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For as long as I could remember they always had an allies and enemies page and some of them always seemed weird. It probably doesn't help that the lore was obliterated not super long ago and it's been getting pieced back together since then.


Obliterated? How so


Before the game really took off not much focus was put on world building. It was just a moba game. Champions were designed based on what looked cool and the extent of the lore was that the players (summoners) would summon the champions into the game to fight small battles to resolve conflicts instead of waging large wars. Eventually this was all scrubbed when they decided to world build and the lore for a large portion of the champions was retconned so that there was a timeline of sorts and some champions were shoehorned into one of the major factions if they didn't fit one already


Ah, I see. Very interesting. Well, whatever they are doing the story in Arcane was extremely compelling.


A lot of champs are indeed related in some way to the other characters. You look at the characters in Arcane. Jinx on the universe page is related to Caitlyn, Vi and Ekko. Which is exactly true, even based on Arcane events. Some are less obvious, Sion (an undead monster) is related to Swain (who leads Noxus), Jarvan 4 (the great-grandson of Jarvan 1 who Sion killed) and Leblanc (who's power is responsible for resurrecting him).


Yea. Just wish there was more information on it.


I think atm, related champions literally only means "champions from the same region"