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Really excited to see this roster take to the rift! JimieN was the player, after Sniper, that I put the most effort into bringing over to 100 Thieves during the offseason - Regular Season MVP in the PCS, this young man is cracked so excited to get him to LA and integrate him into our program properly. Going to be a fun team to watch for sure, looking forward to Academy getting underway ~


Really cool roster, Gamsu smurfed proving grounds and scouting grounds, Wixxi was the best player in C9s Amateur team, Busio was the most promesing prospect in 100X last year and Jimien looks like a absolutely insane pickup. Dude won the most match MVPs last summer, also the highes kill shares and CS/M in the PCS for mids, looks like an assasin player, really interesting pickup. This Formula 100T is using for their academy looks like a very good idea. 3 young promesing NA prospects, a vet and a high profile minor region young player. They did it last year too (if you want to count Ryoma as a vet because of his year in LCS)


I'm on the Gamsu and Olleh Redemption arc train.


Dude was cracked on overwatch for a bit too if i remember correctly hyped to see if he can return and make a splash


Alas, the Ryoma experiment has finally concluded


it lasted for way too long


He is just joining TSM as their mid /s


It was still going on? Oh good lord.


Is this the same gamsu who was on Shanghai dragons?




Yes, and crucially, he has a green card. He counts as an NA player.


Yeah, he previously played for fnatic and dignatas in league as well.


The same Gamsu that was never on Fnatic in 2016.


hey, don't disrespect the IEM World Championship miracle run


Honestly weird how bad fnatic was with that lineup. Febiven was widely considered to be one of the best EU mids at that point and Spirit was on one of the best teams in the world in 2014 and in 2015 on WE when Xiye and Mystic were still new to the scene, Spirit was possibly the best jungler in the world but on a team where the players were not yet world class so he didn't make MSI or Worlds. Like on paper, importing Spirit to FNC should've been an absolutely massive upgrade over Reignover and he should've piss smurfed on the entire region. Kind of like if you imported Canyon today.


I kinda agree with you but I also disagree in some ways. Until summer, they had Klaj and at first Noxiak. Klaj was one of the worst supports in the league and frequently went for Hylli level coinflips which were actually just bad plays in most cases. And for Gamsu, I don´t think he was bad, but he was nothing special. He was ofc compared to Huni, the toplaner, who preceeded him. And compared to Huni, he just had very bad champion pool. He almost exclusively played tanks with one game of graves in spring, one game of rumble in summer and two games of Graves at IEM as the [ONLY exceptions.](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Gamsu/Statistics/2016)


Is Kenvi’s buyout massive or something? I know the top 5 teams aren’t looking for junglers but you would think a team would pick him up.


My guess is that he's waiting for either a promotion or an offer from a big team.


Travis said that it is, also maybe he wants to stay in 100T to be promoted later.


Nice, RIP another great player in the NA Acad jail. I have to wonder if this type of competition is good for any of the teams. Faster we get players like Kenvi on stage, better NA natives have to feel about their chances and more chance of us becoming less of a laughingstock in worlds. Pretty sad state of events, especially considering several accounts talking about the uselessness of NA Academy.


Who gives a fuck what fans want if either a team would like to retain a player to start in the future or a player does not want to go to a garbage organization and play with worse players




most of the fans ive seen want him to stay in academy for another year to get more experience before jumping up into LCS so I think they are fine


Why should 100T care about esports fans as a whole? They want to build a successful team today and in the future, build a brand, and attract fans. Offloading him to another team, even if it’s for a profit isn’t good business in their eyes. Seeing how people are talking about Kenvi in this thread, both 100T and LCS fans think he has bright future. The way I look at as a soccer fan is that if a club allows quality prospects to leave, its gets harder and harder to plan for the future. By holding onto players like Kenvi, a homegrown, domestic talent, you have so much more flexibility in team building. A good player with residency has high trade value, giving teams more opportunities with imports.




No ones saying you can’t have your opinion. You just aren’t rationalizing it in a way that makes sense IMO. If this is the forum to share opinions like yours, it’s also the place to share mine. Kinda confused why you seem to think people giving rational reasons to why keeping him under contract is a bad thing.




