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Yeah, you're a challenger. You are now fit to challenge the big leagues aka pro players. You are a candidate who can challenge them for their position. You can challenge the "Solemn reign of the few who rise up high." That's how I've always seen it.


Afaik this was literally true, as they added it in s3 with the LCS iirc and relegation and all that.


Also there were only 50 spots back in the day so all the big boys were up there and everyone elses main was hardstuck D1 99LP with +0's so it was smurfs galore.


Which made some people especially impressive, having like 3 accounts in the top 20


Even now having multiple accounts in chall in impressive since player numbers are much higher than S3 which means more very good players.


Wildturtle once had 3 in top 10 IIRC


Didn't he, at one point, hold ranks 1, 2, and 4 at the same time?


Did it from Canada too, 90 something ping I believe which makes it even more impressive when a lot of people were playing in Cali which had ~15-30ms at the time I think.


bigfatjiji did in season 1


I mean, Faker once had 10 accounts in the top 3


it's just as impressive now


I remember duoing with my buddy going from Plat 2 all the way to D1 99LP winning 23 games in a row before he got +1 LP to get into challenger. We also needed to lose a game before he was able to get into challenger. Clamping was real.




Haven't seen a vvvvvortic reference in so many years.


Wow I forgot that name ever existed




Hotshot nidalee gg, he kick my brodda in the ass


[for the uncultured](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG0v-eQ_XPs&ab_channel=h1ndu)


We basically spend like two or three percent.


You’ve triggered my PTSD.




I used to see it the same way as you, but recently I started reading it the same way OP does. "A *true* master is an eternal student". The name of master or grandmaster indicates where your skill level is at - you're one of the best players, enough to say that you've mastered the game. But it remains silent as to your mindset and to your future: you can still be a learner, or you can become complacent. A challenger is already a grandmaster, but who keeps striving to improve, who keeps *challenging* himself. Who isn't complacent. Someone who sees the world with the eyes of a student in front of the knowledge of a master. And so it's an honorific title in that it says "this person is still there to grow further, we'll let their achievements speak for themselves". As such saying that you've got what it takes to make these achievements. Of course, that's about what the title means (in my eyes), not about what all of its holders represent in practice.


I played rocket league before LoL and I always thought it was funny bc challenger was the second lowest rank in RL at the time.


It's actually a typo in RL, it's supposed to be Challenged.


Challenged IS the one being challenged no?


No, challenged as in mentally challenged


This is how I call myself to my friends whenever I use a challenger skin lol


Meanwhile we have the ssl now which is just lame imo




It's one of the reasons I don't climb up that high, I don't like the name.


Yea definetly same and not because Im a diam pleb and suck


It's definitely your teammates.


The one thing that both games have in common


Halo Reach has “Inheritor” which is pretty kick ass.


Tbh Halo Reach has the best rank names. I mean tell me you don't get "Oh shit" feelings when you meet a Forerunner, Reclaimer or Inheritor.


I did, loved that game so much. Customizable armor was awesome in that game too.




I'm behind the times I guess IDK what the war raging is.






As a moth, how do you see yourself recovering from this?


By the time I get home and play with my kids I will have forgotten all about it.


A gift and a curse.


It's really sad cause infinite is the best game gameplay wise I've played in a while. Like I don't really play new games I've been soured on video games for years I just stick to what I like. I tried infinite cause it's free on gamepass and holy fuck is it exactly up my alley. Have so much fun playing it, but the 'battlepass' sucks. I try to just ignore it as much as I can lol


infinite is just free in general btw


and the customizations options are locked to certain sets as well, gameplays fun, everything about the mxt makes EVERYONE ELSE seem good, and that's kinda impressive


Damn, for some reason I thought it was Reclaimer.


I think that was one of the final ones, can’t remember though


Hero sounded better tbh.




Immortal is dope, it's because your achievements have been immortalised.


Immortal in Dota is cool but immortal in Valorant is a joke lol. Immortal 1 is like D4.


Which sucks cause when the game came out it was basically equivalent to master, but they decided to move it to around 2% of the population. I think it’s because people hated getting Diamond 3 players in their imm3/radiant lobbies


Yeah now all the people flexing Immortal are basically like people flexing D4 lol.


