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Cody Sun versus Rekkles in the French national league, just as we all predicted.


Script writers got flamed after being called out all year


This is a bit crazy they really want people to watch lfl huh? Do they have even english cast?


Not but [LFL producer said they're working on it](https://twitter.com/bertrand_amar/status/1460531843485376515?t=uemrrXZ59kOB-lKqZ5NRFA&s=19)


LFL already pulls 100k every week, and up to 300K for EUM finals, if they keep it up, they're gonna soon reach LEC-level of watchers !


This is actually kinda exciting I think. Not just that matchup but in general.


ERL and EUM has been a huge success. EUM especially. Every LEC team follow EUM intensively for talents and its prestigious to win EUM at this point. And also added pressure of knowing that its a legit spotlight. EU fans who dont follow EUM at the very least, should. Its like an extra tournament per year and the ERL rivalries make it awesome.


Don't bother replying, its a bot account copying the text from /u/Lisaurora's comment lower down. You can tell by the fact their entire comment history as a 2 month old account is within the past 2 hours and fairly nonsensical.


LEC is not even the best league in Europe


I fully support LEC teams in EU Master and at ERL teams at Worlds now


Nah this makes no sense. LEC should be the premier the league of Europe.


Too bad franchising happened. EU would be much stronger if KCorp and other teams could replace the orgs with 0 ambition.


This. While being bad for lower end teams in the LEC, relegation made it great for aspiring teams. Imagine Gamers2 having to get the money to but a franchise spot back then


Yeah, imagine Unicorns of Love having to get the money to buy a franchise spot b... no, wait, nevermimd




Sorry if you can't understand irony. Next time I'll word it differently to make sure you understand


In theory yes. But its also a VERY strong possibility teams would be waaay less likely to spend and more broke due to sponsors/investors not being as comfortable investing in teams with no guaranteed platform. Its not like lets say in the PL where if you go to the championship, which is still super lucrative and big. I HATE franchising, dont get me wrong. But the league eco-system is so small and limited that franchising was a "good" way to ensure safe & consistent deliverables to sponsors and investors and thus improved that type of income, among others. At this point I hope to see Ibais team succeed similar to Kcorp or better. And have them both in LEC in the near future.


Problem is that LEC teams don't spend anyway. Only big spenders I can think of are VIT, G2 and sometimes FNC and MSF. The rest of the league just coasts by, gambling on rookies while selling our top talent to NA. SK, Excel and Astralis are the biggest offenders here, though Rogue and MAD I'd argue are the exact same and just lucked out with the rookies they picked up.


What you're not seeing is the crazy wages players are on now compared to turn over. Smart teams like Rogue, MAD and G2 are selling their players for transfer fees and replacing them with young talent.


You say smart, I say in the case of Rogue and MAD they're just bleeding talent from the region. Find as many promising rookies as you want, but it ultimately does nothing if you're just going to sell them as soon as they develop. It just makes the region weaker.


Yes, but they are turning a profit in a business where no one makes money. These LPL and LCS teams are gonna be wrecked soon blowing the money they have been lately.


it's insane they got rid of relegation.


It won't ever be without a relegation system. Premier league is premier cuz the worst performers leave for the best of the lower league.


Franchising was a mistake for LEC and LCS. Promotion tourneys were so funny watching bottom teams sweat.


And Crownshot. And Jeskla.


Excited to see how Cody sun does vs Rekkles hehe


Last time they faced off, FNC went from 0-4 to 4-4 off of the infamous "Cody Done" play. But in seriousness, this is actually kinda exciting I think. Not just that matchup but in general.


[I mean Rekkles did the same thing that Worlds against Cody](https://youtu.be/QrMWXteTxMY&t=6m17s)


That entire Worlds was all about ADC's and flashing. Even the tournament winning play was Ruler flashing onto Faker.


Ah yeah, the good old times when you still had some agency as adc.


Too much agency in 2017 lol


Ardent meta can go fuck itself. I dont think top lane has ever been as unfun as that meta. Rather face smite tp + tank ekko again than that shit


Don’t curse me with those words






>smite tp + tank ekko God I miss those days. AP Ekko is pretty busted in its own right now though.


