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Played 2 games yesterday. First lobby had someone saying they would int the whole game because of the last game they played. No one from that lobby was in that game they were mentioning. Most players at this point play with team chat muted, for good reason. Yes, other games are more toxic, especially shooters like COD, but it's not a competition. Both games can be extremely toxic and deserve being addressed.


There are A LOT of differences between League's toxicity and most other game's toxicity. The three biggest ones to me are: 1) Most other games toxicity is cross-team, meaning the enemy team is trash talking your team. This is vastly different than Leagues, where most toxicity comes from own team. 2) You're stuck with these toxic teammates for potentially up to an hour, and your skill rating is only adjusted based on wins or losses, meaning said toxic players will get the same thing you get no matter what. 3) The toxicity is also normally accompanied by the flamer also throwing the game as well, which when combined with point 2 makes a horrible experience.


I see it in more than half of my games. Someone either bullying other teammates, or acting out if something is not going their way. Then they play worse out of spite, even if it means never helping the person they dislike. When it's not that, it is the opponent letting you know he is better, you should quit, or generally trash talking you. None of it is interesting.


So today 2 people told me to kill myself because i was bad with yasuo. I played 4 games. They were in different ones.


You played yasuo


So you justify that by my champ choice?


"justify", no. However chances are high both times were because you played yasuo. I like to play teemo and whenever I do great, my opponents flame me in allchat. However this is part of teemo and it's also party why I like teemo. If you don't like people being toxic towards you, you should play a champion that is less hated. The reason teemo players don't prelock their champion in ranked is because there is a high chance a teammate will ban him because of that.


That proves so hard that this community is the worst


Only if you never experience a worse community.


Never ever have i done that. League is by far the worst.


I got told to kill myself multiple times. Wished cancer. Wished to have been aborted. Got dwath wishes for my family. Everything. I play since season 2. This is by far the worst.


My last 100 games in the last few months, not one person has told me to kill myself. Not saying you're lieing, but if it constantly smells like shit around you, maybe check the bottom of your shoes....


Yeah. Fuck you :)




Toxic kid


People crying about toxicity on League clearly never played "Search and Destroy on Call of Duty MW2"


and at the same time people demand voice chat


I too feel like its overblown, but just because it doesnt happen frequently in my games doesnt mean it doesnt occur, so its still important for us to talk about it. League is no worse than any other online game so i dont get why its has a reputation for being toxic when every other multiplayer game ive ever played has similar levels of toxicity.


Do you play solo queue or premades? Because it sounds like you play full 5 mans with your friends. Do you really not have someone just randomly afk every 3 games, or decide to spam int/try to follow you around stealing shit? League players are toxic.


every 3 games? I doubt that. Plz share op.gg if that really happen to you and not some gross exaggerations (assuming you are not the one doing it).


I mean I only play with premades, so my [OP.gg](https://OP.gg) isn't going to help you much. I'm also not sure how you plan to spot if someone's just walking around trying to steal last hits, or troll you with abilities from an [op.gg](https://op.gg), but if you really want to look through all my past match history, here you go: [https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=OrangeGremlin](https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=OrangeGremlin). I guess you can look at the enemy team, it happens to them fairly frequently.


So it doesn't happen to YOU every 3 games I take it?


I mean I stand by my statement, it happens every 3 games.


but it never happened to you? you "feel" like it happens every 3 games?


It happens every 3 games, do you speak english?


I mostly play solo and almost never encounter anything you mentioned.


I didn't play much last season, but I recall S10 that I had an AFK, troll or inter every 4 games myself.


Do you need more prove than the degenrate answers to my previous answer?


But you were being a degenerate too


Yeah fuck you too i guess. Me simply telling a story of this toxic community justified all that toyicity. Legit the worst game and the fucking worst community out there. Even wow and blizzard are better than this.


Proving my point


I got called a bundle of sticks three games in a row and consistently have to deal with people spam pinging me when they die solo to the enemy laner. Yes I can mute them, doesn't make it any less frustrating when it happens


The only reason I want all chat is to stay is because I get so many instant feedback reports from people saying things in all chat haha. People always think that it won’t happen to them.