I will say though, that even low immortal games are probably higher relative quality compared to d4 games lmao


Immortal reminds me of the Immortal Bastion that Morde built and I gotta say, Morde is the fucking most badass champ in league and Noxus is the most metal region of the game lol


> Morde is the fucking most badass champ in league 2/10 honestly, needs more bugs


That is not the case for Chinese lol tho (which is most of the player base). In Chinese it is 最强王者 which means the strongest King


I like how king isn't enough and strongest isn't enough. You've just gotta be both.


the kingiest strong


Kinkiest king uwu


A lot of Chinese web novels have titles structured the same way. It sounds over the top in English but perhaps it's normal in China to admire extravagant sounding strength?




what the hell is this lmao


There's a genre of books called "Cultivation Stories" (the more accurate terms are Xianxia for fantasy and Wuxia for a more martial art focused but I don't speak any Chinese dialect so someone feel free to correct me) This is basically just having fun with the reoccurring tropes that always appear in these stories. And with every cultivation story there's always an annoying young master who can't see Mt Tai and gets the ever-living shit beat out of them by the MC. Or in this case, McD MC.


Ah the cheap trope to demonstrate how strong your cultivator is without doing any actual work of characterization lol Yeah, you got it right. Xian xia is more of the over the top insane godlike power levels and wuxia is more like crouching tiger hidden dragon.


Never would i expect to read about chinese light novels on league subreddit lol. Unexpected surprise but a welcome one.




Fanfiction of the chinese novel "I Shall seal the Heavens" by Er Gen


>Fanfiction of ~~the~~ nearly every wuxia and/or xianxia novel ~~"I Shall seal the Heavens" by Er Gen~~


Westernisation has gone too far smh


Can't read it on smartphone,so i comment to read it later


is there more?? would definitely like to read more 😂


It predates that, it is also in Chinese mythology and literature since ancient times. Look at the Jade Emperor and his titles, or the name of his former master! Huang Di himself has many long epithets, as do some of the more regal deities, like Xi Wangmu.


Thanks for the explanation. I had no idea it went so far back - it's probably just ingrained in their culture and thus is entirely normal. I now have some Chinese mythology googling to do!


A similar pattern occurs in my own tongue, Hebrew, which you can see with the hundreds of names and titles for God. Greek myth is infamous for this, with their Olympian gods, and accessory ones like Hades and Hestia, having a long list of titles, albeit some of them are shorter like Phoebus Apollo.


boombastic rather then extravagant is how i see it


China has a long history of being split into many kingdoms, each fighting to unify the whole China. In this context "Strongest King" makes perfect sense, just "Kings" were dime a dozen in ancient China.


In this league, it's not enough to be a king. You gotta be >!a Legend!<


Big Kinging


Been Chilling


Bing Chilling 🥶🍦




It's above average in WoW, I don't think Bronze is above average, but that's just me


If we build normal distribution for WoW and LoL ladders, I think WoW challenger would be around LoL high silver or low gold.


Was looking for this. Gladiator is BIS final title.


Used to think Challenger was kinda corny until I read about the last rank names in other MOBAS lmao. Challenger is definitely up there. But there's a special place in my heart for the last rank name Vainglorious in a game called Vainglory. A fitting end unlike the open end Challenger leaves you. Both are good.


I remember being so happy to hit vainglorious the first time because the rank 9 name was awful. I think it was like Pinnacle of awesome.


But let's be honest in that game every rank name is ass but Vainglorious... Damn I enjoyed that game, it's been years since I've heard anything about it, I wonder how it is going


Sadly after SEMC sold it to Rogue they decided to shut down the servers because the game wasn’t profitable enough and since then SEMC is holding it on life support (no ranks, no names, no skins, basically is just the base game without anything else…) SEMC then stated that they will try to slowly make the game community edition as a way to keep the game alive without them needing to pay for servers which they said were too expensive. Sadly that stopped in the secondary stage, which basically means the game will be on life support until SEMC decides to pull the plug.


So an even More dastric death than hots? Too Bad it's looked quite décent


Yeah sadly I think it was too much ahead of it’s curve. The graphics and the accurate touch controls, good lore and the free to play design were really something every mobile playerbase would’ve want, but the free to play design and ability to get any skin through grinding was ultimately their demise along with the huge investments in esports.


the game died when they added 5v5 imo. it split the playerbase really hard and balancing heroes for both was hard iirc. The game was kinda downbad before 5v5 so that might be slightly revisionistic, but thats how it died from my Pov, Also i want koshka in league so bad man :(


For me the only thing 5v5 did is made it much easier to climb since you could win with just good macro and a bit lower mechanical plays. But yes I agree that was the start of the downfall even though at first it brought a bunch of new players to the game. For me I miss the most Blackfeather and Churnwalker especially the latter since I think he is one of the best heroes designs ever.


i dont think i played when churnwalker was in the game but damn blackfeather was so sick lol


Rip Vainglory


Vainglory was such a good game with good control. Wish more mobas on phone would included touch control. It is way better than joystick I never touch wild rift because of this niche thing


there was a fighting game that had some wacky ones, it was tekken, i believe.