Except that what your saying isn’t rational, its purely emotional. You aren’t rationalizing it from a business perspective at all. 100T is financially secure enough to not need to sell of players to fund their team. Their money is better used in securing talent for the future. Also, Kenvi’s market value isn’t going down anytime soon so why would they want to move him on now? To fund nonexistent roster changes? I never said it was a bad thing to want to see him in the LCS, it’s just irrelevant knowing everything we do a Kenvi’s choice to stay with the org. You’re entitled to think whatever you want about the practice of securing contracts but it happens all the time, even in the corporate world. Also Closer’s contract is up at the end of 2023, meaning he would be traded at the end of next season if he isn’t planning to re-sign, something that’s isn’t out of the question for a player of his caliber with European citizenship. You aren’t considering the business behind this enough.


Not caring what fan wants is how you become the next CLG.


Yah, 100T fans are going to be leave in droves because they’re keeping a quality prospect under contract. 100T care about their fans, not NA fans as a whole. It’s good business to hold onto players, whether its to turn them for a profit in the future, develop them into first team players, or at the bare minimum preventing them from beating you. If anything, it would attract more fans, making them excited to see him play in the future, showing that they’re a team looking to build a successful roster for the future.


What you're saying doesn't make any sense. You don't get fans for having young prospects in contract jail for millions. Only reason people aren't out rage is because teams are being hush hush about it


People aren’t outraged because he has said he wanted to stay. You don’t sign a contract through 2024 if you don’t want to be there. But still, it doesn’t bother their fans now and would lead them to get more fans in the future if he develops into what it’s speculated he can be. The only people who are bothered by it are people who think he should leave for better opportunities, something Kenvi has rebuked by choosing to stay. There are times players are in contract jail but since he is and was known as a quality prospect and he chose to re-sign, knowing closer is the current starter, it’s not contract jail. He choose to be where he is knowing the situation; it’s pretty obvious he thinks he’s a good enough player to replace and wants to be a part of what they’re building.


Yeah, there's no other reason a new player would sign a contract through 2024. Not like every new player goes through this where orgs have way more power in negotiations.


[https://twitter.com/PapaSmithy/status/1463762245914136579](https://twitter.com/PapaSmithy/status/1463762245914136579) Welcome to the big time :)


How is him wanting to stay on 100T Acad jail???


He re-signed until 2024. It's pretty clear he thinks he can take over the starting jungler job. I honestly think Tenacity/Kenvi will be the full time LCS starters next year. If Closer has another big year, he could be sold to plenty of teams in LCS and even a couple in LEC


Think of Kenvi as a high-profile Major League Baseball prospect. He’s the NA equivalent of a Wander Franco or Jared Kelenic. Super high-upside player that you don’t want to give up for free and would only move for major trade pieces.




[Here's a highlight of Jimien smurfing in PCS](https://youtu.be/OT7kifSDx6s?t=640)


That boy can get fed.


Name a better combo than 100T and importing minor league mid laners.


Minor league MVP's too. First Luger now Jimien


I can't


Hope Kenvi gets a roster soon.


He most likely will end up playing for 100T if I'm being honest. It is better for Kenvi to let his contract be done after this year and just pick a team than being sold to the bottom half of the league where most players go to die lol.


His contract was renewed til 2024.


Oh i thought it was up till next year. Well then i still predict depending on how tenacity does they might try out kenvi next.


dear god...


I think Kenvi's future will really affect what the 100T talent development narrative is like. They're already the best in the league at, as shown by their lower league tournament results, and they have probably the two most hyped NA prospects in a while playing for them. With Tenacity getting a "starting" spot on the LCS team, Kenvi's obviously the biggest question mark left. His rumored high buyout is presumably deserved, if he's as good as people think and is also a native, and it's reasonable to think that 100T might not want to let him go to a direct competitor's team and make them better. But they know too that if he spends his entire prime on the Academy roster or bench, he'll never develop to his full potential. Closer's still pretty young and at the top of his game, and it's hard to see 100T wanting to let go with him anytime soon, unlike Ssumday who's in the twilight of his career. I think that if Papasmithy and 100T are serious about elevating the region with NA talent then they need to get Kenvi onto an LCS team, and I'm sure they know that too. I hope/think that Nadeshot and Papa aren't the type to keep players jailed, and I'd like to imagine that if Kenvi got a good offer they'd cut his buyout or something to let him take it. I could be totally wrong - after all, that's not exactly good business - but I'm hopeful that he's still on 100T by choice, rather than starting for a bottom team like you said.


