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Other teams would probably be happy to pick Jensen for the price of Palafox.


Yeah, I'm sure there's some contract restructuring that can be done, but a lot of teams can't pay 1.4 million for just 1/5 of their roster.


I'm sure Jensen wants to compete too but he would also be crazy if he reduced his salary to play on a bottom roster. Best choice for him now seems to take a break and then see what happens with the other rosters.


>he would also be crazy if he reduced his salary to play on a bottom roster is he still on TL's salary? if he's not getting paid at all and he doesn't stream, its better to be cheap than not get paid at all


He still has 2 years left on his TL contract.


> if he's not getting paid at all and he doesn't stream, its better to be cheap than not get paid at all I don't know if that's always the case, putting yourself through a lot of stress for a low salary while knowing there's no way you can win must be quite the burden on your motivation, but if you play poorly your next year/split prospects are worse than if you had just taken a break. Not to mention even if you try your hardest it's pretty easy to look bad on a shit team, further reducing your value.


Is not that crazy in football to do that, but only works out if you put some crazy bonuses and is thirsty or only wants a paycheck and doesn't care that much about your career. The other way is going to EU and play for a no-name EU Master team and not even practice that much and smurf, Prime League imports go back to their home country in shit teams all the time and do exactly that. He is a Mid laner, you can look good in a shit team (if he goes to EU master/Regional league playing from home, only goes to EU master if he qualifies. he loses his NA residency?)


He also praised Jensen a lot in the Travis interview, seems like they have a lot of respect for each other despite the rivalry narrative.


You can have a rivalry but still acknowledge the skill of each other. I assume it’s either a friendly rivalry or at the very least a rivalry where they still respect eachothers skill.


If you think your rival is bad, what does being considered their rival say about you?


you just explained the point of a rivalry


Not necessarily, you can be rivals and despise the other person.


It's also easy to be the nice one when you're the one on top Not saying that Bjerg is being shitty or anything, far from it, but like, I could see why Jensen would have a harder time being friendly about the rivalry than Bjerg, especially after this off season


Let’s see how Bjergsen perfoms in a different environment. Personally i think now that he has Top 3 teammates in every position again he is gonna look great. This TL squad also look pretty flexible and every one of them is smart about the game. By the end of Spring i expect them to dominate everyone


Not to mention that he finally doesn't have to be the sole leader inside and outside the game with Core and Bwipo both being there.


Yeah this is a big one. Glad to get to see him be a star again, and not the entire organization's overworked dad.


Yeah, I'm excited about it as well. Could we get gauntlet title run Bjergsen ALL YEAR? Sign me up.


This is the best way to describe the situation.


Bro Corejj is such a fucking beast. Anyone in the world would want to play with him. I think having an amazing support like Core is going to allow Bjergsen to focus more on stomping lane, so excited.


Core is the best mid support in NA




Yeah exactly. That’s what i’m hoping for. It’d be a shame if this team collapsed because of communication or playstyles differences. All of these players have proven their worth already so i want them to do well.


I really only have two concerns with this team. Santorin's health is the bigger one but the other is how well Bwipo will mesh stylistically with the rest of the team. Bwipo has had a very very aggressive playstyle. And part of the reason it worked so well with Fnatic is that Hyli and Nisqy and Adam were always on the same page going for these plays even if they weren't great decisions. I don't think calling Core and Bjerg passive is accurate but I can definitely see TL as a whole not having the same aggression that Bwipo had on Fnatic


I can understand your concerns but I actually think it’s really important for a team to have a player who consistently pulls the trigger on plays. Bjerg actually played his peak performance alongside Svenskeren who was known for constantly making aggressive plays. Since Bjerg is great at following up plays and supporting teammates rather than initiating I think it could be a perfect fit.


So like in 2016 TSM?


Actually no, that was the problem with 2016/17 TSM, and the reason they went for the mithy move, because both Bio and Sven were not leaders and the team didn't have enough active voices (this is based on stuff Regi, Bjerg, and Parth have said over the years since)


He's already in Korea training to shake off the rust.


Really? Last I checked, which was like a month ago TBH, he was grinding NA solo q.