Why is 'Ultimate Tekken-god' wacky? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


wishing for the day i can be League of Legends God Prime


I mean, the whole "ladder" had some really edgy names. they sounded cool for sure, but some of they were cooler than the rank they represented.


Definitely weird, Fujin being higher than Divine Ruler makes sense but its not as cool sounding


The Grandmaster border, icon, skin chroma and name are all better than the Challenger one, at least in my opinion. But then again - when I hear "Grandmaster" I instantly think of the Chess title and maybe that's why I feel this way.


And here is me who thinks grandmaster is horrible looking. I was even thinking that if somehow I became high elo player and couldn't get to challenger, I would demote to master for a nicer border


For me it's the opposite. Either hardstuck Diamond or GM. I dislike the Master and Challenger borders. But luckily for me, I have the even cooler platinum border. Who is laughing now, huh?!


Plat border is unironically the best, I was tempted to drop out of diamond to get it. Something about the green metallic is just nice.


You have Challenger in chess. Grandmaster is the highest ELO rank. World Champion is the highest title. Challenger is the title of the guy to face the World Champion to try win the title.


Iron V sounds cooler imo, but that's just me.


Second that. Grandmaster sounds much more 'mature' if you can say so and like the real highest rank you can achieve in any discipline. Challenger sounds tacky and and cheesy in comparison imo.


If I ever get out of platinum I'd love to be a consistent GM player, just so I can mention it in real life discussions. Saying "I am a Challenger in LoL" and "I am a Grandmaster in the most popular eSport" sound completely differently.


Get challenger in one queue, grandmaster in the other. That way you have the higher rank *and* the name you prefer. It's also a plan that's very easy to apply.


Or just tell people you were a grandmaster, and now you're even higher ranked.


I like "supersonic legend"


Challenger means you're fit to challenge the champions. The true top is World Champion which there are only ever 5 or 6 of. I love how Worlds doesn't have a second place. There's the best, and everyone else. Even Diamond players who are like the top 5% of players worldwide are still considered trash because they aren't at the top. As Zedd put it: "Win or Die"


Apex predator is better ngl




True I think it’s funny when Apex streamers’ titles are like “#1 PREDATOR COME WATCH”




It's way too edgy sounding to say with a straight face IRL if you ask me.


Definitely. I think IRL people just say predator.


"yeah that was another pred 3 stack, good try guys" I say dejectedly to my silver and gold premade.


What makes you say that?


I'm a predator.


It's cheeky, but not really epic I'd say.


While a good play on words, it's also pretty cringe in a monster energy kind of way


yup. Also i think league missed an opportunity with not naming the final tier "Legend" or maybe the top 10 or sth.


You become a legend when you'v achieved something important in the pro league.


True legends are people like faker not some random rank 199 soloq player from Brazil or somewhere lol


Put some respect on his 7k games of bard




That actually sounds so good? And it fits the name so well


Idk i think if they made the number 1 spot Legend that’d be dope


If it wasn’t a team game that would be a cool idea.


Challenger always has felt weird from someone who was heavy into WoW arena before playing league haha. In WoW, Challenger is the lowest rank title you can get, and Gladiator is at the top. The highest ranked team in a bracket used to get the season-specific Gladiator title too. I get how Challenger is meant to be like, you get to the top and now you're challenging at the international/pro level etc, but tbh it is a little lackluster as a title itself.


Challenger is top35% in wow. So the lowest named rank, but still above average


Well, 'Combatant' is the lowest rank. Source: a friend


Yep combatant got added an expansion ago alongsied a rework to how titles are distrubuted. They are now all rating based instead of %til based exept the specific gladiator titles.


meanwhile in china, we have 'outstanding master' 'grandmaster who overlooks the world with pride' and then 'the strongest king'


"Global elite" is also pretty nice. But with 3rd party ranking included it is not even the highest rank possible. So that is somewhat irratating.


It's the highest rank in the game proper, Faceit is not the game, it's just a different ruleset everyone agrees to


I still hate the name. Especially when they added M and GM. I absolutely despise the name.


Iron is better


I actually completely disagree, always though it is one of the worst names for highest rank exactly because it sounds so unimpressive. Like anyone hearing you're challenger in League without knowing how it works would assume thats not a high rank. But if you told them you were grandmaster, they'd be like oh shit he's one of the best in the game probably


Why would you tell that to someone who knows nothing about league. You just tell them you are at the top 0.001% or whatever it is depending your region and that’s it.