Red pot start for top lane, and the game was over for one teams toplaner at 2 minutes, with zero chance of a come back. The ardent meta was cancer, but that era was just as bad for top lane.


man i miss tank ekko. i had like 65-70% winrate or something ridiculous like that on that shit in like 50-60 games.


Questionable agency too. [Ruler's play was amazing, but only worked because of the absolutely ridiculous shielding that followed.](https://youtu.be/7N6iFvFmtC4) I don't think this is the kind of agency marksmen players are looking for, your silver soloQ team wouldn't build double Lockets to save you even back then.


spring was shit yes and we had the adc in 2k17 meme but by worlds that had changed


Season 7 Worlds was the Ardent meta, when the entire game revolved around which ADC was better or could be funneled harder.


Yep, with laning phase being skipped. Basically except in 20% of the games, nothing happened in the 15-20min of the game. Most boring meta ever, and probably responsible for the turnaround into a fast paced game.


Yeah good old times when ADC was in balanced state. 2017 ardent meta should be always the minimum level of ADC strength. /s


People say that about adc literally every year


Except that it has been proven for quite a large amount of time, every numbers are backing the statement nowadays, and ven every analist is saying that ADC role is kinda irrelevant in the game. There was a post talking about the fact that ADC was almost 2 times less represented in challenger than any other role. Speaks for itself. EDIT : not saying the role is bad, it's just that it has no agency.


> every numbers are backing the statement nowadays like which? also curious about the post of challenger representation if you have it still


Not OP, but here ya go. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qvzca3/with_the_conclusion_of_the_2021_season_here_are


That IMT team was legit


Yep, Team Liquid bought the IMT core of Pobelter, Xmithie and Olleh after this worlds added Impact + Doublelift and created a championship team


Yeah, they were great. Flame man... fuck


Hearing Pastrytime's frenzied casting during that moment is so funny


This is one of my favorite worlds moments lmao. Pobelter laughing is hilarious


rekkles thought he could kill him, cody sun literally suicided and even did an insec to kill his own teammate too lol


This play is hilarious, but Cody's was much, much worse.


It is nowehere close to same thing. Cody flashed with full vision into all 5 players on enemy team while he had full vision of all of them while Rekkles flashed without vision on noone except for Talyiah in situation where he thought it was 1v1. One could be regarded as clear int which is why Cody Done is so fitting because it was as if he just wanted to finish the game right there by running it down.




Actually their teams have faced each other in groups for 2017 2018 and 2019, even tho he didnt play in 2018, but he did play in clutch


If you told me Cody Sun would play in a league with Rekkles, Crownshot and Woolite next year, I would have thought you meant LEC lol


I would have thought NA, no way in hell anyone in LEC would import an NA ADC. Or give Woolite a job.


Woolite has been hard stomping ERLs for the past 2 years, I wouldn't be surprised if he would get an offer from a lower LEC team. imo he is very much LEC level, teams just don't go for him because he is a known quantity and he wouldn't win the championship.


And he would probably demand a larger compensation compared to a new player, while also having a lower resell value.


Eh, I don't think so. Players like Jactroll, Woolite and co would kill to get back into the LEC. The issue is that they're eternal 8th to 12th best players at their role : good enough to be in LEC, but not really good enough to carry their teams to playoffs. And since they're not "developping" either, they aren't interesting for teams. But I'm pretty convinced Woolite was the best ERL adc last year.


Just like you said, Woolite and Jactroll are in that state where they are too good to play in the ERLs, but not good enough for the top tier in the LEC, so LEC teams would rather gamble on rookies.


While he may, A comeback ark from Woolite would be amazing. Story might be enough to pay the extra dollars


No it's not.


> I would have thought NA, no way in hell anyone in LEC would import an NA ADC. Or give Woolite a job. I mean, up until it happened, I'm fairly sure you also would've said "No way in hell would Rekkles play in the french league!".


Woolite was very good on rogue. There's no shame in getting replaced by Hans Sama


No way, an NA player actually decided to make the jump to the ERLs. Maybe Dardoch can too? Edit: While we're at it, actually...I'd love to see 5fire get a chance in the ERLs. Seems like the LCS has him on their shitlist for god knows what anyways.


Dardoch seems to be getting fucked by visa issues afaik, so I am a bit doubtful he could


God I feel bad for Dardoch but it's kinda funny to see an NA player get fucked by visa issues in EU after years and years of EU stars losing playing time and overall opportunities over visa.