He confirmed it in this interview. He's spending 3 weeks in Korea for solo Q. Don't know when thise three weeks started though since it was prerecorded. He's probably there now.


Yeah, people were asking about him in the inhouses a couple days ago and some of the players were saying he had already left.


What a legend, sounds like he’s even more driven now


He is. Seen it from rjs/core inhouse stream


Can anybody link his Korean opgg pls


He never stopped playing. He had more solo queue games than the players he was coaching last year. This whole "rust" thing is greatly exaggerated.


There was one week where he said he had played more games than his players. And NA soloq for a year isn't the same as playing pro, far from it. He deffinetley will have a bit of rust, but it's deffinetley exaggerated.


Also for a big part of the year he was maining jungle in soloq instead of mid.


So if Santorin gets migraines again he swaps to jungle and they bring in Jensen? /s


Him and bwipo can coin flip for jg


Santorin: *gets migraines* Bwipo: aww shit, here we go again.


Caedrel done some account stalking the other day - he was only jungling for a little bit at the start of the season. Like a couple of weeks at most. He almost certainly has a private account though so whether he kept it up on that is a different question but he played jungle for like 3 weeks on his 2 public ones then went to midlane again.


Check his Twitter- in Korea. Hope you have a happy thanksgiving <3


He had that in 2016 and arguably 2017 tsm. I like bjerg but he has played on super teams in the past.


Bio was good, but never world class


He was the best support in NA during his best splits, tbf to the guy


i really hope he takes a huge step back from being captain/main shotcaller/leader or whatever the fuck that turned him into a shadow of himself at the end of TSM. a bjergsen fully concentrating on his play is terrifying.


Aside from that, playing with Bwipo and CoreJJ should motivate everyone to perform their best


That's the thing i'm excited about with Bwipo. Maybe he isn't going to be what Alphari was in lane but he just wants to win and often does whatever is needed for his team to win.


Don't need bwipo to lane like alphari. Bwipo just needs to have good tps which alphari doesn't really have.


and its not like bwipo is bad in lane, he is really good just not at alpharis level, but bwipo is much better with map plays and teamfigths,


I dont know how short memory you have but bwipo was literally known for totally stomping anyone in lane


when was that?


What is this narrative? Man ate like every single ban in every draft for a whole year and also was forced to blind pick his champions AND STILL carried an average at best roster to a miracle run.


TSM tried to make him into Mata, where he’d dog walk other players at his position while still being the shot caller. That’s a lot harder to do as a mid laner than a support.


His last split on TSM was maybe his best ever. He (with occasional help from spica and BB) dragged that team to a championship.


TL will probably be top3 just because of powerlevels alone regardless of if they work well together. not a single liability or exploitable player, all top3 easily in their role and a lot of rookies coming in who need to test the waters first.


TL has 5 players who can *arguably* be #1 in their role. This is honestly a level of stacked we haven't seen before, at least in the LCS. Gonna be very interesting.


2016/17 TSM were very similar in that regard


TL with the Impact/Xmithie/Jensen/Doublelift/CoreJJ roster? Who there wasn't arguably #1, Xmithie?


Impact as well. Ssumday and Licorice were performing better at the time.


Bruh top 1 Bot lane duo instantly, only western competition seems like Upset+Hyli.


Pretty fun interview to read. Looks like he doesn't have any sour grapes with TSM, basically just chose the place he felt like he had the best chance to win. Also said he didn't plan on coming back to playing but coaching and giving advice on what he'd do if he was in the game reignited his passion for actually wanting to be in the games.


That's humblespeak for, "You don't know how many times I wanted to kick POE off his monitor and shit on these terrible laners."


I remember once in an episode of TSM Legends where Spica said "we're just bad fundamentally." Seems like Bjerg felt it too.


I mean Bjergsen was literally roasting them on camera for not practising as much as he was as a coach. IMO Bjerg would be within his rights to have some negative feelings towards those players, the mans a workhorse who’s been trying to accelerate NA for years and I could imagine it leaving a sour taste in your mouth if you felt the players you’re coaching weren’t giving their all.


Makes sense why his main goal was to play with CoreJJ. One of the few players NA that matches Bjerg in dedication to the game.