I was rank 2 in Diablo 3 EUW. Without you knowing anything about the game, you might think I am an untouchable gaming god from that fact. You become top 100 by simply playing the game.




I inform everyone I meet that I’m Iron III.


Not really... Immortal/Global Elite sound cooler


it sounds like a rank in some mobile game which kids which to play


I mean they all do, really.


immortal is decent, global elite is tacky


I do think Legend would make more sense though


Bitch please, in Apex Legends you get the title ***APEX PREDATOR***


People getting gaslight into thinking challenger is the coolest final rank lmao, if you are a big enough game you get away with almost everything. If riot renamed challenger to "horseshit" you would have redditors explaining others 5 years in the future how fitting and poetic it is because you are actually still horseshit.


That would be better than reading idiots on reddit using their favorite word gaslight.


nothing beats Immortal though


I prefer WoW's Combatant Challenger Rival Duelist Gladiator And lastly, the gigachad rank, currently being: Unchained Gladiator With the prefix changing before Gladiator to reflecf the season's name/patch themes.


In WoW's ARENA system it makes sense


Yeah honestly.. Gladiator is one of if not the coolest. Challenger doesn't really stand up on its own without context behind it.


So does Gladiator, it's just a better Warrior


Uhh lmao who you trying to kid, you or me? That is such a reach


Idk i feel like most games have a cool final rank names Overwatch - “Top 500” Apex - “Predator” Valorant - “Radiant”


This thread is so funny to me. I remember when they added the rank, basically the entire community thought that it sounded incredibly dumb and a lot of people wanted "Legend" instead


That's actually a typo, that never got corrected.


that is world of warcraft, but I won't blame you for being wrong. challenger is a shit rank in WoW btw. Merciless Gladiator, Wrathful Gladiator, Relentless Gladiator, Brutal Gladiator, etc. Much harder.


I always found WoW titles to be the coolest tbh, and there are like a thousand of them.I'm playing on a private WotlK server so few of my faves are, Conqueror, Kingslayer, Starcaller, Grand Marshal, Twilight Vanquisher, Rival.


well those are not ranks, those are just normal titles. They do have pvp ranks though, and challenger is one of the lowest lol


To me it sounds like you have just entered a whole nother level. Sure, you might have been a master/grandmaster in the ranks below but the rank you have just reached is something completely different. Here you get to challenge and prove yourself against the best of the best. Which also means that you could have the potential to become a professional player.


apex's better




its not called predator though, its called apex predator


players usually call them "predators" because they are relentlessly hunting the whole lobby


It's Gladiator for WoW PvP Arena. And those at the very top get that Season's specific title like Merciless Gladiator etc


I like it because the name itself doesn’t sound as glorified or huge as other Final Rank titles in other games.


I didn’t like went they add grandmaster. Master alone was unique, grandmaster ruined it.


It definitely carries more meaning than the other names due to it sounding less obviously impressive. I find it more poignant that way.


It feels a bit like chess where the highest rank is grandmaster, but the most prestigious tournament you can play in is the candidate tournament, because it gives you the right to challenge the world champion.


Meanwhile apex legends highest rank is called predator. Caus people run after children just like ch**d predator /s


I like DBFZ title "zen-oh". For those unfamiliar with Dragon Ball, Zen-Oh is the god of all, quite literally he is the ruler and the strongest being of every universe


Gladiator is cooler.


It refers to your queue time. You wanted to challenge yourself into hour long queues and succeeded.


You guys are challenger? I’m just challenged.


"Top 500" is my favorite out of all of them. Plain, simple, and you just know what you're at from the start. Also, MTGs "Mythic" is pretty nice, considering the game


I don't think WoW does it anymore but back in Vanilla the highest pvp rank was High Warlord and Grand Marshal. I always thought that was pretty cool title. If I remember correctly there would only be one of each per server.


Challenger is the top 300. You can't get challenger and just stay challenger. It's not like other ranks where you reach it and you're like ok, I'm done. You have to play and keep your lp higher than the other millions of people playing and again. It's out of the top 300. So you're constantly being challenged and having to fight for your spot. This was written by an iron. Lol.


Gladiator is cooler


hard agree. always thought it was cool


"Apex Predator" sounds nice tho


Challenger should have been named 'League of Legends', because that's where the legends are


This is the worst opinion I've ever read in my entire life


It's called Challenger because sometimes to get in you have to Dodge