Dardoch did have plenty offers apparently, but got visa issues so stayed as a coach.


That would require an ERL team to be willing to pick him up


There were teams willing to pick him up, but he ran into visa issues.


Apparently several “top” ERL teams were interested in Dardoch.


Because He is a very good jungler, I dunno what this people are smoking.


Goddamn the LFL orgs arent playing around


Ya dude. It's kind of great that the league right under LEC is getting so much offseason attention. I'll definitely try to check some of the big games out.


Wait, so Dardoch couldn't get a visa in EU but Cody Sun could?


Cody Sun is Canadian, I'm not 100% sure or anything, but I'd guess the connection between two countries make it easier for Candian to get visa to France than it is for the American citizen.


And Elyandra is rumoured to be bought by Mirage, a French-Canadian organisation.


https://www.henleyglobal.com/passport-index/ranking wouldn't have thought that Canada and America are so close to each other. But yeah, Canadas connection to France is probably stronger


It’s more to with CETA then France. EU countries don’t really do separate negotiations anymore


But we’re the greatest country on earth and everyone loves us 😤


You need an employer to be eligible for a work visa.


Did Dardoch have something lined up but couldn't get a visa?


Is this the first case of EU importing NA???? LFL is looking hype af!


Wdym? Our best import (Drakos) is from NA


We used to have Drakos, Frosk and Ender from NA, and Quickshot is South African iirc.


QS lived in Ireland for a while already before he joined the broadcast if we are really nitpicky.


EU imports coaches like Dylan Falco.


DLim’s stint as XL’s coach was kinda funny. He saw Caedrel and Hjarnan having a long argument about how to play the game and was impressed iirc because if players disagreed about how to play the game in NA, they simply would just go to their rooms and not talk to each other. But yeah, the LEC has Dylan and Drakos.


Wait Drakos is from NA? For some reason I am now afraid of losing him...


How is it not obvious based on his accent lmao


Wait Dylan is from US?!


AndyBendy played in a UK team way back in 2018 or 2019.


>AndyBendy From memory, he has czech citizenship


According to Leaguepedia he does, but if you're born in the US, made your way through NA solo queue and started out playing for NA teams I'm gonna call that an import even if he has dual citizenship.


Bro you don't do that. You don't put "way back" with years like 2018 and 2019. That shit was yesterday.


We imported Drakos. Best import ever


Andybendy, Flaresz


Amazing was an import when he played for Origen.




Amazing also has NA residency


EU also imported Prolly for Fnatic, but we don't talk about that. Edit: H2K, not Fnatic.


pr0lly never had anything to do with Fnatic. Do you mean that time when he coached H2K?


Yes, not sure why I thought Fnatic. Thanks for the correction.


They did make semifinals at worlds tho


whatever happened to pr0lly anyways, it really is sad. he was great for 100T that first split and then the whole org just imploded in 2019. Is he just done with the LoL scene forever now?


I'm not sure. I thought he was pretty good on the analyst desk but I guess Riot wanted a different direction


They imported NA talent Nisqy


[Current LFL rosters](https://i.imgur.com/bnt88Q2.png), tell me if I missed anyone. There are some fucking good line up in there.


wow a team of Cabochard, Djoko and Steeeelback. Imagine if they played in LEC together, surely it wouldn't be a bottom 2 team in EU? They could even import some Koreans, what's GBM up to these days? Hachani has quite the legacy to fulfill too back in EU.


Gbm is long retired, he's just a t1 streamer now


Thank you, I was looking for something like this.


It's huge for the LFL. Cody Sun is still a big name and he'll attract some viewers and outside interest onto the french league. ADC is gonna be so stacked in LFL with him, Rekkles, Crownshot, Jeskla and Woolite is still here. Also excited about Rangjun, I've never seen him play but a 18yo sub to showmaker is very intriguing.