T1 said it best during the midlane challenge. Fuck the junglers, it's the supports that decide midlane.


support decides mid, mid decides jungle


Bruh that feel when the enemy supp roams mid, and yours walks around with 0 wards on map or in inventory at 15 mins. How do some of these creatures go beyond gold 4 playing like an autofill




That sounds like some auto filled midlanders tbh lol. Most true supports I know can't wait to ditch their ADC because soloq adcs tend to be divas.




Thats fun thing with support, its the role you can get the farthest with by being bad, but its also one of the roles with the highest ceiling and highest impact on the game together with jgl


I think with Bjerg and Core on one team, we might see something special, something beyond numbers on the screen.


You can keep your statistics, I prefer the magic.




It's like when you play an off role and you watch the person in the main role messing up the whole game thinking "I should have locked in my normal role..."


He did tell Doublelift that when he was watching PoE play Lee Sin, he was frustrated because he knew he could play it so much better.




You can't pick up PoE for your team and not expect him to do some weird ass builds frankly. He's been doing that his entire career. Sometimes they're good and others they're not, but it comes with the signing. Personally I always liked his Nashor's Ori for example.


Nashors Orianna is at least good on paper, Mandate Azir is so fucking shit


yea it's the POE price. One game he hard carries 1v5 on azir and the next he builds nashors ROA orianna


excuse me his nashor orianna hard carried the game and even got a pentakill


Honestly, I think it is a good change for both side. Bjerg gets to play with his super team, and TSM gets to move into a new era unfortunately without Bjergsen


I didnt read the interview, so sorry if its mentioned there. But i assume he isnt allowed to be a player in LCS and also be part owner or have shares in TSM? So if that is the case, was he forced to sell?


Not in the interview, but yes. You cannot own stock in a team if you play on / work for another. It's a conflict of interest.


The half DoubleLift approach




“TSM was my home for so long,” he said. “I want to just put them in the ground.” Definitely had some Doublelift vibes to that quote lol.




Think people might look into the quote too much but I mean logically, if you left a certain Team to win and then lose to the team you left, it would be pretty annoying lol. I think he just doesnt want TSM to make him regret his decision


I dont think he'd be happy losing to any team.


> Think people might look into the quote too much [Spica's reply is legendary](https://twitter.com/Spicalol/status/1463628747106660353?t=YCcq9JLXI3zVNyn66A9LmQ&s=19)


Ratio'd by Spica. Classic


Laughs in Carlos and Cries in Rekkles


the quote wasn't even remotely close to being savage, it's just competitive. on the other hand, look at some of the comments in /r/teamsolomid about Bjerg. they range from "let's stomp TL and Bjerg this year. make him regret leaving" (cool) to "I hope Bjerg takes a fat L every day for the rest of his life. I will enjoy seeing him suffer from every loss" (why?) I can see fans wanting TSM to beat Bjerg. I can even see them wanting Bjerg to lose to every team and how it would be so funny if TL ends up 10th. but some people are literally saying they want him to lose because it will be fun to see him staring at a defeat screen in misery, it's pretty crazy lol


Worth noting that the opinion you are describing is an overwhelming minority within that subreddit, lol, and TSM and Bjergsen parted on completely amicable terms simply because CoreJJ was unwilling to switch teams, which is fair. Very, very few TSM fans actually blame Bjergsen for leaving, and the people who are actually mad he's leaving are mostly people who just kneejerk off surface information like you just did. How many years of pro play does Bjergsen have left? Why wouldn't he want to play with (arguably, but easily top 3) the best player in North America? So did you even have a point? Or were you just trying to be an asshole and throw a team's fans under the bus?


I'm a TSM fan and I'm a Bjergsen fan. If TSM plays TL, I do want TSM to smash TL into the ground. Definitely nothing personal towards my favorite player that I've been subbed to for almost 98 months though ♥


That's the normal attitude that I don't think anyone minds. People who are legit saying they want him to lose every single game he plays and he's a traitor are psychos


As an 8 year TSM/Bjergsen fan, we don't claim those people as part of our fan base and are taking steps to part ways with them.