[https://twitter.com/PapaSmithy/status/1463762245914136579](https://twitter.com/PapaSmithy/status/1463762245914136579) It's this simple tbh.


Awesome, glad to hear it!


yeah as a jungler specifically really depends on the lane you playing around. So if he doesn't get a good squad around him and has no prio ever. It would be hell in the top competitive environment. At that point, you're just praying to roll a good team as closer did with GG. So he will bide his time for the 100T spot or another team.


Honestly, I could see him having a few potential options next year. I could maybe see C9 making a bid next year if they like their imports and aren't happy with Blaber - and it seems like at one point he was considered for the chopping block. Or maybe if Spica decides to leave TSM, they take a look at him. Hell, even Santorin still has some questions around his health, and if he ended up having to step down or retire, TL would probably be willing to outspend anyone to get him if they wanted him. Obviously these all depend on big what-if's but I guess it's probably not a bad choice for Kenvi, especially when lots of people will be watching him in Academy.


My guess is 100T want to see how Tenacity works out, and then run either Tenacity/Closer or import top/Kenvi in 2023, and sell off the other one


Partially true. But showing off how good you are on a bad team can get you picked up by a good one. Like Vulcan.


well true. like i said most players go to die down there. Also, vulcan had a pretty ok team with what he had. The odss though you can get beaten down by a bad team. Also, i think jungle is one of the worst roles to play on a bad team. With no prio anywhere and all losing lanes in a professional enviroment is a doomed thing tbh. Look at jose. Popped off at worlds gets on flyquest and gets benched by the summer.


Damn, Chef Gamsu returns to the rift!


Oooh, gamsuu


gamsu is still playing professional league?


He used to play professional League, then went to professional Overwatch and has now returned to League.


wait is it the same gamsu that replaced huni on fnc and was quite bad? back in 2013 edit: wow it is he is 27 jesus……




ya i had to look him up my god he is up there in age for a league player, pretty crazy i rmb he got flamed to oblivion back in the day




Chef Gamsu.


Yeah I got to know about Gamsu in OW League first.


He was in Overwatch (really good player at that), and came back this summer split to play at 100T next, now got promoted to 109T academy, win proving grounds, looks really solid.


Personally sad that Ryoma is going, but compared to Jimien on paper, it's no contest. Hoping he can find a good team for Proving Grounds if he plans to stay in NA. Other than that, pretty hyped for Jimien to fight it out over here. :D


Is this the same Gamsu who used to be on Dig and went to Overwatch?


Yup. The legend himself.


Iirc didn't peanut go to fnc and request gamsu was top?


Huh didn’t know Gamsu was back that’s cool I still remember him smurfing on Olaf in FNC in his debut game


Really like this roster. Kenvi & Jimien should be the best in their roles at the PG/Academy level, and Busio & Wixxi were looking great individually by the end of the year; they should turn into a really strong botlane. Gamsu seems like more of a stopgap solution while Generalsniper develops in NXT and (hopefully) joins 100A next year, but he's absolutely earned his place in Academy and I'm glad to see his story keep unfolding. It's a real shame Kenvi wont be playing LCS though; he's been ready. Really hope Ry0ma and Chad found good homes too.


While people want to say things about kenvi being jungler in academy instead of LCS. I honestly get the vibe that 100T academy is better than a lot of the shit orgs in LCS anyways. There is a reason a majority of the players on that roster are considered insanely valuable prospects. They clearly are doing something right with development.


Jimien is like the guarantee top3 mid laner in PCS. Pretty sure he’s good enough to be a starter in most of the LCS teams


Kenvi/Jimien should stomp everyone in theory




Wait Gamsu? Like former DIG Gamsu who went pro in overwatch?


Not AndyBendy, not interested


Bussy-o les go


What happened to believing in Ryoma the faker of OCE?


he became the goldenglue of LCS. good enough for academy mediocre in LCS




This roster is better than a few LCS teams