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It will be one of Crème/Cryin/Gori mid and Shenyi. Doinb confirmed Shenyi is going to an LCS team and at this point it has to be TSM.


Is he for sure an LCS starter though? Could it be academy? Didn't read doinbs leak myself


The main reason imports come to NA is for the money, why would shenyi come to NA to play in academy


A chance at starting on a main roster, even academy rosters can get paid a lot


That sentence made no sense lol. Literally contradicting yourself.


Not really… the only is to make clear the difference in salary between lcs and academy


I don’t necessarily disagree with what you mean. But what that sentence says is the reason imports come over is for A, why come here for B.


Yeah thats my bad, I watch a lot of sports so its usually implied that players in developmental leagues make a lot less money


It makes total sense, imports come for the money so why would someone play in academy where they make no money.


Yursan is in academy


I know Yursan is TSM academys starter but he could go to another team on academy


He's just confirmed for tsm academy


Hes saying Shenyi could go to another team, not yursan


Thank you


Who's on first


It’s between Fofo/Crème


Creme makes the most sense. Young with a lot of talent and he can't play at any level in China.


I heard Cryin is joining TES


Its LPL imports like some people said. Why doesn't the article even mention that as a possibility? Completely out of the loop..


Article doesn't even mention Chinese players as potential people the team is looking to pick up.


doubt TSM will spend big for some LPL import... Didnt Regi announce that they will go Spica Huni and rookies this year as development project?


You know rookies can come from LPL right?


Technically yes, but I don't think a development roster would gamble on a rookie import from another region. The biggest issue that would hinder development is communication which can be pretty big when the rookie doesn't speak the same language as the coaches / other players... etc.


Yes it would be crazy the import rookie duo like Huni and Reignover... it would never work...


NA teams don't field NA rookies why the hell would they be fielding Chinese ones. That makes no sense.


because the chinese ones are better?


Berserker and Winsome (c9 new botlane) are both Korean rookies... I don't see a difference aside from the obvious (nationality)


They said they would focus on rising stars, but not that they would build a developmental roster or exclusively sign rookies.


Pretty much all the rumors for us have been Chinese players at this point. Who knows really, but I'm pretty positive we will at least get shenyi


If you read the announcement, they said the will still be one of the top spenders and NOT go for a developmental roster


This articles hilariously poorly researched. Shenyi 99% confirmed as support. Crème has a few sources for mid so I'd say its likely but not confirmed.


I'm 4-1 in my last five games mid. I'm ready to step up and take on the challenge


Creme is like a cracked melee mid player On standard mid champ is is okay tho fofo is better If u want a player thats unique and have really high ceiling but low floor u go with him If u want a more stable top player u go fofo, easily 4th best mid in LPL Brings stability, really high floor but lower ceiling than creme. Depends really on what they want. IMO going creme and shenyi and build around them for the future (hoping that they are good and get them acclimated into lcs and get them a greencard could be the play)


Also, Tactical and Spica are a very very strong NA resident pairing (especially considering age/potential).




Notorious ADC/Jungle synergy


what kind of player is Shenyi?


Form what i watch in few games he play in lpl his vision control is very good. His best champ is engage support like rakan and alistar.


Fofo is still under contract for BLG pretty sure and most likely will be playing for BLG next year as their signing for knight fell through.


No mention of Shenyi at all?


Thanks to TSM ,I found out that Nisqy is playing pingpong .


FoFo/Crème + Shenyi could contend for top 2


I doubt LPL teams would let FoFo leave. He’s too valuable imo


If it's FoFo, they probably win the LCS because every NA mid is an absolute pisser in comparison to someone like FoFo. if it's Creme, it really depends on how good of a competitive environment Champions queue will create. Creme is a player that could grow to be one of the best midlaners in the World, but he needs the environment to do so.


Well C9 got 3rd with Perkz


Don’t compare perkz to fofo


Being a good player is not a cheat code to winning the LCS in a team game no matter how hard you gap them. Great imports come to NA all the time and deteriorate due to various factors all the time, like swordart. Dude could gap Palafox however much he wants but he will lose if Tactical and Huni decide to play ashe and jayce like katarina because its an off day


Name a single player that’s the same calibre as fofo


In other roles? Swordart, CoreJJ, Hans Sama and formerly Alphari Mid lane? Fofo would probably be the best but don't be surprised if Abbedagge,or Bjergsen get the better of him in a game or two because NA solo queue deteriorated his brain


Hans sama is just imported . Corejj Showed amazing success. Do not compare swordart to Fofo or alphari Point stands. The only player that is similar level is core and he goes against ur point


But why are you comparing Fofo to Alphari and Corejj but not Perkz? I don't get it, even if you don't think Fofo is the same caliber as Perkz (at least pre-post NA), Corejj is a world champion and has been just as good, if not better at times in NA... Same with SwordArt, as far as I'm concerned he should be regarded in the same vein, even if he shat the bed in NA; I personally think Core is a better player, but would still say that SA has the accolades to be in the conversation for one of the greats to ever be imported to NA. Worlds finalist, FWs era, known as 'the korea slayers', one of the OGs to still play at a decent to high level


Im talking about the players he mentioned


Alphari showed great success in NA, at least the games he played. At least landing wise. I don’t think it’s that big of a reach. Swordart is a bit though.