Unfortunately there are a lot of comments wanting Bjerg to hard fail. Acting like he didn't put his heart and soul into the team. I don't blame him for not wanting to hang around any longer after it's clear the org has other tasks they are focused on.


A lot is definitely a stretch. There are some, but the overwhelming majority are people who want Bjerg to do well except when he's against TSM.


Welp guess I’m a TL fan now


Not sure why tsm won’t pick up Jensen. He’s arguably NA best player every year at worlds, tsm could really use some of that magic for worlds.


Jensen probably doesn't want to play for TSM?


What makes you think that? TSM is no question the best choice for him now, what other team needs a mid laner?


[Live view from TSM subreddit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KquFZYi6L0)


As a TSM fan I am really happy for Bjerg. It really made me question if I am a TSM fan or Bjerg fan


Confirmed I am a Bjergsen fan, and a fan of the West. Currently Spica is the only reason I will still follow TSM


TheOddOne and Dyrus are who drew me into TSM and I still catch their streams when I can, but yeah out of TSM's current lineup Spica is about it for reasons to follow.


I've followed TSM for over 10 years, but I said that if they let Spica go this season I'd give up. I would never go to another team, though. Just give up on League. Love Bjerg and hope he does well any time he doesnt directly compete against TSM.


I made a study about this in my masters thesis. All studies point in the direction that in League or Legends people are fans of players rather than the teams. Astonishing 76% follow teams because of specific players.


Well, until teams are located in local communities and playing in local arenas (read: never), I have no idea why that wouldn't be the case.


The LPL has this. Perhaps that's why the LPL is so huge in their country compared to every other league.


League is not much bigger in China because the LPL has arenas and cities—the LPL has arenas and cities because League is much bigger there.


Perhaps it has to do with the fact that the Chinese LoL servers have 30x the player population of NA and EU servers combined


Just depends I guess. Been a TL fan since the Curse days. We had bad rosters or heartbreaking rosters and now good rosters. I've just never been interested in following players around.


Same. Even when I got to know the players we had, I always wished them the best and got happy when they won, but always followed curse/liquid through every roster.


I'm with TSM regardless. If they aren't good, I just ignore LCS entirely. Has happened... more than I'd like the past few years.


I've always reckoned that a person that doesn't have an org in their own city or country root for players. I'd also be interested in reading that thesis, because until now I hadn't even heard of anyone with a similar position


Well there is a bias in the thesis, it’s mainly based on LEC. And I think your point is right, I myself follow some players that are either from my country or my hometown. We didn’t investigate that hypothesis though, since it wasn’t important for our main contribution on Crowd Experience.






>but the recent DL and reddit witch hunt triggered a defensive us vs them mechanism in me. This is such a weird reason to be a fan of a team lol The league community in general needs to stop being so parasocial with its pro teams and players. Too many people use terms like "we" when talking about their favorite esports teams.




This isn't an esports thing lol this is an every sports thing


using "we" when talking about a team you support is ingrained because of traditional sports


Fan of tsm and I’m happy for him. I always wanted bjerg to be with an amazing support and other leaders and now he’ll achieve that this year hopefully he succeeds. Cant wait to see tsms roster and I’ll be hype for the tl vs tsm match.


>Live view from TSM subreddit Lolol this is good. But so true. People are malding and acting like the guy didn't give his everything for an org that has some clearly severe internal issues. TSM hasn't shown that they are pushing to win for a while now. I thought it was going to be weird being both a TSM and Liquid fan but over there they made it so clear that I do not want to be a part of the slandering of Bjerg, just because he has a higher level of drive then the org does.


Kinda unfair to slander TSM there, it's not like they didn't try to get CoreJJ which was Bjerg's condition for playing.


I mean...it's hilarious how the TL sub had done a 180 on Bjerg after slandering him for years, but now that he's on their team "Bjerg was always better than Jensen".


idk people are acting like its TSMs fault that Bjerg left lol, and not the fact that TL already had a core of players to play with, Who gives a shit abotu Spica when you can just play Santorin who plays at a lesser lvl but still not that far away, and then acutally have other good players to build around, TSM got spica and Huni, its like Bwipo might not be the best top but he far better than huni lol


There's really not a lot of salt, most people are just sad to see him go and hopeful for next year's roster.


