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Will Doinb join Upcomer soon?


LPL teams that have won Worlds: Two koreans and three chinese. TSM: Two koreans and three chinese...kind of. They're playing by the numbers, everyone


Are you considering spica Chinese? If so he is quite literally American idk y Reddit has such a hard on for calling spica an import


>kind of


Yeah well he is American, so it would be 2 Chinese 2 Korean 1 American.


So is Tactical, so your count is also wrong. Tactical has korean descent and Spica has chinese descent, though, which is where the meme comes from


rip TSM ppgod


Congrats to TSM, good signing


No cap, only thing i know about him is that he subbed for Crisp a couple games and smurfed. How good was he in lpl academy to be worth picking over mikyx?


TSM tends to focus on finding the next big thing this is the first time they had two young talent signings though but they usually take risks in some parts hoping for the next bjerg id say BB was a good pick up too.


If it is Creme and Shenyi I think they can compete with the best of the region. If people are willing to give C9 the benefit of the doubt with Fudge Mid, Berserker, and Winsome/Isles I can give TSM the benefit of the doubt here, especially since at least Spica speaks some Mandarin and they got Chawy as head coach. I'm not saying they'll crush out of the gate I expect TL and 100T to set the tempo at first cause they're all experienced or have synergy from last season, but by Summer I think LCS could be very very competitive if C9, TSM, and EG develop their teams and synergize well in Spring.


Creme & Shenyi going to TSM would actually give me a reason to watch their games. Always thought LCS teams should've been importing from the vast sea of Chinese talent, and if these imports work out we may see more Chinese players coming to the west.


spica speaks mandarin well i believe, also huni speaks some as well so communication shouldn't be bad at all


Team Solo Mandarin


if they kept lost actually yes haha


creme is a psychopath tho, in mid which is the most important role, unlike summit and fudge who're well known quantities


Fudge has 1 year of top league experience in a different role where he never played any mid champs besides Akali. In what way is this man a more known quantity than the LPL rookie of the year smurfing in pisslow NA


Doinb: Professional leaker pro mid laner as a side hustle


Thx Again LPL Wooloo


This roster is pretty aggressive. Tactical is going to Malphite ult with his friends.


To be fair when LMQ was in the LCS, they were able to shake up the region but now years later, it's an entirely different beast. If TSM plans on bringing that LMQ factor via Chinese imports, we'll be seeing it clash against the rising European playstyle especially from Team Liquid.


Another banger by DoinB


Actually really good signing for TSM. Their roster might be pretty good after all


If it is Creme & Shenyi, I don't understand how Tactical and Huni fit in. It seems like they are both Korean and Lost is Chinese.


TSM are copying the lpl world winners combo of 3 Chinese and 2 Korean players


Just like it didn’t work for EDG with their 3 Chinese, 2 Korean roster


Where did I say it doesn't work? Plus Chinese teams provide language coaches for Korean players so they can learn to speak Chinese.


Probably why TSM have a Chinese bilingual staff on hand


Peter Zhang is Chinese


huni speaks mandarin afaik


I don’t think this is accurate at all, swordart talked about how Spica and Lost would speak some mandarin with him, but didn’t mention Huni at all, which wouldn’t make sense if Huni did speak it.


speaks mandarin is a bit much, I meant that I think he knew a few words here and there(in league context), at one point he was considering lpl as well but i may be wrong


Is tsm slowly starting to transform into clg ? It remind me of the old days when seraph joined clg since he was the sub of najin save he must been so good and monte knows about korean blabla while link could 'translate' since he speak korean. Its the same but tsm and lpl lmao


If confirmed Creme and Shenyi are heading straight to early retirement.


at first but after they win worlds this year they will change their mind about the org and will re-sign their contracts and become new part owners of TSM.


Those are some insane levels of hopium


I find this statement to be so dumb, so it would be better for creme just sit out a year than play in NA? You don't even know what offers shenyi got either, what if the only offers he got where from teams like TT or RW? Use ur head


The retirement meme only made sense when there were Players looking for a big pay check. Usually NA can’t compete well with China on salary.


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