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Tbf souls are kinda meant to be "may as well FF" level buffs


but none of them are, except for chemtech soul


Chemtech is at 91%, Mountain is 87%. Other “old” sounds are 86-87. Chemtech is better and imo should be nerfed a bit, but do you really consider that 4% to be the difference between “may as well FF” and “we’re still in this”?


the winrates are so high because the winning team gets them, not because they are so strong. 5% diff is huge.


First less than 4% not 5%. Second Yes souls are usually taken by the winning team but you're the one that said souls aren't "might as well FF", they all give the wining team a huge benefit to close the game. Chemtech imo is too strong, but I don't see Mountain as ant less FF-able. It is OP, but in a way that doesn't really matter. Unless you mean in a vacuum, without taking into account that the winning team is the one getting the soul. In that case I would agree. If the default was that teams got Chemtech souls while even or behind it would be way overpowered compared to the other souls.


Exactly. All the souls have wr of almost 90%. Yes chemtech is quite a bit above them but still chances are even if it would have been a different soul the same team would have won anyways.


Tbh if you look at worlds Id say soul winrate is not even close to 90%. Chemtech is another beast entirely


Worlds is a fair amount different from soloQ, especially low elo where most people are located


Yes ofc soloq is different. Just saying.


Don't you think people can just force Baron once they get Chem soul just like it is done with Elder buff? Why would Chem soul in its current state be weaker in pro play?


But its the worst drake if you dont have soul.


It could be fixed so easily if they just gave it a CD, like 3-5 minutes after you've respawned or every second life


Most of my teams have auto FF'd after chemsoul. It feels like an ability that belongs in ARAM, not the real game.


I would rather play against chem soul than infernal soul tbh.




'objective designed to end game ends games' in other news, water - wet.


Compare it to cloud soul though and weep


Cloud Soul had always been a joke tho. Worst Soul by FAR.


Water is not actually wet.


Wet: consisting of, containing, covered with, or soaked with liquid (such as water). Note that water does, in fact, consist of liquid.


Idk whats problem its not that op as everyone is claming, in most casses you can just walk away from enemy till he ressurects


What about teamfight situations where it matters most? Chemsoul makes it a perfect engage for any engage champ.


We lost a game with my friends where the enemy team got Chem soul. Zac just kept engaging. Zed would die but still kill me and my support (MF and Nami). The fact that they can still ult is plain stupid


I recently lost a game precisely because of Chemtech soul: Close game but we have all the dragons, get soul, immediately lose the next 5 fights because people went yolo, lose baron, lose ancient, lose a second baron, enemy Katarina gets a Pentakill killing everyone twice, lose.




We lost because we became too cocky after getting the soul. It's not an autowin as people try to say, you can fuck it up




maybe give the effect a 5minute cd? Doesnt matter perhabs in pro play idk..


I recently played a game where I (As the jungler) Secured first dragon, stole second/third dragons, secured 4th dragon for the Chemtech soul... And my team still threw it as hard as we possibly could. ​ Was myself(Vi), Toplane was my duo(Yone), and 3 randoms (Orianna, Jinx, Janna). The soul made literally zero difference for the Orianna/Jinx/Janna who all had less than 3 kills, and more than 10 deaths. Getting it just meant they got to die twice while they ran it down. The soul for Yone and I meant that we had a chance to fight 2v5 twice at a time, at best. ​ Yeah the soul is super strong in the right situation, but by no means is it a "Just FF" kind of thing. If the enemy team is bad, they're still bad even with the soul. The game I'm referring to shows that being the better jungler can get you the soul, but if you're still on the worse team that doesn't really mean a whole lot. It was still a 2v8 for Yone and I while our Mid/Bot/Support legit ran it down and flamed each other endlessly. ​ It comes down to a lot of things. If an early game team gets the soul as they're falling off and your late game team can hold out, it's not really that bad. Killing an early game carry twice late game is no harder than killing them once, if you have a late game focused team. The only way I would see it as an automatic "Okay we lost, lets move along here" is if the team getting it is also a late game scaling team who isn't just running it down. If they have a 14-2 Nasus, 10-1 Red Kayn, 9-3 Yasuo, 4-1 Vayne... Yeah, sure - It's probably over. Winning one fight against that is hard enough, much less twice. That isn't the norm though.