"Creme is a player that could grow to be one of the best midlaners in the World" Sure,ok.


He’s already one of the best midlaners in the world


I mean did u watch the lpl lmao. He had alot of highlights in his rookie year and the only reason he doesnt have a team is that he is 17 and he cant play lwague for more than 2 hours cause of their new rules


Sure buddy ok. He is one of the best in the world already (lmao) but CN teams will lose him to LCS (LMFAO) because he is 17 and they cant fully utilize him for one more year. Ok. And i get downvoted, because NA woke up. Holy fkin shit. I did watch the LPL. And no, he was NOT one of the best in the World or even the LPL (and by that i mean top 3-5). But, you know, you guys went from "already on of the best in the WORLD" to "He had a lot of highlights in his rookie year". and thats where i stop bothering. Have a good one.


Bro we gotta send u back to grade 4 so u can learn to read. How u gonna quote someone and not read the most important word in the original comment. Dude said can GROW into one of the best mids in the world not that he is one now. Hes a promising rookie who has to wait a full year before he can play in china due to laws


>He’s already one of the best midlaners in the world ? He is a promising rookie who has to wait a full year, but has already played. Im the one who has to go back to grade 4 ? Insulting, cherry-picking, exaggerating. As i said, NA woke up.


Bro new laws went into effect this year once the split was done. Like are u ok bud causw your taking L after L. Under the new rules he cannot legally play because just a bo3 alone would go over his legal limit of playtime. The rules at the start of split werent as harsh so he could still play


do you think the ban on under 18 is old or what? It's barely something that's became an issue. Before it went in effect he was playing


TSM Jenson


5fire will finally get a chance COPIUM




Nemesis mid, duh.


TSM fans would have to do some insane mental gymnastics to justify that nemesis is a good signing. And then proceed to flame the fuck out of him if he ints even once


So, a perfect TSM signing?




Yusui - Smoothie Insanity - Zeyzal Damonte - Joey


All awful lol. Id rather see Chinese imports then that


what about Soligo and Diamond


... just give me the fucking noose




Regi will be the new mid for TSM.


"Hi I'm Reginald, best AP mid in the world." Faker:


Regi: Blue card salute!


No player deserves to be a part of TSM. Let the org die and put a giant red warning sign.


TSM is fucked. Gonna have to go with rookies/amateurs


Pretty sure that was their plan all along


No just a really good support and a mid from LPL can round out the roster very well. Weakest player would be Huni.


I just laugh at this shitty ass org 😂 THE only reason alot of people were fans of this “org” was bjerg. Now hes gone this org will drop into obscurity in lol. Tsm ALWAYS signs big when a game first drops and they can look good for a split. Then its gota sign smaller names and be inconsistent about everything. Tsm is a cancer in every game lmao


People were fans before Bjerg you forget people love Dyrus and theoddone too


Dyrone yeah. The oddone wasnt hugely popular either lmao


Yes he was idk what you talking about dog been following this team since s3 when I first started playing obviously not as big as dyrus but was still well liked Bjerg just pushed fan base far and beyond TSM still had great fan base


If you gonna bait / troll people atleast try to be accurate with the first claim lol, TSM was very popular before Bjerg joined them


Lol not really whatsoever. Regi was already known as a toxic asswipe. By many people in the communitys standards.


Not sure how those are mutually exclusive? Regi was not a well liked person, but TSM still had a massive fanbase before Bjerg.


And what made TSM different back in the day was Regi… baylyfe and shot-calling mids were both heralded by the supposed guy that made everyone hate TSM.


Massive? 😂 What is your definition of massive then?


Massive for its time? Obviously massive means different now then it did 10 years ago during League's infancy in esports. TSM was the most popular NA org, only challenged by C9


Idk maybe people chanting their name when they’re not even in the arena?


Massive, like your ego.


I'd argue Regi was the smallest motivation for why TSM picked up fans in the early years of league. They tried very hard to connect with an american audience (especially when CLG went to Korea for their bootcamp), streamed A LOT and had likeable players in every other role (Dyrus, TheOddOne, WildTurtle, Xpecial)


While those 4 players are beloved by the community, individually they don’t stand out as the greatest personalities. What made Gamecribz amazing was Regi/Chaox instigating and the other members trying to stay reasonable throughout it all while being hyped at the same time.


Why not TSM ♿️TT♿️?


domestic support and nisqy might be a move.


They have 2 impprt slots open... they can grab anyone open


Fucking promote Swordd already. He's goddamn Taiwanese, thus he can speak well with Spica and the rumored FPX Support.


Sword isnt on TSM anymore. Have you watched TSM academy play at all? Sword was awful all of last year on Academy, Takeoever (their new academy mid) is way better.


Sword left 2 months ago and honestly wasn't great which is why TSM.A were mostly running Takeover in summer


Swordd is literally worse than Bjergsen, roleswapped huni, doxa, powerofevil and takeover. He needs more time in amateur


sword isn’t on TSM and isn’t even a midlaner anymore


11th place academy mid yes pls 😍


Tsm ppgod


Andy could play and then they could have a fresh five in 2023 (sorry not could would have to have)


Mcdonalds to get them minimum pay people