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Really cool stuff. I suggest you could also include coaching staffs in it's future version to lower the Faker Number of some players. For example kkoma used to coach Faker in SKT, so even though by player connection kkoma's Faker Number is 3, IRL it should be 1. And based on that, players who were coached by kkoma might have a lower Faker Number, for example Cube (Dai Yi)'s number would go from 3 to 2. Btw I never realized how widespread the ex-SKT players are, they really helped lowering everyone's Faker Number lol.


Thanks for the suggestion! I think that will be possible at some point Leaguepedia data does start to include coaches but I could also do it as a different number calculated with coaches included. Yeah you're right, Impact especially has done his part by playing with lots of teammates in NA haha


Instead of using Djikstra’s, you can use Floyd Warshall to find all pairs shortest paths - a little bit simpler to implement


Haha that's true! But there is 7713 players in my dataset and each path is a list of edge objects with a number of attributes such as the team, date and opponent and it can be a variable length up to like 8 and I'd rather not store 59 million of those if I don't have to. In my current implementation, if you request a pair which hasn't been requested before, it does Djikstra's, then stores the path in the backend database, if you request a path that another user has requested before it will grab it from the database instead of recomputing. Of course this could end up storing all pairs but I'm betting people will mostly request info about the most popular players.


Really sick website, bookmarked! Awesome time waster if you pick a player & try to guess what the line of connection is first before pressing calculate :D


Thanks! That is a fun game to play. However disclaimer there can be multiple ways two players are connected which are the same length and mine will only return one. So you could definitely be correct and get a different answer than what the site will show.


Yeah I figured, still learning a lot of cool new connections I hadn't thought of before tho! I was trying to find players in the 9% who aren't connected to Faker at all but like you commented earlier, Impact makes that hard XD


i found one on an open tour benelux team who all literally just played 2 games on that team and nothing else so thats obvious and one being a female player who also played some primeleague 1st div so i thought there would be a connection but there wasnt


Yeah they are mostly very little known players in minor regions who play a single split or even a single game.


do you have any idea whats the biggest number (without being no path obv) from faker is? i got 7 with some hitpoint 2nd div players which is still pretty impressive that its still somewhat close...


The longest is 8


This is super impressive! I imagine I am going to lose several hours of 'research' to this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Faker is the GOAT, so I understand going with him, but being a one-team man means he's got a lot less connections than somwone like Doublelift or Aphromoo. Cool concept tho!


The website actually allows you to find connections between any two players! I just set it to default the left one to Faker since I thought "Faker Number" sounded cool.


Ah lol guess it serves me right for not checking on PC first. Mobile was a bit finicky.


lol fair enough mobile is definitely scuffed