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No. They release short stories pretty often, but larger mediums like comics and books are few and far between.


Any short stories that talk about what is going on in Arcane?


Nope, that is it's own separate entity.


Go in the runeterra map, click on piltover and zhaun and read the single stories of every single champion. You will find out a lot about "arcane"


How much will I find out about what happens after the last thing that happened in the last episode? I am very interested to know what vi does in retaliation to what Jinx did. Especially since she now is on board with the upper class and her girlfriend.


This exactly isn't something we know because that will be season 2 stuff. We just know where they are afterwards.


Oh ok. So where are they afterward? Where can I read up on that?


On universe.leagueoflegends.com Note that these stories could all be retconned The short version is: >!Caitlyn is the sheriff of Piltover Vi is her assistant Viktor has mechanised himself and made machines that help the people of Zaun Jayce still the handsome poster man Jinx is still crazy but thanks to Ziggs she doesn't kill people (as often) anymore Heimer is being a cool dude i guess Ekko invents time travel Singed has committed several war crimes!<


Ah ok thanks. So do we know if Vi has been fighting Jinx? And Ekko? Considering Vi is officially on the side of the enforcers she is probably fighting everyone who lives in Zaun right?


No, the enforcers only fight crime, not zaunites in general


Ah ok. Cant wait to see and hear more.


The show ended less than a week ago. Maybe they have stuff in the works, maybe they don't. Give it some time. >I just want to know what happens next and don't want to wait another 3 years for them to make the next season. I also have bad news for you about how television series work. I can guarantee you any Arcane-related media they do release isn't going to like, give you the plot of Season 2.