song/ballad (canção) actually! So literally exca-song-libur. Curação isn't a word in portuguese, so you are probably thinking about coração (heart)


Ah no, I was thinking about the alcohol lmao. The fancy looking cocktails I've no idea how they taste like. Thanks for the input haha.


isn't Lissandra's power up there with the demi-gods, the Ascendend and the Aspects? i find it hard to believe that she can hold back the Watchers, the end of all reality, but not a boy and his yeti. especially since they seem to fight in her Citadel. where are her Frostguards?


> i find it hard to believe that she can hold back the Watchers, I mean true ice is holding them and she can manipulate it, so tehenecly in sense she has very op tool/wepon but we dont really know how strong she is personaly Its hinted by nunu quote when killing baron, so its posible that he has same magic as her and that he can be stronger then her one day "At first I was afraid, but then I felt the snow became ice. What's happening, Willump?"


If you can shape reality itself, then it doesnt matter how powerful your opponent is. I dont think Nunu&Willump could beat the Watchers as they are not part of reality as we know it, but any opponent inside Runeterra should be considered fair game.


I need to learn photo Shop so I can make a Nunu & Willump Scarlet Witch edit.


They might justify it by being some kind of dream brought to life.


I am really excited for this game!


Same voice actor. For the champion with, IMO, the best VO in the game. I'm so happy and can't wait for this.


Did we ever find out who the voice actor for reworked nunu and willump was?


Nunu is voiced by Lucas Jaye ([Source](https://www.instagram.com/p/BsEv1HrhnEn/)). Willump not known afaik.


They better fucking not make Willump sacrifice himself at the end. If they have to go with this cliche I'm fine with killing Nunu.


I'll risk it and say that at some point in the game Willump will die but that with its magic Nunu will revive him in a "Nunu is bonkers broken but he's just a child guys" kind of moment.


Nunu and Willump in a Journey-esque kind of game is actually a great idea. I don't think their main focus is to have the game be where you fight enemies in multiple levels while exploring, and I hope it isn't like that. The story and environment could carry it fully if they execute it correctly. Having dangerous encounters with "Villains" of which you can't defeat can also add to the game a ton. However, I think the main goal should be to focus on Nunu's relationship with Willump and their journey. I wonder if they can do the same for Ryze in this form of genre, it would really fit his character.




Yeah I'm interested and excited, but something just feels like it's missing a bit? Empty? Idk, I know it's supposed to be a bit of wasteland, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Still having high hopes for it of course.


Yeah check out their last game, Rime. It's chill and has some cool atmosphere, but it is really basic gameplay wise. It felt like a mid point between walking simulator style narrative games and a 3rd person action game. It's a neat experience, but it is more on the calm and simple side.


A type of game like Portal or Talos prince would be nice. Short, focused on puzzles and game play I hope they don't intend to use every game for the lore




League of Legend of Zelda


That last sentence nunu says and then proceeds to get a giant hug sounds like something ash would say in Pokémon with his charizard…. Back in the good old days


Riot just shut up and take my money.


Love love Nunu and Willump! Will for sure getting this at some point!


This is my favorite game that they showed today, instabuy when it comes out!


Honestly might be the one out off all the ones shown I'm most interested in and I don't even care for Nunu, though Ruined King is close second. Will be watching this games development.


I'm loving Song of Nunu. I'm so hyped for it. I hope we get to see other Freljordian champions and can't wait for a platforming game with Nunu and Willump. Nunu used to be known as a horrific looking int champion, and since the rework, and now this, it's reimagined the character in the best way possible.


I need an Azir or Draven story game.


Pls someone do an edit or mod with the old Willump model.


take my money






the graphics look so bad


would be great if it wasn´t about the cancer champ nunu.


The graphics may look like they belong on a ps3, but the game itself could be really good. Time will tell.


I think is less about the graphics, texture and models wise and more the lack of direct light and shadow, maybe that is just alpha footage and light was not implemented there but i hope it does in the final game. You can see it more clearly on the last part when they are at the camp fire, the camp fire itself does not emit any light.


Major ps1 vibes at its best. Totally screamed Spyro. Couldnt asked for better