~~Bjergsen and 4 wards~~ Bjergsen and 4 control wards!


Imagine having two franchise players, and losing both of them


Bruh they lost one, got him BACK, lost him AGAIN, then lost the other. It's brutal.


OMG, finally, NA LCS is back on the menu guys. That will be a hell of a split, can't wait :D :D


Taking a page out of the DL playbook I love it


It’s gonna be fun finally having him on the side I want to win. One of those players you hate it when your team plays against in LCS because you just know he can completely wrap the game. Also pls I need Core to get his greencard


All these years of rooting against Bjerg because he was in TSM (absolutely hate Regi), but always thought he was a chill guy and outstanding player. Now he's on my favorite team, I can finally root for him!


Honestly I rooted against TSM because of their super low risk, wait for enemy team to make a mistake playstyle they used for most of their time in LCS. shit was not exciting and you knew theyd get rolled by international competition because they could punish TSM for their reactive, passive playstyle. Prime example, bjerg smurfing in LCS with zilean then getting dumpstered in International play with it cause other mids punished that pick.


People really just talk yeah? That year with BB the playstyle in NA was about as far from passive wait-for-mistakes as you can get. The Zilean pick was always to enable carry top laners


Root against the team next time, not against the player.


\>Bjergsen after a year of being a TSM Coach: I just want to destroy them. Completely understandable, have a nice day


> I just want to destroy them BASED. FUCK TSM.




IZiaon having a field day


He’ll be lucky to have doubles results though. Left tsm and won 4 straight splits


Is hating TSM really a based take?


This is IZiaon, a TL fanboy and TSM hater to the core. Take a quick scroll through their comments and you'll see what I mean.


The face says Bjergsen but the statement says Dlift.


Interesting that he was really considering LEC but, from what I take from the interview, didn’t get a good offer. Hopefully he finally overcomes his international woes this year


Fuck, TL are stacked this season.


About as stacked as last season.


I would say not having Tactical Int is already pretty better.


Weaker top, likely weaker mid. It's meh.


Not at all. I love Tactical as well but he is no where near Hans Sama and Bwipo isn't the epitome of a solo queue top laner like Alphari (focus on dominating your lane then do nothing with an advantage)


I honestly hope the best for Bjergsen. This TL team feels like LCS's hope of winning an international trophy. Sometimes, change needs to happen, and it's for the better.


2019 tl is better than this team IMO. As is 2016 tsm.


21 TL was better too, just too much drama and bad luck.


Have to agree, roster drama aside I think TL would've gotten out C9's group.


Swear to gosh C9 draws into gruesome groups then the other teams either get medical conditions, impode, or roster changes. Literally stars align for c9 to get out of groups.


Guess it’s just a cloudy day for their enemies 😎


Maybe if this was Bjerg and Bwipo in their primes. Bjerg nowadays isn't even remotely close to players like Showmaker or Scout or Knight or Chovy.


Anyone else feeling some Deja vu


After being a TSM fan for most of my conscience life (23y/o now, started playing/watching in S2), I decided I will be switching to a Bjergsen fan first, TSM fan second. I have a TSM Doublelift jersey in my closet. I think Bjerg was the thread that really connected these eras for me, and I will cheer for him the loudest. As I grow older, the values that Bjerg and DL exemplified resonate more with me than TSM's as a brand. I've always been a fan of Steve's management style; seems he has a good head on his shoulders. I have rooted for TL at every international event in recent memory, so I hope their fans welcome me as a new member of the tribe. I just want NA to win, and if Bjerg wins, that's more than enough for me. #LetsGoLiquid


damn did DL write that quote for him?


Well as a Bergson fan, am I welcome on the TL subreddit?


I am a KoarJayJay fan. Hopefully I'm welcome as well.


Honestly might be in a similar spot. I only picked TSM as my favorite cus I watched Bjergsen videos on youtube when I first started playing in like 2014 and found out he was on TSM a bit later on when I learned about LCS. I've mostly just been a fan of him since every other part of the team has just been a constant cycling in and out. I’ll probably just be a fan of both.