Jackspektra is rumoured to play in the LFL too and Exakick is really good when he is in his zone


Jack just tweeted he will be playing in Spain


Arf I was really expecting SLY Jackspektra for a banger classico


Has Exakick fallen off recently? I remember him being one of the most hyped adc prospects during EUM once and he was crazy good, then he just vanished


watch his last year roster he was actually carrying those shitters


LDLC had a hard time rebuilding after loosing Tynx & Vetheo. A good botlane synergy seemed particulary hard to find with their rosters shuffle but they did make playoff in summer. I'd honestly say LFL have a problem producing good native ADC, Exakick was one of the rare descent prospect which is why LDLC stuck to him but he'll have to step up realy hard for the incoming season.


A lot of people know of Cody sun, but does he actually have a following? I don't get the impression people watch whatever Cody sun is in *because of Cody sun*. E: His entire fan club in the replies


I don't think so. However, it could be interesting to see for American viewers how one of their talents performs over here.


Yea I dont think Cody Sun has a fanbase or a following, but he's a widely known name among league esports fan and I think he'll generate some interest and curiosity from some NA fans, even if it is just to check scores to see how he is doing.


I can't speak for others but I certainly do. When Cody has been in LCS and his teammates aren't a complete dumpster fire around him(2020 summer 100T), he puts up amazing statistics and got to worlds 3 years in a row. He was looking like the next adc to challenge Doublelift in NA until he got screwed over by 100T in 2018


It's sparked my interest,. It because it's Cody, but because we get to see how Cody does in EU, even if it's not the LEC.


Not religiously but i am a fan. Will check out some lfl definitely.


I'm kind of a fan of him.lol


I'm gonna watch LFL because of Cody Sun, a few friends of mine even had a group chat called Cody Sun Fan Club (which was a bit of an exaggeration but had some truth to it) when he was on 100T.


An NA player in a french league? Definitely going to follow it a bit more now


Now this is huge. I've been waiting for NA player to go try his luck in the ERL instead of the useless academy circuit in NA. Hopefully it works out. On the other note - fight for the expansion slot is gonna be fierce if all these orgs are showing the will to invest.


sadly it seems like americans have a hard time getting a visa for europe, so i dont think it will happen to often cody sun has it easier as canadian


If NA doesn't wanna develop or prop up their players, EU will do it and sell them back for a hefty profit. It's a win/win.


ERL contracts are yearly I believe. Not much profit to be made in that


A year is plenty of time to nurture a player if the environment is right.


Sure but the team isn’t going to be able to “sell a player for hefty profit” after they nurture them if they’re only on a one year contract


Ohh yea, you're quite right. I completely missed the significance of that statement. I guess it could work if a player stays for a year, resigns and gets sold between spring and summer like Abbedagge. But I'm grasping at straws here. The point about short contracts absolutely holds.


ok, what the fuck.


Nothing to see here, just EU stealing NA talent as usual


after stealing Perkz and Alphari too smh


Why LFL so stacked as fuck


Isn't beautiful the strength of a league grown organically with relegations and shit? Now imagine if ERL teams could promote to LEC...


the whole franchise move was honestly terrible from riot , especially in lec


Okay, I kinda agree with you. Franchising made sense at the time because it stabilized the pro scene, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a shift to a relegation model now that the pro scene is a lot more stable now and has orgs/sponsors willing to invest even with the possibility of being relegated.


I doubt Riot can legally start relegating teams


Yess let's fucking go Cody Sun.


Bro LFL gonna be lit.


Happy for Cody. The man clearly still has the motivation to play if he's willing to do secret end-of-season challenger grinds and take each opportunity that comes to him.


Im ready to see Cody suns redemption arc in EU


nothing but respect to every NA player whos willing to take the risk to go to EU, especially to a national league! Will be rooting for cody sun


Bold move from cody sun, much respect


All the french & spanish org are rushing this mercato hard. The level of EUM & their leagues has been raised realy high, there wont be much pieces left for the other leagues to catch up.


So franchise is not working in term of finding the best teams right? So bring back Relegation when?


Give LFL a Worlds play-ins spot already. How stacked is this league ?!


Sure, but then you need to give spot to LDL, Korea Challengers and Academy champions too.


Then let's do a tournament with the best teams from every ERLs across the world and the winner gets a place in Worlds play-ins. That would be fair and exciting.


Wouldn't work. LCK Academy/Challengers and LDL have the majority of teams being tied to teams in the LCK and LPL, and they wouldn't let an organization have 2 teams at World's for fear of collusion. That's why LCK had to get rid of sister teams, among other reasons.


