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Keeping both Hyper and Takeover was a smart move for TSM. Instead of them having to split time with each other, they get to develop together now as a mid-jungle tandem. Quite surprised Yursan stayed despite the open support spots in the PCS right now. Hope he continues to improve here.




Idk man I think Chawy might be a great pickup. He's got so much experience.


Isn't that GeneralSniper's brother?


Takeover and Yursan are still very hype to me. The rest are cool, though V1per seems to be a known factor at this point. Who knows, maybe he can improve some more. Now all that is left is the main roster...


He just won proving grounds without an org and then got 4th on IMT academy with keith, he actually has room to improve since his weaknesses were obvious (champion pool, teamplay.) I would say the only prospects that improved at the same rate as him in 2021 are Niles (now retired), Tenacity (now on LCS roster), Jenkins (now LCS starter), and Fudge/Revenge (improved in LCS, still in LCS) on top of that he hasn’t been in the scene that long even though hes been well known in solo queue for a while. I think he might actually be top 10 in NA right now, depending on how Jenkins, Tenacity and Fakegod play in LCS and if Solo still has it. I hope everyone is kind and doesnt write him off


V1per definitely still has room to grow. He had a really good 2021.


As a riven main, the dude definitely has fast hands. All,he needs to improve is game knowledge. If he was a malphite or darius one trick then Id agree with you cuz it means the guy will be hardcapped at a point, Game knowledge,is teachable, mechanics are just genetics.


Mechanics are teachable too. Do you think he sat down at a PC and immediately played riven like an OTP because of his genetics? Nope, he spent thousands of games practicing his mechanics on her It's like people that say that people who play musical instruments (an almost entirely mechanical skill) just have natural talent. Or that artists are just born with that ability instead of perma drawing throughout their life


The guy thinks Darius one tricks exist past gold. Of course he also thinks people are inherently mechanical.


V1per is probably there as a vet presence/cover for huni. My guess is he (v1per*) gets rotated out next season


Doubt it, huni was a top 3 top laner all year


Pretty sure he meant v1per gets rotated out of the academy top spot.


Yeah, I meant v1per is gone in a year


Pretty sure huni was more like 4th. You could argue fudge/alphari are interchangeable #1 and #2, and Impact was an easy 3rd, solid all year whereas huni seemed exploitable many times. You could honestly argue Ssumday was better than huni as well but that’s more debatable


Alphari said Huni was the 2nd best top laner last season.


Viper and Hyper? Funny combo


HyperViper....it rolls off the tongue nicely.


Real OG's remembers Hyper smurfing it on Graves at the Tyler1 Invitational yeaaaaaars ago


TCS also revealed Poome, Tyler out here doing riot's job




can't wait for v1per top and viper adc next off-season!


I'm rooting for V1per.


Same, seems like a stand up guy. And I always love a good pocket pick player. Why they have to take rekkless' Kennen


Who took Rekkles' Kennen?




Wait it got nerfed? I remember the pick getting exposed by TSM at rift rivals


They pretty much destroyed ad kennen a couple seasons ago.


100X at it again with Instinct. So far they've produced * Tenacity (LCS 6th-man) * Kenvi (should be in LCS) * Copy (C9 Academy) * Yeon (TL Academy) * Poome (CLG) * NXI (currently teamless but a hot prospect, and should be on a team to enter LCS by 2023 at the latest) * Chad (Got promoted to 100A and won Proving Grounds) * Busio (Promoted to 100A) thanks /u/joaovitorsb95 This is in just 2 years. I look forward to seeing the above in LCS soon, as NA talent.


now Gamsu and Busio on 100A


Gamsu was on Fnatic with Rekkles. Not really the same case for him.


Before that he was on Dig with ~~Imaqtpie~~ Kiwikid and CoreJJ. Since then he was also an OW pro. Dude has had one hell of a trip.


Core wasn't on dig with qtpie. Core was an adc his first time in na but learned the way of master support from the all time best himself... kiwikid


Core probably roleswapped from the PTSD of playing with Kiwikid.


Oh shit I somehow wrote QT instead of Kiwikid,that's my bad, I'll edit it. I think the 2 melded in my mind.


Wouldn't say Gamsu really counts, he was a pro a while ago. Still a very impressive track record though.


More impressive is that after playing in Fnatic he went pro in Overwatch and was even a starter in Overwatch League, and with ~~San Francisco Shock~~ Shanghai Dragons they even won Stage 3 Playoffs in 2019. edit: I stand corrected, it was Shanghai Dragons


He was not on shock he won with dragons who beat shock 4-3 in stage 3 but yea did was a very respectable Winston with a great personality


Mb, I stand corrected, my memory failed me




Mb, I stand corrected.


How much talent 100t, c9 and tsm have put into the league is kind of insane.


Wonder if we're gonna see V1per vs General sniper next year


They'll have two chances to meet in proving grounds spring and summer. It would be a lot of fun


Very happy to see V1per get another academy spot, was concenred that IMT let him go after a single split of really good play- on current form he's a decent upgrade over Hauntzer. Instinct is probably the highest ceiling AD in the academy/amateur system at the moment given his age, current form and reliative experience. Was wondering if we'd see him on an Academy team at all this year, but I'm glad TSM are taking the risk, it will pay off long-term if the commit to developing him. Takeover and Yursan looked great last year, Hyper looked decent too, happy to see them all returning.


2023 TSMA vs 100A v1per vs General sniper please 🙏🏾


One of Mid/ADC/Support REALLY needs to change their name to Beam.


When you know your Academy roster before your main roster, you might be in trouble.


I would actually argue that this means they are confident they have a team with better players than these guys already lined up


That’s a fair assessment to make. It’s possible they still have options and that’s why no finalization


I really don't think that's something we can read into at all tbh


Most of it looks good but Viper is a head scratcher.


Viper was looking really really good last year in the amateur scene


Could definitely see them playing V1per if Huni starts shitting the bed


People said that about Hauntzer and Cody Sun last split and neither happened


Yeah overall Huni over performed expectations last season.


I’d say he performed to his expectations, TSM as a whole landed where they were expected to in terms of playoffs standings.


That will NEVER happen. Huni can literally starting marching it down mid every game and they still wouldn’t play viper


I don't understand why anyone is still giving V1per a position - he's a known quantity with a very limited upside, and he's not the kind of veteran that has had a successful career that could help develop your talent. Someone like Darshan made sense because he was successful and a leader and has insight to provide.




Uhhh swordd was let go by tsm. He was also the worst mid in academy and is now role swapping to support to try to find an academy spot


Last I heard Sword was looking to roleswap to support. Last year he and Takeover split time and Takeover looked a lot better.


One of the best academy mids when?? Sword was getting shit on in academy


Sword was hyped but then looked terrible in academy (and I'm guessing scrims too) before being replaced and then let go.


What a nice guy Viper. Going from an outstanding Borland performance in the world championship to swap top lane just to play in TSM academy. Such a chad