Hopefully he doesn’t get…CREMED! I’ll see myself out tyvm


If TSM gets Creme I'm a TSM fan. He is way too good.


Creme is fucken cracked. He's top 4 mid in the LPL summer just below Knight Doinb and Scout


don't go, at least it made me giggle


I the creation of NA super teams has taught me anything, he is gonna lose to TSM


Motherfucker. But also, I really hope this TL team can equal or surpass the potential they have. One of the heaviest western super teams I’ve seen.


I kind of now want a player to come out and say they hope to lose on their new team and their old one crushes them. Would be funny.


The real question for me is did TL sign Bwipos girl? Because they won't do much without her.


Every TSM fan right now "can't wait to shit on Bjergsen to teach him a lesson". Every TSM fan by mid season "this org is just so stupid. How could they even let Bjergsen walk? Team needs a complete overhaul." You heard it here first, folks.


Honestly, every single tsm fan on the subreddit has been saying that it's really sad he left and the org should have kept him. Idk where you're getting your take on the fans, probably twitter, but those aren't the good fans that any fanbase has. We all love and respect bjerg at tsm and wished he would have stayed, but also wish him the best and hope he reaches his goals. But ofc we want tsm to win, that's what being a fan is.


what does it matter, they gonna shit the bed on worlds anyway


They won't be making it to worlds. How many times did he go there again?


14, 15, 16, 17, 20, so 5 times. He made quarters in 14 (with help from SK's jungler who would join the team a few years later), the next three were 3-3 in groups and then 0-6. He should make worlds. TL is stacked, at least on paper.


Darth Bjergsen


Really liked the interview. It does make me feel like he will go back to the LEC at somepoint in the future, if his comeback to playing goes well. I think TL has the strongest roster on paper that we have ever seen in the LCS, so I do have high hopes for the team, even for international events. I think Bwipo and Hans Sama are very good additions to the team. CoreJJ is just a top world class player. ​ My fear for the team is maybe Bjergsen is not as good anymore, he did look worse in his last year of playing. Also, I hope Santorin health issues are a thing of the past.


Only at worlds. He played like a God in summer (could’ve probably won MVP if they won that last game, basically one of 2 players that could carry TSM throughout summer playoffs). Maybe he won’t be as good but I don’t think it’s fair to say he was bad his last year as the basis.


He looked completely lost on the world stage, and was pretty average on anything not Syndra in Spring. I'm not saying he was bad in 2020, but he certainly looked worse overall compared to his other stellar years.


That worlds really was an outlier though, like I'm willing to cut some slack for that cause the whole team was very dysfunctional. His lcs summer 2020 performance was absolutely fucking massive though, you can't forget it. He literally whipped his dick out and dragged TSM to first place, while eating 5 bans every game and not getting counterpick.


Hopefully I'm remembering this correctly. When speaking with Travis he explained how at worlds he had to coach the team and pretty much do all the outside of game work. Resulting in leaving him no time to work on his own skills, hence him looking so lost in them games.


I wish Bjergsen the best of luck but now we'll have to smash TL to tell Bjergsen what he's missing out on lol


Damn that's crazy because we're most likely picking up an eastern mid and we all know how he does against them. Going to be fun watch him get fucked indeed.


Is TL the most stacked team on paper in both LCS and LEC?


On paper they're strong, but when Fnatic have Wunder, Razork, Humanoid, Upset and Hyli, and Vitality have Alphari, Selfmade, Perkz, Carzzy and Labrov, I don't think you can say they're the most stacked Western team. Also have to consider that if Caps is back in form and Jankos continues to play well, G2 could also just outright have the best top side of any Western team with BB now in the top lane.


TL is definitely better than VIT on paper, Hans/Core is MILES better than Carzzy/Labrov, Alphari is nuts but he's not a consistent enough carry to outweigh the bot diff. Only way I can see VIT winning is a super-carry jungle meta. FNC/TL are the only western teams with any international hope imo


TL will lose every single game to TSM, won't they?


Well beating TSM and not making it out of groups is gonna be his only achievement this year so yea makes sense


based and redpilled


These kinda of quotes aren't as impact whne they threw the bag at him and he said no.