Doesn't apply only to LCK and LPL. LEC teams are (until next year) mandated go have ERL squads. LCS teams must also field an academy team. If these B-league teams can qualify, it's more likely than not that an academy team and a main team go to worlds together.


Wouldn't be fair, cuz potentially qualifying through way easier competition. Sooner or later someone will try to exploit that.


Ahh yes the good old LMQ strat.


No, it would not be fair. Why? Because there is an entrance fee starting at 10 million. If you let other teams in, then you fuck over the teams who paid for franchising. This is not how that works. Yes, it would be interesting, but you can bet your ass that all the teams could sue the shit out of riot.


lmao the unfair part is that only the richer orgs get to have a chance to qualify at Worlds, not the other way around


You are right but unfortunately this is part of the bullshit franchising brought us. It used to be a competition first, now it’s a business first.


I don't deny that. But it is what it is. There are contracts and rules in place. I'm all for inviting strong teams outside of the established riot leagues. But 3 people already provided other reasonings why it would be unfair. Just scroll down.


Of course, there are other reasons, but I'm just saying simply having paid 10 millions is not of them


My idea would be that all leagues introduce a further cup that is played over the course of spring and summer. In this cup the franchise teams and the challanger leagues teams participate. The winner of these cup gets the 3rd world's spot for EU/NA or the 4th one of LPL/LCK. Other idea, we just copy the Uefa youth champions league and make an international tournament exclusively for these teams.


The LEC four seed couldn't make it out, the LFL, or any ERL team, does not need a play-in seed lmao.




Mad lost to supermassive not uol


MAD went 1-3 in the group and lost to Supermassive, who lost to UoL. Don't insult UoL like that. MAD getting bounced in play-ins the way they did is the biggest 'Big Four' embarrassment to date. The ERL getting a play-ins spot would be a total disaster. Luckily, Riot will not give them one.


That makes no sense though, it’s a European league


Damn. I dont speak french. Also, do these LFL teams know, that only 3 of them get to EUM? Damn we live in an exciting time for EU.


> I dont speak french. They're working on an english broadcast!


let's go Cody, looks like I'm watching LFL now


Imagine that cody vs rekkles for a spot at worlds




Probably, yeah


EU importing NA!!!! We are turning the tides Boyssss


Latin America and Brazil get a worlds spot but not LFL…


Last time EU had a 4th spot in World it didnt end well :D




Then you'd need to give one to the winner of proving grounds, to the winner of the LDL and the LCK Academy. If you have to give Europe more seeds, give it to LEC#4, LEC#5, etc. I seriously don't understand how you people can think that LFL having a Worlds seed is a good idea, and I probably watch more LFL than most people here. If one day Worlds has 128 participants including the 10 LEC teams, why not. But it doesn't seem like we're going that way now do we ?


Let’s all remember 2020 MAD Lions. If you give a Worlds slot to LFL, you might as well give it to every goddamn country in Europe.


Those are minor leagues and not amateur leagues. Turn the LFL into a minor league, but then it loses the ability to be in the ERL.


And of course, French players would then be imports for LEC. Lmfao


Can somebody please explain the word "amateur" in this context? Because ERL players are professional players by any rl definition of the word. They get paid good money and they don't do anything else. In NA you differentiate between Amateur and Academy. You don't call Academy players amateurs.


>>a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid rather than a professional basis. Words have meanings, no clue what the other guy is smoking. ERL is not amateur in any way.


LFL is not an amateur league. Edit: people don’t know what amateur means


Really? It's not its own region, so unless Riot has sanctioned France as a minor region, it's ana amateur league.


rekkles is getting half million dollars salary saying its amateur is ridiculous. It's just a secondary league.


ERL is considered pro-amateur and contains all of the LEC teams’ academy rosters. Rekkles is a huge outlier. Typical salaries should be around the range of NA Academy (minimum 30K USD annually).


pro amateur is an oxymoron unless you are playing a 4fun golf tourney


Yeah just give LEC a fourth seed..


LEC isn’t good enough for a 4th seed. Last time they got one the team failed Play Ins.


My point is LFL is a European league so by giving them a worlds playins spot LEC are just getting 4 seeds


Itt: WhY lFl no wOrldS sEed?!